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Unsuscribe already ? Top 2 things that would had made you stay


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I plan on staying subbed for a while, at least until I finish leveling a few of the classes that I've gotten interested in.


But when the point comes when I'm done leveling new characters, the three things they need to add/fix to keep me subbed longer are:


1) LFD system

2) More Story Content

3) Fix the Ability Delay

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What would make me stay? I dont know. Probably nothing. The game wont kick enough despite the bugs. Everything you do just seems pointless. You know ...the whole game doesnt seem like it is made to keep people here for months, but only for 3 weeks.
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You know what?


These unsubscribe threats are starting to look like childish ultimatums.


Like everything in your minds have a peerless conclusion; your way or no way.


Yes, most of the times I am ready to set the torches ablaze and storm castle Bioware too...(I want all Twi'lek female colors!) but if you are bored and hate the game...just quit. People will quit either way. People move on and people die.


That's life.


It's that simple. No need to make a post trying to get followers.


Sure, this game is pretty mediocre by what my standards of a MMO should be but when it's not fun anymore to me I will stop playing.


I'm sure not going come to this forum, say I'm quitting and then say, " I won't quit if you do X! Now!"


What you saw then, is what you see now.


What you see...is what you get.


Pretty much this is the core of the game. If you hate it now, you sure won't like it down the road and the years to come.

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I like the game but it is definitely missing a large number of pretty standard features and a few I was personally looking forward to. What would have been enough to make me stay?


1) Same gender romance options

2) Addons/UI customization/macro's


Really just the first one, the second one is pretty annoying though. Other high ticket items, appearance tab, hi res textures, more worlds to explore to allow different paths to level, better race selections, dungeon finder, and some Jedi robes without the frakin hoods up. I like the game but #1 there is the deal breaker.

Edited by Nozybidaj
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i will stay as long as the servers are up. i am a MMO fan, and to top it off...ITS STARWARS!D


im not like other people who post on these forums who like to rage about a game THERE STILL PLAYING lol...i understand its a new game, and it will take time to implement changes and fixes. my previous 7 year experience in MMO's shows me that the changes needed that everyone is complaining about will happen, but not overnight. so i can rest comfortably knowing that my future gaming experience in swtor will be better then today.

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Are you crazy? The crafting in this game is one of the most enjoyable crafting setups I've had the pleasure to play in any MMO. In most MMO's, I can't be bothered to craft because I just don't like it, but not with this game.


And I can't be bothered to craft because I just don't like it. *shrugs*

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Hmmm... hard to pick 2. I will go with:


1. Dungeon Finder

2. Some form of DPS parser

/signed for both. Other than those two I'd pick:


No option to turn "smart camera" off. (I'd like full control of my camera please)

Difficulty of end game 4 mans.*



I'm still subscribed for now but Bioware will determine how long that lasts.



*I'm all for hard modes being hard. It's a lot of fun to get a group of friends together, get on Ventrilo, and work your way through difficult content. I loved struggling through 5 mans in WoW just after hitting 85 in the beginning of Cataclysm. Unfortunately it's just not realistic for the average player who just wants to throw a pug together and play the game. One solution to this is to add a level 50 normal difficulty to each flashpoint. This way people who don't have time for hard modes have something to do without alienating those who enjoy a good challenge. (not to mention something for casuals to graduate to if/when they want a less casual experience)

Edited by Tanntolas
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Fixing the ability delay issue.

Warzone performance and selection. Only 3 warzones, 90% huttball, performance and ability delay make PvP terrible.


PvP was the only endgame for me and it being what it is atm, there's no reason to pay for this game. My character will sit at 34 indefinitely and this game will gather dust the way Warhammer, AoC and the like have.

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The main reason people are unhappy with this game is that they hyped it up too much.


The only thing that was ever hyped up in this game was the story and voice acting. That's all i ever heard about the game. Unfortunately those two thing don't count for squat at max level and max level is where an MMO begins.

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SWTOR yet to be officially release in my country, so it cost me about 80+usd for the game. IMHO it's not worth that price at all.


