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So who has the worst storyline? break it down


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I really dislike most of the companions on the SI story, they just seem like there was no reason for them to join.


But I LOVE the actual story. I really feel like I'm starting from nothing and rising to glory. It's pretty cool for me.


Which companions did you like/dislike?


Khem Val and the apprentice one at the end were the only two that looked interesting to me, the rest did look rather out of place.

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My friends and I leveled up all four Imperial classes side by side. The Agent and Bounty Hunter had great stories...the Sith Warrior was decent, albeit a little plain and straightforward in the "hunt ____ down, kill them, repeat" sense - seriously, they do more headhunting than the freaking Bounty Hunter. The Sith Inquisitor story, on the other hand...after Act 1, we just kind of started laughing at how ridiculous some of it was. The whole "ghosts in your head" plot basically turns the story into a giant acid trip.
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Are you seriously trying to compare Cormac McCarthy's writing, one of the Nobel prize for literature frontrunners for past few years, to the one present in this game? :))


Since when did genre comparisons equate to direct comparison between writers? By that logic I'd be comparing this story to STO's story. Or WoW's story to Game of Thrones. Neither of them hold true.

Edited by Lexandar
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I havent finish any one storyline yet, to spread out


But for Act 1, the Worst HAS TO BE Bounty Hunter. Its TERRIBLE. The class is insanely fun to play and might be my favorite class if not for being Imperial side. But the storyline is just so freaking painful to get through.


So far my list, as for as storyline goes, is as follows


1) Sith Inquiz

2) Jedi Consular

3) Trooper

4) Imperial Agent

5) Smuggler

6) Sith Warrior

7) Jedi Knight

8) Bounty Hunter


For playing enjoyment (Animations, versitility, conversation lines)


1) Bounty Hunter

2) Trooper

3) Smuggler

4) Sith Inq

5) Jedi Consular

6) Sith Warrior

7) Jedi Knight

8) Imperial Agent (might be my build but I just feel so limited as a Imp Agent)

Edited by Kalfear
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its true that The male consular has the worst voice in the game


You really don't like Desmond's from AC series voice? Seriously? He's awesome! Sounds like he should too, perma-calm/serene. Haven't heard woman though.


One thing I'll give the SI story is you can be REAL nasty. I was doing Balmorra the other day - the part about Major Bessiker and his son was evil.

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I have made characters in 7 out of 8 classes so far with all from level 20 to 50 (waiting to see if legacy add-ons will have impact on new characters before i make my JK).


Bounty Hunter stagnates end-game


Yes, you are a bounty hunter, but every single planet from level 10-50 was hunt down this 1-2 guys for the empire/mandalorians/great hunt contest. Had a great opportunity when you became Republic's Most Wanted to have a revenge/clearing name storyline in Act III, but instead 5 minutes later your "clearing name" story is just to go find and hunt down some more people for the empire in order to get an important guy at the end. Could have done so much with that plot twist and instead it just fell flat on its face with repetivity.



Sith Warrior, pretty steady story throughout with a strong climax at end


Converting someone to dark side as companion was enjoyablebranch of the story and most of you companions are interesting in their own way, even the "tool" medic has an interesting betrayal



Sith Inquistor, had a couple moments, but was rather disjointed and got boring


The whole ghost thing seemed a really uncreative storyline. Could have done a lot more Act II and it would have made Act III more epic. Maybe more of a manipulative power struggle using proxies and diplomacy and poisinings, etc. with Thanaton as another sith lord rather than just some dumb revenge story when sith dont care about sith killing other sith



Imperial Agent, very bond-esque, enjoyable and unique companions, pretty steady with a couple high points at end of acts 1 and 3


Kaliyo has to be one of the more unique female romances and far more complex than many of the others. Also, Watcher 2 romance arc as NPC and your work with republic was a fun and interesting dynamic



Trooper, rather predictable and straightforward with companions that match, but overall it fit the idea of a trooper and it didnt get boring, ratehr cosntant story with only end of act 3 being a real high point


As you actually really cared about a choice you have to make. Also, I thought it was nicely ironic that you were chasing down republic defectors with an imperial defector as your companion while talking smack about how evil and bad these defectors are.



Smuggler, hands down most enjoyable, the story itself was slow in the first chapter but ramped up a lot later, but the side stories and one liners were by far and away the most engaging and kept you interested the whole way through unlike most of the other classes where the 90% of the time when you were not doing a cutscene from your main quest, it could egt a little boring and repetitive - this never happened with muggler


So many classic great moments - after several conversations you sleep with this spoiled senator's daughter and then when she stalks you at the spaceport you go tell her to go abck to her room and you will bring her presents, she gets excited and then you ditch the planet. You are interrupt a 3-way power struggle between a pirate, a jedi, and a sith - and you nonchalantly show up and brag over the holocom about how you have a sith and a jedi women fighting over you and your later ompanion dryly comments "so professional" Your wookie (yes, you get a fricken wookie) has random great lines like "i hope pretty lady doesn't explode"



Jedi Consular, poorly written, with a little pick up in Act 2 but you just didnt feel involved or connected with the story, lacked flow. Also, I didn't think anyone could have a more boring voice than Jaesa Willsem, but the male voice actor for this sounds nothing like any character you could make (expect some balding, obese 50 year old librarian and you get the idea). Who said to be good and wise you needed to be boring?? Just look at Satele Shan or some of the other Jedi Consulars.


