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Let's compare early WoW with early TOR


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Not according to Curse.com


Created 29 Apr 2008


I've listed my citations. Where are yours?


CTRA had boss mods back in vanilla and DBM was renamed (originally La Vendetta Boss Mods, after the creators guild). Also, Bigwigs was around in BC.


Here's an example of DBM (la vendetta) from well before the date listed on curse



Doubt curse is very accurate with when mods were actually started or created.


edit: Here's an even better example from my own personal screenshots, june 07, showing both boss mods and a threat meter. They existed in vanilla as well, trust me.



Edited by AriasImmortal
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I played WoW on release, and although it did have some bugs it didn't have nearly as many problems as SWTOR does. SWTOR problems include everything from light rays shooting through the world, becoming invincible in combat by dancing, glitching mana to have infinite healing, duping items in your mail box, all combat actions delayed by half a second, having high-res textures vanish, etc.


There is a difference between having some bugs and having a BROKEN, UNFINISHED GAME.


ROFL.. are you kidding me? I started playing WoW in phase 2 of beta, and quit shortly after Cata. you're lying to yourself if you think SWTOR has more bugs than WOW. WoW was horrible at launch, to the point where people couldnt even play. I havent had to log and wait for an issue fix yet with SWTOR.

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I was actually able to start playing WoW the moment the servers went live (which was around midnight in the U.S.) and the experience was quite smooth and uneventful. I even had a petition of mine regarding an account question answered by a GM within five minutes while playing in the game. It wasn't until the following morning as more and more people got their copy and got online that the problems started.


From there, parts of WoW's release were really painful (loot and crafting lag, ugh, just atrocious), but it didn't matter to the players because many of them had tried WoW during beta, and so they were aware that the game was a whole lot of fun to play when it worked properly.


And that's the important part. People are willing to wait for fixes on a really fun game that suddenly acquires problems. But they're not nearly as patient when it comes to waiting for an average game to be patched into something really fun.

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What a pointless thread. Who cares about when WoW was released and how many bugs/whatever were fixed, and how long it took, etc....


This is TOR and this is 2012. Are you telling me, that BW is so dumb, that they have to make the same mistakes that all other MMOs before TOR, made? That there is "no learning from other's mistakes or experiences"?


Get a clue. This game came with a lot of hype and failed to deliver on the majority of it. The only question now, is, will they fix it before the majority of us reach a frustration point of "no return". So much potential, so much resources available for the development of this game, so much wasted time and effort.


If any developer, ever, truly, expects to unseat WoW, they are going to have to get ahead of the "fixit curve" and get to the "this is what customer's want" and get it delivered. WoW's player base is so diverse (look at the macro system alone in that game...a multiboxer's dream - which WoW approves of AND approves of the use of multi-boxing software - i.e. Keyclone, Innerspace, to name a couple). I know of lot of people are glad that isn't in the game, so quit talking about how WoW is this or that. This is SWTOR and there is none like it. Good or bad, STARWARS is a unique theme, and done right, it has the potential to be a blockbuster. Done wrong, and it's history (SWG:NGE).

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I have tried making this comparison as well. However, there is 1 thing people keep forgetting.


SWToR isnt competing against WoW in 2004, it is competing against WoW in 2011 and beyond.


This is how markets work.


If I start an automobile company and decide to build a sportscar, customers do not care if I am doing a better job than they did when they 1st built a Porche. They will only buy my product if it is better than the Porche of today.


*note* I need to take a shower after comparing WOW to a Porche.

Edited by Woopya
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Greetings everyone!


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by the same token swtor hasn't had 6 years of refinement.


that said leveling is broken in wow unless you like being glued to a strict linear path, there are no group quests or world bosses in the entire game and "the lore", the thing that the franchise was built on, is a train wreck.


but hey no one left playing it cares about any of that so that's all ok ye ?


c'est la vie


How could you possibly accuse WoW of linear leveling when this game is probably the most guilty of linear leveling lol


At least in WoW you can leveling doing quests or dungeons, and you can also CHOOSE through an assortment of different zones to level in.

Edited by Meluna
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I played WoW on release, and although it did have some bugs it didn't have nearly as many problems as SWTOR does. SWTOR problems include everything from light rays shooting through the world, becoming invincible in combat by dancing, glitching mana to have infinite healing, duping items in your mail box, all combat actions delayed by half a second, having high-res textures vanish, etc.


There is a difference between having some bugs and having a BROKEN, UNFINISHED GAME.


I've seen, nor heard, of ANY of those problems, nor is this game unfinished or broken. How about you go back and research the hundreds of problems on WoW before you post. No PVP for 8 months? Instances with unbeatable bosses then weeks later the devs tell us that "oh yeah, that dungeon isn't finished yet so that boss is unbeatable right now."


