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Everything posted by Smackwell

  1. 1. yes. 2. Get a bag of Skittles and you have your answer. Very Cherry lightsabers are great. 3. Got himself killed. 4. Jesus prefers Star Trek (I know, blasphemy). 5. None, their fish glow. 6. Beats me. 7. Because Humans are better than everything. 8. That's not even 20 questions.
  2. Oh no, WoW is also going to die in a couple weeks! http://beta.xfire.com/games/wow
  3. Right, you wouldn't care that much because you're not a linguist. I'm just saying, it seems silly to you for that guy to write a billion words about a fake language, but to someone who thinks Star Wars is silly, all of us writing hundreds of posts about people in space with laser swords is silly. Just putting that into perspective. I could give a crap about Mandalorians and their language anyway.
  4. Guy's a linguist talking about language. How many words have you written on the subject of Star Wars? Same thing.
  5. Orks are hilarious. They're whole thing is "make things big and deadly, and make sure they work at least some of the time." No sense of self preservation or anything. As long as they get a good fight, things blow up (preferably on their enemies), and it's loud, they're happy. There was a game that Games Workshop made called Gorkamorka, that was all about the Orks. I forget the specifics, but it was about how they were in a derelict hulk that crash landed on this desert planet. The Orks sought to fix the ship, so all the Mekaniaks tried to fix it up, adding their own modifications to it. Over time, the Mekaniaks made the ship to look like their favorite god, Gork or Mork, and there was a huge fight over whether their new ship should look like one or the other. So they settled on calling it Gorkamorka. My memory gets fuzzy about how they came to that, but the point of the game is that the Gorkers and the Morkers go out to the desert to fetch part for Gorkamorka, dueling it out in buggies and bikes. It's pretty cool. Long out of print, but if you can find at least the books, they have a lot of cool info and stories about the orks. Yeah I hadn't considered this. Orks like big, loud, and bloody. Lightsabers wouldn't fly with them.
  6. Orks would win. And it's not even about lightsabers. They're not the ultimate weapon. Orks are tough. They fight and fight and fight. They can carry on with huge wounds, and that would give them an edge. Orks have numbers. Jedi are sparse. One on one, a Jedi is pretty awesome. But even a few clone troopers can take out a Jedi. Orky know-wotz. Like you said, their hardware doesn't have to work. They just have to think it will, and it will. Shokk Attakk anyone? That would make a mess of the Jedi. And finally, the Orks' ultimate weapon: their life cycle. When an Ork dies, his spores spread out around him. In a few years, there will be an Ork growing under a mushroom, waiting to kill some Jedi. The more Orks you kill, the more Orks there will be! The only way to truly take out an Ork colony is to destroy them all and then destroy the planet that you destroyed them on. Do that until there's no planets left in the galaxy, and sure, the Jedi win. ...but did they really?
  7. Yeah that's the one. Hammer Shot with Combat Support Cell. Use a heal on your companion, blast him with Hammer Shot a few times, and repeat. As long as you keep your Ammo mostly full, it'll regenerate at a high speed (faster than if you've depleted your ammo) and be able to pull off more healing. Only go all-out on healing if you're fighting a tough battle, like a boss or something, and after you're depleted, use Recharge Cells and try to keep your ammo up.
  8. The amounts of ammo versus force power isn't really a good comparison. Sure they get 100, but a skill will cost 25, 30, 50 points, etc. Your ammo based skills cost 2, 3 ammo or whatever. Also, remember that ammo regeneration is faster the more ammo you have. So if you keep your ammo high and pace yourself slightly, you'll be able to use more ammo than if you just let all your ammo run out then wait for it to come back. I haven't done any healing, but I imagine that you want to use your ammo-based heals sparingly, and spam any free heals you have (like your normal cannon attack that costs 0 ammo to use, and heals your target if you have a certain ammo pack in - haven't played my trooper in a while, I forget what they're called).
