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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why make excuses For MMO's at launch?


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Progress is good. Complaints yield ideas more than non-complaints.

If I sat there and said how content I was with your game, then you might leave the discussion with a few ideas of what you may be doing right.

If I sat there and said what was wrong with your game, then you would leave the discussion with many ideas of what you may be doing wrong.


My biggest issue is the people who think nothing at all should be said about the game, and that it will be fixed "eventually".

You are truly inept if you think that sitting on your damn hands with your mouth shut will ever accomplish anything.


You might argue that there will always be complaints. Nothing is perfect, but that doesn't mean that you just ignore imperfection.

Pride, ignorance, and lack of communication is what you promote by telling someone to stop complaining about a product. If you want people to not complain, practice what you preach. Sit there with your mouth shut. If your input in the discussion is "people should stop complaining" then YOU are the fool.

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Because it is pointless to complain about how many bugs are in a game and make out that people allow this to be the standard, if some want a higher standard of game with less bugs on release, then those complaining about it, are perhaps playing the wrong type of game. Because mmo games are well known for being released with bugs and will always be. So when you except that some people will then perhaps find something else to complain about.:p


Again, this is wholly incorrect. What you are saying is, that you are happy to accept the flaws, the bugs and whatever else from day 1. You are happy to pay your subscription while they fix, what should have been fixed from the beginning.


The reason MMO games are well known for being released with bugs and will always be, is because people like you, allow it.


If I was to sell a product to a customer and it was full of bugs, the product would be thrown out, the payment would be cancelled and I'd be lucky if the customer did not sue me for wasting their time.


Yet! people who know no different, allow themselves to be hoodwinked by game developers. I can only put that down to age and experience.

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Because it is pointless to complain about how many bugs are in a game and make out that people allow this to be the standard, if some want a higher standard of game with less bugs on release, then those complaining about it, are perhaps playing the wrong type of game. Because mmo games are well known for being released with bugs and will always be. So when you except that some people will then perhaps find something else to complain about.:p


Another proving my point if everyone was wanting atleast close to bug free then the developers and companies would have to open their eyes and make it happen. Yes i admit it cant be totaly bug free but does it have to have soo many bugs? and still have the ones people reported in BETA ? no they are just being lazy


BECAUSE AGAIN people like you will let them away with it simple as :)

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Another proving my point if everyone was wanting atleast close to bug free then the developers and companies would have to open their eyes and make it happen. Yes i admit it cant be totaly bug free but does it have to have soo many bugs? and still have the ones people reported in BETA ? no they are just being lazy


BECAUSE AGAIN people like you will let them away with it simple as :)


Fewer bugs than WoW, if we're going to admit the truth...

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has nothing to do with that actually. But good assumption. I kept it short and sweet for a reason.


How bout this reasoning behind it.


Because we live in the now/wow generation. If a game sits in development for too long its a fail, if a game releases early its a fail. If a game releases with bugs its a fail. If a game doesn't have what you want in it, fail.. See where Im going... It doesn't matter what any developer does, someone's not going to be happy and whine about it, or someone with some "qualifications" is going to nit pick their choices and say "fail."


Name the last MMO that released 100% bug free...


Name the last computer game that released 100% bug free...


Name the last console game that released 100% bug free...


Name the last software product period that released 100% bug free...


Name the last hardware product that released 100% bug free...


Does Tor have bugs? Yes. Could it used some more development time? sure


Does it bug me? No, because I already knew what I was getting when the game was going to be released...


Im just sick and tired of reading every "qualified" person's whine about this or that... Its annoying. We live in the 2000's now.. **** gets released unfinished, customers think they run the world, and if you can't have it now then someone failed somewhere.. This is what America has turned into. Deal with it because its partially you're fault.


Dont like it? dont re-sub... otherwise **** and provide you're constructive feedback as needed, but we dont need another Essasy size post about why tor failed..


Thanks and have a good evening, im going back into the bugged beta version of tor to enjoy myself.


Another person just willing to hand over their cash or maybe their parent's, I don't know, for a product which is bug ridden and which they will now have to pay via their subscription to be fixed.


If you were so enjoying yourself on the bug ridden beta why did you come here in the first place?

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Fewer bugs than WoW, if we're going to admit the truth...


