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Can everyone with 550+ expertise...


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Yes, I can.


OP's til the nerf in 1.1.1 - Stealth, Still do tons of burst damage and knock down, and still can kill within 3secs, and area stun.


Sorc's - Damage, Heal, Sprint, and Shield. Nothing Mitigates their damage, plus, spamming Project/Lightning w/ slow with no DR is stupid.


Arensal Mercs - Constant spamming of 1 ability (tracer missile) with great damage without having to worry about overheating compared to their pyro counterparts which can not spam incendiary missile (300-400 damage and 1k dot) because of the differences in heat consumption. The stacking of armor penetration with tracer missile then heat seeker to do tons of damage. Their shield ability while being 1 button menace.


Next in line - Marauder dps/evasion dps comabt mechanic. dps/combat stealthing. Followed by Assassin/Shadow - opening/kd dps



...So basically everyone that's not you is overpowered?

Edited by Paralassa
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Sadly they dont care and Bioware listened to them.


Most of those posters calling for OP's nerf were not high lvl or geared well,they were adolescent kids that ruin every game they post on,seen it many times.


This is bad argument. If OP is balanced only in champ gear at lvl 50, they need to be changed. Not nerfed per say, but changed.

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The problem with Sorcs is the bubble, and the problem with the bubble is it can be pre-loaded. That is, when you attack a Sorc, the bubble is already up. You bust it, and they cast it again.


THAT is the problem. Them popping the bubble in the middle of combat is fair. Them getting two is the problem.

Edited by EternalFinality
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Don't fight 1v1's on a glass cannon

If the enemy is taking the time to LoS, run to a teammate


Yeah that's the main problem with these posts about classes being OP. 1v1 fights are stupid and no one balances around them. Sure, a stealth class may be able to kill the crap out of you when you're alone and they sneak up behind you but it's only really a problem if they can do that while you're standing in a pack of allies.

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Compare this to a Commando. They've heavy armor, good cooldowns, and a heal that cannot be interrupted when they're using their cooldown. So, even if you get into melee range with them, they're not afraid to trade hits because their Grav Round spam might actually beat you at point blank range, and even if they start losing, their cooldowns are good enough that they are usually very confident they'll heal themselves back up.




what heal are you talking about? A gunnery commando has 2 heals, a 2.5 sec heal at 400 expertise, only heals me for 1.5-2k with 3.7k crits. and a 1.5 second heal that heals for 800. I'm pretty sure if i'm fighting someone, i'm blowing all my ammo and don't have any left to heal. i only get 10 ammo and it costs 2 ammo for each of my heals.


So what if it's uninteruptable, but you can just dps through it and it doesn't gain us any hp but lets us live a fraction of a second longer. They both require ammo to execute. I'm pretty sure anyone can dps past my big heal so it's useless to even use during fights because a gunnery commando not dpsing means they are going to lose.


I'm not entirely sure what you mean by good cool downs? our 4sec cc is 1 minutes long, our aoe knockback can be spec'd to 24 seconds or so, and our 60 second stun has a cast time of 2 seconds with a 60 second cool down. blitz has to be spec'd for it to knock back. once we blow our cd's we're screwed. If melee get in our faces, we're pretty much screwed. We can't win 1v1 vs stealth classes or sorcs simply because they can los us pretty fast with force speed and stealth.


The only 2 classes that i can blow up are tracer bh and snipers. Everyone else pretty much destroys commandos.

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Nothing is really "OP".


You will find certain people play their classes very well and they may seem overpowered, but there is always a way to counter or at least beat any class. The only problem is if you are fighting a superior team, that classes team might protect them from being countered.


Anyway all classes can do very well when they have 600+ expertise. I cant think of single class where I havent seen someone doing very well with it. Now there might be some easier classes out there that anyone can pick up and do very well with, compared to some other classes that you will need to have more in game knowledge and experience with to do well.


If the OP just wants people to rank classes that fine, people love to rank things. Realize that its peoples personal opinions. A lot of their opion will probably depend on what class they play and some of the individuals they play against on a regular basis.

