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Who Is To Blame For Server Imbalance: We Are


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1.) What have I twisted? Use a specific example instead of sweeping accusations please.


2.) Specifically relating to what I have bolded...Your claim is invalid because I explicitly stated that I have already tried Republic (twice I might add) as well as many others probably already have too.


3.) Also pertaining to what I have bolded...what have you said that was of any substance? All I have seen is these sweeping generalizations that have no basis in fact and no evidence to support.


When i said twisted i should have said avoiding the general statement. you are simply taking it personally for some reason. i put the proof in bold (thats the part where you take everything really personally.) You have done this in every post.(I'm not doing that for the other post because quite frankly i don't care that much.)It's just the fact that you cant agree that there is a possibility that good majority of imps simply have not tried a republic character and just jumped on the band wagon cause of what they heard on forums, or the possibility that they are too stubborn to think that the Pub side could actually be worth a shot. Also stop acting like everything i say is fact. I'm just throwing out possibilities that i guess you just simply cant handle.

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Meh. Nothing made me pick what I play except what I was in the mood for.



I have a guardian now, paired with a sage, I get to see both storylines. So far its what I expected. I come in, calm and rational, and deal with stuff. Its what they do. Problem is, most players can't relate to that at all.


I have powertech tank too, paired with an operative.


I have fun with them all, and really haven't seen anything to make me feel one side is better than the other. Other than maybe Hutta being an utter ****hole visually, which they should be. Thats what happens when you let hutts run planets after all.


Yeah...its 4 am and I'm rambling...


well atleast you tried it!

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So far its what I expected. I come in, calm and rational, and deal with stuff. Its what they do. Problem is, most players can't relate to that at all.



This made me laugh. And to the guy at the beginning of the thread who was talking about which room you go into, the one with the brown robe or power guy... I would pick the brown robe. Never trust anyone who can offer you power. Why are they giving you power? To make you their slave. The force is freedom.


Most Sith I run into are mindless drones so intent on trying to kill me that they are predictable. They are filled with hate and rage, and it unbalances them.


Most of them. The dangerous ones are the thinkers, the patient ones who wait to strike. But luckily, they can be redeemed.

Edited by Motafication
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Most of you are splitting hairs... arguing over a system that should have seen it's last days years ago. Almost every non-technical gripe that players have is over some tired mechanic from 5 years ago. What's not to get? They admittedly designed their game to copy most elements of the successful MMOs AT THAT TIME. So it was a miscalculation--who would have known that after 5 years, players wanted something fresh and more innovative? It's sunk cost folks--no amount of lofty suggestions are going to make this game palatable for most of you. What could have fixed this problem? Well avoiding this two faction non-sense in the first place--but hey, the developers were "playing it safe" right? There are literally hundreds of ways this problem could have been avoided--but that wasn't what worked AT THE TIME. We all thought that MMOs would be the staple form of online entertainment for decades, right? Well now we've come to realize that it's probably more of a fad--frankly, SWTOR is not competitive enough in the innovation department to keep afloat. And I'm really sorry to have to say it--though I'm not going to flame or attack you for liking what the game offers. That's the beauty of choice. Edited by Traumahawk
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I wanted to be republic because the idea of being a douchebag to progress in the force was not appealing to me. But all my friends thought otherwise, so here I am. Guess I chose right anyhow cuz it sure beats what happened to the poor repubs on Ilum...
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I chose republic from the outset, I have always played Jedi characters in KOTOR anyway (Choosing Light side options and path) in the story progression. I like being a care bear so what ? Nothing wrong with knowing or considering how those options affect the person your character becomes in the game, whether you choose light or dark.


I think personally I feel Bioware made the Empire faction look too attractive, and may of over sold the idea to the public. The majority of PC gaming mags all portray SWTOR with some sith guy on their covers, this is Advertising SWTOR, as they intended. This unfortunately gives you the impression that the Empire faction was not only worked on the most, but the most thought and attention was given to it.


At the end of the day blame lies with everything, we are to blame, but Bioware are only guilty of making a certain faction look too attractive to want not to play. Only way I see a re balance in the game is a complete re think in several area's concerning the classes, and their abilities and how they are really fairing up in the actual game. It doesn't seem they are getting many of the numbers right on this. Other options is to allow other faction accounts but not on the same server. This will prevent an exploit where people use their Alt to help their friend farm valour from their other friend. No other online games I know of allow an Alt Account on the same server.


Additionally scrap PVP Open world entirely, scrap Ilum, and re think it, and then re lunch it with some thing new. Have just War Zones, and Open World Arena's where you knowingly intend to take part in competitive game play against some one else. So like instead of walking onto a PVP server consenting to get farmed like a pig by some uber elite sith guy, and complaining it wasn't fair, you instead just join a multiplayer arena like we do already in Warzones. Basically just scrap open world PVP, keep it to Arena's etc only.


Basically every server will be basically a PvE Server, and you only join PVP when you enter those games of Warzone, or open world Arena (like the one on Tatooine). That's what I refer to.

Edited by dronepilot
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So I've got a Merc to 50 and Jugga to 25. I've messed around with a Smuggler to level 10 to when I wanted a break from the levelling to 50. Started playing a Knight (Guardian) recently just to see what all the Republic fuss was about.


Seems fine to me so far. It's not as inventive as the BHer storyline, but it's no more cliched than the Sith warrior was. I grant you the dialogue options arn't as fun. But they are certainly in character. I don't no what people were expecting from Jedi.


