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Unsuscribe already ? Top 2 things that would had made you stay


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The problem is the people that got into the game when BC, Wrath or Cata came out. They have absolutely no idea what a **** hole that game was for a very large part of Vanilla. It was a long, long time before Blizzard got their **** together and that game started running smoothly.


TOR is like a Lamborghini next to a Pinto as far as launch months go.


You got that right. This game is buggy but its also really good. It has more features than wow ever thought of at launch. Not to mention pvp was 3 shots your dead. There as no sprint buff it took hours to run across the barrens lol man so bad now that i think about it.

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nothing could make me stay.

they release a game half done (again) like all the other ones they been release


to many buggs in game,


Lava boss bug

pylons bugg

loot bugg

social point bugg

PvP valor bugg

cant zone back in bug

cant loot my loot bug

cant see my guild mate bug

cant find a group bug

cant find macro bug

cant play this game bug

every ops bug in the game bug





i have never played an MMO from launch before.


hey fixed your post, you're welcome




edit: bought a 6 month sub for this game. I have faith they'll be fixing everything soon enough.


No problems on my end, except for one time when a commendation went into my inventory instead of my list of currencies, and it was a DK commendation (read: who cares).


Otherwise, smooth sailing, and I'm loving this game.

Edited by Falkelord
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some things I would like to see to make me keep subbing are:


1. A way to advance your character besides the gear treadmill (legacy looks to possibly be able to provide this)


2. More customization in crafting. I want to be able to make things that are unique, not the same blaster pistol that everyone else can make.


3. More variety. I understand this game is new, but once you get to 50 doing it a second time is pretty much exactly the same minus the class quest differences. There nees to be choice of whether you want to visit one planet or a different one that is the same level.


4. Better LFG tool. I understand they do not want to destroy the community, but I would like a better way to find groups for FPs when I am out and about doing dailies crafting etc. maybe a galaxy-wide channel if you are LFG or something.


I am sticking with the game for now to see where it goes. I know it is new and I know that they need time. They have stated that they are listening to the community so I just wanted to put my 2 cents in.


And where the hell is the wookie homeworld? I wanna kill me some big furry chewbacca looking bigfoot wannabes.

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1) If they would have listened to the testers and put back the "match colors to chestpiece" option that was in the beta. I refuse to play Trooper without this option because half the time my Commando looks like a clown.


2) If they had put the planetary GTNs back.


3) If they hadn't increased the difficulty from the beta. Some enemies have way too many hitpoints.


4) If they had eliminated the orbital stations. Why can't I land on a planet?


5) If they hadn't pulled the cancel account scandal.


I would have stayed.

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1. Better LFG tool. Cannot be stated enough...I would be more likely to do heroics if I could just join a queue, and get the option to auto travel to the start point when I join a group. I could leave Hoth and on to the next planet, and then get back easily.

2. Cross faction guilds. I'm playing with friends, but the only way to talk to each other, etc, is if we're on the same faction. Quite lame, considering this game is story based, and I want to try out all the stories. For now it's fine...starting my 2nd character. But sooner or later, I'm going to want to do the Imperial storyline as well...and will have to make the choice to abandon my friends when I do.

3. Fix Ilum. No, not the PvP...the PvE is what's wearing me down. The difficulty curve upon reaching this planet, as a tank, was ridiculous. I almost never dodge/block attacks anymore, and a ton of the enemies have abilities that reduce my armor almost entirely. Needs to change...or I need to be allowed to dual spec so I can increase my DPS.

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Hmmm... hard to pick 2. I will go with:


1. Dungeon Finder

2. Some form of DPS parser


While I do agree with a FlashPoint finder, the last thing this game needs is recount addon. This doesn't need to turn into another WoW where people grief others about how low their dps is while in flashpoints. It's a game, enjoy it.


The only way I would leave this game is if BioWare gave in to all the whiners and changed this game like Blizzard did to WoW.

Edited by Bioflux
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You know what?


These unsubscribe threats are starting to look like childish ultimatums.


Like everything in your minds have a peerless conclusion; your way or no way.


Yes, most of the times I am ready to set the torches ablaze and storm castle Bioware too...(I want all Twi'lek female colors!) but if you are bored and hate the game...just quit. People will quit either way. People move on and people die.


That's life.


It's that simple. No need to make a post trying to get followers.


Sure, this game is pretty mediocre by what my standards of a MMO should be but when it's not fun anymore to me I will stop playing.


I'm sure not going come to this forum, say I'm quitting and then say, " I won't quit if you do X! Now!"


What you saw then, is what you see now.


What you see...is what you get.


Pretty much this is the core of the game. If you hate it now, you sure won't like it down the road and the years to come.


I don't think these are threats. These are people already cancelled, at least if they read the OP and responded to his question. I cancelled already, got some time left so I will check out bounty hunter, and if somehow they get some of the things I have issues with fixed in the next 20 days or so I may resub. Other than that I will be back in 6 months or a year when/if the game goes FTP or they fix the majority of the issues.

