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*SPOILERS*Why was Revan and so much in kotor retconned


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this is a silly thread. If this was kotor 3 and you killed an important character int he story no one would complain. You have to remember in the context of the story, there arent 100-200 people killing revan every day. It happens once and only once in your story and in the stories I have played your made out to be a very special person (even though yes there are 1000's and 1000's of you. In YOUR story, you are a unique hero, which Is why you get to do all this heroic stuff like killing powerful main characters. This is another obviously stupid rant on this rant filled forum.
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For all the people wishing Revan were stronger, you should have leveled up faster and faced Revan in Hard Mode Foundry while he still was doing 70,000 damage a tick with his Force Lightning.


In any event, I highly doubt you "killed" Revan. Not only did you not get his health to 0%, but there also was a Republic ship floating above him at the end of the flight.

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I was initially disappointed but it is clear that we have not seen the last of Revan or HK. He was clearly not killed in the battle. And the Exile was given a decent role as well. Time will tell what BW will take these characters.
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Look, I have to pop in here to say this..


This whole business of video game boss character 'strength' has always irked me.


Gameplay wise, it's fun to have difficulty with a group of a couple dozen players trying to take down the emperor or whomever big boss man. But President Obama is not a collossus who could single-handedly invade and crush North Korea; he's not our frontline military firehouse despite arguably being the highest 'level' character in the US. Nor was Alexander the Great capable of slicing persians day-in day-out, while barely breaking a sweat. One of the issues that I've always had with Blizzard's storytelling is that their bosses actually are that strong, and it makes for a rather weak plot in my mind.


Revan can die to a bad infection. If he's stabbed in the brain, he's dead; kaput, a child could accidentally do it to him in his sleep. This is just one area where video game mechanics and the "roleplay" aspects of the universe simply have to diverge.


Besides that - Revan died all the dang TIME in KOTOR. That's what quick-save was for! He wasn't swatting around everything that moved like fleas. His true strength was in his sheer charisma, determination, and ballsiness - his ability to lead.

Edited by Lheim
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Besides that - Revan died all the dang TIME in KOTOR. That's what quick-save was for! He wasn't swatting around everything that moved like fleas. His true strength was in his sheer charisma, determination, and ballsiness - his ability to lead.


And to have good gear and proper save timing? :p



"Damned Imperials! You might defeat me now, but I shall quick--wait, no quickload here?!" *POOF!*


Edited by GhostRiderLSOV
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DarthMoord just shut it
How about you? It's clear to anyone paying attention that your arguments aren't based on any kind of valid thought process and are simply a result of your emotional investment in what was your avatar.
no one cares about your arguing points as so many others have said its based off of opinion.
Opinions can be valid and invalid, when we're talking about objective data some form of logic must be use to come to that opinion. You have none.
and at some point someone said he was "one of the strongest JEDI of his time" not sith as you keep saying but jedi. And when he's fighting the emperor he's doing so as a JEDI so stop comparing him to sith that's his former self not how he is now. And as for you saying Caedus is so pro. not so much is hack job sister cuts his arm off and he continued to fight even at the expense of his injuries and he dies.
You're not really helping yourself, by the end of NJO Jaina is one of the most powerful Jedi ever, far in excess of Revan.
well now sounds like a great death for a sith lord i mean it took Vader throwing the emperor down a nearly bottomless pit but he loses an arm and then has the stupidity to continue the attack with one arm and unhealed wounds instead of being smart as he has proven himself to be in the past very strong indeed.
so in conclusion no one cares its a matter of opinion you may have some facts but not all of them.
It's not a matter of opinion. Other Jedi and Sith have far greater feats of power than Revan ever has.
revan could be capable of so much more then he is now only the creator of revan has an idea of where he will end up.
Of course he's capable of more, but it would make no sense. It already takes the Empires four greatest heroes to kill him, what more do you *********** want?
death is immanent in his future but his story has been a good one and many people enjoy it. and if you dont believe revan to be strong then his symbolism that has held followers for centuries and produced darth bane.
All irrelevant
im seeing that yes he was powerful but in a way the other sith never were and that was that he had charisma and he was an intellectual beyond his years and that my good sir is a strength far greater then raw power in its own.
Except it isn't. Intelligence is great and I value it far more than raw strength, however, Revan doesn't have that either.
so checkmate and all that other malarky and just cut the crap.
Concession Accepted.
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Please use some paragraphs next time. :)


Makes it easier for people to read and understand you. ;)


No it doesn't. Even when you decipher the text blocks he still can't string together a cogent thought.


