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Guild Bank and Shiny UI Features Should NOT be on Your Priority List


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I know response time is on their list. But I have not heard a thing about general improvement in performance. Do you seriously care more about UI changes or an increase in FPS?



FPS has not been an issue for me. I'm running a great new set-up that works quite fine with this game. So no, increasing my FPS further isn't high on my list.

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They should hire more engineers instead of wasting resources on pointless UI changes, which, BY THE WAY, should have been added to the game a LONG time ago. Hurr durr on them for not enabling people to make addons and general changes to the UI.


They should not waste resources on non-engineers, yet focus on graphics and during development they should've focused more on "pointless" things?


Your take on MMO development is... interesting, I guess.

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Its just simple numbers, really.


A better UI impacts everyone. High res textures can't be utilized by a large (more then likely the larger portion) of the user-base. Ergo, UI is higher on their priority list.


That said, there are different teams in charge of different things.

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They should not waste resources on non-engineers, yet focus on graphics and during development they should've focused more on "pointless" things?


Your take on MMO development is... interesting, I guess.


A stable game is more enjoyable than a unstable game with shiny UI features (That is going to fall flat on it's ***, because scaling / moving the frames is simply NOT enough).

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They should hire more engineers instead of wasting resources on pointless UI changes, which, BY THE WAY, should have been added to the game a LONG time ago. Hurr durr on them for not enabling people for making addons and ui compilations.


You cannot just keep throwing more people at a coding problem to make it happen faster. It doesn't work that way. For a start hiring more coders would require weeks of training, if not months - including the time it would take for them to familiarise them with the code base....which would have to be done by one of the people currently working on it. Also, after a certain number of people working on code, adding more people slows the process down rather than speeding it up.


At the same time you can't have an MMO without a dedicated team working on UI design and development. And those people will keep doing stuff regardless of what stage the optomisation of the engine is in. It's not an either / or proposition. As I said - these things happen at the same time.


The resources spent on UI customisation IN NO WAY affect the amount of work done on engine optomisation or bug fixes in other areas.

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You cannot just keep throwing more people at a coding problem to make it happen faster. It doesn't work that way. For a start hiring more coders would require weeks of training, if not months - including the time it would take for them to familiarise them with the code base....which would have to be done by one of the people currently working on it. Also, after a certain number of people working on code, adding more people slows the process down rather than speeding it up.


At the same time you can't have an MMO without a dedicated team working on UI design and development. And those people will keep doing stuff regardless of what stage the optomisation of the engine is in. It's not an either / or proposition. As I said - these things happen at the same time.


The resources spent on UI customisation IN NO WAY affect the amount of work done on engine optomisation or bug fixes in other areas.


I understand what you're saying. But what I cannot fathom, is why they didn't have the most basic features mmo's have! Even EQ had an combat log at release. It's utterly pathetic, and they even dare to call this an next gen mmo.

Edited by siegedeluxe
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let addon makers develop and we will have MORE done in LESS time.



I can see concern though of ADDON effecting gameplay directly - if allowed to.

adding an addon api raises the spectre of botting.


and there is no real need for it.


if the add the combat log, a threat meter, possibly a dps meter (debatable) and implement basic macro support, the scalable, movable ui and a target of target frame there's nothing more anyone really needs.


not having addons actually give the game certain advantages for example the raid bosses don't need to rely on cheapshot RNG ablitys try and catch people out because everyone has a computer telling them where and when to not stand in the fire.

Edited by Sleekit
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You cannot just keep throwing more people at a coding problem to make it happen faster. It doesn't work that way. For a start hiring more coders would require weeks of training, if not months - including the time it would take for them to familiarise them with the code base....which would have to be done by one of the people currently working on it. Also, after a certain number of people working on code, adding more people slows the process down rather than speeding it up.


At the same time you can't have an MMO without a dedicated team working on UI design and development. And those people will keep doing stuff regardless of what stage the optomisation of the engine is in. It's not an either / or proposition. As I said - these things happen at the same time.


The resources spent on UI customisation IN NO WAY affect the amount of work done on engine optomisation or bug fixes in other areas.


This x 1000.


A lot of these armchair quarterbacks don't understand how a company works. Thank you for speaking some truth into the lot of "pros" around here.

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adding an addon api raises the spectre of botting.


and there is no real need for it.


if the add the combat log, a threat meter, possibly a dps meter (debatable) and implement basic macro support, the scalable, movable ui and a target of target frame there's nothing more anyone really needs.


not having addons actually give the game certain advantages for example the raid bosses don't need to rely on cheapshot RNG ablitys try and catch people out because everyone has a computer telling them where and when to not stand in the fire.


Nah, don't agree. Only thing going to be put in by BW is a Combat Log. There won't be Macro's, that would have been in already if they were.


ADDON is this game very big hope to create a more customizable MMO.


We need it not for botting, we need it for Communication / GUI / Frames


I can see a need to create some sequence keys as well because well, this game just has so many damn abilities and I imagine there is going to be more item to use soon as well.

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I do agree that there needs to be corrections done to the engine but high res textures are not as important as necessary guild functions and giving a customizable U.I. While we are on the subject of priorities Textures are pretty low in comparison to the following:


Ability Delay

Game causing high end computers to try and go boom

non customizable UI

Guild Functions (No this guild function we have right now is not a true guild function its a chat channel with permissions)



yes you can't have your precious high end graphics, however if the following things I have listed are not corrected then your high end graphics will be short lived when the game ends in 6 months to a year

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