Get your facts straight. Just because you suck at PVP you don't have to post about it...


QQ half a second delay QQ World ending, games been out a month!!!

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see tbh i wish people would just accept they are different games.


wow has given up on story. its popular is Asia because its a grindfest (duh). get to max level asap and "push your lever for more food". don't even read quest "no one reads quests, right ?" just look at the target in the quest target and kill it asap and get to end game and start your next grind.


they may be superficially similar but imo its the complete antithesis of the design philosophy behind swtor (and the antithesis of what initially drew me to wow)


wow wants its attempt at e-sports to be taken "srsy" (even tho their Executive Vice President of Game Design says it was their biggest ever mistake) because it fits the mercenary mentality they've instilled in the player population.


swtor wants...well im pretty sure it wants every piece of content added to have a coherent narrative weather that's guild capital ships, guild vs guild pvp, plant wide war zones or pod racing...


one places challenge = fun and the other places entertainment = fun.


the problem is that one group is so indoctrinated that they can barely understand that there's another way to do things people enjoy or that one size does not fit all and the market is big enough for both....and just possibly that's why wow has lost twice as many players as it ever had.


two very different games with two very different intended audiences.


i know where i come down. i just wanna fly a speeder between the legs of an AT-AT or somesuch and see where the story takes my character. i don't really care who wins whatever that is. hell i rolled a smuggler just to have a melee wookie tank and a millennium falcon knock off...and i can do so safe in the knowledge no one is ever gonna stand up at Bio-con and say "sorry guys we just don't know how to make the (gay) Republic cool"...



as for your post about patches...so which is it ? Bioware fixes less bugs or Blizzard made a buggier game :p


i kid. back then wow was much more simplistic than it is now...y'know before they nicked every viable idea that they could from up and coming mmos so they didn't look out of touch before those games even came out...quest tracker from lotro, out in world pvp and dungeon queueing from WAR, "phasing" from GW and half a dozen others, arenas to combat the threat from AOCs pvp, their laughable supposed re-emphasis on story and questline narrative in Cata in light of swtor...


Fantistic post


/thread imo

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see tbh i wish people would just accept they are different games.


wow has given up on story. its popular is Asia because its a grindfest (duh). get to max level asap and "push your lever for more food". don't even read quest "no one reads quests, right ?" just look at the target in the quest target and kill it asap and get to end game and start your next grind.


they may be superficially similar but imo its the complete antithesis of the design philosophy behind swtor (and the antithesis of what initially drew me to wow)


wow wants its attempt at e-sports to be taken "srsy" (even tho their Executive Vice President of Game Design says it was their biggest ever mistake) because it fits the mercenary mentality they've instilled in the player population.


swtor wants...well im pretty sure it wants every piece of content added to have a coherent narrative weather that's guild capital ships, guild vs guild pvp, plant wide war zones or pod racing...


one places challenge = fun and the other places entertainment = fun.


the problem is that one group is so indoctrinated that they can barely understand that there's another way to do things people enjoy or that one size does not fit all and the market is big enough for both....and just possibly that's why wow has lost twice as many players as it ever had.


two very different games with two very different intended audiences.


i know where i come down. i just wanna fly a speeder between the legs of an AT-AT or somesuch and see where the story takes my character. i don't really care who wins whatever that is. hell i rolled a smuggler just to have a melee wookie tank and a millennium falcon knock off...and i can do so safe in the knowledge no one is ever gonna stand up at Bio-con and say "sorry guys we just don't know how to make the (gay) Republic cool"...



as for your post about patches...so which is it ? Bioware fixes less bugs or Blizzard made a buggier game :p


i kid. back then wow was much more simplistic than it is now...y'know before they nicked every viable idea that they could from up and coming mmos so they didn't look out of touch before those games even came out...quest tracker from lotro, out in world pvp and dungeon queueing from WAR, "phasing" from GW and half a dozen others, arenas to combat the threat from AOCs pvp, their laughable supposed re-emphasis on story and questline narrative in Cata in light of swtor...


Quoting for emphasis. This is a really great answer. Pretty much sums up how these two games are polar opposites. Unfortunately smart, well-though out posts like this are largely ignored on this forum in favor of trolling and flaming.

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The first thing they did was to focus on keeping the servers up, because at launch it was a full meltdown all the time.


But you know what the big difference was? Blizzard gave free days. Free WEEKS of time because of all their problems. Bioware hasn't given a thing other than inaction and an open hand saying "Pay us and get a shiny title!"

