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Why make excuses For MMO's at launch?


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However, it is normal to hold a new product, to the same standards an existing product is held to.



A new smart phone needs to be just as good as the current smart phones, not the smart phones 4 years ago.



SWTOR's UI should have been just as good as WoW, Rifts, STO, WAR, etc.


SWTOR's Auction House should have been just as good as the AH's in those games.


SWTOR's LFG options should have been just as good as those games.





It is not about looking for TOR to be 'unbelievably' amazing, but simply not be less than current games, with regards to its base design elements.


TOR is still better than WoW is today. Leveling isn't a painful grind.


I'll grant you that the AH interface here is idiotic, but on the other hand my stuff still sells so it's not a huge deal.


The UI is also fine. I don't know why people are complaining about it. I also have no trouble finding groups.

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Sacrifices were made in order to meet the publishers deadline. We all know EA calls the shots on when a game has to be released and in this case they HAD to cash in on the xmas season.


So they gave you systems that work but are barebones. Systems that they intend to improve as already stated.


Welcome to software development and corporate BS (mostly corporate BS).



I disagree.


STO has a fraction of the budget, and only 2 years of development, yet they were able to launch with a more current UI, for example.


If a 'scalable' and 'movable' UI, was such a monumentous task, why was such a rushed and under budgeted game like STO, whose entire budget was probably less than TOR's 'Starbucks' budget, was able to include it?
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There is not a single MMO that launched in perfect conditions, hell the majority of SINGLE PLAYER games release with motherloads of issues that get patched up in the next month or 2 and those are no where near as complex as a MMO.


Going back to L2, the damn thing didnt even have sieges or anything back in the day and after a certain level there was only ONE place where you could level (DVC im looking at you!).

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Most people are sheep. They have become used to getting an incomplete product, paying full price for it and living with it.


In their world it is the norm, and attack people norm is seen as an attack on themselves.


On the flip side of this coin people will literally p*ss away $60 to boast at their income IE watch a movie they knew was a bad one, yet still bought the tickets, popcorn etc or something similar yet, when it comes to an MMO game and the internet forums, people "demand", they "think" the customer is always right, they "know" they are right all the time, they have "no patience" seeing as the game was in development for "X" amount of years (still don't know for sure, but people who are like this LOVE to throw out factual numbers with no backing).


From what I have gathered those that make the excuses for an MMO at launch are simply tired of hearing people do nothing bu complain. And complain over the smallest little detail that may or even may not pertain to the majority, IE what suits them and only them. While they feel this is their right, it really is not seeing as it was rather obvious that BW doesn't stand for trolling topics and does ban accordingly.


Those same people that started all the negative with no backing in turn took that as BW trying to hide a failure. Go figure for internet spin doctors, so to speak, the trolls not BW.


Bottom line is, ya there are issues with the game. Is it playable? Very much so. Are people enjoying it? Despite what "you" might be feeling, yes there are people enjoying it, go figure right? Considering there are bugs in every video game to date and the "fact" that there always will be just goes to show what people try to expect for a measly $60, yes the same amount they threw away at the movie theaters.


Mind you this boils down to *incoming numbers* figure $15 a month for the sub (don't know yet what I am getting charged, but I'll go 15/month. So that is for 688 hours of game play. That is minus the 32 hours for maint. Boils down to roughly 51 cents a day or just over 2 cents an hour.


So for the one night out at a movie theater with someone and an additional .02+ cents/hour people "demand" perfection when in fact it is unobtainable in this industry.


Pretty silly if you ask me, considering the amount of entertainment this game does provide. But hey, who am I to judge people on their hard earned 2 cents? :rolleyes:

Edited by Ortof
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That's the the thing though, most mmo's are released with a basic frame work and add to that over the months and years, like all mmo's before the UI gets altered months after release. MMo's seem to come with the basic UI on release. Some better than others, but again the concern people have is based on their own personal playing style rather that it's the basic UI.