  9. Sorry, but "artist" isn't a job title. You're not only an artist while you're in the process of creating art. As long as you possess the talent and ability to create art, you're an artist. ...in their opinion. The detractors' opinion that the prequels are complete crap are just as valid as the opinions of those who think they were all amazing. Again, "opinions based on facts that can be proven" sounds like you're trying to say that it's fact that the movies were bad. You might say something like "Fact: It was a bad idea to change Mandalorians," but no, that's still just opinion. So what are you left with? Opinions based on opinions of changes. I can honestly say that I can put on the entire Star Wars saga, 1 through 6, and enjoy all of it. There, my example that the prequels are good. I enjoy watching them just for what they are. I mean, do I need some sort of factual proof or some sort of quantifiable measure of the enjoyment I get out of them? I don't think so. If people enjoy the movie, then it's good. If the re-release of the 3D movies turns out to be a dismal and catastrophic failure, like only a hundred tickets are sold across the States, then I suppose we can say that the movie is so bad that it can't sell tickets. But if hundreds of thousands of people go to see them (or whatever satisfies the "this movie did good" requirement), and it makes a ton of money, then perhaps we'll have to throw the movie in the "it's good, regardless of how many people think George Lucas is ruining the Expanded Universe." Sorry, we're not clones. We don't all watch movies for the same reason. I like the fighting scenes. I like the space battles. I like seeing people get chopped apart. I love seeing Yoda use his lightsaber like a little freak. I like seeing Jango Fett's head getting lopped off and seeing Boba get all emo about it like that was his real dad. I like the podraces. I like Anakin being so pissed off he force-chokes his wife. I like duels above raging rivers of lava. I like Artoo not just being a slicing bucket, but having jets that let him fly. I like Order 66. I like armies of clones! I like the battle at Kashyyyk. Character development? What was so great about the original trilogy in this regard? Everyone found out they were related and Han decides to be a good guy? Great, amazing. You know what I liked better than all that? Exploding Alderaan. The Rancor. Jabba. The Sarlaac that ate that emo guy. Vader blocking lasers with his hands. Han Solo being turned into a sidewalk. I could go on. And continuity? Just... not that important to me. When something comes up that breaks continuity like "You served my father in the clone wars," my reaction isn't "UNBELIEVEABLE! How could Lucas make this crap?!" My reaction is more like "Ha, that's wrong, isn't it?" Mistakes/retcons/whatever aren't game-breakers to me.
  10. Well, Palpatine was Sith and was only working within the Republic as a "Double Agent." So when he turned the Republic into the Empire, what was left of the "good guys" is the Rebellion, who then go on to form a New Republic (if I remember correctly). Yes, they are both distinct, kinda. Both Empires were ruled by Sith, so I lump them into the same pile. They both wanted galactic domination, while the Republic always tried to keep peace, if I'm not mistaken.
  11. Probably because it takes so long to train a Jedi. They need to be trained for what, 15, 20 years? You can't just fast track that and hope they all turn out good. The potential of a dark side rebellion would be insane. Edit: Or what Pesh said.
  12. And even then the Empire gets taken out. So yeah, I'll roll on the winning side.
  13. I saw the review a while ago, and I found it hilarious. A little sad sometimes, but for the most part it was enjoyable. However, I don't enjoy any of the Star Wars movies any less after watching that reveiw. I've known for years that people hate some of the movies for varied reasons. This is no different.
  14. I know you're probably being facetious, but just shifting red and blue tints to the left and right wouldn't have a 3D effect at all. Certain objects would have to be masked out, their background replaced, then shifted. If it was this easy, every movie would be in 3D. Sure, it's not as pretty as movies that are filmed in true 3D, but it's nowhere near as easy as you just described. Watch the video here: http://geeknizer.com/how-imax-3d-movies-are-made-converting-2d-movies-to-3d/ It's a bit more involved than shifting a layer left and another right.
  15. Is there any evidence that he was ever going to "kill" the expanded universe? I'm asking of genuine curiosity. From what I read he's just quitting the blockbuster movie scene. I don't know if people heard he's retiring and came to the conclusion that Star Wars is over, or what. He's probably still going to have the same involvement in Clone Wars as he did before.
