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So is this it?


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To make the posters of this thread aware:


This was a hypothetical, I'm full champ gear at valor rank 54.


I was trying to point out that there is no real competition in this game and PvP is ALREADY dull.


Does the other side instantly quit when they see you in a WZ because they KNOW that it is an instant loss? If the answer is 'NO', then you have work to do.

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You want to know why Bioware doesn't read posts like this? Because it is not creative or thoughtful and those who play the game 24/7 to race to the top aren't their subscription sweet spot my friend. Sorry, but it's true.


Take a break! For me, the pvp is endless and glorious.

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Does the other side instantly quit when they see you in a WZ because they KNOW that it is an instant loss? If the answer is 'NO', then you have work to do.


It's sure rewarding and mentally stimulating when I get to mindlessly farm newbs in pugs - because yes, 90% of the queues are against PUGs when you play Republic.


My point still stands though. For a game that was claiming to be "very polished", "innovative", and had a BETA that lasted for over a year I just expected more. So sue me if I'm not on the fanboy bandwagon with all the nerds that played Star Wars galaxies for WAY too long.

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I completely agree, the game is new and has years to grow - why I have 0 complaints and am not impatient atm. I've been gaming for a long time - longer than a lot of kids on the games now days have been alive. I remember playing games like DAoC, etc before they even had what I would consider proper PvP/RvR. And no, a lot of those games didn't have the content they are memorable for when they first came out.


However, this isn't 1990 and EA/BW/Mythic are old companies with 20 years to be basing things on. There's a new minimum standard, and a game should release with that new minimum standard. And I'm sorry, but if they've chosen WoW as the minimum standard to be based upon or go by, then I wouldn't keep any hopes up.


Fair enougth,yes i agree that they should of had maybe two more Wz's with release imo and they also should of had more areas where the two factions crossed paths alittle more in open PvP.


I myself am a old gamer Atari 2600 and begging pop's for quarters to play Galaga hehe im 41.

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You just grinded the same 3 WZs over and over again and you're now valor rank 70. You have full Battlemaster gear and your "awesome" Battlemaster title.


....so.... is there anything else to do in this game? I guess I'll go do more WZs or attempt to gank in Ilum.


In other words:


The PvP WZ grind is mindless and not challenging. There are no arenas. Ilum is a sad joke.


Why should we even invest our time in PvP content? Battlemaster is a pointless title that requires you queueing a bunch of times - you don't even have to win or be a decent player.


The problem really comes down to how fast you consumed the content, not the content itself. I'm willing to bet your time played since release is rather large -- and there isn't much BW can do about players like yourself.

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Does the other side instantly quit when they see you in a WZ because they KNOW that it is an instant loss? If the answer is 'NO', then you have work to do.


Hmm, usually my side quits when they see me in WZs. Pretty sure my work here is done.

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You just grinded the same 3 WZs over and over again and you're now valor rank 70. You have full Battlemaster gear and your "awesome" Battlemaster title.


....so.... is there anything else to do in this game? I guess I'll go do more WZs or attempt to gank in Ilum.


In other words:


The PvP WZ grind is mindless and not challenging. There are no arenas. Ilum is a sad joke.


Why should we even invest our time in PvP content? Battlemaster is a pointless title that requires you queueing a bunch of times - you don't even have to win or be a decent player.


You are basically correct. SWTOR exemplifies the worst things in modern game development - lazy, uninspired, grindy.

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It's sure rewarding and mentally stimulating when I get to mindlessly farm newbs in pugs - because yes, 90% of the queues are against PUGs when you play Republic.


My point still stands though. For a game that was claiming to be "very polished", "innovative", and had a BETA that lasted for over a year I just expected more. So sue me if I'm not on the fanboy bandwagon with all the nerds that played Star Wars galaxies for WAY too long.


You wouldn't have fun at all in this game if it were like SWG Pre-CU, so don't make comparisons. Comparatively, this game is easy-mode. You and your guild would be camped in your city by one person.


They would do this without reward. They would do this at a substantial credit cost to them. They would do it for the lulz.



Hmm, usually my side quits when they see me in WZs. Pretty sure my work here is done.


Lol, I like you.

Edited by Klaxius
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Fair enougth,yes i agree that they should of had maybe two more Wz's with release imo and they also should of had more areas where the two factions crossed paths alittle more in open PvP.