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Op it took the 30 days and yet the patch did not even answer a tenth of the MAJOR bugs. And it took Blizzard another 11 months to iron or the issue with capital lag and low FPS in them. (BTW that is a problem most MMOs battle with)


TOR on the other hand in a few week flushed out over 50% of the major bugs. And yes I'm counting the missing graphics option. These where removed 2 weeks before launch. They just ran out of time to get the headaches removed.


But I feel some of them are do to ATI and Nvidia drivers. Now that the game is official them 2 companies will start improving there drivers for the game.

Edited by Romiz
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You want compare, I'll give you comparison.


I started playing WoW something couple weeks after release. That time I had Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo with: Athlon 3200+, freaking 1Gb RAM, dedicated ATI video card with freaking 32Mb deticated RAM on it. That time it was $2000 laptop and WoW was running fine on it.

Can you play TOR on that laptop, no, because all hardware became obsolete during time. But you still need a $2K laptop to run TOR.

Same as Vanilla WoW became obsolete with in 7 years.

So you trying compare game from 2011 with obsolete game from 2004. What is the point?

You know, even if you gold plate pile of crap, it does not turn it in to chocolate.

In current state, that's what TOR is, a pile of crap.


your sir ....is full of ****.


l play on a laptop fine thanks.


2.53ghz dual core, 4 gig ram, 9600m nivida, i use an external monitor and run at around 30-35fps, not great but its playable.


and this cost me 400 quid 18months ago.

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Dunno about y'all but...I'm not experiencing any problems like this ._.


If I have a half-second delay, I just assume it's from having four other people in my house using the internet at the same time. OH LAWDY, here comes teh lag.


I've never tried to dance in combat. I'm too busy...you know. Being in combat, to think of bursting into Thriller with Khem Val and Qyzen Fess.


I've never seen any "missing graphics." Like, evar. Where can I find some--oh wait. Missing graphics can't be found.


I think the PvP is just fine. "Played" Huttball for the first time ever today. I was relieved I wasn't utterly one-shotted as soon as I stepped into the fray.


There are other issues to be discussed I'm sure, but.


The only "issue" I'm having with the game is settling on a Sith class to play as my main. That doesn't require a patch or a hotfix. I enjoy the game for what it is. Sometimes I think people just want to complain about something because it didn't live up to their expectations or the game had a hiccup here and there. Not everyone has those problems, but not everyone has it off perfectly like I do either (perfectly as in I haven't encountered a bug or somesuch as of yet). If it -really- infuriates you -that- bad, NO ONE, is making you stay. Please, by all means. Go. Save yourself, we forumgoers, and the BioWare copy/paste responses the trouble.


You're still here? Then it's not THAT big of an issue is it.

Edited by Kallist_Rhoka
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I enjoy SWTOR,I leveled my first character in three weeks and it was a Gunslinger at that.


Working on a Sith Inquisitor now and still having a blast.


I remember wow at launch,they went down so much they had to give people added time to thier subscription.


WoW is bad for having a class one way then a year later totally changing how the class works/Abilities and such then a year later doing it again.WoW was a nerf fest.

WoW was a great game for it's time,at least until they released too many expansions.


Thing is WoW played on low end machines and still does but WoW is a old game just like a old post,time to move on.


Sure I encounter rays all over the place in certain cities/zones in SWTOR but it doesn't affect my gameplay or ability to play.

I couldn't do this in WoW at launch,they went down too much.


I do have my complaints about SWTOR sure,like I think companions shouldn't be counted as a player in groups or against the group capacity limit.

A duel spec ability would be cool.


As for EQ it falls into another catagory.

EQ will always hold a place in my Heart.It was true hardcore in the beginning and even after several expansions.There was a risk in dieing and you either learned how to be a decent player or you usually never got to end levels.


Most games now are just easy mode,not much risk.


Yea I was off topic,so what. =P

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If you don't like this game then don't play it. No one cares about your fascination with an ancient game.


I suppose next you are going to tell me that VHS is the superior video format since it's been around for so much longer. Or that the Apple II is still a kick butt computer. Maybe next we should start using payphones again. I really think the dial-up modem is due for a comeback everyone!

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The fact is that swtor is superior to wow and it should be. It's called progess and genre progression. I want to play the best game around and right now it is swtor. Maybe it will be gw2 or tera in months to come. People need to recognize and stop being fanboys.


Most of the "fanboys" here want the game to be everything it can, and everything it has the potential for.


However, you cannot make the statement that SWTOR is simply "better". It some ways, it is. And in some ways, is decidedly not better.


And keep in mind, it's highly subjective. "I want to play the best game" means different thing to different people today, and for some it's TOR. For some, it is decidedly not.

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