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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This game just isn't finished.


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I honestly have no problem running this game. Runs just as good as WoW did with an occasional bug.


It's not about how the game runs.


Here's an example- I play an Immortal Juggernaut. Let's say I'm being wailed on by 5 enemies. I hit Crushing Blow, but I'm parrying their attacks. Crushing blow won't start to activate until the parry animations finish, which hurts my threat generation.


Also, for some reason retaliate often doesn't activate. It's the only ability I have that does this.

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I love this game and will play it until the end, but i fear that it may be dying, the population has dropped significantly and it still is dropping, if Bioware would just hurry up with the bug fixes, i think the population would start to rise.


You ever play another MMO before? Every MMO loses lots of users after the free month, even WOW did.

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I have:


i7-2600 Sandy Bridge 3.4GHz (3.8GHz Turbo Boost) LGA 1155 95W Quad-Core

EVGA Geforce GTX 580 1536MB SuperClocked

G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333 (PC3 10666)


and this game still runs like crap after last patch in Illum when more than 30 people are onscreen and it runs like crap at the imperial fleet.


This rig blows any game I play out of the water. Why does SWTOR run like S**t??

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This normally happens with computer systems that are poorly maintained and updated, meaning drivers are out of date, windows updates are not installed, poorly configured security software/hardware, etc. People just like to blame the maker of a game for their computer running like crap.


This. I'm running WinXP pro 4gb ddr3 ram 512mb geforce 6800gt 3ghz intel core2 duo and it runs the game like a dream on 1280x1024 high graphics settings. I keep everything up to date weekly. Tell your friend to do the same.

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It's not about how the game runs.


Here's an example- I play an Immortal Juggernaut. Let's say I'm being wailed on by 5 enemies. I hit Crushing Blow, but I'm parrying their attacks. Crushing blow won't start to activate until the parry animations finish, which hurts my threat generation.


Also, for some reason retaliate often doesn't activate. It's the only ability I have that does this.


What your saying is you want each attack to take precedence over the current attack should you hit the button?


Honestly though even WoW had trouble with this. If you did something like "thunder clap" but while your guy was in mid air you start spamming "rend" the character wont just cancel "thunder clap" and replace it with rend.


All spells and abilities in any mmo have some sort of animation and i really dont remember a single one that was any better or worse then the way the abilities work in this game.


Tanks could use better threat production i wont argue that, but i just dont see this "lag you're talking about being better or worse then any other mmo.

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I play on a core i5 2500K with smooth response.


My friend who bought the game with me plays on an i5 760 and hasn't played in weeks. Most laid back guy in the world...what's wrong!? "It's just annoyingly unresponsive." I had to see for myself. And it is!


Only conclusion...coding must be really rough. What a mess.


Some things you have to see to believe. This is very real and I've never seen anything like it in any other MMO. This is not "just a bug."


I've seen it and experienced it on different machines and I think it's really pretty common - for example the Rift forums are full of posts about how high end machines have problems... WOW has/and had similar issues. Skyrim runs like a dog for a friend of mine and is great for me. The problem will be either a hardware or software environment anomally. It's well known ATI cards can bum out on some games that Nvidia run fine and vice versa. Same story with processors and it's down to their manufacturers to work with BW to come up with a fix. Pinning down exactly what the problem is is frustratingly tricky I give you that but blaming the game itself as a blanket statement based on your friend is pretty stupid tbh.


I run on 3 different specced machines not a problem on any of them so go figure :D

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I play on a 6+ year old Gateway XPS500. Of course the graphics are turned down, but it runs pretty fine and is very stable.


How is it that the game runs horrible on better machines but fine on mine? Tell your friend to turn down his graphics. His machine isn't as good as he thinks it is.


I can hardly believe this.What are its specs.

Edited by Rigota
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I play on a core i5 2500K with smooth response.


My friend who bought the game with me plays on an i5 760 and hasn't played in weeks. Most laid back guy in the world...what's wrong!? "It's just annoyingly unresponsive." I had to see for myself. And it is!


Only conclusion...coding must be really rough. What a mess.


Some things you have to see to believe. This is very real and I've never seen anything like it in any other MMO. This is not "just a bug."


LOL... the CPU is only small equation in this factor.


I also play on an i5 760, but the game runs smooth as silk for me, on MAX settings.


But I also have a crucial SATA3 SSD, 12GB ram, 2GB 5870 video card...


Tell us the rest of the story before bashing the game....


I also play this game on an old Core 2 Duo at my mother in laws house. On Win XP with 2GB RAM! And it plays just fine there too... (6850 video card FTW!)

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I have:


i7-2600 Sandy Bridge 3.4GHz (3.8GHz Turbo Boost) LGA 1155 95W Quad-Core

EVGA Geforce GTX 580 1536MB SuperClocked

G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333 (PC3 10666)


and this game still runs like crap after last patch in Illum when more than 30 people are onscreen and it runs like crap at the imperial fleet.


