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Let's start a list and see how many Operatives are rerolling with Nerf


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So at some point stealth doesnt seem to be advantage anymore but a must - a hassle you must take to be viable. if you disagree you just need better opponents to fight.


That's kinda the problem with full-stealth in PvP anyways (and not just in this game): people want "a fair fight" after they've been jumped ... which leads to balance decisions that end up requiring catching people flat footed.


Actually wouldn't be that bad if they'd play around with some of the cool downs and/or tweak the "you can enter stealth" mechanics a bit.




Seems like there's more in the class than just the concealment tree, playing around with some of that now (work permitting :p) ... and I've been the sneaky sneaker of sneakiness in too many games over ... has it been a couple decades now? Almost? When the flub did that happen? :p

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Care to share your spec? I've got healing up to Kolto Probe and the rest concealment. Tempted to re-spec for surgical probe but needing to do some research first on others with hybrid builds.


Here is something I've been thinking of:



Currently using a more support oriented version:




A more offensive version I used previously:




Not builds I would suggest if you aren't in any way worries about support. Although I have cracked 200k in damage I typically hit about 50/50 damage/healing and along with trying to get objective points I typically rank top or near top in medals. Huttball typically sucks for operatives though so I get less as I typically support areas outside the bridges as that is a death trap for non-KB classes.

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I have been a healer/concealment hybrid since day one of early release. Life has never been better :) ... having a blast with it. Typically 9+ medals with it on non-huttball warzones. Freaking scary paired with my assassin friend guarding me. Gone toe to toe against many a deep concealment/scrapper and wiped the floor with them but it's strength is it's support ability on top of steady dps (laceration spam adds up very fast ... non stop melee with little energy).


I had to take my discussion of the build over to scoundrel forums because all the elitists here were "deep concealment or nothing!". Build is catching on like wild fire.



I love this nerf. Gets rid of all the baddies.


How is your build in PvE? I assume you don't have enough juice to heal hardmode flashpoints or ops, but what about DPSing in them? Can you hold your own at all or is that out of the question too? IOW, is this a PvP-only build?

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rerolled a powertech largely over disatisfaction with the medic build. Knowing the Burst DPS and that bio is designing to a unstated kill time standard made investing more time in the charachter foolish. Healing wise it lacked the needed burst and aoe and had to invest way to many points to simply manage it's resource.


powertech is alot of fun, provides alot of support and at least on my server I see whole lot more looking for tanks than I do healers.


I'll still play the medic from time to time maybe. Not really missing it at the moment.

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I rolled an Op after I got my Jedi Guardian all PvE geared up, and I like to have a PvP specific character so I rolled a IA because I wanted a non-force user and because Empire on my server is 90% Force Users >.>, I also rolled it because I liked the playstyle I saw Ops doing in WZ, call me a FOTM if you want, But I also always liked rogue type classes, and I loved the story for IA, I myself will not b rerolling another PvP toon, Ill gladly research and read up on new strats, adapt and survive this so called "nerf", I may even try the Hybrid class someone mention, after I dig through the Smuggler forum to find it >.<.
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I am starting my operative this weekend! I'm super pumped. This was one of the classes that intrigued me the most, but in terms of roles I wanted to cap a tank before anything else. I can't wait to get into the operative medic as I have seen very few on my server.
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I usually don't take the time to comment but these threads piss me the hell off. Some of you people act like this is your first mmo (no offense to those playing an mmo for the 1st time).


Warcraft is damn near a decade old and guess what? They are still nerfing and balancing classes. THINGS CHANGE!!!! Just because an ability gets nerfed now doesn't mean it wont be fixed later or a new ability wont come out later to make up for the nerf. I die a little bit on the inside every time I see a QQ Reroll thread.


These boards should run a script that insta-deletes any threads that have nerf/reroll in the title.

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Probably rolling a sniper. I love my op, but the acid blade nerf really bothers me and makes me have 0 faith in bw's balancing ability. I couldn't care less about PVP and I'm fine with the hiddenstrike/stun nerfs. Op's were already sub par on PVE dps, and this is just going to make it worse.
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I usually don't take the time to comment but these threads piss me the hell off. Some of you people act like this is your first mmo (no offense to those playing an mmo for the 1st time).


Warcraft is damn near a decade old and guess what? They are still nerfing and balancing classes. THINGS CHANGE!!!! Just because an ability gets nerfed now doesn't mean it wont be fixed later or a new ability wont come out later to make up for the nerf. I die a little bit on the inside every time I see a QQ Reroll thread.


These boards should run a script that insta-deletes any threads that have nerf/reroll in the title.

I suppose after they render a class useless, I am obligated to continue playing it because they may fix it later?


yeah that makes sense

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I have to admit i rolled an Operative First, got a bit bored around lvl30, rolled a Marauder, got to 25, went back to Operative til 50 which i quit around a week or so ago and have since been playing a Sith Assassin Tank (Currently only 21).


I tried all 3 Specs on Operative, i liked Concealment although i pvp'd very little, Medicine was usuable but needs a good looking at as its a bit of a mish mash currently, and Lethality has alot of potential but its kinda a spec thats confused.