I.E. all mmo's have a basic UI, it's people wanting to move that UI about to what their use to while playing that matters most, not what the basic UI looks like, again which is standard in any mmo, it's just get altered when people ask for it. If it was already present at release, people would then still find fault with some other aspect of the UI, human nature.




However, it is normal to hold a new product, to the same standards an existing product is held to.



A new smart phone needs to be just as good as the current smart phones, not the smart phones 4 years ago.



SWTOR's UI should have been just as good as WoW, Rifts, STO, WAR, etc.


SWTOR's Auction House should have been just as good as the AH's in those games.


SWTOR's LFG options should have been just as good as those games.





It is not about looking for TOR to be 'unbelievably' amazing, but simply not be less than current games, with regards to its base design elements.
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A metaphor which may apply:


Apple made the Iphone. This product revolutionized the market of handheld communication devices and the way we use them. It immediately gained the lion's share of the smartphone market. Several competitors, most prominently Samsung for the hardware and Google for the software, decided that they wanted a part of the action, invested heavily into developing something that could rival it.


Their first "me too products" were not up to par compared to Apple's product. Two years later, they have caught up with Apple in terms of quality and market share, even though Apple had time to invest heavily into its line of products and make it better.


Bottom line, TOR is a new product, a very good one, and the first one that can come close to rivalling or exceeding WOW. Give it some time and it will.


Note that I'm not saying the game is broken, I am enjoying the hell out of it :o

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I disagree.


STO has a fraction of the budget, and only 2 years of development, yet they were able to launch with a more current UI, for example.


If a 'scalable' and 'movable' UI, was such a monumentous task, why was such a rushed and under budgeted game like STO, whose entire budget was probably less than TOR's 'Starbucks' budget, was able to include it?



When you're given a deadline you will end up pulling ppl from other departments just to make sure the fundamental parts of the software work. The UI was cleary rushed, tested to see if the basics worked and implemented, there, done.

Is it getting improved tho? Aparently yes, time will tell.

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Because an MMO will never be bug free! They need someone to defend them with a sense of intelligence who actually knows what it takes to create and maintain an MMO. Instead of ignorant minorities bashing it.


They don't need people to defend them.


They need forums I can read without losing my faith in human intelligence.

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Because if we waited for a bug-free MMO the game would never come out and it is not financially possible to let the game develop over long periods of time. It is really that simple. It is not a excuse, it is simple reality. I think it is getting better though, but don't expect many on the forums to recognize that.
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Do all movies released now have to have the same, or more, technology that Avatar did to even be considered a movie?


I can tell you that 'film only' Dp's are having problem finding jobs, because so much is being shot digitally now. I can also tell you that a department head that turns in a more expensive budget, because they are using older tech, usually also gets replaced.
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Can anyone name one piece of software, let alone games, that was bug free?


Minesweeper's all I got. I thought about this old chess game I had, but even that had a weird habit of taking your piece when you tried to take one of the computer's every once in a while.

Edited by smartalectwo
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What bringing up another million now?....money doesnt make a game a bug free but it does raise the quality which it did..


I cant create a single line of Code for a game.


Give me, or any other person who plays mmo's, including yourself, $300 and 6 years?


I could make a game better then this. So can you.

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People hate because they feel ripped off by paying 60 bucks for a bad product. If someone thinks that is not appropriate then go outside, find a crowded place, draw your wallet, get out 60 bucks and throw them on the street, see how people will grab them and take a picture, upload it and show us the link.


Some people just dont like wasting their money, if you do ... just get rid of it that way :>

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Nobody is being paid to criticize the game, or promote the game. If they are they are doing a horrible job, and couldn't be worth much money. It seems like a fair assumption though that some real competitors exist here. Either for personal or financial reasons.


Honestly I think the competition is hurting right now. This might be why we see a lot of what we see.

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I cant create a single line of Code for a game.


Give me, or any other person who plays mmo's, including yourself, $300 and 6 years?


I could make a game better then this. So can you.


That is why you are here complaining about this game then right? Na, figured you are just trying to get the most out of your 2 cents an hour that you're being charged.

Edited by Ortof
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