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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Operative/Scoundrel Nerf went to far!!


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Operative's knock down was way too good. You fall on your *** for 3s and then spend another 3s standing back up. Other classes have knockdowns and you can get up almost immediately after.


Also, 50% armor penetration was a huge damage increase because specials ignore defensive stats. It probably cuts my Tanks mitigation down 20% which resulted in massive burst damage. I get smashed all the time by Merc's and Sorc's and they don't even touch the amount of dmg Op's did in 3s. Pre-buff stacking they could 75% me in one stun and I had 19k hp!

Edited by ComeAndSee
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Operative's knock down was way too good. You fall on your *** for 3s and then spend another 3s standing back up. Other classes have knockdowns and you can get up almost immediately after.


Also, 50% armor penetration was a huge damage increase because specials ignore defensive stats. It probably cuts my Tanks mitigation down 20% which resulted in massive burst damage. I get smashed all the time by Merc's and Sorc's and they don't even touch the amount of dmg Op's did in 3s. Pre-buff stacking they could 75% me in one stun and I had 19k hp!


I know of three stuns,roots that last longer than 3 seconds by other classes.

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Well at least we can move on to commandos getting hard nerf next because I thought they were even worse than scoundrels.


Grav rounds, self healing, ranged, no cooldown, heavy armor, knockback, etc. Commandos need a nerf in several of their abilities as well.

Edited by mandrillagon
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I know of three stuns,roots that last longer than 3 seconds by other classes.


The classes that have longer than 3 second incapacitates break on damage. Sages need their knockback because its their only way to get melee off them.


Roots don't prevent you from being able to counter what's being thrown at you, but they're definitely way more spammy than anything else ATM which is a separate issue.

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I still remember being in awe when an operative killed my character in about 3 seconds, sped off in stealth and killed 3 more people coming out of the start area in huttball in less than a minute. I was so much in awe I just lay there dead watching.

I'm sorry op's wont be able to do this anymore, more overpowered than a wow rogue ever thought about being.

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I still remember being in awe when an operative killed my character in about 3 seconds, sped off in stealth and killed 3 more people coming out of the start area in huttball in less than a minute. I was so much in awe I just lay there dead watching.

I'm sorry op's wont be able to do this anymore, more overpowered than a wow rogue ever thought about being.


It's ok your Sith Sorc will still be OP so don't worry about.

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First off, todays patch was 1.1.0b, meaning the Op/Scoundrel nerf was not implemented on live.


Second, the nerf is not going to be enough. You will still be on top.


Could you be one of those Sorcs I've been laying a wooping on without using Shoot first?


You guys stand still far too much and keyboard turn just as much making it all the easier for me to run circles around you back blasting, pistol whipping and sucker punching all day long.


On a more sensible note, I think Bioware held the patch back for more testing since a lot of players have pointed out that the flechette/toxic nerf is more damaging to the PvE side of things and probably a tad unneccessary.

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When you roll the FotM op class you have to know nerfs are coming. So why do you complain when they do? How many posts did I read by you guys saying you were fine when you obviously were not? On a side note now you know how its feels to be someone elses beeyatch. Serves you right. I think they should let you wallow in it for a month to make up for the month you were Gods gift and then balance you. Sounds fair to me.


AND-I rolled a scoundrel first and about level 30 I realized how rediculous the class was and knew it was just a matter of time before they were nerfed. So I rerolled. A little foresight goes a long ways. Gunnery commandos and BH's are next. Mark my words. And after that the guard mechanic has to be looked at.

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When you roll the FotM op class you have to know nerfs are coming. So why do you complain when they do? How many posts did I read by you guys saying you were fine when you obviously were not? On a side note now you know how its feels to be someone elses beeyatch. Serves you right. I think they should let you wallow in it for a month to make up for the month you were Gods gift and then balance you. Sounds fair to me.


AND-I rolled a scoundrel first and about level 30 I realized how rediculous the class was and knew it was just a matter of time before they were nerfed. So I rerolled. A little foresight goes a long ways. Gunnery commandos and BH's are next. Mark my words. And after that the guard mechanic has to be looked at.