  16. The problem is that "Level" is an abstract thing. You never see anyone in a Star Wars video game say something like "You fool, I'm twenty levels above you! How do you ever hope to beat me!" Your characters in the game aren't mid-level. They're just dudes. Tough dudes, tricky dudes, clever dudes, whatever. And Revan, he's another dude. He might have been a powerful dude, but in "real life" terms, he doesn't have 40,000 more hit points than you do. You don't have to chop at his arm 40 times with a vibroblade before it cuts it clean off.
  17. Arg, sometimes I hate analogies. The way I see it is that Lucas had a yacht, and you asked if you could build a shuffleboard on his yacht. He says "Yeah, sure, go for it, that'll be great." Then later on he's like "You know, shuffleboard is great but I'm like, so into foosball right now. I'm not gonna throw your shuffleboard overboard, though. You can keep it and play with it, but now we're gonna have some foosball on the yacht." See, the shuffleboard still exists, but it just isn't part of the yacht anymore. It can still be played on, and it's still fun, but it's just not on his boat. And regarding ownership? He gave you permission to build on his boat, right? You can't claim partial ownership of the boat just because you built a shuffleboard on it. That's goofy. If he wanted to paint the boat pink, you can't be like "Hey, you have no right to paint the boat pink; my shuffleboard is on your boat." Regarding Coruscant - he could have used any planet. Made up any stupid old thing. If anything, it was a nod to the Expanded Universe. He didn't need Coruscant in order for anything in his movies to work. He could have retconned Coruscant into a gas planet with flying Ewoks if he wanted to. I know I'm sounding like I'll just defend everything the guy does but that's really not the case. I do think many things he's done are stupid (Krayt yell and Nooooo! to name some of the more hilariously stupid decisions), but I just don't place such importance in them as to say "How dare he do this to us?!" Note, I also don't mean this as a way to diminish your guys' standpoint - it's just my own personal opinion.
  18. In the same vein you could say that none of them have butts because you never see them taking a dump.
  19. No, it just means that they're either dark or neutral. I honestly don't understand why so many people have such a big draw to dark side actions. So many people want to be evil, be the bad guy. I don't get the fascination with it. But, it's just something you'll have to deal with. People like to be bad guys. So expect to see red sabers, a lot, forever... especially on PvP servers.
  20. Nah some of us are saying "Let Lucas play with the Teddy Bear; he bought it."
  21. I'm currently reading the Han Solo trilogy. It's set before the original trilogy, when Han is about 19 to 25 years old. I'm on the second book right now. It can get real corny and sappy at points. But I guess it's worth a read. The writing style can be a bit wonky, and the writer (A C Crispin) can't go two pages without using an ellipsis, which can wear on you. Everything else I've read has been set after the trilogy - mainly the Rogue Squadron books by Stackpole. He's got great writing style and good stories, but the way he wedges stereotypes into his writing bugs the hell out of me. (Correllians never having use for odds... why isn't that just a personal trait, not a planetary one?) I'd skip I, Jedi if you're following Corran Horn around after reading Rogue Squadron. First half of the book is a big build up and then the climax is glossed over. Second part of the book is another build up, and then at the end it's like nothing even happened.
  22. I'm not putting it up on a pedestal. All the guy wanted to do was make a movie his way. And that's what he did. He doesn't owe anyone anything. I'm mainly talking about the movies here, not the franchise as a whole. I don't care about who came up with selling Obi Wan's Jedi braid or how much Karen Traviss loves Mandalorians. At the end of the day, if Lucas wants to turn a Krayt Dragon yell into what sounds like Rob Halford on a bender, I don't care. Do I like it? No. But I'm not gonna pretend that Lucas owes me or anyone else anything just because they wanted to play in his sandbox. I don't get it... what's wrong with UFOs and aliens? In the first movie you had a God box that literally melts people. In the second you have a guy that can pull out peoples' hearts while they still beat and the person still lives. And in the third, you have a dude that's been hanging out with a cup for centuries, and if you put water in that cup and pour it in an open wound, it'll heal right up. But UFOs and aliens, that's just crazy! The problem is, in your analogies, previous works are utterly destroyed with no hope of ever seeing them again. George changes canon? Big deal. You can still go back and read the book. Changing canon doesn't invalidate the worth of the writing or of the book. If they're still good, enjoyable pieces, who cares if they're non-canon.
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