Edited by Mitchyslick
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1. better quest design. storylines are great and the dialogue is best the gaming world has ever seen and blahblahblah, but when the dialogue is over it's always "kill x of y" and "collect x of z". true no one reads WoW quests but the quest objectives themselves can be so much more fun - rolling around as a huge ball of fire running over a thousand gnomes, jumping on trees to throw bear cubs onto a trampoline, flying around on a bird and throwing spears at bad guys while in a collapsing cavern. it can be silly but it's unique and FUN!


2. addons. ive posted in other threads of all the great features missing in this game that couldve easily been replaced by an addon, ui scaling, extra quickslots, raid frames with actual useful information, cast bars that arent an inch long hiding in a corner of the screen, etc. just gets me mad when theres hundreds of great things addons can do for the game and people will violently revolt against them because of 2 addons - dps meters, and gearscore. you take the good with the bad, and the good far outweighs the bad, and i think bioware devs realize this too, and one day when addons are added to this game, i'll be back.

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1. Better LFG tool. Cannot be stated enough...I would be more likely to do heroics if I could just join a queue, and get the option to auto travel to the start point when I join a group. I could leave Hoth and on to the next planet, and then get back easily.

2. Cross faction guilds. I'm playing with friends, but the only way to talk to each other, etc, is if we're on the same faction. Quite lame, considering this game is story based, and I want to try out all the stories. For now it's fine...starting my 2nd character. But sooner or later, I'm going to want to do the Imperial storyline as well...and will have to make the choice to abandon my friends when I do.

3. Fix Ilum. No, not the PvP...the PvE is what's wearing me down. The difficulty curve upon reaching this planet, as a tank, was ridiculous. I almost never dodge/block attacks anymore, and a ton of the enemies have abilities that reduce my armor almost entirely. Needs to change...or I need to be allowed to dual spec so I can increase my DPS.


This is funny right here:


1. Game needs to find a group for me. And put me there too.


2. Ok?


3. Too hard.

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ability delay and all 'round sluggish and unresponsive combat mechanics


bad design, where the most simplistic specs are the most effective, and everyone and their grandma flocks to them, until theres nothing but sorcerers and mercenaries running around


terrible derisions on bioware's part. they really showed their inexperience in the MMO department. making crippling changes to some classes so quickly after a major patch, without giving it any time to settle. changes that are completely unwarranted, and are purely there to appease majority of their playerbase, rather than genuinely balance gameplay.



i did 3, sue me


sub runs out tomorrow, i refuse to reroll a sorcerer to remain competitive.



edit: macros would have helped, but not made me stay. a combat log would have been nice too.


dps meters and dungeon finders would have pushed me away quicker. i dont want anyone noobed up casual arcade style MMO, WoW has that corner of the market under lock and key

Edited by Vallowen
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I realy did enjoy my 1 month period.

The game was realy fun then I got to Taris planet. It was impossible during daytime to get groups for Heroics or anything. I never was the poplulation of the shards getting morethen 50 players and that was on a Sunday.

I was told that Tatooine will bring a smile.

It did not.

What I am wondering is that on top of all I would like this game to be, at least one was missing for me : players to team with.


So without going into all our whishlist, what are the 2 things that would make you stay longer.


For me it was the lack of players to team with and the non uptimised game my cappable rig was having a battle to get more then 50 fps on low / off settings.


What about you all ?


Not really sure about this tbh. You said you quit after the first month because there weren't enough lvl 50s to team up with right? Yet, everyone knows its common knowledge that only a small amount of people power level to the top in a story based MMO. So basically in a month or two from now there'll likely be hundreds of lvl 50s on each server once everyone who leveled slowly taking in the leveling experience or those who can't play all the time hits the top level.

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I realy did enjoy my 1 month period.

The game was realy fun then I got to Taris planet. It was impossible during daytime to get groups for Heroics or anything. I never was the poplulation of the shards getting morethen 50 players and that was on a Sunday.

I was told that Tatooine will bring a smile.

It did not.

What I am wondering is that on top of all I would like this game to be, at least one was missing for me : players to team with.


So without going into all our whishlist, what are the 2 things that would make you stay longer.


For me it was the lack of players to team with and the non uptimised game my cappable rig was having a battle to get more then 50 fps on low / off settings.


What about you all ?


I got a good rig, and i am playing on a RP server ( which are always filled with enthusiastic players ).

The Great thing about RP servers, is that theres always so few of them in EUROPE, that they will always be the last to dry out.

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As someone who played WoW when it first launched, this game may have bugs but so did WoW. I remember the problems login in to WoW and Blizzard giving free time because people couldn't log in to play. I remember the loot bugs where you where stuck in loot position and couldn't do anything unless you logged out, but then of course there was the problems logging back in. /sigh good old days. What about Paladins in the early days. All they were good for was healing. LOL. Good luck trying to group as anything else then a Healadin, because if you said your were a DPS Pally you'd be playing solo.


I'm loving this game and how it's story driven. I'll stick it out, just like I did in the early days of WoW, because I know this game has great potential.


And yes, I miss the advanced features of WoW too. Like Dungeon finder or the ability to summon others to an instance, but it's early days and it can only get better.

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