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Screwing Players on the Founder Title


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This is just getting ridiculous.


I can't believe you would think that players have to actually play the game to gain reward? I don't know about you; but I bought this game, and I DESERVE a level 50, modded with the best attachments and a flaming lighsaber protruding from my arse.


Seriously dude, your idea on achievement is SOOO last decade. :p

Edited by priest
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This post is the perfect example of everything that is wrong with this forum, where it's standard operating procedure to engage in sh*t-starting speculation and assume the absolute worst possible outcome about anything and everything game related.


Some people just like to watch stuff burn. Piss off and unsubscribe already so those of us who actually enjoy the game...*gasp*...can work to make the community better instead of having to wade through page after page of negative drivel.

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Actually there is a timer on this mail. Don't believe me? Here is the proof.


Screenshot : http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v312/icericcy/Founder.jpg


Dude, seriously, I hate to say it...but...ah bugger it I'm going to say it anyway... You, Sir, are a complete numb nuts.


I'm not normally one to mock people on forums, god knows I've made some mistakes myself in the past...but this really had me laughing so hard that I actually gave myself a headache....oooh...it hurts. I think I may have to make a parody video of this, it's just comic genius...even if not intended.


I really can't believe the OP is QQing about the fact that a) he got the title and b) he had to go through the oh-so strenuous task of clicking on a character...waiting 30 seconds...walking to a mail box, opening mail, getting item and then using item. click log off. Go to next character... I mean, life is SO hard when you have to spend a whole..oooh...10 minutes picking up mail.


I think this might rate in my top ten "Oh-my-god-get-a-life" list.

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The initial delivery is made when the character in question logs in for the first time after the account receives the entitlement.


Also, should note, that it's not a hard 14days for those items. Not sure what determines when/why they get deleted.




shows the emails lasting for a fair bit of time :).

Edited by Reiella
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are you guys serious?


surely every one realizes that "timer" is just telling you how long the mail has been in your box...


it's not a count down.


please tell me this many people aren't this .... you know nevermind...


BW please ignore this thread....

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are you guys serious?


surely every one realizes that "timer" is just telling you how long the mail has been in your box...


it's not a count down.


please tell me this many people aren't this .... you know nevermind...


BW please ignore this thread....


Actually read the thread, most of the posts are just repeating that bit of information :). Not quite paying attention, but I think only one person thought it was a timer counting down :).

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I received an email, like many others I'm sure, stating that I have received the Founder title. ..


Of course, you didn't really get it, it's an item in your mailbox that expires very shortly! Hope you get it in time or your screwed! (We did the same thing for your pre-order items too! Haha!) Sincerely, Bioware


Yeah.. I received the email informing me of earning the Founder title in the afternoon when I was still at work. By the time I got home, the items were going to all expire in 20 minutes so that I actually had to log on to each character individually and travel however long it is to the nearest mailbox, loot it, and use it. Rinse and repeat. All the while under a time limit.


Clearly, sending players items for titles (or pre-order items for that matter) is incredibly stupid, they will likely expire by the time they realize what happened, or instead you give them the tedious chore of traveling to mailboxes on every single character. Really? You should redo this whole thing and just automatically give the title to their characters, that is the simple and user-friendly solution that doesn't punish players who don't have all day to play and notice the time-limit for an "earned" title.


I call OP a liar and a troll.


I've check all my alts, since most I just made day 1 to grab names and never touched them since. Everyone still had their CE items as well as the founder's medal.


But, YMMV.


EDIT: I just realized OP is not a liar, just misinformed or ignorant of mail system.

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