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(Challenge)SHOW ME PROOF!


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See what I did thuuur. Its a great story and all, but unless I back it up...which I did, all i have is BLAH BLAH BLAH nerf ops so i can shoot moar lightning and tracer missles!


Really, the only people that can realistically and efficiently test the numbers with whatever combination of gear/level/class they can is BioWare. And the fact that they said the burst was too much and causing players to die way faster than intended, is good enough proof for me.


And no amount of "lol operative bursting on fully tank geared/specced person" video you post is going to change that fact.


It's past the theorycraft/QQ stage. The nerf is already decided, and it is coming.

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Scoundrels are OP imo.


I am lvl 50 marauder, i got 16k hp unbuffed with allmost full champion gear.

I was in a wz, and suddenly out of nowhere i got dropped in a stun, and in 2 secs i was down on 3.7k hp .. 2 secs srsly? I use to be fast to trinket that stun but in 2 secs that was to fast, and think about if you have trinket on cd..

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It probably doesn't help that:

1. Your armor is much worse, sporting a blue (or 2), a few oranges

2. He is obviously a tank-specced Jugg in tanking gear (46% dr and whatever else mitigation he has) and what I imagine is a fortitude stim active

4. You don't use the expertise buff, any adrenals, or even have a stim active

5. You press keys as fast as my grandma


Still, even though you're bad, taking a tank down to 50% before he can do anything is good. I have no doubt decent Operatives can take them to 20~30%. TANKS.



Much worse? 400 vs 450 exp. The video consists of "two takes" since the first opener didn't crit. So that's not 50% in "one take".

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Scoundrels are OP imo.


I am lvl 50 marauder, i got 16k hp unbuffed with allmost full champion gear.

I was in a wz, and suddenly out of nowhere i got dropped in a stun, and in 2 secs i was down on 3.7k hp .. 2 secs srsly? I use to be fast to trinket that stun but in 2 secs that was to fast, and think about if you have trinket on cd..


VIDEO! HOW the F do you know that there wasn't 7 snipers shooting you at the same time!? VIDEO or it didn't happen. Seriously. READ THE OP.

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I feel your pain, much like the 50's complaining about losing easy kills you too are sad that your easy kills are going away. A tear for the loss of easy gameplay.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ica7SGhjFBw&feature=related

there you go, just one of many vids you can find on youtube.


You failed the Op's challenge: that guy is red the whole vid and ganking lowbies. (so double fail)


I am ok with some of the nerfs (dmg on shoot first) think arp nerf is dumb.

Edited by Stealthsultan
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Clearly. All i am asking for is to show me the proof. You are right, you dont have to prove anything...its not your class and truth be told you aren't affected as badly as you claim to be. If it were as important to you to for operatives to be nerfed I bet you would show me something...as it stands you could probably care less.


Lets analize what more than likely happens...you are not with your team when you get opened on by an op and the ops teammates see you laying on the floor and throw in some damage to get themselves more medals. I guarentee you, Ops dont open on someone who is in a crowd of their teammates, because we get spotted way too easily.

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You failed the Op's challenge: that guy is red the whole vid.


I am ok with some of the nerfs (dmg on shoot first) think arp nerf is dumb.


Failed the challenge? lol there is PLENTY videos out there and the fact remains it will happen as bioware looked into it. I think the issue here is you somehow want to only see what you agree with, makes little difference at this point.

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I feel your pain, much like the 50's complaining about losing easy kills you too are sad that your easy kills are going away. A tear for the loss of easy gameplay.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ica7SGhjFBw&feature=related

there you go, just one of many vids you can find on youtube.


In the first 15 seconds I see a geared lvl 50 operative open on a lvl 12. Not to mention that op has stacked buffs.


Nice try, but NEXT video please.

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Clearly. All i am asking for is to show me the proof. You are right, you dont have to prove anything...its not your class and truth be told you aren't affected as badly as you claim to be. If it were as important to you to for operatives to be nerfed I bet you would show me something...as it stands you could probably care less.


Lets analize what more than likely happens...you are not with your team when you get opened on by an op and the ops teammates see you laying on the floor and throw in some damage to get themselves more medals. I guarentee you, Ops dont open on someone who is in a crowd of their teammates, because we get spotted way too easily.


Not everyone is going to fraps, nor should they have to. BioWare has all the proof they need, because guess what? They keep track of these numbers. Its built into the game to track these numbers. They've said this many many many times. So what do they do? They take these numbers into internal testing and roll changes based off that onto the test server.


At this point you're on the defensive. You need proof that proves BioWare's numbers wrong. You are not god, we do not have to convince you of anything.

Edited by Kuari
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Failed the challenge? lol there is PLENTY videos out there and the fact remains it will happen as bioware looked into it. I think the issue here is you somehow want to only see what you agree with, makes little difference at this point.


I already said I was ok with a the portion of the nerfs that generate the most frustration with player, doing that much dmg i=in an opener is silly.


That said, its consumables that are making Op/scoun truly nasty.


I don't necessarily agree with the whole of the OP's point; but you, nor anyone so far, has proved him wrong.

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VIDEO! HOW the F do you know that there wasn't 7 snipers shooting you at the same time!? VIDEO or it didn't happen. Seriously. READ THE OP.


I just feel like i wanted to tell, and i know cause i was standing alone.

And i didnt record it, so shut it lowbie.

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I don't understand your argument here or if we are watching the same video. What i saw was a full tank with over 19000 HP, 50% damage reduction, and 400 expertise get taken down to 30% in a matter of seconds from equally geared OP. That alone should prove to you that operatives are OP. What other class can do that to a TANK! Why do operatives get that ability?


If your argument is that because he could move after the first opener thus everything is fine then your crazy. The fact is your burst is so high and so fast that most engagements go your way. Class balance means that fights, no matter what class should be close and determined by skill/gear OR that all classes should have a counter class and it makes for a rock paper scissors situation. Currently you have no rock to your scissors and even a badly geared operative can do significant dmg.

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Much worse? 400 vs 450 exp. The video consists of "two takes" since the first opener didn't crit. So that's not 50% in "one take".


Sure, I saw that, but champ gives significantly more stats than orange/blue gear. His main weapon was also orange and missed out on a chunk of attack rating.

Edited by kckkryptonite
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I don't understand your argument here or if we are watching the same video. What i saw was a full tank with over 19000 HP, 50% damage reduction, and 400 expertise get taken down to 30% in a matter of seconds from equally geared OP. That alone should prove to you that operatives are OP. What other class can do that to a TANK! Why do operatives get that ability?


If your argument is that because he could move after the first opener thus everything is fine then your crazy. The fact is your burst is so high and so fast that most engagements go your way. Class balance means that fights, no matter what class should be close and determined by skill/gear OR that all classes should have a counter class and it makes for a rock paper scissors situation. Currently you have no rock to your scissors and even a badly geared operative can do significant dmg.


Lets just ignore the fact that he "opened" twice using a major cd, and the ability that everyone is going into a foaming rager about hit for 3500. Lets also ignore the fact that most geared lvl 50's are sitting at 18-22K hp with 500-600 exp. Lastly, lets ignore the ability of the receipient to activate an ability that will let him reflect damage and reduce incoming damage by 99% as soon as he stood up.

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