Plus i spent ages LFG for HM's as Dps, only managed to get them as Heal which is something i didnt want to do at all, and saw tons of people looking for Tanks, so thats the other reason ive rerolled :)

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I'll still play my 50 and as a raider.

FOTM class...are you daft? I am the only op in my guild and there has to be 15 sorcs, 15 juggs, and 10 or so mercs. I have honestly never ran into another dps specced op in a fp on my server, Darth Sion. I think all you forum warriors need to play the game more and see how it really is. Just because something can kill you and you cant consistently kill it doesn't make it overpowered; it just makes you bad. It doesn't matter what class that I play, I will still be good at it and you will still be whining for a nerf to balance out your lack of skill. If the shoe fits.....

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I suppose after they render a class useless, I am obligated to continue playing it because they may fix it later?


yeah that makes sense


You missed my point entirely.... I have no problem with people rerolling, I have a problem with people acting like its the end of the world and making a big deal out of it. Bioware will soon see the error of their nerf and fix it or do something to give the class a buff in another way. It's not the end of the world and the class is not "broken".


When one class is considered fixed someone will come along and say they are op, then the "fixed" class will get nerfed and someone will come along and say the class that was complaining is op, and someone will nerf that class. It is an endless cycle and every mmo I have played since EQ back in '99 has had this endless loop. MMOs are made to change, one day your class is on the top, the next day it isnt. Get over it and play another class untill that class gets nerfed then move on to the next op class. Just stop the ************ and whining!

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I've no intention of rerolling, but if these ridiculous nerfs screw my PvE experience as much as I think they will, then I'll be spending more time on my trooper/commando for sure.


I think I'm more upset by the fact that Bioware is following the Blizzard system of balance: Nerf something just because PvPers whine on the forums, without looking at facts or how said nerfs will affect the class in PvE.


That being said, the changes haven't gone live (yet), and hopefully Bioware will study the effects for a few weeks on the PTR before going live with them.

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You missed my point entirely.... I have no problem with people rerolling, I have a problem with people acting like its the end of the world and making a big deal out of it. Bioware will soon see the error of their nerf and fix it or do something to give the class a buff in another way. It's not the end of the world and the class is not "broken".



so you disapprove players complaining about nerfs but you approve the whining to get X class nerfed? thats the sorc for you!


If you know mmo as you say then you know broken classes happen regulary and it might take month to fix it or it might take year. Bioware has proven to listen to those that cry loudest so your complan is totaly without sense.


And finally every mmo got the whine so why do you bother ?

Edited by Crawler
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most games don't nerf a class this harshly this early after such an extensive beta


As for FOTM, are you saying there is a huge population of DPS operatives just running around ganking everyone.


In PVE, I joined a HM pug last night and the first thing they said after hi, "OMG a dps operative, I didnt know you existed" I was asked, "do operatives do decent damage" The reason is that they are not common


In the PVP world, 50's bracket, I average 10 wz's a night, I see probably 3-5 different operatives, I see half of any imp group either merc or sorc, I am surprised to see another dps op in my group, I see one or two hybrids and one or two medics.


IA op is my class, I decided that in my only beta weekend. been playing ever since. I will likely try lethality to see what it is all about, likely won't go medic, I rolled a sorc for healing and I play that about 25% of the time now, after I get my daileys out of the way.

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I'm rerolling, already have. Until something decent is put in place for PVE, I'm not coming back.


lethality :confused:

concealment was crap before the nerf (lvl 50 wise).

but its great for leveling, probably still will be.

Edited by Achmed
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I guess I'm re-rolling in that I'll be playing other classes more often than my agent. It's a game, if you aren't having fun you should change something so that you are having fun. I have a sith assassin (hardly what I'd call overpowered) and I plan on playing him. I like my operative, but I already struggle against skilled opponents due the IAs lack of mobility and the fact that I haven't stacked crit/surge mods (I never see them on the market). I don't crit for over 4k very often on a hidden strike despite having mostly champ gear.


The lack of mobility and a knockback really kills huttball for me, so I think a tank spec assassin will be more fun. If that's FOTM to you, well I'll just cry myself to sleep at night because someone on the internet disapproves of how I want to play a video game. :eek:

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I'm a PvE player in and out, hate PvP where gear can be any indicator of a match.


Rolled as concealment because it felt like closest to my Rogue in WoW and I hate dress so no Assassin (and they are heavily "press this when this comes up" based from what i hear)


I'm rerolling merc dps for 2 main reasons


Acid Blade nerf


How horrible PvE is as melee in this game. I took it in stride in WoW, just plain sick of it now.

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No re-rolling for me. I enjoy the class and despite the many reasons others provide as to why the class is or supposedly insufficient, I'm still having fun playing a class that feels different.


Would I like all classes to be on equal footing? Sure.

Does it bother me the class I enjoy playing may have some drawbacks. Sure.

Can I advocate changes I think are necessary to balance the game. Sure.

Do I think I've had enough time in a month to fully explore what the game will be like as an Operative? No.


The bottom line is I'll try to squeeze every drop out of my Operative because I rather play an Operative than the other classes. If my class is perceived to be weak, it'll make it more enjoyable when I do well.

Edited by Mousa
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