Well to be honest you cant say for sure it has more or less, because we dont know......For me Tor has more bugs then wow had on release, however has been seen in this thread some dont see the bugs in this game that I have seen, and I am sure it is the same with wow where people there saw bugs I did not see myself.

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Some people really like the game and believe that because it is new it deserves a break I guess.


I would be willing to give it some room on bugs, those are going to happen, but the featureless environment just turns me off. Some 'comfort' features that other games have devised and have become baseline should have been there and aren't.

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Well to be honest you cant say for sure it has more or less, because we dont know......For me Tor has more bugs then wow had on release, however has been seen in this thread some dont see the bugs in this game that I have seen, and I am sure it is the same with wow where people there saw bugs I did not see myself.


Well yeah, WoW had fewer bugs on release, but then again that was because you couldn't get on the servers to experience them.

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Well yeah, WoW had fewer bugs on release, but then again that was because you couldn't get on the servers to experience them.


huh, that makes no sense, it either had the bugs or it didn't, whether you experience them or not makes no difference to the number they had.

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Well to be honest you cant say for sure it has more or less, because we dont know......For me Tor has more bugs then wow had on release, however has been seen in this thread some dont see the bugs in this game that I have seen, and I am sure it is the same with wow where people there saw bugs I did not see myself.


The servers were down for weeks.....WEEKS.....

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Well yeah, WoW had fewer bugs on release, but then again that was because you couldn't get on the servers to experience them.


You do realize what kind of hardware WOW servers were running on in 2004 right? If SWTOR servers were not stable with the current hardware available I wouldn't really know what to say. Majority of MMOs in the past years had no issues with servers crashing when they came out. Because hardware is much more advanced now.


I laugh at fanboys saying that this is the "smoothest launch EVAR!", just because Ohlen said so, its not like everyone else in the world considers this launch one of the biggest flops in MMO history, 200$ millions really? QA outsourced to India? ROFL

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If some of you are so unhappy with bugs in games, why even bother playing them? I play games for fun and to relax and then go out and have fun with friends and relax, if you want to start a campain, there are plenty of other things going on in the world which deserve more attention than a computer game...:rolleyes: The game is playable, the game is fun otherwise I wouldn't be here and can anyone here honnestly say this general forum has inteligent bug reporting, or is it just me seeing posts insulting others and the company instead of just being polite about it.:rolleyes:
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Well what i keep reading in these threads is mostly people making excuses for MMO's at launch, In my understanding MMO means Massivly Multiplayer Online. Soo why do people make excuses for MMO's at launch?


When we buy an MMO game, we do not buy it for constant bugs and things not working as they should. People make too many excuses for these companies and developers of these games.


Does not matter what excuses are going to be said in this thread. I bought this game for fun and it should not matter if i buy this game at launch, or 6 months after launch i should get the same experiance there is no excuse for that.


What is the point of BETA for soo long if launch is not going to be perfect (or atleast close)


People giving theses companies the excuse of ''ALL MMO'S ARE THE SAME AT LAUNCH'' is not the answer. Giving them this excuse lets them bring out MMO's before they are actually ready giving profit from a game that is still in BETA stages.




I have read muliple threads about BW not fixing bugs that were reported in BETA and the bugs are still in game, I blame mostly the '' ALL MMO'S ARE THE SAME AT LAUNCH EXCUSES'' without these the companies and developers would work harder to get the MMO up to scratch before launch.


Ok soo i know i am going to get people hating my opinions and soo on but who agrees with me and why ????????


Thanks for your time and patiance this was bigger than i thought i would have been :)


may the force be with u all :)


I agree with you.


To: Bioware Defense Force Team, there is bugs in game shouldn't be in by now things in this game should been fixed by alpha. in beta people reported things and BW didn't fix so do you think the game was " ready to release " the answer is no.


Illum was a clear example that this game is broke in so many aspects and they rushed it so bad just to get $$$$$ without considering the " quality " of their product. and made a none forgettable lol event in MMO community.


I'm a big fan of star wars but I do not defend this company or that company I tell the truth

which is this product wasn't ready when delivered not like any " MMO at lunch " its broken inside so bad I dare any of BW employee's to come and say it's not.

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