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Nerf Sorc's or this will happen.


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Why do people post this filth? Seriously? What goes through your head?



Holy crap these forums....


It's amazing anyone is logged in right now because nobody likes this game. It's awful. We should all quit, cry cry cry cry cry cry cry.


Just go away, stop playing. It's impossible to find any posts about PvP that aren't chalked full of crybaby 12 year olds or 40 year old fanboys that have never played a MMO before. Doesn't anybody wanna talk about PvP?


I second this. It's ridiculous with all the crybaby baddies... Please go play something else and quit trying to ruin the game for the rest of us...

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Don't worry people, either Sorc will get the nerf bat in some areas or all other classes will be buffed around.


It's that or PvE will be Sorc healers only soon enough and PvP will consist of "insert FOTM burst DPS" train assisted by mass Sorcerers.


Then everyone not playing a Sorc is pissed and quits.


It's the most likely scenario discussed on a lot of high level guild forums. it's not just here. In fact, the OP probably read about it somewhere else and came here post it.


And to think you don't want to remove the double bubble that would shut up the majority of people in PvP. Wait a bit and you'll see much worse happening to you (hint : look at Ops/Scoundrel).

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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If I had to pick an OP class I would say it is easily the troopers and BH. I've never played one, but just watching them in PvP they easily stand out. Even though they can kill me faster than I can blink, I don't think even they should be nerfed.


If your going to make all classes be equal in all scenarios, just make one class and be done with it. I think even though I am easily killed against any decent player rolling another class, the balance works quite well. I haven't played one in about a month so some patches and what not may have changed things, but if anything I would say rather than nerfing other classes the warrior classes needing a little buffing up.

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Why do people post this filth? Seriously? What goes through your head?



Holy crap these forums....


It's amazing anyone is logged in right now because nobody likes this game. It's awful. We should all quit, cry cry cry cry cry cry cry.


Just go away, stop playing. It's impossible to find any posts about PvP that aren't chalked full of crybaby 12 year olds or 40 year old fanboys that have never played a MMO before. Doesn't anybody wanna talk about PvP?


Your reply is obviously high above the standard. Ahem.




I like the game, and many people do, which is why they care enough to post here. Currently there are some PVP imbalances that mar people's enjoyment of the game. So they come here and post in both constructive and unconstructive ways expressing that marring of enjoyment.


When other classes are overly effective and people flock to that class your enjoyment of the game is diminished because they are competing with unfair advantages in an environment that is understood to attempt relative balance.


Stereotypes and insults do nothing but lower yourself, even if your right. Why would you do that if you view such folks with such derision? At best your no better, at worst your no better AND a hypocrite.

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I truly beleive the only reason Sorcs get such a bad rap is because they're the most visable player in the game. If healer had 20 foot high glowing plumes of heals we'd hear "NERF HEALER", " HEALER ARE OP" all day. In most threads you never hear anyone mention the sage cause they throw little brown pebbles and aren't noticed. I was surprised to see the werd "Sage" in this thread a couple times.


I play a Sorc and I get CRUSHED buy all the classes sometimes. Sometimes I crush them. I think it's mostly skill. Don't you?

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contrary to popular belief not all bh/commmando players spam tracer/grav. I was top healing in my last WZ on my BH. Nerfing a class that only a few people playing like morons is no way to deal with balance.


I agree I don't think any classes should be nerfed. Only class change I think perhaps needs to happen isa little buffing up is the warrior classes....but again I haven't played one in almost a month so that may have been done.

Edited by onstorm
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I truly beleive the only reason Sorcs get such a bad rap is because they're the most visable player in the game. If healer had 20 foot high glowing plumes of heals we'd hear "NERF HEALER", " HEALER ARE OP" all day. In most threads you never hear anyone mention the sage cause they throw little brown pebbles and aren't noticed. I was surprised to see the werd "Sage" in this thread a couple times.


I play a Sorc and I get CRUSHED buy all the classes sometimes. Sometimes I crush them. I think it's mostly skill. Don't you?


Yes skill is what I think a lot of it comes down to and timing of cool downs on any given player in any given situation (fight).