I myself am a old gamer Atari 2600 and begging pop's for quarters to play Galaga hehe im 41.


heh about as old as you are. Yea my first gaming system was an Atari - loved original asteroids.


I do think where BW/Mythic/EA missed the mark was 1) Not drawing on the experiencesof their pasts successes in MMOs and 2) failing to recognize there's a new minimum standard for MMOs to be competitive in the marketplace.


So many comparisons to WoW, but let's look at more recent (arguably) failures in the market:


STO (Star Trek Online) - Very fubared "pvp" and too cookie-cutter content, went free-to-play already. Honestly, Cryptic made a lot of the same mistakes on all their games, and they're now owned by an Asian company that's made all their games free-to-play and the in-game-store model.


That other Super Hero game - its pretty much dead now, despite all the fanfare it received at launch.


And we could even bring up past failures, like SWG, etc. #1 thing all games had in common was too heavy PvE focus/lack of PvP, lack of End-game content to keep players subscribed, etc.

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Do you eat too fast too? Do you look up from a meal you just inhaled and ask, 'was that it?'


good analogy. really though, because the point of fast food is a quick meal, and the point of an MMO is months of content and fun. so basically TOR is fast food instead of a 4 course buffet with free refills, like an MMO should be

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Product of a post-WoW MMO world, where players need instant gratification. If only the developers could sprinkle the magic pixy dust over the servers and make content appear...


To bad they said they have no plans for rated warzones and arenas... Oh wait!


You dont get it. He rants about the fact that after your BM title and gear there's nothing more to do. Nothing to strive for. Own more noobs? This one gets old pretty quick. Well and that's about it.

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The problem really comes down to how fast you consumed the content, not the content itself. I'm willing to bet your time played since release is rather large -- and there isn't much BW can do about players like yourself.


If it was *good* content, you couldn't just consume it. You would want to play it over and over again just to enjoy it. Because it is FUN. To some people three minigames and one completely fail designed open pvp zone is fun, I just assume to the majority it isn't. So MAYBE in a year or two they come up with some real content that is not grindy, balanced and worth playing. Hey, give them a chance and 180 bucks for the year, the game is just one month old. They really deserve all your money!

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The problem really comes down to how fast you consumed the content, not the content itself. I'm willing to bet your time played since release is rather large -- and there isn't much BW can do about players like yourself.


For the last time,


This was a hypothetical, I'm full champ gear at valor rank 54.


I was trying to point out that there is no real competition in this game and PvP is ALREADY dull.


There are currently a TON of people that are level 50 right now. In no way did I "rush to 50". I happen to have a full time job, I exercise daily, a social life, and yes other hobbies (no this life style is not impressive, I just state it to point out that my life is pretty ordinary and has balance). I actually took about 3 weeks to hit 50 and I did a lot of PvP along the way, while enjoying the great story and questing. Essentially I was trying to make the most of the leveling experience.


But here's the real problem with the end game PvP content. There are no meaningful titles, no rankings, no arena, a poor system of gear distribution, and they already had a huge blunder with their joke of a world PvP zone. However, if you enjoy a worthless, mindless grind then you can play 3 generic Warzones that you've been playing since lvl 10.

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good analogy. really though, because the point of fast food is a quick meal, and the point of an MMO is months of content and fun. so basically TOR is fast food instead of a 4 course buffet with free refills, like an MMO should be


Yes, but I can make that fast food last as long as a four-course meal, or devour that four-course meal in the fastest humanly possible time.


The point is, in an MMO, no matter how much you give people, there will ALWAYS be a small part of the player-base that rushes through everything and then pertains to whine when a good 70% (guessing here, but I know its in the majority) aren't even max level yet.


Also, to the OP:


What do you expect them to do? There's only so much they can do in so much time.


Take PvE for example. What happens when someone has the BiS PvE gear, and their entire team has BiS? Oh, right, they have to wait for the next PvE update.


Just like PvPers have to wait for the next PvP update to get our new goodies.


Welcome to MMOs.

Edited by Xontier
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You just grinded the same 3 WZs over and over again and you're now valor rank 70. You have full Battlemaster gear and your "awesome" Battlemaster title.


