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Is it a myth that pvp in MMO's are played by a minority?


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That the other 70% or so, are just content hogs? I remember that one of the reasons Star Trek Online failed was a borked pvp game at launch. The Klingons were the equivalent of Imperials and they owned pvp. Plus Klingon content and ships was an after thought for the game devs. Do you see parallels with SWTOR? Edited by Chiricahua
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I think one of the primary issues is relegating pvp to factional warfare by default. Goodguy faction is usually the minority in most games- this one seems to be no exception.


Were Bioware willing to extend FFA boundaries, faction pupulation dusparity might mot be so meaningful.

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That the other 70% or so, are just content hogs? I remember that one of the reasons Star Trek Online failed was a borked pvp game at launch. The Klingons were the equivalent of Imperials and they owned pvp. Plus Klingon content and ships was an after thought for the game devs. Do you see parallels with SWTOR?


Um more like other 90%. OF course on these forums you'll get some other made up number, but if PVP was so important why is it clearly an afterthought in this game?

Oh well vocal minorities never seem to grasp the minority part.

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PvPers will always be a minority over PvErs because most people don't like to get their asses handed to them day in and day out. It takes time and practice to get good at pvp, a lot just want the I WIN buttons or have a hard time dealing with losing constantly.
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It depends on the perspective you are looking at it from.


I mean a massive portion of players are extremely casual and might not even hit max level, or spend most of the the time with solo content. Then a lot of people will only do small dungeons when they hit max level.


So on a grand scale yes, pvpers are relatively small.


However in the case of diehard players, pvpers make up a large portion of the game.

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PVE 2 player join force and both win the NPC = 2 player happy

PVE 16 player join force and 16 win the NPC = 14 player happy - 2 player pissed because they didnt get the loot




PVP 2 player fight eacother one win one lose one accuse the other of cheating

= 1 player happy 1 pissed

PVP 16 player fight 8vs8 of which 3 go afk 2 leave 1 cheat 3 accuse him of cheat the remaning have no clue

= 2 player happy (the cheater and his friend) 6 player don't know what happened 4 player pissed


obviously PVE works better no matter how you look at it on the grand scheme and with big number

Edited by Pekish
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Um more like other 90%. OF course on these forums you'll get some other made up number, but if PVP was so important why is it clearly an afterthought in this game?

Oh well vocal minorities never seem to grasp the minority part.

Devs are not the player base sorry npc killer put the faq is if this game was 80% pve like you say why is it dead dont give me the cuz theres nothing to do pve on this game is big real freaking big for a 6month old game and yet servers are all on light thank you is all i have to say this game hate it or love it NPC KILLERS my be a pve game put theres allot more pvp'rs on this game then theres pve'rs devs are pve'rs them self so dont worry this game will die whit all of the 30% pve'rs player base this is why 70% of all the players on this game are all on tera and guildwars 2 beta lol yea i guess pvp'rs are the minority lol

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The top raid guilds are among the best PvP players in WoW, Gladiators, +2400 and top 20 guilds in the world.


They are less than 5%!


But Blizzard knows they need them to be happy content wise.

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because the pvper that all join the same server whined for queue too long and they opened too many server


if you notice the most empty server and the most request of join server come from PVP servers and the fact that PVP doesn't start (i yet have to hear lets merge server i cannot do PVE)


PVP crowd was always made by the most whiners crying baby ever they jump from game to game they rarely are pleased (actually never) if they win because they win if they lose becuase other cheat if they play too much because the game has nothing to do (and yet they are on line 8 hours a day) if they play too little because they lose everytime (obviously if u think u cna fight at 50s in green gear...)


but i guess u dont want to notice it

Edited by Pekish
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Depends which game it is...Dark Age of Camelot, even though it has alot of PvE content like Trials of Atlantis, everyone plays that game for the RvR/PvP. Id bet 95% of the players still playing DAoC play for RvR/PvP only.


Guild Wars 2 will be a HEAVY PvP game..they are actually copying alot of what made Dark Age of Camelot such a good PvP game. Id guess about 60%+ of the players going to GW2 are going for the PvP...will be same thing for the 2013 release of the Elder Scrolls 3 faction RvR game being developed by Matt Firor...co-designer of DAoC.

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The MMO community is definitely PvE focused. I would say the percentage of PvPers is actually increasing but not by a significant amount.


PC games in general are not nearly as big on PvP as they once were. Console games have taken over the scene.

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I cant' wait GW2 come out and shatter the dream of those people...


