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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove Spit from emotes.


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really your mad that the enemy spat on you? well technically you read some orange words that said the persons name spat on your fictional characters "dead" body. Its an emote. A string of words that is supposed to imply an action. Just be glad he didn't crouch on your corpses face and teabag you.


they really do need to add a /teabag

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To those that are getting all pissed off about a /spit emote, really?


I referee soccer, if I got upset every time someone told me they didn't like me then I would be in a permanent state of depression. You know what I do, I smile right in their face and don't stop. When they get really nasty I give a yellow card with a smile, and I give red cards with a smile. Life it too short to let someone else's opinion of you mess with your own opinion of yourself.

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  • 1 month later...

I really love how some people think that its ok cause its not real. You get banned for calling someone a frowned upon N word or something like that and that also is in game and not real. Why is /spit allowed...


I would love to see this getting removed as it is disgusting and while imperials and republics are enemies the players behind them are all humans ( although i would doubt anyone that likes using /spit is fully human). I think its disgusting and I hate that bioware even included it in the game as it promotes anger with some people


I referee soccer, if I got upset every time someone told me they didn't like me then I would be in a permanent state of depression.


If they spat on you how would you react?...would you still be smiling as you gave your red card, I would be impressed if you were

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we do need a /teabag emote but for now /sit /sit /sit will do. just macro it on your gaming keyboard and bam you have a teabag :)


you can add /spit at the end to show you also came at the end :) :)


as far as the OP goes...i laughed so hard my character spat on me for not playing him and taking time to laugh at stupid posts :)


reality is in the RL world there are people that wont like you so how is that different to the game. just ignore it and play some more.


plus forcing emotions on your oponents is part of the metagame. with any luck that /spit would have enraged you enough to either respawn via probe at the spot you died and get ganked while your loading screen is fking arround loading. so you come back to a dead body again, OR go back to med centre and drive back out to find him and likely try to change things.


if at any time your responce to /spit is "i wanna get that sucker...im on my way to kill him now" the purpose of /spit has been fulfilled

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I really love how some people think that its ok cause its not real. You get banned for calling someone a frowned upon N word or something like that and that also is in game and not real. Why is /spit allowed...


I would love to see this getting removed as it is disgusting and while imperials and republics are enemies the players behind them are all humans ( although i would doubt anyone that likes using /spit is fully human). I think its disgusting and I hate that bioware even included it in the game as it promotes anger with some people




If they spat on you how would you react?...would you still be smiling as you gave your red card, I would be impressed if you were


did you just try to compare racism and a person fictionally spitting on your fake toon? two completely different things


by far this is the funniest thing i have ever read...the op got mad cause he got spat on and qqed about it...to funny...it is a game get over it lol btw whats with the tough guy talk with "blood will spill" made the post even funnier


plus a teabag emote would be hilarious with animations to...i would die of laughter...would give me so much more joy after killing sorcs/mercs and other annoying classes

Edited by jonnyshadow
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I was involved in a open world pvp fight with a republic soldier , which i lost badly which is fine. But what i didnt like was his need to /spit on me , does anyone else think this is just rude and inappropriate.

If i kill someone in pvp i would either walk away or salute them , no need to spit .

If i saw this happen in RL well lets say blood would spill.


nice troll thread.

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They should add /teabag with nice animation.


Cant see how few people gets annoyed of spit emote, if i kill my opponent that wants to kill me im sure he doesnt mind me spitting on him afterwards when his dead.


love it.i think ill make macro saying (last stop meatball ).

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If i saw this happen in RL well lets say blood would spill.


Look your not some tough guy, if you flip a switch this easily over a game, I highly doubt your in control enough of yourself, to be anything in a real life fight.


I personally think we should have more demeaning emotes, but that's just me ;)



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