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Screwing Players on the Founder Title


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Is 10pm when you received the email from bioware telling you that you received the title? Because it doesn't go into your in game mail box until you log into the game.


I recieved them both simultaneously cuz for some weird reason I got kicked out at 10 pm and when I logged back in I had a Mail in game.


Now it could well be that the timer there is meant to show how old the mail is, but it seems not to be working correctly then. Mail does disappear sometimes or not even arrive. (now if they went with a real life thing with it :p they hit it spot on)

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um.....? I don't know of any expiration on the collector's items. Mine have been hanging out there all month. And if they expire, well....lol.


Yeah that's why they had to re-issue the collector's items because they DIDN'T disappear. It is a bug OP. I am sure they will re-issue them next month or something just like they did the CE items.

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Again, I recieved the mail at 10 PM GMT+1. I took that screenshot at 4.18 AM GMT+1.. If its how old the mail is, then 3 hours would be a bit off would it not.


Depends on when they sent the in-game mail, which isn't exactly when they send the real life email.


Stop trying to talk your way out of looking like an idiot, and just acknowledge that you screwed up and move on. It's like a chinese finger trap; the more you struggle the worse it will get.

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I received an email, like many others I'm sure, stating that I have received the Founder title. ..


Of course, you didn't really get it, it's an item in your mailbox that expires very shortly! Hope you get it in time or your screwed! (We did the same thing for your pre-order items too! Haha!) Sincerely, Bioware


Yeah.. I received the email informing me of earning the Founder title in the afternoon when I was still at work. By the time I got home, the items were going to all expire in 20 minutes so that I actually had to log on to each character individually and travel however long it is to the nearest mailbox, loot it, and use it. Rinse and repeat. All the while under a time limit.


Clearly, sending players items for titles (or pre-order items for that matter) is incredibly stupid, they will likely expire by the time they realize what happened, or instead you give them the tedious chore of traveling to mailboxes on every single character. Really? You should redo this whole thing and just automatically give the title to their characters, that is the simple and user-friendly solution that doesn't punish players who don't have all day to play and notice the time-limit for an "earned" title.




This is just getting ridiculous.

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This is just getting ridiculous.


It gets even more ridiculous when you realize the OP got his title, and is having a temper tantrum because the mail system correctly told him it had been sitting in his mailbox for 20 minutes.


I am so rating this post up. It's the funniest thing I've read all day.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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Well i was wondering why i havnt got my founders title in the mail, i guess i wasnt online at the time it came and missed out. Oh well thanks bioware.


What are you talking about? The mail stays in there at least 2 weeks I have a mail in my inbox from 2 weeks ago right now as we speak. You dont have to be online to get it.

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