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I think the problem people have when try to assess operatives and scoundrels is that they always consider the class jumping on them from out of stealth.


This type of class design is probably just one that people dont like. If it does too much burst upon leaving stealth everyone else will *****. If it doesnt do good enough burst upon leaving stealth people that play the class will *****.

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stealth in combat.. bs (nerf in combat stealth and all that have it.)

killing in 3 secs thru stun (nerfed)

crits over 4k consistantly (nerfed for the most part.)


ops/scoundrel are the op/fotm.


as for the sorc arguements. Healers need to be able to stand up, to heal. A melee dps and usually beat me, and a good player(im bad) can undress me like Paris hilton. All healers in this game need a touch of a boost in heal output. I am at 9 percent pvp bonus. I read at 13 percent its like 26.. i dont think it applies to light armor tho.


Sorc dps although sustainable seems to lack burst, and in lower bracket there are not many of them around. ops/scoundrels and melee force users.

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I always cringe when people say snipers need love...nothing I fear in this game as much as a geared up and positioned sniper.


I have to agree. They are in a pretty good place at the moment. Theres one on our server who will destroy you in seconds if you dont notice him or if his team is in your face.


They are also pretty good anti-melee, with the knockback and being unable to be leapt at.


I just think people have been busy flocking to the overpowered BH Merc and Operative specs to notice how powerful a Sniper can be.

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At present they are the OP class. They have long stuns, and hit incredibly hard. The changes coming in 1.1.1 will balance this class out and they will still be one of the stronger burst classes.



One of the stronger classes. These guys hit hard. VERY hard.If they get the chance to free cast on you its GG generally. They can also run away and heal effectively and have a reduce damage self buff.



One of the stronger classes. Sorc and Sages are very strong because of their periodic damage and their slow. I don't see why people complain about their slow though. Most melee classes have a closing skill (charges, leaps, stealth ect) so this shouldn't be a huge issue unless caught with in on cooldown. Interrupting this spell also inhibits a sorcs damage for several seconds, which is enough time to crumple one. They do have a lot of CC and Dot damage. But a smart player can outplay them, Stay out of range or rush in. Sorc's have light armour and crumple fast form focus fire. Any good player should be able to beat one in a straight up 1v1 fight. And yes they can heal, but, unless they spec for it a Damage sorc/Sage will NEVER out heal any ones damage. EVER!


These classes are the stronger ones at present. But a lot of the time it comes to player skill, while with some classes gear helps a lot (I know a 500 Expertise marauder who can destroy anything in 1v1 because he is amazing at his class. Same with a Powertech)

A lot of the people who complain about classes are generally less geared, focus fired (a lot of Sorc/Sage hate comes form a few classes hitting one person, but they only see the lightning/pebbles and cry fowl) or are just terrible at their class.



You speak like we're all the same, i dont lose 1v1 sir. Unless its against a sniper, they hurt.

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Have to agree. As we gain more expertise, healers are the only ones who actually gain a lot from it (considering your opponent has as much expertise as you do)


So far, I've found Sorcs/Sages to be the most versatile of the classes. They are strong in all warzones and have a lot of utility as well as the damage and heals on demand.


I play republic and a lot of the warzones have 5 or more Sorcs. That might make them seem stronger then they are, because they always heal each other up and if something kills you, chances are, it's a sorcerer :p


And they slow with their lightning damage attack, meaning they are a lot harder to fight (when they are in group) for melee characters.


1 on 1 balance is good enough, the problem is team composition, too many inquisitor usually leads to a match that is neither fun nor really challenged as you cannot find a way to go through if you do not have enough range characters in your team.


Queued solo combination for match needs some rules to avoid these kind of situation.

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I don't feel any class is really OP atm, but some abilities are borderline stupid in certain warzones, especially in hutball. Some group combos cannot be beaten if they have half a brain.


All Immunities, aoe stuns, dots preventing caps, ...

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