....so.... is there anything else to do in this game? I guess I'll go do more WZs or attempt to gank in Ilum.


In other words:


The PvP WZ grind is mindless and not challenging. There are no arenas. Ilum is a sad joke.


Why should we even invest our time in PvP content? Battlemaster is a pointless title that requires you queueing a bunch of times - you don't even have to win or be a decent player.


Uh, you're not Valor 100, so keep playing?

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Play less?


Do you eat too fast too? Do you look up from a meal you just inhaled and ask, 'was that it?'


thread ended here ;)



Product of a post-WoW MMO world, where players need instant gratification. If only the developers could sprinkle the magic pixy dust over the servers and make content appear...


To bad they said they have no plans for rated warzones and arenas... Oh wait!



My advice is too take a chill pill and roll an alt (after all the class story is one of the main elements in the game, atm).


Edit2: I may not add anything productive in the thread (but im not the only one though :rolleyes: ) but imo, people need to relax with their gaming. The game has been out for about 31 days (+ some more for us pre-orders >;p ) BW cant implant new content every patch, because you wouldnt want them to stress the development and make the content worse, right? And we all know that quality>quantity

Edited by Empha
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You just grinded the same 3 WZs over and over again and you're now valor rank 70. You have full Battlemaster gear and your "awesome" Battlemaster title.


....so.... is there anything else to do in this game? I guess I'll go do more WZs or attempt to gank in Ilum.


In other words:


The PvP WZ grind is mindless and not challenging. There are no arenas. Ilum is a sad joke.


Why should we even invest our time in PvP content? Battlemaster is a pointless title that requires you queueing a bunch of times - you don't even have to win or be a decent player.


Yeah, that was it. Kinda cool huh?

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Honestly, the greatest problem isn't Quantity of content - there IS end-game.


The problem is replayability and quality of content. Is it worth replaying? I think that's the greater question and what he's honestly asking.


It's not that you can make 50 in 7 days, BM in 21 days (not exploiting), but that when you're at that end-game point, is the game replayable on the same character.

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heh about as old as you are. Yea my first gaming system was an Atari - loved original asteroids.


I do think where BW/Mythic/EA missed the mark was 1) Not drawing on the experiencesof their pasts successes in MMOs and 2) failing to recognize there's a new minimum standard for MMOs to be competitive in the marketplace.


So many comparisons to WoW, but let's look at more recent (arguably) failures in the market:


STO (Star Trek Online) - Very fubared "pvp" and too cookie-cutter content, went free-to-play already. Honestly, Cryptic made a lot of the same mistakes on all their games, and they're now owned by an Asian company that's made all their games free-to-play and the in-game-store model.


That other Super Hero game - its pretty much dead now, despite all the fanfare it received at launch.


And we could even bring up past failures, like SWG, etc. #1 thing all games had in common was too heavy PvE focus/lack of PvP, lack of End-game content to keep players subscribed, etc.


Well part of the problem is what to make?

It isnt just PvP it is to somehow make a vibrant active community in the MMO where people are doing things and interacting with eachother,grinding creates frustration for players because there is have and have not's and repetition kills motivation.


Then there is achievement,in EQ2 in the early first year a lvl 50 you knew that person spent some time getting there plus the gear if they raided,it was no easy task to get your end game raid gear of the current time,same could be said with the crafting.


One thing that killed community in that game was guild halls,people had little incentive to be in the citys,if Bioware is smart they will use the Fleet stations and some citys as center hubs for many things,the cantinas are a great place to.


And raid wise the need to have special bosses that appear for a set time and very rare drops so that those who put the time and effort are justly rewarded,same with PvP there should be neat appearance stuff for those that accomplish things that do take time and effort.

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Honestly, the greatest problem isn't Quantity of content - there IS end-game.


The problem is replayability and quality of content. Is it worth replaying? I think that's the greater question and what he's honestly asking.


It's not that you can make 50 in 7 days, BM in 21 days (not exploiting), but that when you're at that end-game point, is the game replayable on the same character.


Do you enjoy killing other players? Then yes, there's plenty of end-game.


Yes, TOR has its issues but Bioware is working on them. They've already made announcements of future updates and from what we've seen so far, they're pretty good at delivering on what they say.




Also, the game's been out for a month. Give them time to actually give you decent content, rather than rushing a half-arsed product.

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