Edited by onstorm
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I truly beleive the only reason Sorcs get such a bad rap is because they're the most visable player in the game. If healer had 20 foot high glowing plumes of heals we'd hear "NERF HEALER", " HEALER ARE OP" all day. In most threads you never hear anyone mention the sage cause they throw little brown pebbles and aren't noticed. I was surprised to see the werd "Sage" in this thread a couple times.


On the visibility scale the guys that force leap 100 ft and smash you in the face are pretty dang visible, but nobody has much of a problem with them because marauders/sentinels with damage are squishy and guardians/warriors are currently under-appreciated because the take so long to mature. I most likely wouldn't think twice about guard/juggy myself if I didn't have a few people demonstrate to me that high level they are not as weak as general consensus is.


Originally Posted by CommandoPower

5. BW nerfs Juggy's.


Not sure if serious... :jawa_wink:


Trust me they are not quite as weak as made out and if the zerg was sorc/juggy instead of sorc/bh you'd be cursing their name...alot. Killing people would be a nightmare and they are not as toothless as you'd think :).



I play a Sorc and I get CRUSHED buy all the classes sometimes. Sometimes I crush them. I think it's mostly skill. Don't you?


My problem with them isn't that they crush people so much. As you said they are sustained damage. The problem is they are rediculously good at defending objectives, have high mobility, have truckloads of utility, have good CC, have to be pinned down to kill, and when cross shielding and healing becomes 5x worse to deal with.


Resolve doesn't do anything for roots or snares and it's usually not too hard for them to extend the battle past resolve timer unless you jump them or they play bad. This likely means 2 sets of CC's and 2 sets of bubble shields + any heals they manage to get off and/or LOS healing.


Even their base toolset of utility tools seems superior to that of other classes.



They are not straight up DPS machines though they can do good DPS (only moderate burst), they can heal like a machine. Either way though they are versatile, objective achievers, and warzone winners in decent hands. Even in bad hands they do those things when stacked from sheer accident lol.

Edited by CommandoPower
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rather fight a sorc than an op.


at least against a sorc i can fight BACK.


Likely why they have hardcore nerfs on the public test server right now, just waiting to roll live. Which might be why you've seen alot more BH lately :).

Edited by CommandoPower
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Alright it boils down to this people, so stay with me.


1. Ops/Scoundrels got nerfed.


2. Grav/tracer spam will get nerfed OR it will drive people away from PVP. People really do not like losing to folks who CAN play effectively by spamming 1 button. (yes they can do better with more skills but they can be effective just with spam)


3. The resulting nerf will lead to a class shuffle. This will likely end up replacing the current sorc/BH zerg likely with sorc/juggy zergs (for some odd reason repub doesn't stack the FOTM classes as much)


4. The devs then have to decide whether to nerf sorcs (and sages) or Juggy's. Since roughly half of empire plays Sorc's that would be a rough go. But Juggy's don't really come into their own until high level.


5. BW nerfs Juggy's. Now what do players stack with Sorcs? Unless snipers get buffs that won't be it. It's not faceroll easy to play, neither is operative anymore. Marauders are able to be killed alot easier than any previously nerfed class, they cannot have their CD's up all the time and can be kited and CC dealt with easier.


6. Empire now rolls sorcs/assassins. Ya, that would never get nerfed I'm sure :rolleyes:. Not that class icon scoreboards would look much different than they do now lol.



This is essentially what you are asking for when you say "NONONONO Sorc/Sage is fine, does not need nerf even though 50% of us play them!!". Eventually you'll be the only one's left and the state of PVP at that time, as well as the population, will be questionable at best.


Quit crying a Tank hits more than a Sorc now. This is a *** Clown that doesn't know how to play. You have gear then you do more damage. It's the gear that need to be looked at. Take away all CC's in the game and you have a good game.

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your number 4

the reason republic doest stack FoTM as much is because the empire side is full of the little kids that are always looking for the edge over other players to make them think they are better or "elite."

now im not saying that every empire is like this simply that you have 4x the playerbase than the republic side does and as you yourself pointed out, reps dont stack FoTM like the imps do.


whats really funny is in a game like SWTOR where many classes really are balanced, when one has an upper hand the kids rush to it and rush it to 50 to try to wrack up as many kills as possible filling their "elitest" idiology of themselves then flock to the forums and start QQing about how bad they are now that people are actually able to fight back. The non-elitests all-the-while are still too busy playing and are generally fine with the changes since they agreed in the first place that they were slightly OP.

