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Did you come from WoW and have you gone back?


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I sort of came from WoW. I unsubbed a few weeks after the Firelands nerf but I've been playing it on and off since the beta. I've had a few months break every now and then (definitely haven't been subbed the entire time), and didn't get fully into raiding until WOTLK (didn't reach BT or Sunwell in TBC).


In all honesty, I'm mainly playing TOR at the moment because there just isn't an alternative. I'm done with WoW in it's current form and it's unlikely I'll return until 5.0 when I can try out the new talents and the Deathwing raid/new dungeons. I'm looking forward to it actually beacuse before I have a chance to get bored with the content MoP will be released so I can just move straight into that. At the moment I'll be leaving TOR when that happens, purely because WoW feels so much more polished. I didn't used to be a fan of how Blizzard dealt with the community, but Bioware have really put that into perspective for me and I've realized they're probably the best out there still.


Of course, that does give TOR a good few months to sort itself out but I imagine I'll fancy a break from TOR by then anyway.


If Blizzard right now gave out a free weeks gametime to everyone with an inactive account Bioware would be in trouble.

Edited by Valorak
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I didnt stop playing wow for swtor or other mmo's. Wow has so many advantags over everything and we have over 400 in guild there. It has become pretty easy though, what took me a year to get to end game, now takes people mere weeks on average. My character equity was completely screwed aswell and now anybody can have the same things I have, such as reputation levels or etc easier and faster, but nothing beats the smooth combat especially pvp, not rift startrek or here, nothing beats the quality of life little things that swtor will make u almost cry to have back. Like adding freinds not online, guild summoning to where ever u are, guild perks in general, just little things like a timer by ur portrait saying how long ur still flagged for, linking professions in chat, u name it wow is better at it, and sadly even textures. And for a game made after 2010, this game doesnt even have as good of graphics as secondlife made in early 2000. photo realistic textures have been a standard in 3d now for over 5 years and im looking at muddy chalk here, not even getting into mesh detail or bum maps/overlays.


The only reason I am playing swtor as well, is because I like starwars, have since I saw it come out. The only reason bioware, lucas and ea have my subscription, is because I want the game to succeed I like starwars.


I think im being falsly advertised to, (check screenshots where they are still advertising in game combat with high textures for instance to get new players while lying to us saying it was never supposed to be anything but conversations) calling conversation cutscreens, cinematics!!!!! To not get sued for it. And then telling us if we installed after jan 4th, we'd have them!!!! Only to have medium changed to high next patch!!!! This has become the absolute worst dealings i have had with any company whatsoever in a very long time.


So I am still playing wow,this game made me miss wow when i was sick of wow b4, now im thankful for it! I am still playing here, but I really am considering quitting here just based on principle of false advertising over the textures and getting lied to on top of that about it when we as a coimmunity tookt he time and effort to give them the benefit of the doubt with 4+ forums of over 1000 posts each and they just swept it under the rug and closed the damn thing down! And being treated like an idiot having them change basic definitions etc! Nothing has pissed me off more in recent years then to have a video game, whos quality is based on the graphics, ie video game, falsely advertise those graphics and then lie to me about what they did. I almost want to join a class action lawsuit and put this company under, but i like bioware, they had a few good games and if it wasnt for their name and lucas on the sticker persay, I'd not of even joined or trusted it, now im wondering if i ever should have.


On an additional note, I like the game, the fun factor is there, it needs some major bug fixes and some better focus on where my equity is (my character itself, companion story lines, customization etc) and to stop trying to be like wow in the first place. I hate theres no diplomatic option like a bonus for not killing 50 of this or that, for light side and killing 50 of this or that for dark side, but the light/dark side idea is innovative and keeps you immersed in story line. I love the voice acting, but the number one reason for me to like any mmo, is character equity, character detail (graphics quality/texture res mesh detail) and customization, and again did i say my character?


