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This is why we compare to 7 year old wow.


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Yeah some of the Blizzard folks said something about wanting to put in Dance studios so people could learn different dance animations for their toons.


They never materialized, and people on the WoW forums raged. I'll never understand those people.


lol dance studios..... wow glad I dont play that game.

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You can compare some conventions to WoW but not all.


BW will continue to apply conventions that make sense with the SWTOR context like the Galactic Market Kiosk enhancements that was mentioned in that article. You can't take a simple time difference and equate that to our evolution in bug fixing.


A different engine is a different engine. And this MMO is being quoted as one of the smoothest launches compared to all other MMOs. The game is a lot better than what the forums make it out to be.


There is nothing completely inhibiting our gameplay experience. We can do operations and flashpoints and quest and PvP and space combat and all. Once in awhile a boss glitch or w/e occurs but they work on it asap.


The 2 biggest issues (ability delay and Ilum PvP) were already announced by BW as one of their top priorities to look into.


They're trying hard to fix the bugs, release more content so we don't get bored at endgame, and place more conventions that WoW made us used to. Overall, they got their work days cut out for em...

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Yeah some of the Blizzard folks said something about wanting to put in Dance studios so people could learn different dance animations for their toons.


They never materialized, and people on the WoW forums raged. I'll never understand those people.


Oh. Oh, dear. Well....that DOES explain an awful lot, thank you for explaining that :D

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Ya the glitching is so annoying happens in the same spots too i noticed and then theres just random black outs for no reason.

Like flying in for turrets on warzones right before you round the big pillar on your speeder bike it will glitch out and the bike disappears then comes back.


And my sound has been going all funky as well since 1.1.


Have you deleted your game settings folder and let it recreate it? That has helped with some of the weird issues some players are having since 1.1

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That has no meaning at all though.


It could have meant a week after a month after 6 months after, a year after or a year+.


Shortly thereafter holds no water here sorry.


AHH my mind hurts, i am having a brilliant idea. If you think wow has better features, and swtor is lacking, why not play wow? That way you are happy. And then, when swtor gets the features you want, you can come back to swtor and have fun!

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I didn't read your WoW rant and enjoy your infraction or ban whichever they give.


And I played Aion before this game so you can eat it.


And the rest of your post wasn't worth reading because all you did was sit there insulting people for doing the very thing you just did. Congrats on being a hypocrite I guess.




You really should have read at least the last bit of the post.


To those of you saying that every new MMO should be compared to the ones already on the market, you're correct to a degree.


However, you seem to think that just because Blizzard did this, or Trion did that, or Sony did this other thing, that it's just a matter of flipping a switch to implement a given feature.


Those things are intellectual property, folks. It's not like you can buy an "MMO LFG" plug-in for Visual Studio. Take cross server LFG for example. As a developer you might have to consider the following:


  • Game Design - is this even something that would be good for the game?
  • Infrastructure - is the existing back-end capable of supporting such functionality?
  • Feature design - Level ranges, balancing tank/healer/dps participation, preventing unwanted players from grouping, etc
  • UI design
  • Testing, Testing, Testing, and more Testing


That's for ONE feature among dozens that people are insisting be in the game at launch. All while you're trying to code, test, and debug all of the CORE features of the game. You know, the ones that actually make it playable, and that you're all taking for granted (like phasing).


Sure, there are some great examples of existing functionality you can borrow from that could reduce development time. My guess is that most of these "Industry Standard" features are already at some point along their development for SWTOR. The devs and producers at Bioware aren't blind, and they didn't develop their game in a bubble.


Oh, and your "shortly thereafter is irrelevant because shortly could mean anything" is BS. Apply your personal definition of 'shortly' and base your continued subscription on that. If 'shortly' to you is a month, go enjoy some other game. Personally mine is more like six months. If I don't see solid progression toward the introduction of some of these features by that time, I'll know they're not serious and it won't be worth investing any more time in this game.


One more comment about LFG: When I was playing Rift before they introduced it, many people were insistent it not be added (at least cross-server) because it would destroy 'the community'. I was firmly for it, thinking they were crazy. Since that time, LFR has been added to WoW, and I can say I've changed my mind. LFR magnified the problem for me. It's a deplorable cesspit of the worst of human behavior, and it ruined the last raid of Cataclysm for me.

