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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Premades.. Seriously?


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Do the PvP community a favor and match them only against other premades.


Getting roflstomp faceroll'd with a pub team of 7 fresh 50s in lvl 40 PvE gear by a group of guildies in vent with full battlemaster isn't really my idea of fun.

Edited by Audigy
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Do the PvP community a favor and match them only against other premades.


I think that's how it should be, yes. I don't care that my group can wipe a group of misfits that aren't working together. I'd like the challenge of fighting other Premades.

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Do the PvP community a favor and match them only against other premades.


So what would be the condition to separate people into a premade queue? The moment they group with one other person? Or when it's a full group of 4. AFAIK you can't queue a warzone with a group of 8 to truly classify it as a premade.

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But whats a premade? If 3 other guildies and I want to join PVP together, we shouldn't have to fight PVP maniacs exclusively. We are casual and even though we can speak in teamspeak together we are probably talking about what was on TV last night.
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But whats a premade? If 3 other guildies and I want to join PVP together, we shouldn't have to fight PVP maniacs exclusively. We are casual and even though we can speak in teamspeak together we are probably talking about what was on TV last night.


Premade is typically a term used to describe the team beating you, even if it isn't a premade. I end up with people in my guild a lot but am going in solo... Battlemaster is another expression for I couldn't beat that person so gear is the only reason, even if they didn't actually have battlemaster gear. With all PvP, adapt or get farmed.

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Do the PvP community a favor and match them only against other premades.


Getting roflstomp faceroll'd with a pub team of 7 fresh 50s in lvl 40 PvE gear by a group of guildies in vent with full battlemaster isn't really my idea of fun.


I'd rather play with a pug against premades and learn how to play versus a superior force than have it always be easymode vs the unskilled, because i actually make an effort to learn my class and play it effectively.

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It also sucks when most of the friends I've made are <50 so now with the change in brackets I am forced to PuG. And since I'm Imperial and there is only one guild on the Repub side that PvPs on my server I'm forced to face their premades EVERY match in Alderaan or Void Star. Being an Immortal Jugg I require good teammates to be truly effective.


Just my $.02

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People have a hard time handling defeat, maybe they were never taught how at a young age. But that leads to a lot of the angst that goes into these situations. People lose, badly, and want something to blame. Premades are as good a target as anything else.
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I blame bad mmo design. Honestly if your going to steal a mode from FPS shooter games and put an mmo stamp on it at least do it right.


Warzones are nothing more then objective based call of duty match types you would find in any shooter title.


Problem is its lacking very badly. There are no rankings or ladders or private matches ect....



They need to have a way to setup private matches so we can have guild matches and maybe a guild ranking ladder ect and make warzones fun. Then pre-mades would have a reason and a way to fight other pre-mades but as it stands now there is no way to do so.


Maybe remove valor and coms from the private matches to cheesing or cheating but there needs to be a system in place to challenge others to warzones or something.

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Honestly get some friends and start running your own. You will start to roflstomp the pubbies, and get good matches from other premades. Adapt or Die man.

Ignorant response, what if you want to play premade but only vs other premades, what if you actually prefer playing on equal footing than vs random pugs!


Also there are times I want to tryhard and others I want to play more laid back, there is no reason not to have options for both modes!


I wouldn't consider roflstomping anyone a "good match" honestly that kind of game is just boring.

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I blame bad mmo design. Honestly if your going to steal a mode from FPS shooter games and put an mmo stamp on it at least do it right.


Warzones are nothing more then objective based call of duty match types you would find in any shooter title.


Problem is its lacking very badly. There are no rankings or ladders or private matches ect....



They need to have a way to setup private matches so we can have guild matches and maybe a guild ranking ladder ect and make warzones fun. Then pre-mades would have a reason and a way to fight other pre-mades but as it stands now there is no way to do so.


Maybe remove valor and coms from the private matches to cheesing or cheating but there needs to be a system in place to challenge others to warzones or something.


Well to be fair they may eventually do something like this. However, if they allow premades into both queues, the garbage premades who can't beat the other premades and can't be arsed to learn how to pvp well will just continue to harass pugs.

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Agreed. Punish players for having/making friends!


Why would it be a punishment for the queue to favor matching premade vs. premade?


I'm not saying it SHOULD right now, just wondering why it would be a "punishment"? I suppose it could result in longer queues, but they could just make it a very loose matching so that it only favors premade vs. premade if one is already in the queue or something.

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Why would it be a punishment for the queue to favor matching premade vs. premade?


I'm not saying it SHOULD right now, just wondering why it would be a "punishment"? I suppose it could result in longer queues, but they could just make it a very loose matching so that it only favors premade vs. premade if one is already in the queue or something.


Quick answer: queue times.

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