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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Healers in PVE servers are harrasing us.


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So if you didnt know...The imperial healers can just waltz over to the heroic area in illum (or other places tbh) and they can just stay there unflagged WHILE HEALING THE NPCS!


It is a huge pain in the ***** and we need this fixed please. At least make those npcs flag people for pvp if theyre healing them! T_T


Sooo annoying to be fighting then a healer comes over, cleanses the CC and starts healing all the npcs x.x Its annoying and its evil and we need it stopped!


Edit : Flagging them for pvp would be the best solution so we can flip out and kick their *****

Edited by Leilei
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Sounds like something I would do if I somehow got trapped on a pve server. Think of it in an rp perspective, the healer is assisting their comrades. Heck, most healers only heal other players but this one has so much compassion that he/she is healing the lowliest of the low; they're like the Mother Theresa of SWtOR. They don't deserve to be punished, they deserve to be canonized (turned into a saint).
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Sooo annoying to be fighting then a healer comes over, cleanses the CC and starts healing all the npcs x.x Its annoying and its evil and we need it stopped!...*****

if it's evil, wouldn't that be quite in character for the evil empire.

at least of a republic rp perspective. ;)

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Erm. You are attacking their soldiers. Their actions are justified.


The issue being that they are able to blue-wall heal. It does kinda suck, at least if the imperial flagged NPCs are intended to be defeated by Rebels in the normal course of gameplay [ie, it's not happening when base-attacking].

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Hey now, It's against the rules of engagement for U.S. soldiers to attack Red Cross medics on the battlefield, even if they are tending enemy soldiers.


Completely realistic.


So if they want to kill medics and aim their weapons at them, they are unable to fire because of technical restraints?

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How can people claim this 'fits with rp'??


Yes, the action of helping and healing npcs on your side completely fits. What doesn't fit is that fact that you are completely immune to retribution.


From a rp perpective this makes utterly no sense what so ever. If you were acting as a combat medic you would expect to be shot at, not be immune!

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So if you didnt know...The imperial healers can just waltz over to the heroic area in illum (or other places tbh) and they can just stay there unflagged WHILE HEALING THE NPCS!


It is a huge pain in the ***** and we need this fixed please. At least make those npcs flag people for pvp if theyre healing them! T_T


Sooo annoying to be fighting then a healer comes over, cleanses the CC and starts healing all the npcs x.x Its annoying and its evil and we need it stopped!


Edit : Flagging them for pvp would be the best solution so we can flip out and kick their *****


Roll on a pvp server then.


Your pveing, not pvping, your farming NPC's....why should someone become pvp flagged for healing an NPC? They are also pveing....

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Roll on a pvp server then.


Your pveing, not pvping, your farming NPC's....why should someone become pvp flagged for healing an NPC? They are also pveing....


That doesn't make any sense. They want to involve themselvs in the pvp ascpect of the game by healing those npc's but don't want any consequences.


NM, that makes perfect sense from what i've seen on these boards..............

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Roll on a pvp server then.


Your pveing, not pvping, your farming NPC's....why should someone become pvp flagged for healing an NPC? They are also pveing....


Why should a player be able to prevent another player from completing their pve objectives [in a pve environment]?

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But...the alternative would seem to be flagging the healing player as PvP...wouldn't that be WORSE on a PvE server?


It's fine as it is. Seriously, how often could this possibly happen? Once?! Twice?! Big deal. Go run a flashpoint and come back.


If you want "retribution", roll on a PvP server.

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