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Oh, and your "shortly thereafter is irrelevant because shortly could mean anything" is BS. Apply your personal definition of 'shortly' and base your continued subscription on that. If 'shortly' to you is a month, go enjoy some other game. Personally mine is more like six months. If I don't see solid progression toward the introduction of some of these features by that time, I'll know they're not serious and it won't be worth investing any more time in this game.



At least they didn't say "Soon." :D

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your gonna notice in month when playerbase and people u play with no longer around.


Hang on lemme ask my guild. Nope. Haha. I'm sure some people will leave. Others will be just starting out. No biggie. Hopefully you will have moved on to something you enjoy.

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AHH my mind hurts, i am having a brilliant idea. If you think wow has better features, and swtor is lacking, why not play wow? That way you are happy. And then, when swtor gets the features you want, you can come back to swtor and have fun!


Because we thoroughly enjoy the game, but aren't in denial about the fact that it is missing key features that should have been implemented at release?


I enjoy the game, but that doesn't stop me from admitting it could have been SO much better.


I think it's funny that people assume that because someone brings up an issue about the game, that person automatically hates the game and is dissatisfied.


There is a thing called constructive criticism people.

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You were the guy saying, don't complain until the game is released, 4.5 days after Early Access aren't you?


No. I'm the guy that's played MMO's at launch before and knows the deal.


So many spoiled bnet kiddies that played WoW after TBC that didn't have a clue how broken that game was at launch.


It's the nature of the genre. If you can't deal with it, DON'T buy MMO's at launch. Wait a while.

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I compare it to WoW's launch.


One year in, I'll compare it to WoW one year in.


What this guy said ^


I do understand if its missing features that were added to WoW WAY after it launched. No one seems to be thanking BW for including a Quest Tracker in Vanilla, an amazing feature that helped you rush to 50 by spacebarring so you'd have more time to complain/troll on the forums!


Well I am grateful. thanks BW. :)


(btw, most of these "industry standard" features were at one point user created mods that were stolen and implemented, or user suggestions, they're not innovations from Bliz or any other game dev. So the best you can do, is use the suggestion box section and suggest something specific, don't clog up these forums with complaints)

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There is a thing called constructive criticism people.




So where is it? The OP isn't saying anything that hasn't been said over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again.


In fact, the OP didn't even list the things they thought could be improved. They're bashing a dev for a months old interview, using it as justification for self-admitted QQing


Threads like this are beyond constructive criticism and into the realm of ranting. If you feel the need to post about what you think the game is lacking, how about something new and exciting? There are literally hundreds of things in this game that could be fixed or improved.


I'll provide one that I haven't actually seen on the forums before: Give me a button on vendor screens that let me sell all junk items at once. If I can send my companion to sell the items with two clicks (when they actually do it that is), why can't I hand them all straight to the vendor when I'm right there?

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Nope the OP just wants and wants it now. This game has equal and already better content than anything wow has released in my opinion go ahead back to your game of recycled content no one will notice you leave.


These things you want do not get added at launch because they take more time to create and establish into a game that will work perfectly OMG NO RECOUNT I QUIT!!! Don't know if you realized this but see how easy wow is to play that would be a result from Addons You can heal in wow with one hand only using the mouse using healbot and most healers use it and the ones who don't are new and didn't know about it.


This game has been one of the smoothest launches of an MMO I have ever played and bugs is no reason to quit and even though they have said they are looking into it and have released patch notes on it you still continue to make complaints about stuff already fixed or about to be fixed.

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Of course. I would say it's common sense but that doesn't seem common any more. It's all about luring people's entertainment dollars. They want us to spend it on SW:TOR and blizzard wants us to spend it on current WoW. There are no "vanilla WoW" options that SW:TOR is competing against.


Note** at the bottom of this post I explain that we're not talking size of the game.


Vanilla doesn't exist anymore - no (triple AAA) company spending 100 + million on a title should set their sights on making a game that 7 years old. Like it or not WoW has set the MMORPG or MMO standard - so wherever that current bar is placed should be the starting point to which any new competitor should aim for (or above and beyond such)


Someone would have to be crazy if they were planning on sinking 100 million or more into a MMORPG game that wasn't going to be as good as WoW on all levels. Ask yourself this - if you were going to spend 100 million or more on a game in the same category as WoW... would you not try and reduce the risk by making sure it meets or exceeds the average WoW players expectations? - I'm speaking of "overall quality", not size or theme.