So we shall see how this game ends up, so far it is about to ruin even my fond memories of the movies themselves. But I am still hoping, I am having fun as long as I am not end game yet, and we do have a few that are stuck for 6 months and have expanded guild to here. So I have to kinda be here unless guild collapses on it.


If theyd fix the flat out false advertising and lying to me (by removing the screenshots gallery they ahve up that is falsely advertising to new players, or by simply allowing me to choose if it really is a performance issue not some lucas cowardly attempt to hide there so precious artwork (and ya lucas, this dealign with graphics is making you look paranoid dealw ith it, and fix the false advertising if u do not liek it)), then i could live with bugs while they are fixed.


But if this texture issue is continued to be swept under the rug. Idc how good this game gets. I will not reward lying false advertising theives. I hate poeple like that, and will honestly unsubscribe for my real life light side point choice!


No matter how much I like some of the innovative features on swtor.


As far as wow goes, we got a bunch of new people that have been joining our server lich king title run last night for fun for newbies, and had a blast. Spent awhile in bg and arena , had a blast. Did some firelands and such dailies, was ok enough to buy some of the stuff i wanted (chant). Geared a little guildie (crafting), elected another officer, got to see friends i have had for 5+ years, pretty much an overall good experience. Even the customer service is back to fast, issues being addressed. They even asked me what I'd like to see different b4 and after pandas (They are obviously takign this seriously, I think millions of subscribers is a big dealwto most companies). Told them I miss wow vanilla, and it being something to explore havening to read th quests or even go to thottbot to figure them out. Wanted better detail mesha nd graphics options and more charcter customization and that the humans should eb eye candy not eye sores. Miss havening to use thottbot or really read a quest, because it kept me engaged in story line, And hated I couldnt finish story lines without raid in almost every aspect now. And some basic fun factor needed back in the game - less raid end game content only focus, and more fun factor and charcter detaila nd customization, since that is where oru equity lies. They all agreed (3 gm's came to talk to me because they knew I played swtor and I ran one the oldest active guilds around and they just literally wanted my opinion. And said they had some new changes coming b4 (im sure over swtor and loss of subscribers) and after panda now, to get back to wow vanilla and the fun factor and exploration and mystery of the game that they think I will really like alot. And you know what? Unlike this game has made me start to do, and question everything im told by a company, I actually believed them, was nice to simply not have to distrust the people speaking to me, like i feel i have come to do here.


I know this is long, but as u can see, these peopel are pissing me off with crap like



and comments like




and then being told









Really?!!! ****




OK come the f on, i am not a damn idiot. What the hell is this crap ur still advertising 'in combat' 'high res' and my god do u think im f stupid to try to change a damn definition of cinematic! For real, who the f thinks a conversation is a pre-rendered bump map, shadow map etc cinematic ?!!!!!!!!! My ***!


This is why i may never play this game again if in patch 1.2 as we were told again, it would get better. If my graphics are not fully what was advertised in 1.2, i will be forced to join a lawsuit to shut this game down. I DO NOT WANT THAT I WANT THE GAME TO SUCCEED, SO MY GOD STOP ACTING LIKE YOU CAN"T EVEN READ THIS!!!!!!!


In a video game, graphics quality, is the video games quality or wed all be playing pacman, asteroids and space invaders etc. And when you advertise better graphics which is why half the peopel buy a video game in the first place, then lie to me about it!!! Acting like I am a fool!!! I want a recourse of action. that one step alone, has pissed me off, lossed my trust and makes me distrust anything else you do! Because not only was i lied to in the first place for weeks to keep me from unsubbing, but now they are tryign to hide the crap, AND YOUR STILL F'ING DOING IT !!!!!!! http://www.swtor.com/media/screens/jedi-sage-0


No matter how much i like this game. My integrity is going to make me try to have it shut down. And when your catering to people of integrity on half your game with light side points, YOU WOULD THINK YOU HAD SOME FORM OF KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT INTEGRITY IS! And, you damn well better realize what you just did!!! And fix that crap now! Because there is proof in your own current advertising! Your still false advertising!! And we have tried to tell you about it!!! YOU SHUT DOWN THE FORUM ON IT!!! - And tbh i cant believe other mmo's that you have taken subscribers from, havent sued you out the ***** yet, because it has cost them some major damages; people switching from wow to play sw, many of whom did so based on the graphics advertisements alone - because as many have said this is just basically space wow atm with voice GRAPHICS WERE SUPPOSED TO BE ONE OF THE KEY DEFINING DIFFERENCES, and this is after the forced subscription to get my 30 days included game time shady move!!.



