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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Have you seen a major drop-off in players on your server?


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Ajunta Pall, server still buzzing


Also on AP, my boyfriend was on his little Jedi guardian a bunch of equal leveled republic gathered around and made a full raid in Tatoonie >.>


And I missed it :<

Edited by Sathla
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Ive seen about 1/4 drop in people, and im thankful... every single one of thos people were General Chat Troll Champions, and were Forum Warriors who only tried to bring this game down


The Maw pvp server

Edited by lendaugy
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Now that we're in to the first suscribed month, I was wondering if people are seeing a huge drop-off on their servers.


I haven't seen that big a drop-off, but then again I'm on a heavily populated server.


No mate. Frostclaw has 160 peeps on the fleet during the evening. Quite a lot on Belsavis doing dailies. Plenty of tanks and healers but dps are shy.

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There's no shortage of people on my server. If anything the population is growing.


^ This.


The populations have grown on every server I am on. Even during off peak hours. Perhaps some people understand how launches can go and they waited a month. Some may wait another. Regardless, the game is growing and isn't going away anytime soon.


I've also noticed that the community has gotten a LOT better since certain types of people have left. :)

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Some drop off for sure, nothing I wouldn't expect at the end of the first free month.


More to come over the next three; but again that's completely normal for any MMO.




Any further sooth-saying would just be pure speculation.


Will TOR die? Maybe, maybe not. I don't see the point to arguing so vehemently about whether it will survive, thrive, or shrivel as people are on these forums or anywhere else. That won't do anything to change what happens.

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My server's been Standard pretty much the whole time I've been on it; I haven't noticed any population changes at all, except a slightly higher amount on Alderaan/Taris/Quesh (instead of 20 players in peak time you get 40). I picked it because it was Standard when every other server had a queue (well, every other east coast RP-PvE server), and it's somehow stayed Standard instead of going light (although now I wish it would gain a higher population.).
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nearly 200 in the fleet, and 80-100 on Alderaan on Mask of Nihilus for emps.


Reps are about 20 less of above on planets and 80 less of above on the fleet, but this is still more than i have seen the last few weeks.

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I was actually going to make a similar post. I'm on Hyperspace Cannon - PVE - Republic side.


I just hit 50 with my first character. PVP seems to be with / against mainly the same people. There were consistently less than 25 people in the zones from Hoth on. I went to Illum to check it out and there were 13 people there, with no one in sight. Only a few Imperial alerts went off in the 5 minutes or so I was sitting there (e.g. "Imperial x spotted by y"). The fleet has 84 people in it on a Saturday at noon (CST), so it's not horrible but I haven't seen it over 100 for a long time.


I don't know about overall population, but there sure seems to be a lack of it at the top. I'm pretty much just going to do PVP dailies with this toon and level alts. Hopefully by the time I have 3-4 50's, there will be more population at the top. Right now it isn't fun, though.

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I have absolutely no data whatsoever on server population changes so speculating is pointless. Server load descriptions on the selection screen do not necessarily have any relationship to population changes, as load caps can be adjusted independently. All I can say for sure is I'm still subscribed, along with every single one of my friends and guildmates who were playing before the 20th.



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