**To succeed in this market the powers at EA and BW should have known that they would have to do it better than Blizz - And that doesn't mean it needs to be bigger than WoW- but it does need to be better than WoW. It can still be different from WoW, but it still needs to play better than WoW.**

Edited by Cirq
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Note** at the bottom of this post I explain that we're not talking size of the game.


Vanilla doesn't exist anymore - no (triple AAA) company spending 100 + million on a title should set their sights on making a game that 7 years old. Like it or not WoW has set the MMORPG or MMO standard - so wherever that current bar is placed should be the starting point to which any new competitor should aim for (or above and beyond such)


Someone would have to be crazy if they were planning on sinking 100 million or more into a MMORPG game that wasn't going to be as good as WoW on all levels. Ask yourself this - if you were going to spend 100 million or more on a game in the same category as WoW... would you not try and reduce the risk by making sure it meets or exceeds the average WoW players expectations?


**To succeed in this market the powers at EA and BW should have known that they would have to do it better than Blizz - And that doesn't mean it needs to be bigger than WoW- but it does need to be better than WoW. It can still be different from WoW, but it still needs to play better than WoW.**


I am an above average WoW player. It meets and exceeds my expectations for an MMO at launch.


Did you have more evidence to back that up besides a generalization of a group that you don't fully know the opinion of? Or are we done here?

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I'm not a fanboy and I'm telling you it's stupid to compare ANY newly launched MMO to a game that's had 7-12 years of constant ongoing development.


I don't care what game it is, could be SWTOR, could be GW2, could be Tera Online, could be whatever. It's simply STUPID



Of course an older game has more content, it's had more time.

Of course an older game has more feature, it's had more time.

Of course an older game is more polished, it's had more time.

Of course an older game has less bugs, it's had more time.


Ok, just to paraphrase what you're saying:


If a new player decides to play and MMO and looks at the market, they should choose to play WoW now until SW:TOR has had a few years to "catch up" because wow has more content, more features, more polish and less bugs.


Am I correct?

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Note** at the bottom of this post I explain that we're not talking size of the game.


Vanilla doesn't exist anymore - no (triple AAA) company spending 100 + million on a title should set their sights on making a game that 7 years old. Like it or not WoW has set the MMORPG or MMO standard - so wherever that current bar is placed should be the starting point to which any new competitor should aim for (or above and beyond such)


Someone would have to be crazy if they were planning on sinking 100 million or more into a MMORPG game that wasn't going to be as good as WoW on all levels. Ask yourself this - if you were going to spend 100 million or more on a game in the same category as WoW... would you not try and reduce the risk by making sure it meets or exceeds the average WoW players expectations?


**To succeed in this market the powers at EA and BW should have known that they would have to do it better than Blizz - And that doesn't mean it needs to be bigger than WoW- but it does need to be better than WoW. It can still be different from WoW, but it still needs to play better than WoW.**



I'd also like to add, comparing ToR to X-game is ludicrous, you're trying to climb an already slippery slope. No one wants to hear it and everyone has their opinion regarding it. The truth of the matter is and I feel this is what the OP was trying to explain. Content will be forth-coming. It's part of the nature of MMO's you tend to not have a lot of it at the start and a ton of it later down the line. BUT, for an MMO to not have all the advantags and advances that a game it's trying to emulate and surpass is plain stupid. We aren't asking for extra land mass with moons and stars and more raids, we're asking for basic rudimentary advances that for the past 7+years we've fought to gain only to not see it in a new game. Sure it will take time, but some of these missing things to be honest, should have been added prior to lauch

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No offense but...I wish the wow heads would understand that their game is just a plain rip off of other systems that is pieced together. Blizzard plagiarized directly from the warhammer lore and art work directly from the table top games. I am really surprised Games Workshop has never sued them. They took the game play of Everquest and built upon it despite their RTS version of Warcraft.


I am tired of the World of Warcraft references and systems that people want for SWTOR. Do try and think originally please. I know creativity is a highly regulated process these days due to snotty little green nose buggers with fat bellies and pimples...wowheads are starting to become like gold spammers.

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