This rig blows any game I play out of the water. Why does SWTOR run like S**t??


I have the same rig basically. Mine runs fine. Update your mb, drivers, download updates, check for ram integrity. I run at 80+ fps and never dip below 50 so....

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I'm pretty sure the OP and his friend don't have this problem with other games, like myself.


I can play any game just fine, Rift, WoW, EQ2 (EQ2 is a monstrous thing, so playing it by "ok" standards really isn't saying much), and other MMOs. NEVER had the issues i'm having with this game.


This is a correct assumption.

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I have the same rig basically. Mine runs fine. Update your mb, drivers, download updates, check for ram integrity. I run at 80+ fps and never dip below 50 so....


I have did all that when I built it less than a month ago. Illum is still crap for me. We have around 2-3 ops groups running at the same area and when we hit an ops or two group of pubs freezing, and crashes. I've never had any problems with any game but SWTOR with this rig.

Edited by Tiam
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What your saying is you want each attack to take precedence over the current attack should you hit the button?


Honestly though even WoW had trouble with this. If you did something like "thunder clap" but while your guy was in mid air you start spamming "rend" the character wont just cancel "thunder clap" and replace it with rend.


All spells and abilities in any mmo have some sort of animation and i really dont remember a single one that was any better or worse then the way the abilities work in this game.


Tanks could use better threat production i wont argue that, but i just dont see this "lag you're talking about being better or worse then any other mmo.


Don't get me wrong, I love this game. It's superior to WoW. I'm just talking about one problem it has that negatively impacts my gameplay.


Essentially what I want is for attacking to clip defensive animations. I'm not saying it's easy, I don't know crap about coding. I think it would make this game better.

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I'm playing with a Core Duo 3.0 GHZ processor, 4 GB of RAM, a 1 GB nVidia GTX 460 Cyclone video card and Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit. I play with settings all on high, framerates reliably stay above 40 (the point past which it isn't even noticeable) even on Fleet, and I have no responsiveness issues at all.


Sounds like the issue is with your friend's computer, OP, not with the game itself.

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Built both machines myself. Similar in most respects, his vid cards faster than mine. Great FPS, primary complaint is this ~200 ms lag in combat execution. Had to see it for myself.


Nice game, otherwise.


So you built both systems, and one works great, and the other does not???


And it's a game coding problem????????? How do you know??


Time to troubleshoot.

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I have did all that when I built it less than a month ago. Illum is still crap for me. We have around 2-3 ops groups running at the same area and when we hit an ops or two group of pubs freezing, and crashes. I've never had any problems with any game but SWTOR with this rig.


Hmm internet maybe. I have no problems with illum, other than its beyond broken right now for valor ect. I run on a ssd and have a 20m connection, wired.

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Among all (all!) the mmos released during the last 7 years,

swtor is the most "finished" and "polished".

You dont know what you're talking about.

And most problably have never played an mmo to post such non-senses.

Actually, tbh, I would have to say Rift was polished the same way. Too bad the gameplay sucked. At least SWTOR's gameplay is effing amazing! :D :D :D

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How did this become an issue of system specs? It sounds like the op is talking about "responsiveness". The game is horrendously unresponsive and everyone has been complaining. Look for the ability delay thread, or better yet look at the sticky at the very top of the forum.


Don't say the game is responsive for you, it is not. This has been discussed to an endless degree already

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So when my abilities like stealth dont fire after 9 button presses my i7, 550Ti, 8g of ram and new motherboard are the problem!


Do you people just defend EVERYTHING bioware does?




Among all (all!) the mmos released during the last 7 years,

swtor is the most "finished" and "polished".

You dont know what you're talking about.

And most problably have never played an mmo to post such non-senses.



I am going to call BS on you. How about I make you a video of me spamming my stealth and not entering it OR using maul, getting the animation but no damage, only for the gcd to fire and it become useable again?


I swear some of you have to be plants, no on would be this oblivious to the blatant delays in this game.

Edited by Liberate
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Hmm internet maybe. I have no problems with illum, other than its beyond broken right now for valor ect. I run on a ssd and have a 20m connection, wired.


I have 30m wired connection too..It's aggravating...It shouldn't be having any problems at all :(

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Define 'annoyingly unresponsive' ? MMO's != twitch shooters


In terms of responsiveness this game is more or less on par with other MMO's I've played (WoW, better than FFXI, better than FFXIV, Rift, LOTRO)

Edited by talligan
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So when my abilities like stealth dont fire after 9 button presses my i7, 550Ti, 8g of ram and new motherboard are the problem!


Do you people just defend EVERYTHING bioware does?





I am going to call BS on you. How about I make you a video of me spamming my stealth and not entering it OR using maul, getting the animation but no damage, only for the gcd to fire and it become useable again?


I swear some of you have to be plants, no on would be this oblivious to the blatant delays in this game.


This happens to me too, my skills aren't firing off like they should be after this last patch.

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