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Huttball doesnt suck IF YOU PASS THE BALL


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I'd be interested in how you stop any 1 of 4-6 sorcs from getting to the end zone. God help you if they have a Jugg carrier cause then you need to keep 15 seperate people out of the end zone.


Knockback to pit. Instantly stops a run. Unless they pass - then your teammate interrupts the pass with a pull, knockback, root, slow, etc - whatever's gonna work. Bonus points if he catches it and hops into the pit.

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When properly played, Huttball is awesome. I would rather watch a game of Huttball on TV than a game of american football, on which it is based.


The problem is that most players are bad at passing and lack situational awareness. The same reasons they are bad at american football.


Think about the fastest route to get the ball from middle to endzone and spread out accordingly. Pass fast and pass often. It is amazing fun, but you need to actually zoom out the camera and not chase kills as if it was a TDM. Use CC, it is better than killing.


Also, juggs > powertechs > sorcs for huttball. Sorcs die too fast if they get CC'ed with the ball due to a lack of defensive cd's.


But passing the ball > any number of sorcs, powertechs or juggs.

Edited by Redmarx
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Knockback to pit. Instantly stops a run. Unless they pass - then your teammate interrupts the pass with a pull, knockback, root, slow, etc - whatever's gonna work. Bonus points if he catches it and hops into the pit.


I'm an Operative. I don't have knockbacks or pulls. :( Also, if you try defending, Juggernauts can just leap to you...so, there's that.

Edited by raelimar
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Passing in general is greatly overrated in Huttball. The best receiver positions are also the best spots for ranged DPS to unleash doom, which means if you've a ranged DPS camped at a prime receiving spot, he can easily just pick off the enemy team and give you a completey open path to score. If you let the enemy get that kind of position you're going to lose either way, and if the other team elected for pass, this actually gives you a chance to kill some of their guys for medals, as opposed to getting dominated by a ranged DPS in a prime sniping spot and stilll losing badly and have nothing to show for it.


You should pass the ball if a guy is past a firepit and you're not, and the fire pit is currently lit. You should pass the ball if you got knocked off a ledge and one of your teammate was still up there.


Ranged classes don't have charge abilities and charge absolutely dominates Huttball. Sorcerers are easily stopped by simply knocking them down. This doesn't work for charges since whoever you knock down just immediately charge back up.

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I'm an Operative. I don't have knockbacks or pulls. :( Also, if you try defending, Juggernauts can just leap to you...so, there's that.


Some classes are suited to different tasks.


That said, stealth is more your trick for more of a set 'em up, knock 'em down defense - makes it way easier for an ally to deploy that knockback correctly. And then there's the Sniper, whose job is mainly to deny them the needed area to advance - the ramp, the exit from the pit, the ball pedestal...


Meanwhile, Sentinels get to use their limited CC and so forth to force the target to play in their arena or alternatively to stall them for an ally to act (Stasis followed by a Guardian's Push, for example). They are also more effective on offense, or at least the strategy is easier to implement. The Leap-Push-Leap gives the Guardian a hilarious setup, too, as does leap chaining for Focus Knights.

Edited by Inarai
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Knockback to pit. Instantly stops a run. Unless they pass - then your teammate interrupts the pass with a pull, knockback, root, slow, etc - whatever's gonna work. Bonus points if he catches it and hops into the pit.


So you sit yur whole team in your endzone and wait? Cause otherwise they get to speed through fire, knock all your melee off catwalks and give them a 5sec root for good measure when they hit ground automatically. Not to mention you have to avoid getting cced by the class with the most of it while going in for your knockback. Sorcs are broken in huttball because none of the obstacles apply to them and life grip means the obstacles only affect one whichever team has less sorcs. I literally got out of a huttball wher I pulled the ball carrier into the pit and another sorc just grabbed him back up. We knocked one of them off but they weren't dumb enough to all stand in the same place and we had less sorcs so not as many knockbacks plus we had to save some cc for the ball carrier.

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So you sit yur whole team in your endzone and wait? Cause otherwise they get to speed through fire, knock all your melee off catwalks and give them a 5sec root for good measure when they hit ground automatically. Not to mention you have to avoid getting cced by the class with the most of it while going in for your knockback. Sorcs are broken in huttball because none of the obstacles apply to them and life grip means the obstacles only affect one whichever team has less sorcs. I literally got out of a huttball wher I pulled the ball carrier into the pit and another sorc just grabbed him back up. We knocked one of them off but they weren't dumb enough to all stand in the same place and we had less sorcs so not as many knockbacks plus we had to save some cc for the ball carrier.


Please. It takes 1 player to stop 1 player - though it's harder for some matchups (you certainly don't want to be the guy giving the Guardian a free 60m). If you can't beat them to the punch, it's your own fault.


If it seems like Sorcs are overpowered, consider this: There are more Sorcs. This means there's logically more skilled Sorcs. So when you encounter an opponent more skilled then you, there's a high chance of it being a Sorc. And that is why you keep seeing successful Sorcs.


And, of course, if a coordinated attack is met with no coordinated defense, the loss is fair.