PS: CommunitySupport I honestly don't care if you consider it insulting. Stating that he can't form a compelling argument is not an insult, it's a statement of fact. I suggest you learn the meaning of words before you go handing out infractions next time. However, this time I'll do the work for you:






convincing or believable by virtue of forcible, clear, or incisive presentation; telling.


to the point; relevant; pertinent.


His post was neither of these two.

Edited by DarthMoord
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The problem is that "Level" is an abstract thing. You never see anyone in a Star Wars video game say something like "You fool, I'm twenty levels above you! How do you ever hope to beat me!"


Your characters in the game aren't mid-level. They're just dudes. Tough dudes, tricky dudes, clever dudes, whatever. And Revan, he's another dude. He might have been a powerful dude, but in "real life" terms, he doesn't have 40,000 more hit points than you do. You don't have to chop at his arm 40 times with a vibroblade before it cuts it clean off.

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The problem is that "Level" is an abstract thing. You never see anyone in a Star Wars video game say something like "You fool, I'm twenty levels above you! How do you ever hope to beat me!"


Your characters in the game aren't mid-level. They're just dudes. Tough dudes, tricky dudes, clever dudes, whatever. And Revan, he's another dude. He might have been a powerful dude, but in "real life" terms, he doesn't have 40,000 more hit points than you do. You don't have to chop at his arm 40 times with a vibroblade before it cuts it clean off.


Love your name, love your post.

Edited by Lheim
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Agreed. Even if he's been through 300 years of losing his power, He's supposed to be this great character, even before that in his book he's beaten by the Emperor, again. Sure, he lasted and fought well against him, but the book kinda made him, and the Jedi Exile seem weak. I mean, they hade the Jedi Exile get easily backstabbed, and don't show off their super above average force abilities.

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2. You killed Revan, and he's now one with the force? Really? Did his cloak, armor, and mask got left behind after the purple flash of light just like Obi-Wan's robes did when he was struck down or ... http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Fold_space


Direct counter.


It's still up in the air whether he is or isn't gone. We have two polar opposite examples of this occuring, too - Shaak Ti (lightside) and Sidious (darkside), so no matter what side of the Force he was on at the time of the incident has precedent for unleashing an energy burst upon death.


Did he die, or vanish? I honestly hope it's the former, because while I loved KotOR 1/2, I'm tired of getting Revan smashed in my face in-game as it is. I get why they did it, but that doesn't make it any more or less tiresome to hear him come up.


I see his name and just mash 'space' at this point. It's sometimes terrifying what over-saturation can do...

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i personaly do not think he is dead, if you think about it, Revan has been the flagship character for Bioware when it comes to kotor..even in kotor 2 people wanted to see revan..they wanted to gain influence with krea so they could get information on what happend to revan..


the other character was also Meetra (the exile) but its been said in the book and shown in swtor that she is infact dead, if there is one character bioware would strive to keep alive and use for more content it will be Revan. alot of people play swtor as Kotor 3 and not an MMO and bioware understand that so it wouldnt make sence for them to kill off the character that everyone grew to love so much.


atleast not this early anyway..perhaps he finaly will meet his end sometime in later content but for now i think he is still alive. i apreciate the guy aboves mes point but i think Bioware would give revan a death to be remembered...not just POOF! im dead..

Edited by CrymzenSith
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Few mid leveled random characters?..

Let me tell you who defeated Revan, The canon part of the story is that an IA, BH, SW and SI defeated Revan. So in reality who killed Revan were..