Now not only do i expect the graphics to get fixed, but 4 body options? REALLY? I thought the beta was a limited set fo things you were testing, come to find out its worse then the beta? I AM FLABERGASTED AT A PRODUCT THAT COMES OUT WORSE THEN ITS BETA!! Big grey censor bars on every body? No ability to change things after creation, when u get to see what it actually looks like playing? There is just so much i cant stand about what lured me here.


Now back to trying to see if I can get kira to talk to me because she still says i want to speak to u on your ship, till i get there again and she wont again!!! As usual just like pre-patch, back and forth from planet to ship, at 10k/10k affection, guess ill go back to finishing every planet story line hoping maybe hers will pop up on this next planet or the one after that, like Nar seemed to kick a few off going there. Because there isnt much else to enjoy with my graphics lacking so - space is fun, pvp is sub par, missions are awesome witht he voice and light dark side options, if my graphics worked (what i have to star at almost the entire time i play (I find i repeat conversations just to see wha I COULD LOOK LIKE IF IT WORKED!) much elss actual charcter customization and detail like startrek has, a game that came out years b4 this one, or like second life has, a game that came out almost a decade b4 this one!).


If there was even the amount of customization star trek had, if this game actually looked like it came out in 2012, then ok , I could have some time and energy invested into my character and not feel ripped off. I could stop staring at a blurrry character most fo the entire time i am playing, DO YOU NOT GET THAT?!!! I have to STARE AT MY CHARACTER AND COMPANION THE ENTIRE TIME!!!! FIX ATLEAST THEM, Give me soem character customization that is a decade old in 3d graphics, slider bars for dif body parts, overlays/tattoos etc, atleast what your competitor did years ago on STAR TREK OR SECOND LIFE OR ETC! Atleast WOW I can udnerstand, its 7 years old, photo realistic textures weren't evena standard back then, BUT YOU?!! YOU JUST CAME OUT, YOUR SUPPOSED TO HAVE THE BEST CHARACTER CUSTOMIZATION AND GRAPHICS.


SWTOR is the NEW game!!!, Why the hell does it look worse then any other aaa title out there, AND why is there no real customization for my character and what the hell are you doign falsely advertising still and lyign to us when the proof is on your own damn website!!!




The only reason your stock didnt go bust, is because you flat out started lying to the community and doing the bait and switch bs and swept real issues under the rug to be adressed at some future time. BUT YOUR STOCK WOULD HAVE RISEN IF U'D BEEN HONEST AND JUST FIXED THE DAMN PROBLEM!!!!


I will still be playing for awhile, atleast till 1.2, But if they pull this crap then also to try to keep me subscribing, wanting my graphcis, I already paid for! Idc how much i like starwars, these companies and this game can go screw itself.


You devs hear that? LUCAS, BIOWARE, EA? If u screw me us on 1.2 and lie to me again about these graphics and do not either drop ur screenshot galleries false impretions or actually make what you radvertising be what you have, thats the last straw.



So do I still play wow, hell ya, Will I stop, probably not, Will I keep playing here? we will see whent he false advertising stops.


OH and for the record, if u delete my post, IMA SEND THIS TO MSNBC and any number of other social outlets I can find, I brought this to your forums. For u to address without legal action havening to be taken by anybody, You didnt get it done b4 your first renewal and i bet your paying the price for it, lets see if a second chance works, or if you decide im an even greater fool and f yourselves even more.


Holy good lord. I hope you feel better having gotten all your rage out in one post.