The whole heal the jedi masters from Sith when you were a newbie yourself just came across as really weak. No real good explanation why a sith lord was so much stronger than jedi masters that he could change and convert them while being on a completely different planet. Act 2 is a little pick me up, but act 1 was a very very long drag with no real dialogue along the way to keep you interested


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BH has a cool storyline but CH1 is where it's really at. Getting to meet Mandalore himself, I got to say, that was pretty cool. After that, it feels a bit silly and as you progress through the storyline, you start wondering about certain things. For the most part it was an awesome experience.


Jedi consular... after 14 levels, I went back and rerolled. I couldn't stand the personality of my character. No matter which response you use, he's a drone. JK is really good but it tends to play a lot with the same themes over and over. Still, it's good and the companions are not bad. It's not Mako, Gault and Torian but they still rock.


BH voice acting is just too cool... I mean, come on! You're freaking Solid Snake!




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Overall, I am enjoying the Sith Inquisitor story line, and I am into chapter 3. The biggest flaw that I can see is the main protagonist; that person just comes out from left field. It would have done better to introduce us to the person in chapter one; that way, things could have been given a chance to build up, and so opposing that person would have more depth. Being "the nail that sticks out", works out as an intro, but it needs to be more than that as the story goes forward. Improve the Protagonist, and the story would flow better, and make more sense.
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I say IA. The end of act 1 is easy to see coming since they literally leave one option. Act 2 has nothing to do with Act 1, you don't continue your story from Act 1 you simply shift gears and go after an entirely different, unrelated target (I admit though many classes seem to suffer from this). Act 3 starts interesting, the final fight is no surprise. With all the story built around Act 3 the end is a huge disappointment.
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The general consensus I've seen seems to be that the inquisitor/consular have the worst stories for their respective classes. Though a lot of people don't seem to like the Trooper story ( it's not very complex, though not necessarily poorly written ). I've heard a few people claim they started hating the IA story towards the end of it.


Yea. no kidding. That being said, I'm not gonna try making a sith inq alt...again.

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i seriously enjoyed the smuggler storyline, to me it was different than the others in that you were off on your own tale. you weren't part of the huge galaxy spanning cold war going on between the Imps and Reps, but rather a small cog carving your own way and dealing with your own problems while it loomed in the background.


Sure there were moments you got involved, but they didn't dominate a much more personal storyline somuch as add to it.


and if you chose to be cocky and flirtatious (which you should have), then the one liners were pretty good.

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JK story is pretty dry because it's overdone. I'm a hero? fighting Sith? stopping weapons being used? weapons weapons weapons... I'm still continuing with it though as it's probably not as bad as other.


BH has been the best one so far for me, never a dull moment.


This thread is making me want to steer clear of IA, Trooper and Consular though :(

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*snip* But Thanaton's own story is watertight and that alone makes the story interesting.


Which would be great if 1) we were playing Thanaton and/or 2) Thanaton's story occurred anywhere in the game. That people bought and are playing and paying a sub fee for too.


The SI storyline still doesn't make sense if you've read Blood of the Empire and so on; you just understand more about Thanaton.


Morever, it's -Really Bad Form- to start a story outside a game like this, make -NO- reference to its existence in game for anyone to know it might help them understand anything better, and then attempt to hinge what is being presented to millions of paying customers upon it.


You can get away with that if you're making a story about Batman, or Superman; those are culturally familiarized icons, and it will easily be an acceptable assumption that people will figure out that if they want to know why Batman is and does what he is and does, or Superman, they should watch any number of the cartoons and movies and/or read any number of the innumerable comic books and graphic novels.



Thanaton? Who the hell is Thanaton and why should I care? The SI story never touches on that in any meaningful way; it barely looks suggestively at it from the corner.


Frankly, the storyline should open up with a GUI warning explaining that the full experience of the storyline you're about to begin playing would be best served if you read the following materials, then provide links to at least a store website where you can buy them.


It'd be a total hack-off that would still be insulting as heck, but at LEAST it would be a direction to the correct resources for, you know...the story the entire SI story is apparently based on.


Even better? Scrap it and redo it. Every single conceptis fine and could easily be made workable and even really good if executed properly. I could find this storyline very likeable if it were executed properly.


Yes, I am audacious enough to declare this storyline poorly told and poorly directed. Absolutely terribly so in both cases.


And its a blasted shame too, because now we're all stuck with it as it is unless a great deal of effort goes into reconstructing it, and -that- almost certainly isn't going to happen.


