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Is this really a subscription based MMO?


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I would like to ask if this game will be a real subscription based MMO, where you only have to pay 15 bucks a month, and then you have access to ALL the content, or are they going to follow the abomination that is WoW, who are litterally taking money every way they can?
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Uhm, not sure what the WOW reference is about. But yes, when you pay for this game, you have access to all content. I'm sure they will release expansions down the road that may require something on top of the $15/month, but that's the trend of pretty much every MMO.
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MMOs have always been charging subscription fees. On the back of the game's box it clearly mentions subscription fees. Don't like it? Go find a free-to-play MMO like LOTRO.


EDIT: In reference to WoW, all the content they have in the Blizzard store is OPTIONAL and for looks... so if that's what you mean, that's rather trivial.

Edited by AnnaEliz
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I would like to ask if this game will be a real subscription based MMO, where you only have to pay 15 bucks a month, and then you have access to ALL the content, or are they going to follow the abomination that is WoW, who are litterally taking money every way they can?


So, in your opinion what is a "real subscription based MMO" if SWTOR and WoW are not?

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I would like to ask if this game will be a real subscription based MMO, where you only have to pay 15 bucks a month, and then you have access to ALL the content, or are they going to follow the abomination that is WoW, who are litterally taking money every way they can?


I believe he is making a statement that in order to get certain things in WoW you have to now purchase it on their website. Rare pets, special mounts, etc.

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I would like to ask if this game will be a real subscription based MMO, where you only have to pay 15 bucks a month, and then you have access to ALL the content, or are they going to follow the abomination that is WoW, who are litterally taking money every way they can?


what content are you missing?!?


i have access to all the content, all the classes, all the races that are available.


- if you are refering to the Legacy system ... its not even created yet so there is no content to be missing.


- if you are refering to other races that appear to be missing ... they were never even available in beta, so you're not missing anything.


- if you are refering to the VIP lounge area ... you should have bought the CE for access or just get a million credits and get access for yourself. (by the way, its nothing special)


so i have no idea what your crying about... an MMO is an ever changing and upgrading game, thats what you are paying for, for people to create new content, to keep the game evolving.


if you want a free MMO, go play something else and complain about the "stripped down" version of the game that everyone else is playing ... here's some suggestions

1. Everquest 2

2. Dungeons and Dragons Online

3. DC Universe Online

4. Guild Wars 1 & 2

there are others but who cares ...

Edited by Tharag
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I believe he is making a statement that in order to get certain things in WoW you have to now purchase it on their website. Rare pets, special mounts, etc.


this would be my guess as well. Either that or he's commenting on needing to pay for server/name/faction/race changes, etc.


Either way, those aren't "content".

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I believe he is making a statement that in order to get certain things in WoW you have to now purchase it on their website. Rare pets, special mounts, etc.


So just like the DD or CE versions of SWTOR right? LOL


If you think EA wont take every opportunity to micro transaction the living crap out of you, then you have not bought an EA game before. Trust me, there will be multitudes of "optional" content that you can pay real money for. Much more than WoW, just give EA some time to get their fingers into ur pockets...

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Sorry for not being clear enough, i'm pretty bad at explaining.


My point is that if the game has a subscription, you should have access to all the content, even the expansion packs.



That explains it pretty well.


If SWTOR will follow WoW's way of charging for everything, i'll stop subscribing :/

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Sorry for not being clear enough, i'm pretty bad at explaining.


My point is that if the game has a subscription, you should have access to all the content, even the expansion packs.



That explains it pretty well.


If SWTOR will follow WoW's way of charging for everything, i'll stop subscribing :/


All MMOs charge for expansions. Even Guild Wars and that didn't have a monthly fee.

Edited by iain_b
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Sorry for not being clear enough, i'm pretty bad at explaining.


My point is that if the game has a subscription, you should have access to all the content, even the expansion packs.



That explains it pretty well.


If SWTOR will follow WoW's way of charging for everything, i'll stop subscribing :/


Seriously? Why did you pay for the game in the first place then? By that logic you shouldn't have had to pay the $60+ for the box.

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My point is that if it is a subscription based game, the expansion shouldn't cost additional money.


Why not? Subscription fees cover running costs, major content patches within an expansion, and profit. It doesn't cover the costs to put out the massive amount of content that's in an Expansion.

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My point is that if it is a subscription based game, the expansion shouldn't cost additional money.


o.O What do you think they use to pay the people who make the content? Wishes and moonbeams?


Edit - Sorry, let me add to be constructive. While those of us who have posted already don't speak for Bioware, it's safe to assume that if/when expansions come out for SWTOR, we will all have to buy them.

Edited by CrimsinPagan
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Check the video i linked


The cost for upkeep is a lot smaller these days, the cost per person is under a dollar per month.

And is the content given between major expansions really worth 180 dollars a year?


In wow, they just release a new raid and then let you play it for 6 months or more.


They're just exploiting you for money.

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My point is that if it is a subscription based game, the expansion shouldn't cost additional money.


And that's ridiculous.


Your monthly subscription fees are paying for the maintenance and upkeep on the game servers, bandwidth and overhead associated with running 1,000s of servers across the globe.

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Check the video i linked


The cost for upkeep is a lot smaller these days, the cost per person is under a dollar per month.

And is the content given between major expansions really worth 180 dollars a year?


In wow, they just release a new raid and then let you play it for 6 months or more.


They're just exploiting you for money.


I don't need to look at your video to know it's ridiculous. Also as I said it's not just about upkeep, it's also about adding in new content throughout the expansion and PROFIT. This is a business after all. It's called Capitalism and if you don't like it don't subscribe but I challenge you to find something that offers as much entertainment for only $0.50 a day. $15 in most places is 1 movie.

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So many people are misunderstanding what he is saying. He's asking if this game supports microtransactions, and he's making the statement that any game that supports microtransactions is not a 'true' subscription based MMO. That's all.
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So many people are misunderstanding what he is saying. He's asking if this game supports microtransactions, and he's making the statement that any game that supports microtransactions is not a 'true' subscription based MMO. That's all.


No, he's not. Read the rest of his posts. He's saying that if you have to pay for expansions it's not a 'true' subscription-based MMO.

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I don't need to look at your video to know it's ridiculous. Also as I said it's not just about upkeep, it's also about adding in new content throughout the expansion and PROFIT. This is a business after all. It's called Capitalism and if you don't like it don't subscribe but I challenge you to find something that offers as much entertainment for only $0.50 a day. $15 in most places is 1 movie.


Is the content you're given in wow really worth 360 $? Was wrath of the lich king worth 400 dollars? Sure, you might say raiding made it better. But thats because you played with friends.


We don't need to overpay this, just look at the video, the server costs for NCsoft are 4 million (per month i think) for all their MMOs, they don't need to charge for everything. But they will as long as the people pay.



Also, mr hutt guy who called me a troll, GW wasn't a subscription based mmo, it was buy to play, and it sold enough games and is still making enough money that the servers are still online.

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