Edited to add:

OH and for the record, if u delete my post, IMA SEND THIS TO MSNBC


For your own sake, you could seriously use a little sense of perspective.

Edited by Pastorfrog
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My partner got me to try WoW up to about level 20, and I must admit I have personally never played a more boring game.


Was rather underwhelmed by the graphics, the repetitive gameplay, the lack of interesting story or immersion and the combat system. The community was vile, and I ended up leaving after my sub ran out. And this was before they introduced free to level 20.


I am rather dismayed actually at the number of posters from both the WoW side and the SW:TOR side for arguing like children over something that ultimately has no right answer.


The story and gameplay in WoW appeals to some people; the story and gameplay of SW:TOR appeals to another. Each have their own niche, and ultimately which one is "better" is purely subjective and personal.


I personally love the immersion of SW:TOR. I was a console gamer, and to me, SW:TOR feels almost like KOTOR III just on a larger scale.


I am frankly sick and tired of hearing or seeing the comparisons between the games, and wish both sides would grow up and understand that everyone is entitled to their opinion without being abused for it.


I have faith that Bioware will iron out the kinks in the game as we go along. And to be frankly honest, even if they don't I'll be here. Game plays great for me, and I frankly prefer playing by myself or with my partner without having to have a guild. Especially when a lot of guilds are made up by some of the people posting on this forum.





I just couldn't get into wow myself

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Only played WoW with the free time, after a friend dragged me along to Runes Of Magic (quit that around a year ago). Found both of those got old fast. I've no intention of returning to RoM or picking up WoW


We will see with this one - at worst it's several single player campaigns, so when my sub runs out I'll have got my moneys worth, I feel. I'm on the fence about the PvP at the moment...

Edited by Laicza
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WoW sucked up a good portion of my life for a long time. I love many things about the game, the content and the story (after being a rabid WC3 player), the art style and my guild. Two things that keep me from going back are the class and ability homogenization and the raid-based drama. SWTOR took me back to a happier time in wow when everything was new and people were just happy to be playing (for the most part.) I thought the stories and voice acting was fantastic, loved DA, loved ME, so this was a no-brainer. There are several frustrating parts of SWTOR also, which has made me cancel my sub.


I don't get the hate on MoP either. What about pandarians is kiddy? They're alcoholics and physically abuse eachother. Just because there was a kids movie about a cartoon panda doesn't mean wow pandarians are anything like it...

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I came from WoW and am currently back to it. Reason why i cancelled my ToR is because i just can't justify having 2 active subscriptions, and am still in the middle of my active WoW subscription.


ToR is a really fun game, but at the moment not fun enough for me to pay for it as well.

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Yes I played wow for years, until about june/july time last year.


It was a fantastic game, and the game engine is second to none. But it's story and it's whole concept is a tired one, unless you liked to roll alts the end game was the same as any other MMO, you learn the few dungeons they release and then once that's done you are farming them waiting for more new content to come out.


This game so far has a fantastic story line but end game will probably end the same as every other MMO. You simply can't have end game material come out as frequently as the player base demands it.


Only time will tell whether Bioware can release content fast enough or if not make the end game stuff not feel like a grindy waiting game.


What else is on the horizon for MMO gamers?


GW2 will have to be a completely different game to the last (I personaly thought the first was dire).


I think there needs to be a game with really good PvP battles on a game engine that can handle big scale PvP, Warhammer had the right idea but that was on a rubbish game engine.


But in summary no I havent gone back and dont intend too. Unless they mix it up and have some new end game content rather than the copy and paste affair it has been in the last expansion.

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Seeing your previous post you are not contributing to this community or forums either. Your childish remarks would suit to WoW general forums much better.


it would be very welcoming, if you and your kind could make arrengements in world of warcraft. Going back there would surely adjust well to your taste of rehashed content.

Soon, changes will be made which will be even more forgiving to you and your kind alike, introducing wild chinese pandabears and taming pets will surely keep you busy.