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2. Grav/tracer spam will get nerfed OR it will drive people away from PVP. People really do not like losing to folks who CAN play effectively by spamming 1 button. (yes they can do better with more skills but they can be effective just with spam)

You can't do this effectively if your opponents know what they're doing.


Arsenal and Gunnery is fine.


Interupt them.

LoS them.


Do those 2 things and watch them stand there dumbfounded because interupting grav/tracer bugs unload/full auto.


Leave my class out of this because you don't know that boxes and pillars are your best friend in every game with line of sight.

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The reality is that it doesn't matter if it's how your class is built or not. If it isn't changed and people can effectively go out there and spam 1 button and do pretty well then not only will there remain alot of them but it WILL scare people away from PVP.


If you really care about PVP and the skill cap of the class, you'll support changes to this. I'm fine with their damage, as long as they have to PLAY to achieve that damage. Spamming 1 button to achieve what many other classes need to work hard to achieve is simply anathema to good PVP players.




My gunslinger thinks they are fine too, but both of those classes are doing physical damage against the lightest armor class in the game and typically while they are busy fighting someone else with their shields already popped. A good sorc will own you unless your assault spec, however most sorc's are simply not good.


So you kill bad Sorcs fairly easily but have trouble with good Sorcs?


Assuming you are an average to good player, I fail to see the problem.


Personally I think Force Slow is the major problem. You have to stand still to snare someone with force lightning, but you can repeatedly cast force slow on the move and kite a melee class like crazy after they use their closers. Give force slow a cast time or a higher cooldown, imo. Should help a lot. Sorc single target damage is in line with other classes I feel. AoE chain lightning damage inflates scoreboard damage a bit, but I still have never seen a sorc post 400k damage and 200k healing like people say they can.

Edited by LordZanos
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This is retarted how OP Sorc/Sage is , Way more than OPS, i don't get why they nerfed OPS but they dont Nerf BH/Sorcs... Its beyond me.


If you bothered to look you would easily find the answer.


Sorc/Sage have NEVER burned down a player in 3 hits, they have NEVER managed to kill a player while the CC was active and before the player could react.


It really isn't that hard, one must wonder why it was beyond you to see that.

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Trust me they are not quite as weak as made out and if the zerg was sorc/juggy instead of sorc/bh you'd be cursing their name...alot. Killing people would be a nightmare and they are not as toothless as you'd think :).




Well, I don't know how it is on anyone's server but my own, but on Repub side on my server the most overplayed class is the Jedi Guardian (juggernaut) and it is absolute suicide if you are in a warzone with more than 2 guardians. You just will not win. I'm talking the 50s bracket too mind you so this mature late thing, while true, does not mean that Guardians mature into the same level as other classes. It can guard well. . . but if that's your basis for thinking they would dominate if overplayed you're just wrong. I'm sure many other republic servers have masses of Guardians as well and can back me up on how useless stacking guardians actually is.

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your number 4

the reason republic doest stack FoTM as much is because the empire side is full of the little kids that are always looking for the edge over other players to make them think they are better or "elite."

now im not saying that every empire is like this simply that you have 4x the playerbase than the republic side does and as you yourself pointed out, reps dont stack FoTM like the imps do.


whats really funny is in a game like SWTOR where many classes really are balanced, when one has an upper hand the kids rush to it and rush it to 50 to try to wrack up as many kills as possible filling their "elitest" idiology of themselves then flock to the forums and start QQing about how bad they are now that people are actually able to fight back. The non-elitests all-the-while are still too busy playing and are generally fine with the changes since they agreed in the first place that they were slightly OP.


The problem with this answer is that Sorcerer was the MOST played class from Day 1.


The reason that Republic don't have as many, and we still don't, is simply because there is no "Sage" class in the Movies.


Oh you can pick things up and throw them, Project, but really how entertaining is that.


Now shooting lightening from your hands, ala the Emperor.....that is a true reflection of the movies and it is unsurprising that a game trading on the name of a Movie finds that the class most favoured is the one that is most like the class in the movies.


Amazing, I would never have guessed myself, I thought everyone would have rolled a Sniper like you know that guy in the movie, the one played by the really famous actor, you know....oh wait, you don't because there is no such character.

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