You can nerf the Guard mechanic....one one condition, the defence tree for Jugger/Guard is actually buffed properly so they don't feel like a sub-par dps class.


Oh sorry one more condition, Sorc/Sage bubble having an increased CD...feels like Warrior Priests all over again with there super morale bubble -_-

Edited by Zarthorn
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Pro PvPers are so OP. Seriously they need to be nerfed. C'mon now.


It's simple. Operatives could burst my Pyrotech Merc (anti-ninja) down to a quarter health in 3 secs IF my cc break and blow back were on cooldown. That's not how they intended it, so they changed it. I've also been taken down by operatives mid range even if I broke cc and blew them back so... I don't see the problem in this moderate nerf mainly focused on the one spec (there's two dps specs for operatives btw). Good Operatives will still pwn, and bad ones will still get pwned. You don't like it? Give Lethality a try.


So to sum it up, I average around 300k dps for 50 bracket warzones, and yet I've been taken down by pro PvPers of all classes. Never fought a spec I couldn't beat, and I've been beaten by most if not all specs (I speculate). Seems pretty fair. Minor adjustments are needed, but nothing a good PvPer can't work around.

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I am a really high ranked Sage healer. Nobody knows being on the short end of the Operative stick like I do. I'm in cloth, and when they knock me down...**** gets ugly, even through my 650 expertise.


However, even I think these nerfs sound a bit much.


Let's have the knockdown at 2 seconds, reduce hidden strike by say 12% damage and give them 35% armor pen with acid blade.


The numbers as are seem too dramatic.



The voice of reason.

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Well at least we can move on to commandos getting hard nerf next because I thought they were even worse than scoundrels.


Grav rounds, self healing, ranged, no cooldown, heavy armor, knockback, etc. Commandos need a nerf in several of their abilities as well.


Ya complain more about a class for nerfs. You people are just bad at pvp.

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Ya complain more about a class for nerfs. You people are just bad at pvp.


That is what scoudrels/operatives said as well and what happened? They were hard nerfed in not one, but two of their top tier abilities. All that matter is the cries of the community and Bioware listens to reason, commandos are next on the nerf block. I just think they should have been first to get a hard nerf but now scoundrels are down, we move on to the next big fish to fry.

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Genius comment, like to explain how the LEAST played class is somehow the fotm class in your head?


Let me guess you're one of the 60% sorcs/sages......now that's fotm.


Well Mr. Genius when you can 3 shot anyone and everyone is rerolling their main to ops I guess you can call yourself fotm

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Funny. I was popping shields at lvl 20. Just easier now at 50.


I was hoping commandos get the next nerf but the way the community is going it seems sorcerer sage might be next on the nerf block which I will not like since I'm loving my sorcerer.


First let me say a sorcerer is not my main but god I love the class. I think people misunderstand the sorcerer. What I mean is to say we are only overpowered in pve not pvp. I find as a sorcerer that soloing heroic 2 and sometimes 4 with much effort is not only possible but sometimes easy. A large part of my ease does have to do with the bubble.


Playing a jugg I could not solo heroics or flashpoints and my operative was laughable at soloing even heroic 2.


I guess my point is sorcerer is a god class at pve, but not pvp. Nerf commandos first before you look at sorc sage.

Edited by mandrillagon
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Star Wars: The Old Republic - 1.1.1 Patch Notes


Imperial Agent





Acid Blade: Now provides 30% armor penetration while active.

Jarring Strike: This ability now knocks the target down for 1.5 seconds.

Hidden Strike: The damage output of this ability has been decreased by approximately 20% to control burst damage and because it was enabling significantly faster than intended kills in PvP.


So the Operative nerf day is upon us. Sad day for all the ops, seems like they went ahead with a nerf that basically makes us useless in PVP, so now the class is crap in both PVP and PVE... I was hoping BW would fix our out of combat damage and nerf our stealth opener to be more in line with other abilities, but no they nerfed the opener, nerfed the already horrible out of combat damage and made our knockdown the worst CC in the game since it will give a full resolve bar for 1.5sec of stun.




The most important thing here, is that those Operatives re-roll making all their valor worthless. As it was not earned.

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