GW2 is pure PVP with NO REAL REWARD NO ACCOMPLISHMENT other then FAME at all!!! it's the dream/utopia of every "so called" PVPer


I hope they all go there play 24/7 and figure out after 1 month that without nothing to build nothing to conquer nothing to fight for fighting just for fighting get old very very quickly and beeing the BAD_AXX of the server just bring you this far


the real thing is PVE and PVP mixed togheter the real thing is a SANDBOX that create a comunity where PVP need PVE and PVE need PVP and they cooperate... the idea of server PVE and server PVP is the first of the big mistake of the MMORPG world


we need to create an enviroment that works for both comunity in harmony where PVP can kill PVE people but they pay consequence for it where PVE grow some balls and dont cry if they get kills (i said get killed not get harrassed) where people is treated as people and not as mice in a cage that you train with "reward" to spin the wheel.

Edited by Pekish
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Yes. It's a myth. I've played a number of MMOs with an amazing variety of players, and every time, the end game has been PvPing with them. RPers, PvEers, Raiders, crafters, collectors...didn't matter.
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I think one of the primary issues is relegating pvp to factional warfare by default. Goodguy faction is usually the minority in most games- this one seems to be no exception.


Now that you mention it, it certainly does seem that way. Why is that? The purple lightning?

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Now that you mention it, it certainly does seem that way. Why is that? The purple lightning?


We have to be good in real life, people don't want to have to be good in a video game as well.


And yea, lightning is cooler than throwing rocks.

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Yes and no.


Yes, PvPers are the minority in just about every MMO I've ever tried in the last decade of online gaming. The vast majority of MMO's at their core are not designed for PvPers, because there are more PvEers than there are PvPers, and generally speaking PvPers are harder to please than their PvE counterparts. There are many reasons, but one of the main ones is: In every match someone walks away a loser.


Sometimes those losses are severe, some of those losses will result in taunting, trash talk, and other negative aspects that the majority of MMO players are just not good at dealing with. So they'd prefer to stick to something they understand, can predict the outcome of, and generally doesn't have as many negative aspects. The average human being doesn't deal with defeat or failure very well, and when you apply that to an online environment, coping mechanisms vary from emo-like venting "OMG everyone left the node?? You all suck", to accepting that you can't win them all, to some just saying I don't see the point.


The no part comes in that just about every player will try PvP at some point in just about any MMO, and in a game like TOR that actually has cash/experience/gear rewards, and dailies and weeklies that encourage you to PvP, the average of say 10-30% of players in a MMO that regularly PvP is probably a bit higher, at least in the 10-49 bracket, the lvl 50 bracket is less inviting of the casual PvPer.


That said, hardcore PvP'ers (those that will put in hours and hours every day) will always make up a very small percentage of most MMO communities. There are exceptions, games like Guild Wars that are designed in reverse, PvP > PvE. These forums are the simplest example out there of why that's a fact though. What are the majority of posts? Are they helpful? Constructive? Or just people venting and flaming each other? It's not a fluke occurence, this doesn't just happen in TOR, it happens in nearly every PvP community. Imagine the reaction of a PvEer interested in PvP and looking at these forums? Why would he bother?

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I cant' wait GW2 come out and shatter the dream of those people...


GW2 is pure PVP with NO REAL REWARD NO ACCOMPLISHMENT other then FAME at all!!! it's the dream/utopia of every "so called" PVPer


I hope they all go there play 24/7 and figure out after 1 month that without nothing to build nothing to conquer nothing to fight for fighting just for fighting get old very very quickly and beeing the BAD_AXX of the server just bring you this far


the real thing is PVE and PVP mixed togheter the real thing is a SANDBOX that create a comunity where PVP need PVE and PVE need PVP and they cooperate... the idea of server PVE and server PVP is the first of the big mistake of the MMORPG world


we need to create an enviroment that works for both comunity in harmony where PVP can kill PVE people but they pay consequence for it where PVE grow some balls and dont cry if they get kills (i said get killed not get harrassed) where people is treated as people and not as mice in a cage that you train with "reward" to spin the wheel.


GW2 is not pure pvp, get your facts straight.


The rest of your post is part garbage part gibberish.

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PVP 2 player fight eacother one win one lose one accuse the other of cheating

= 1 player happy 1 pissed

PVP 16 player fight 8vs8 of which 3 go afk 2 leave 1 cheat 3 accuse him of cheat the remaning have no clue

= 2 player happy (the cheater and his friend) 6 player don't know what happened 4 player pissed


obviously PVE works better no matter how you look at it on the grand scheme and with big number


hehe nice

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GW2 is not pure pvp, get your facts straight.


The rest of your post is part garbage part gibberish.


i did i played the beta and PVE is subparo like saying DAOC had PVE or GW had PVE


story = ZERO ABSOLUTLY ZERO the worst ever

big even = RIFT made badly

quest is a pain a sufference NOBODY will play that game for PVE


turn on ur brain

Edited by Pekish
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PvP players are a minority. Because the content is based around PvE.


PvP is a side attraction in most MMORPG's, it can become huge but it starts out as being something to do while you wait to raid that night ect.

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