Edited by Inarai
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Some classes are suited to different tasks.


That said, stealth is more your trick for more of a set 'em up, knock 'em down defense - makes it way easier for an ally to deploy that knockback correctly. And then there's the Sniper, whose job is mainly to deny them the needed area to advance - the ramp, the exit from the pit, the ball pedestal...


Meanwhile, Sentinels get to use their limited CC and so forth to force the target to play in their arena or alternatively to stall them for an ally to act (Stasis followed by a Guardian's Push, for example). They are also more effective on offense, or at least the strategy is easier to implement. The Leap-Push-Leap gives the Guardian a hilarious setup, too, as does leap chaining for Focus Knights.


Eh...I play a healer, so there's surprisingly little stealthing. If I go invisible, people die. Mostly I run behind the ball carrier rolling HoTs and praying to god I don't get knocked off or grappled. Whereas Sorc healers get Force Speed + knockbacks + friendly pulls, and Mercenary healers get multiple knockbacks and a ranged stun. Oh, and my bubble absorbs less than the Sorc bubble, has a 45 second cooldown, and is only usable on myself. :p


There's a substantial utility and mobility gap between healers, is I guess the point I'm trying to make. Hence, Sorcball.

Edited by raelimar
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Eh...I play a healer, so there's surprisingly little stealthing. If I go invisible, people die. Mostly I run behind the ball carrier rolling HoTs and praying to god I don't get knocked off. Whereas Sorc healers get Force Speed + knockbacks + friendly pulls, and Mercenary healers get multiple knockbacks and a ranged stun.


There's a substantial utility and mobility gap between healers, is I guess the point I'm trying to make. :p


See, your job is different entirely, then. And hey, with HoTs you have maintained effectiveness longer.


Sometimes, it's more difficult to apply the tools you have, sure. And especially since you're the healer, smacking people with stuns and slows is an effective use of your time and resources - support does extend to making people's jobs easier, after all. Your goal shouldn't be keeping the health bar up so much as making sure you and your allies when the exchange.

Edited by Inarai
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Make a Jug/Guardian your ball carrier.


Have a sorc/sage


Instant map travel for the win.


Charge an enemy. Get pulled further with the sorc/sage friendly pull...


have them sprint further and then intercede(jump to an ally)... then force push(warrior) and charge again.


thats 120M covered pretty much if you can get it right and be lucky with positioning. Communication is the key though.

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I'm a Sentinel. I can barely do anything in Huttball, so I kill people, hopefully the ball carrier. Then I get knocked off, so I leap up to anyone I can see. Then I get knocked off again.


If I kill the ball carrier, I attempt to throw it, but am immediately CC'd and destroyed. So I try not to ever get the ball.


They couldn't have designed a worse warzone for me if they tried.

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Scoring = zero medals. Passing = zero medals. Holding the ball = you get focused. May as well sit back and just do as much damage as you can and rack up the medals.


Pretty much this. There's no reward for playing hutball, and even less if you know your team is going to lose. Farming kills is more efficient.


PvP team, what were you thinking? over 10 years of mmo PvP data to draw from and this is it? Really?

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Make a Jug/Guardian your ball carrier.


Have a sorc/sage


Instant map travel for the win.


Charge an enemy. Get pulled further with the sorc/sage friendly pull...


have them sprint further and then intercede(jump to an ally)... then force push(warrior) and charge again.


thats 120M covered pretty much if you can get it right and be lucky with positioning. Communication is the key though.


And it can be countered. See: Get the Sorc out of position. If you can't stop the Push, change the direction it moves you in. Pull the Guardian.

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Pretty much this. There's no reward for playing hutball, and even less if you know your team is going to lose. Farming kills is more efficient.


PvP team, what were you thinking? over 10 years of mmo PvP data to draw from and this is it? Really?


They're probably thinking that they don't want this to be a favourite so that people will change factions to get more variety and thus correct some of any faction balance issue.

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And it can be countered. See: Get the Sorc out of position. If you can't stop the Push, change the direction it moves you in. Pull the Guardian.


with every tactic there is always a counter. people don't notice this tactic before it happens usually. But when they see it a few times in a match they start to get wise.


Good for one or 2 goals though :p

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  • 4 weeks later...
Yeah, I'm a Gunslinger and have no idea how to approach the game. I usually end up trying to stay slightly back while DPSing the enemies attacking the ball-holder. So after failed attempts at that, I need a new strategy...any suggestions. I'm a level 30 so...
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Pretty much this. There's no reward for playing hutball, and even less if you know your team is going to lose. Farming kills is more efficient.


PvP team, what were you thinking? over 10 years of mmo PvP data to draw from and this is it? Really?


As they don't play the game themselves, they simply thought players would try to win the game itself by scoring through "homeruns". Someone has to tell those developers to actually play the game. At least for some hours. Would do wonders, seriously.

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I'm winning almost all of my HB games but it's frustrating as hell because the reason to why we're winning is that 5 of the enemy players are chasing me around my half of the Pit. The rest of my team can just walze over the goal line, they don't even have to pass. I don't know what i do to piss off the enemy players that much.
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