Please do not forget to leave the items of the game you are not playing anymore but are still lurking in its forums, to me.


Is this an adult way to say "go back to wow" ?


if not, i am sorry, as i can't read your answer as i put you on ignore aswell :)

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I have played wow for 6 years and will probably continue to play till servers shut down. With that said, right now tor is different enough and the community in game seems decent so this will be my second game. I don't have a 360 or a ps3 so 2 subs wont be that bad.
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I still haven't seen one response which shows how SW:TOR did it better than WoW in any feature, in any way, shape, or form. All this game does is LACK features. It offers NOTHING NEW. Don't you guys realize you're being ripped off and asked to pay a monthly subscription for a single-player game and you're all blind to it because of your connection to the Star Wars lore?


Someone tell me right now how SW:TOR has done it better than WoW in any facet of the game. Go.


i had more fun in SWTOR than I ever had in WOW, even with all the bugs, its just a better game


this is only my opinion but you need to realize that not everyone has to share your view...


fail troll is fail...

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I'm loving SWTOR. I have an active WoW sub that I can't cancel (they got me on the annual pass) and was playing WoW since TBC. While I still think that WoW is the more polished of the two games, being 7 years older and all, I currently enjoy SWTOR more - possibly more due to WoW-fatigue than anything else. I've got 20 85s (or near-85s) in WoW....one of each class on each faction - and just don't have the motivation to do anything more in that game. I've killed the Lich King, taken down Death Wing...and while I will try Mists when it comes out I'm kinda feeling that, for my purposes, I've kind of "completed" wow.


A lot of people complain that SWTOR is "Wow with lightsabers and voice acting"...well, that's kinda exactly what I want. Something that lets me have a new WoW-type experience in a fresh setting with some new mechanics and great storytelling. I guess, being a person who really likes WoW but who is tired of WoW itself and really likes the Star Wars franchise...I'm kinda the perfect candidate for this game.

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I came from EvE Online, and I still play it every day. I will play this game again once I see BW trying to fix their game instead of blindly proceeding on some preconceived content plan based on their assumption that their game has zero problems.
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I left WoW behind long ago and I came to this game from no where. I wasn't playing any MMO at the time I heard about how good this game was. I bought it to see what people were so excited about. So far I am not to disappointed. The game has a lot of flaws and bugs but nothing some patches can't fix. Overall I am happy with the game and will continue to play it. Edited by ClayPeopleCry
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I played WOW...stopped playing over a year ago....not going back.


I played GW...stopped playing years ago.


I even played Rift...stopped playing after the initial end game...not going back.


I played SWTOR....I wouldn't even play this game again when it goes F2P at the end of the year.


This game is complete crap for anyone who isn't a forceboy or biodrone. I guess it could be a decent game for those who can't read, but you should have other priorities in life if that's the case. Sub par compared to voice acted single player games...horrible depth and story for anyone old enough to sit on the potty by themselves.



I'd just rather play nothing at all then touch this piece of trash.

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I'm loving SWTOR. I have an active WoW sub that I can't cancel (they got me on the annual pass) and was playing WoW since TBC. While I still think that WoW is the more polished of the two games, being 7 years older and all, I currently enjoy SWTOR more - possibly more due to WoW-fatigue than anything else. I've got 20 85s (or near-85s) in WoW....one of each class on each faction - and just don't have the motivation to do anything more in that game. I've killed the Lich King, taken down Death Wing...and while I will try Mists when it comes out I'm kinda feeling that, for my purposes, I've kind of "completed" wow.


A lot of people complain that SWTOR is "Wow with lightsabers and voice acting"...well, that's kinda exactly what I want. Something that lets me have a new WoW-type experience in a fresh setting with some new mechanics and great storytelling. I guess, being a person who really likes WoW but who is tired of WoW itself and really likes the Star Wars franchise...I'm kinda the perfect candidate for this game.


Yo im not trying to troll you but in all honesty......how much time have you spent on wow? I'm actually really interested to hear the total hours it took you to get all that...

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