The best BH in the galaxy, A soon to be Dark Council member, The Emperor's Wrath and the best IA of the empire.



Revan.. I don't even understand why he be so special, Just like many others he saw both sides of the force. Still dont understand what "mastering both sides of the force" means, You're either dark or light.. you canät be both at the same time, if you are what does that mean?


"Once you go down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.." -- Yoda


The above is 100% fact that Revan CANNOT control both sides of the force, he's always either dark or light.. No way you can be both at the same time. The only reason he's seems to be so popular is because he's our little Mary Sue, the character we connect with.

Edited by _Zorth_
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Few mid leveled random characters?..

Let me tell you who defeated Revan, The canon part of the story is that an IA, BH, SW and SI defeated Revan. So in reality who killed Revan were..



The best BH in the galaxy, A soon to be Dark Council member, The Emperor's Wrath and the best IA of the empire.



Revan.. I don't even understand why he be so special, Just like many others he saw both sides of the force. Still dont understand what "mastering both sides of the force" means, You're either dark or light.. you canät be both at the same time, if you are what does that mean?


"Once you go down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.." -- Yoda


The above is 100% fact that Revan CANNOT control both sides of the force, he's always either dark or light.. No way you can be both at the same time. The only reason he's seems to be so popular is because he's our little Mary Sue, the character we connect with.


In that light...yeah, my Agent could take him. Revan was me...my Agent is me.


The only thing powerful enough to defeat me...is ME!!

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What makes Revan special is exactly his mastery of light and dark. He is the exception that proves the rule. I also think that he just vanishes for the simple reason that it makes no sense to bring him back just to be a mid level raid boss. They definately have some plan for him.


Killing HK-47 was much much worse though. Seriously i love that droid and i really hope he gets reassembled somehow.

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Few mid leveled random characters?..

Let me tell you who defeated Revan, The canon part of the story is that an IA, BH, SW and SI defeated Revan. So in reality who killed Revan were..



The best BH in the galaxy, A soon to be Dark Council member, The Emperor's Wrath and the best IA of the empire.



Revan.. I don't even understand why he be so special, Just like many others he saw both sides of the force. Still dont understand what "mastering both sides of the force" means, You're either dark or light.. you canät be both at the same time, if you are what does that mean?


"Once you go down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.." -- Yoda


The above is 100% fact that Revan CANNOT control both sides of the force, he's always either dark or light.. No way you can be both at the same time. The only reason he's seems to be so popular is because he's our little Mary Sue, the character we connect with.



Actually you can. The original Jedi used both sides of the force.


Hell, Luke Skywalker ends up being that way, after the original films timeline.


Remember, it was Anakin who was supposed to bring balance to the force before he fell.

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To OP, it is the greatest problem in the game, just to make us heroic epic superior characters BW used all their "important sources" in KOTOR and seriously destroyed the lore. I have no idea, not a clue about how they will continue the series even if they decide to make an expansion pack or anything.
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What makes Revan special is exactly his mastery of light and dark. He is the exception that proves the rule. I also think that he just vanishes for the simple reason that it makes no sense to bring him back just to be a mid level raid boss. They definately have some plan for him.


Killing HK-47 was much much worse though. Seriously i love that droid and i really hope he gets reassembled somehow.


But he's not that exceptional in that regard. Grey or balanced force users are not unheard of. In fact all Jedi originally studied both sides of the force.

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What makes Revan special is exactly his mastery of light and dark.


There's no such thing, Lightside and Darkside aren't some weird mystic kung fu styles. You either are lightside or you are a darksider. There is no in-between, even 'grey' Jedi are still lightsiders they just have a fundamental disagreement with the High Council about the manner the Order is run.

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Ummm...Revan may not be dead. He vanished before the finishing blow could be dealt. If anything I think Revan will be instrumental in the final defeat of the Emperor.


Not only that but don't even bother factoring level into this. Your characters are already amongst the elite at that point in the game and a whole team of elite soldiers and sith should definately be able to take on Revan alone. Remember Revan never did the things that he did alone. He had people with him that help him get the things he did done.

Edited by Philmors
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