So yeah. Very peeved am I. You don't have to be a chef to tell when the food you've been given is poorly made and delivered in such a manner that assumes quite foolishly that you brought your own entree'.


Same thing with a story that's just...slapped together and presumes quite foolishly that you'll have read all about who the story winds up being about in materials outside the game altogether.


:mad: <--- Look this face. This is my face for this story.

Edited by Uruare
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Although I am no writer This is how I thought act 2 and 3 should of went. You begin to build a base of allies and slowly start to influence them, govener moff and at the end a darth. During act 3 You slowly maniuplate a fight amongst the higher ranks with Darth Thanaton and kill him and take his place. Then in future Acts you disguise yourself after a senator that you kill and begin to try to influence the Republic, while at the same influencing the Dark Council. Also on korriban an extra mission with light side dark side points with influencing the fate of a fellow acolyte whos one step higher than you not fon or the red guy what ever his name is., but like kory or the one who vanishes. Edited by commanderisaacs
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I really don't get all the hatred towards the inquisitor's storyline? Guessing a lot of people just lost interest during Act 2, which tbf, wasn't anything ground breaking. But I thought it really ramped up a notch for Act 3.. Even to the extent that the planets themselves felt like mere distractions, in between the important bits of the class chain.
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i seriously enjoyed the smuggler storyline, to me it was different than the others in that you were off on your own tale. you weren't part of the huge galaxy spanning cold war going on between the Imps and Reps, but rather a small cog carving your own way and dealing with your own problems while it loomed in the background.


Sure there were moments you got involved, but they didn't dominate a much more personal storyline somuch as add to it.


and if you chose to be cocky and flirtatious (which you should have), then the one liners were pretty good.


This. I can see people disliking the smuggler story for this reason, but I love it for this. I get tired of the big, good vs. evil, brink of war stuff sometimes. I want to do my own thing, and make gray-area decisions that feel right to me.


I don't like when you have this sense of "destiny" forced onto my character ("you will bring great balance to the galaxy and turn the tide of the force"). It puts him in a box. The fact that my character is motivated more by greed and the short term fulfillment (in the overall story) just makes it more realistic and interesting to me.


It makes me feel like I don't HAVE to be doing any of this stuff. I just WANT to.


I also love the male smuggler lines/voice acting.


However I'm not through my whole story yet so...

Edited by Stenrik
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The SI story couldnt have been that bad. Act I for me was pretty good. a good bit of structure for the cult and that balmorra captain whos son I killed. I was very surprised when he showed up in Act III asking "Do you remember me?". I do agree that fleshing out Thanaton more would have been an improvment. But the feel of it was spot on. It progressed to idle banter between me and Thanaton to my SI eventually saying 'F this' and just pulls out his lightsaber upon seeing him at Corellia. The one part I love is the conversation choices at the culmination of the Kaggath. More speaches Bioware, I loved that part. And reminding Thanaton of the last part of the Sith Code.
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For example, you seem to think that Thanaton's excuse for hating you - 'Oh, his master killed some Sith' - is a compelling reason to drive the underlying story. This is ridiculous. You kill plenty of other Sith during the course of the story and no-one else gives a damn.


I would say that the hypocrisy you are pointing out in Thanaton's actions only lends more credence to the generally implied fact that his true primary motivation is fear. The direct chain of power from Zash leas directly to him. The 'text' in this case, provide ample justification for this explanation as well.


As a side note: IA is certainly the best one in my estimation and I found the Trooper quite good as well. In general, I prefer the Republic storylines even with the admission of the Agent as my personal favorite.

Edited by AlyxDinas
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Not everyone can have an awesome storyline as the Smuggler.


Chasing after a legendary treasure to blasting some imp big shot, we've got it all baby.




Not to mention the best ship in the game. Come on it's just like the good old ebon hawk!

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Not to mention the best ship in the game. Come on it's just like the good old ebon hawk!


And that's what I don't like about smuggler. It's constant references to other sources. You dress like Han Solo, you act like Han Solo, you are freezed in carbonite like Han Solo, and, your name is probably "HarrisonDeathbringerSolo". You have a wookie, you have millenium falcon... It's not your story, it's Han Solo's story.


Despite all that, smuggler story is ok.

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I like the personality. The story? I gave up on it. I had a level 46 sage and logged on one day to realize I didn't even know what my story was anymore. I actually grew bored with the story somewhere around level 20.


So far I'm thoroughly enjoying my Jedi Knight (level 43). I know what the story is and where I am in regards to it. I'm not currently engaged in it, though, until the ability delay issue is resolved. It's too frustrating trying to fight as melee, deal with latency spikes, and as of yesterday irritating lag issues to continue right now.

That's really funny because I have a 45 sage on belsavis, and after I played my jk alt, I logged into my sage and couldn't remember what I was doing there. I agree it's other people: the male voice/personality is beyond terrible, the companions are uninteresting, and the story is uninspiring. I like my jk/bh much more.

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