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Hardmode Flashpoints; No loot variance for premade groups

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I've kept track of this; we usually run with me as Guardian tank, Sage healer, Commando dps and the 4th guy varies between Sentinel dps, Commando dps or Scoundrel dps. It is always either our usual Commando or Sage making the group.


In 2 full weeks of 6 Hardmodes a day (Taral V sub-30 mins by now, since we have to keep running it for gloves), we've received a grand total of 4 Guardian pieces. Legs, offhand, Head, boots. 75% of our loot is Jedi Consular loot.


It is getting to the point where it is ridiculous. Our Sage Healer got 3 full sets of Columi. Our trooper is missing one piece for his full set. I am missing chest, bracers, gloves still. After 14 days * 6 HM's a day. That is 84 Hardmode runs.


It's easy for anyone to say that "random loot is random", but considering the statistical probability of this, well... Maybe we're just unlucky. Just as we were in WoW running BT every week for 11 full months before getting our first Cursed Vision of Sargeras.


Random loot is not random; it is determined by a generator approximating something random defined from a set of parameters.

Edited by Averran
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I'm saying if you flip a coin and get heads 5 times, and I flip the same coin 5 times and get all tails, the coin is probably balanced.


Your conclusion would be that EVERY time I flip the coin I am going to get tails and every time you flip the coin you are going to get heads.


Yup, I understand now.. we're using the same coin.


edit: not that I don't believe there may be something skewing the seeds for these premade groups though. :D

Edited by DaveMcG
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For all the people who keep getting the same class loot in HMs:


Does the same person loot the boss/chest in your premade? Is it always the guardian tank? Always the greedy little smuggler? The healing sorc?


While NOTHING is proved, our little group noticed that we would always get an OVERWHELMING amount trooper gear whenever the smuggler would loot the chest/boss. The more we rotated who would loot, the more variance in gear we got.


Try it out, it may produce some results for you :)


Our particular group of 4 tried changing leader, person who zoned in, person who looted. Seemed to make no difference.

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I'm saying if you flip a coin and get heads 5 times, and I flip the same coin 5 times and get all tails, the coin is probably balanced.


Your conclusion would be that EVERY time I flip the coin I am going to get tails and every time you flip the coin you are going to get heads.


And that's exactly what we have experienced in our group. Every single time we do False Emperor we get Jedi Knight gear (no Jedi Knight in the group btw). That's every day for a week. And the same in other hard modes. It's not 60% of the time. Or 75%. It's 100% of the time. It's repeatable.


The loot system simply needs to pick a random party member and drop the loot for his class, or pick from 1 to 4 and drop that class. Get rid of the (broken) complicated system.

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Honestly I'm thinking loot is determined by the timestamp of the instance when its created.


I highly doubt that is the case. Although a friend and I (sorc and jugg) just started alts earlier today and decided to power through BT to get to 14. I can say at least 70% of the gear was for inquisitors. Not once did I see the marauder or agent chest pieces, no lightsabers except for the assassin one twice, the bounty hunters boots every single time from the first bosses (I went light he went dark so we mixed it up occasionally) and at the end the jugg I was running this with only had the gloves which dropped from some trash. Not the best class variance I know but we ran it 6 or 7 times and it was pretty clear when we were done that there has to be something throwing off the rolls for the loot tables.

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Hey all,


Our standard group has been running hardmodes for the last 2 weeks. It's typically a guardian tank, sage healer, commando dps, and sentinel dps. We are seeing next to zero variance in drops when running with this premade group.


The couple times we have swapped out a member or two, is the only time we've seen different drops.


Take False Emperor for example. We've run it 13 times and seen the smuggler jacket 11 of those times. Twice it's been the Trooper jacket and those 2 times we had swapped out members.


Are other premade groups seeing this? Don't bother telling me random is random. I know how streaks are possible, but I'd love to know if other people that run with the SAME GROUP are seeing very little variance in drops.




same. we ran false emp close to 10 times HM and all we have seen is smug and Troop chest piece drop. no knight or cons

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Thanks to the new guys in the thread.


Still waiting for the people who run with the same 4 all the time to tell us they've seen different.


I do have some good news to report on my personal quest for chest from Malgus however.