I could care less about bugs, missing features, broken pvp...etc. it's the extremely boring leveling process that I can't bear.


It's basically like WOW, a theme park mmo with quests design to hold your hands till you're ready to raid. At least in vanilla WOW, you still had to read the quest desc to figure out where to go. In SWTOR, you just had to follow your minimap. There's no sense of adventure.


On top of that, the combat is not challenging at all. Just jump in with your pet, and it's over before you knew it. There's no tactic involved at all. Whatever happen to root & nuke or snare kite or fear kite. These are some combat aspect that would make the game more challenging.



In EQ, if I'm not careful with my surrounding, another mob happen to walk by and join the fight. I'm either had to run for my life or toast. Here, I just go on with my

regular routine as if nothing happen. It's so easy you can even let a bot play the game for you!


The world is huge but because of how it's design. It's feel like running from one corridor to another, with invisible wall(painted mountain) that limit the free roaming.

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uhhh you do realize you can make keybinds for anything in-game......


Try keybinding Shift, ctrl, apps, windows, forward slash, etc. Please tell me why we need a hotkey for submitting a ticket that cannot be changed. Also, if you keybind the Numpad enter key you also screw up your chat.



it's okay, just let him get his whining out.



You're absolutely right. Anytime someone brings up an issue with TOR they must be whining. :rolleyes:



The koolaid just keeps getting stronger and stronger...

Edited by Minack
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You know what?


These unsubscribe threats are starting to look like childish ultimatums.


Like everything in your minds have a peerless conclusion; your way or no way.


Yes, most of the times I am ready to set the torches ablaze and storm castle Bioware too...(I want all Twi'lek female colors!) but if you are bored and hate the game...just quit. People will quit either way. People move on and people die.


That's life.


It's that simple. No need to make a post trying to get followers.


Sure, this game is pretty mediocre by what my standards of a MMO should be but when it's not fun anymore to me I will stop playing.


I'm sure not going come to this forum, say I'm quitting and then say, " I won't quit if you do X! Now!"


What you saw then, is what you see now.


What you see...is what you get.


Pretty much this is the core of the game. If you hate it now, you sure won't like it down the road and the years to come.


What is childish is that half of this thread are fans who cannot handle criticism and threadcrap. This thread is about what people want in the game to keep them playing. Who cares if you claim you enjoy it so much that you think it has no problems!? Go create your own thread!

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Ability delay

If my class didn't get the short end of the stick because they seemingly forgot to put 90% of the marauders gear in the game.

If marauders could tank

pvp that isn't a giant pile of poo

if the game didn't feel half finished in general




in no particular order, really

Edited by Wazooty
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1. Group-matching tool, like a Dungeon Finder

2. The option to choose high-resolution textures


re: 1., it's just not efficient to try grouping for Flashpoints while levelling. In the time it took to find a party and actually start an FP, I could've gained a level or more by doing solo quests and mob grinding. Or if I really wanted, PvP.


And for #2, respectfully, my computer is more than capable of running whatever texture resolutions the designer could throw at me. At least give me the option of turning on the high textures that were present in beta. Warn me in big red letters: "This may make the game unplayable," but for Pete's sake, let me try!


I'm sure I'll be back in a month or six when both of these options are in the game. It's inevitable and just a matter of time.

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Game is too linear and single player like, so its not worth 15 dollars a month just to play. Game Engine is annoying, and unresponsive. Open world pvp is completely nonexistent. Characters hair and pants all look emo, and there aren't any normal character body types. Customer Service in game and on forums is horrible.


Servers do not have enough people, and limitations of game engine are too great. Not enough class custimaztion, especially light saber resrictions. No such thing as a jed/sith who cannot use a single bladed lightsaber, but know how to use a double bladed lightsaber or dual wield in Star Wars lore. Battlegrounds are boring, and valor battleground glitch was not handled correctly (no rollback), so that dosen't give me hope for how the problems of this game will be solved in the future. Servers factions are imbalanced.


I made a thread posting why I quit but it was completely destroyed and never seen again in 5 seconds no joke. Bioware is acting like North Korea on the forums.

Edited by Hunterzen
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