The Smuggler dialogue on the other hand was great fun. Can be as big a wise *** as you want.


Having big on all the start worlds, I'd rate them as follows.

1. Korriban

2. Tython

3. Ord Mantell

4. Hutta

Edited by DS_Romer
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There are many reasons for that. Playing the suposed to be evil is always more atractive to the "cool kids" its also if you put all the shiny dark styler ghetto stuff to one faction and make the other look pverall brownish you dont have to wonder about the outcome.


If you ask me the imperial army shouldnt be black and all armors are black and everyone has red eyes....i can tell you beforehand that every wanabe kid is rolling the coolish ghetto side.

To be honest the imperials use nazilike designs wich are very apealing to the eye. (SW always did that as we know as an simbol of evil etc)

The problem is now everyone is falling for it and as its only a game and is fictionaly anyway, theres no real reason to go Republic instead of the nazis.

(no your not a nazi when you play imperial, its just the overall design and how they are portrayed in game, and also how appealing the design is to people.)


If one side is evil and all black (like modern culture is like you have to be ****** and cool)

and the other side is supposed to be good with a color pallette of orange and brown (the colors from the 70s everyone hates)

do not wonder about faction imbalances.

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bioware can't fix server imbalance, not ever, because we as players decided as a majority to go sith instead of republic, so please stop complaining about a problem bioware did not create.


Anyone care to prove me wrong?



dont you put this on me, i played republic, ive got some balls.

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Sith Inquisitor:

Lightning - instantly damages person (near instant)


Jedi Consular:

Giant rock spell - after you see the rock hit the mob/player, then the damage is done.



There's other spells like Shock and the Debri Spell that also has drawbacks as a republic player.


That amongst other things is why people go Empire.

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Then perhaps you'd like to use your vast intellect and sharp wit to concoct an excuse for the inability to defect from one faction to the other, despite that being a cornerstone of SW lore and much of the lore in this game itself. And why BH and Smuggler are locked.


I notice you shut up about it once I pointed that out, so much for logical inconsistency.


Because back in 2009 Bioware announced that they weren't allowing it, because they wanted unique faction stories?


Welcome to 3 years ago.





Oh, and there aren't two factions because that's what WoW did. There are two factions because that's what Lucas did.

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Lol, OP you're asking people to take responsibility for their decisions... have you seen these forums? They can't even stop posting in them, obsessively trolling even after they "unsub" (supposedly), yet you want them to realize something is not the fault of BW?



Nice try.

This made me LoL... HARD!




I'll bite...


Say I create a house with two rooms, but you can only enter one.


In one room is a boring dude with a brown robe who will offer to teach you to meditate. In the other room is a bad***** with a sweet black robe who offers to teach you the secret of power.


Which room do you choose?


In a 2 faction game, if one side is way more attractive to players than the other...guess where they will go?

Except... You can go in both rooms.

Why are so many people against playing multiple characters? ~sigh~

I've actually had people complain to me that I'm not leveling fast enough I should just stick to one character. Sorry bro I'm leveling em ALL.

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Bioware can't fix server imbalance, not ever, because we as players decided as a majority to go sith instead of republic, so please stop complaining about a problem Bioware did not create.


Anyone care to prove me wrong?


not read thread, but its the developers fault, if you make a faction game then it is your responsibility to make the factions competitively populated.


If I created an amateur football league (which is a competitive leisure activity) then it would be up to me to ensure each team had 11 players, and up to me to not allow any team to field more players because it destroys the enjoyment of everyone involved.

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not read thread, but its the developers fault, if you make a faction game then it is your responsibility to make the factions competitively populated.


If I created an amateur football league (which is a competitive leisure activity) then it would be up to me to ensure each team had 11 players, and up to me to not allow any team to field more players because it destroys the enjoyment of everyone involved.



Sounds a lot like huttball, You have the NFL = Swtor


AFC - Republic

NFC - Empire


NFC will play other NFC teams.

  • They should create a server that is independent of the other servers. (call it the Draft Server)
  • Random placement on Empire or Republic server by population totals.
  • Special gear for that server only at high levels
  • 1 character per server that can not be deleted. (once places always places)
  • Special account title for reaching level 50 on this server. (such as For the Empire, or For the republic) only displayable by other characters of same fraction.
  • Once you hit 50 it will open up the next character slot (random draft again as far as the side you play on)
  • Put in a Flashpoint every 5 levels that is mandatory to continue leveling requiring a party of 4 people (not 2 people and companions.)


Just an idea :D

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this is what happens when you create a two faction system. Thank god the creators of Guild Wars 2 arent this stupid and are implementing a three faction system so problems like these will never exist.


One faction is too dominant? no problem, the other two combine forces to even the odds. Bingo bango, problem solved. Two faction systems are archaic and create more headaches than the developers would like to admit.

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Bioware can't fix server imbalance, not ever, because we as players decided as a majority to go sith instead of republic, so please stop complaining about a problem Bioware did not create.


Anyone care to prove me wrong?



I have a feeling that this will rectify itself. Just as we created the faction imbalance, so will we solve it.


Many people who are currently playing Sith will get tired of having no Republic players to compete against. So they'll roll Republic characters instead.


OR Sith players will simply roll Republic to see the other side of the coin (story, class, environment, etc). If they like it, they'll stay or at least have a max level Republic alt.


This is mostly hypothetical, yes...but I've seen it happen on servers in other MMOs with severe faction imbalances, so I'm fairly positive it will happen here as well.

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