We took some different people through False Emp tonight and found the magic combination for Consular chest to drop..


Or, if it really is reverse weighting towards a class not present, we got lucky. :D

Edited by DaveMcG
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Ran with our static through all HM flashpoints for 5 days in a row this week just to test.


Everytime I'm lead (I'm a sin tank) we got SW gear. Not a single variation.


So we put the IA in charge... BH gear! Woowhooo!


Party makeup: Sin Tank, Inq Healer, IA DPS, IA DPS.

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Thanks to the new guys in the thread.


Still waiting for the people who run with the same 4 all the time to tell us they've seen different.


I do have some good news to report on my personal quest for chest from Malgus however.


We took some different people through False Emp tonight and found the magic combination for Consular chest to drop..


Or, if it really is reverse weighting towards a class not present, we got lucky. :D


Its not weighting against a class not present. Its not weighting at all. Its just using a bunch of non-random factors to trigger the loot, and those factors are easy to reproduce. Thats all.

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All I ever see is BH gear, BH gear, BH gear!


Youd think there was a million bhs are my server!(when in fact its flooded with inquisitors)


Its strange, some runs, its all light gear, and thats nice, since we have 2 sins and a sorc running in my normal group, but most nights, its litterally 3-1 BH gear. Last night, CWG, in the 3 chests we got,1:bh helm, 2:bh legs, 3:bh blaster and sin tank legs(which i got thankfully). There was a random BH orange helm drop as well.


The night before, it was 3 light armor drops, the night before that, all BH.


The variance is def wonky. I know its RNG, but it just seems like they could improve upon the system. Make it sway to the people in the FP(i know companions can wear it, but still). Either that, or actually give us damn rewards for the quests. I have no idea why there are no rewards for the most difficult quests.

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Ran another FP with a different party member than usual and lo and behold, we saw some non standard loot.


Hardly a workable solution when we like to run with the same crew however.


I do want to point out, this isn't me QQing about not having my gear. I am full Columi or better. This is to bring an apparent bug to light.

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I know anecdotal evidence is anecdotal, random drops are random and RNG is RNG but I have also experienced an issue similar to the OPs.


A guild static i was running with recently was setup BHx2 (tank, dps), SW (dps), SI (heals). EVERYTHING was SW loot. Over the course of about 2 weeks, we ran every hardmode daily to gear up. By the end of that 2 weeks, the SW was 5/5 on his columi dps set and 4/5 on his tanking set. The rest of us had 1-2 pieces at most, none of us had 3 (I think the SI's IA companion was 5/5 also).

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I ran 3 HM's today, getting 4 Columni drops, all for Trooper. I know this is supposed to be random, but its ridiculous. I've run about 15 HM's and only once has a JK piece dropped. This game has so many things that don't work properly, I'm starting to think this is one of them.
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It's pretty easy to say RNG is RNG when you don't do the math. We're talking a 1 in hundreds of thousands of chance to see 11 out of 13 be the same. Hell, we might be into the millions by now.


There's your problem, any computer RNG is not truly random, it's pseudorandom and can (sometimes quite easily) fall in to repeating patterns. eg. pvp bags, I've had a straight run of 15 no tokens followed by 5 tokens. Statistically improbable (as opposed to impossible), but there ya go.


That is not to say there isn't some sort of seed problem, that might be addressed, causing a recurring pattern, but a significant amount of suspicion falls first on the RNG just giving you the same result repeatedly.

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I want to add that last night we ran a full sith inquisitor group (Assassin tank and dps with Sorcerer heals and dps) in Heroic Kaon.


Nothing but Bounty Hunter (aim) and Marauder gear dropped (str).


So you ran with 2/8 classes (and 1/4 main stats) and did not get your gear?

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My group ran the same 4 people through the new HM flashpoint 4 times and did the bonus boss each time. So 8x columi head tokens. We did not have the same drops each time. Group was Jugg/PT/Sorc/Sorc. We had:






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False Emperor HM is the only one I'm seeing the problems with no loot variance when running with the same 4 people. Well, at least that's the only one I've run enough times with the same 4 people, that has utterly identical drops everytime, to create an informed opinion on.


My usual group just stopped doing False Emperor because of this, I'll have to go there with random people I guess. The problem could exist in other HM flashpoints as well, I just haven't run them enough times with my static group to come to that conclusion.

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Hey all,


Our standard group has been running hardmodes for the last 2 weeks. It's typically a guardian tank, sage healer, commando dps, and sentinel dps. We are seeing next to zero variance in drops when running with this premade group.


The couple times we have swapped out a member or two, is the only time we've seen different drops.


Take False Emperor for example. We've run it 13 times and seen the smuggler jacket 11 of those times. Twice it's been the Trooper jacket and those 2 times we had swapped out members.


Are other premade groups seeing this? Don't bother telling me random is random. I know how streaks are possible, but I'd love to know if other people that run with the SAME GROUP are seeing very little variance in drops.




Yes Absloutely i created a thread saying the exact same thing. It is always the exact same thing ,) force user equipment 75% bounty hunter and 25% Operative. The group make up of 1 Jug, 1, sorc, 1 OP, 1 BH a static group we break the content for the guild and hand out the strats for the groups who have trouble. its every single time the same exact issue you are having.

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False Emperor HM is the only one I'm seeing the problems with no loot variance when running with the same 4 people. Well, at least that's the only one I've run enough times with the same 4 people, that has utterly identical drops everytime, to create an informed opinion on.


My usual group just stopped doing False Emperor because of this, I'll have to go there with random people I guess. The problem could exist in other HM flashpoints as well, I just haven't run them enough times with my static group to come to that conclusion.


It exists across the board believe me i have posted several threads on this we have seen 2 pieces of force user gear in over 30 HM FP's. its mostly bounty hunter gear. Unfortunately this is a known issue . we are now just seeing the majority of the population at endgame so i suspect more and more threads over the next week. I have already canceled my sub until this issue is addressed. Ill re sub once clarifcation of an adjustment.

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Our group is seeing mostly BH drops from all HM bosses. I'd say is 80% or higher. Repeat drops every time. We even have a running joke about gearing up our PT tank companions.


We've been running HM's for about a week now. We've done all of them except D7 multiple times, and we are seeing so little variance.


Our main group consist of BH tank, Sin DPS, Sorc DPS, and Sorc Healer.


We do change the group make up now and again. Sometimes we will have 2x Sin DPS instead of a sorc DPS. However, the BH loot still drops.


Overall, we are enjoying the challenge of HM's, but we sure would like to get our DPS and healer geared. (We have a lot of trouble with the bonus Kaon boss. DPS/Healer checked)


We are so tired of getting repeat BH drops on our Columi pieces. Heck, we'd even take more variation on our Tionese drops, which aren't all that great.


I got dibs on the next Aim gun w/power crystal that drops off of the behemoth in Kaon (I'm the healer).


Too bad he won't drop a dang main hand that useable for anyone but a BH.


Please listen to us Bioware. Please!!!!!!!

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Our group is seeing mostly BH drops from all HM bosses. I'd say is 80% or higher. Repeat drops every time. We even have a running joke about gearing up our PT tank companions.


We've been running HM's for about a week now. We've done all of them except D7 multiple times, and we are seeing so little variance.


Our main group consist of BH tank, Sin DPS, Sorc DPS, and Sorc Healer.


We do change the group make up now and again. Sometimes we will have 2x Sin DPS instead of a sorc DPS. However, the BH loot still drops.


Overall, we are enjoying the challenge of HM's, but we sure would like to get our DPS and healer geared. (We have a lot of trouble with the bonus Kaon boss. DPS/Healer checked)


We are so tired of getting repeat BH drops on our Columi pieces. Heck, we'd even take more variation on our Tionese drops, which aren't all that great.


I got dibs on the next Aim gun w/power crystal that drops off of the behemoth in Kaon (I'm the healer).


Too bad he won't drop a dang main hand that useable for anyone but a BH.


Please listen to us Bioware. Please!!!!!!!


We are seing the same thing been doing HM for 2 weeks , 1 jug tank, 1 heal sorc, 1 BH dps, 1 OP, dps. 75 precent BH and 24 OP gear. ill give 1% for the DPS lightsaber we got of HK . all of our compaions are geared with BH eqipment and OPS equipment as well as the 2 having multiple sets.

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