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BW isn't getting the praise they deserve.


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Have to agree with this thread, sure the game has its problems, what game doesn't, and I'm sure in time they'll fix them all. I logged on today for the first time since launch and the first thing I noticed was how much better the game ran, it was a huge improvement.
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Don't bother arguing with these people, they just hate the fact that their precious little Star Wars game is going downhill and they will even try comparing it to WoW even though that game had tens of millions of subscribers throughout it's lifetime and anyone not blind knows this game will never come close to half of that.


I love Star Wars true but it is not going downhill far from it. It has bugs but you picky nitpickers are the problem not the game itself.

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Personally, I think the game is fun and I can see myself playing for a very long time as I love Bioware writing. But even I reconize the Fanatical Loyalists are in their own world.


This game will be much better the day Bioware realizes they dont know more then their players. Alot of the things they say basically amounts to "No, we wont do that because your all wrong" IE Group tools. Many, many, many MMO Devs have fallen prey to this line of thinking, most notably SOE who've even admitted they should have listened to players with SWG and not ignore what the fans want.


The game right now does NOT need more Flastpoints, Ops and Heroic 4s either, what it needs first is a good mechanism for players to find groups because even with heavy or full servers its near impossible for a majority of people.


Please Bioware, dont just SAY your listening, actually DO it.


As for the other problems like bugs and such, I think Bioware will address them, the only problem is waiting.

Edited by LenaMarie
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Id like to thank all the haters and unsubbers for paying their 60+ bucks to play a game for a month. I'm sure some of it went towards making the game better and for that a tip of the hat to ya.


And a wag of the finger for all the loyal fans. Shame on them for enjoying this game so much without complaining!

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This game is less than a month old. Give it 10 years and 4 expansion, hell 1/3 of that at least. Don't call it the worst game ever that you won't ever come back to within the first 6 months. It's just unintelligent to do so. Great things come to those who wait, those who take the hard path are often rewarded with greater treasure, with great power comes great responsability. Remember that Pete, remember that. Whoah, sorry... got all weird there.


This ^


And a wag of the finger for all the loyal fans. Shame on them for enjoying this game so much without complaining!


Just because you haven't noticed that the fans are complaining doesn't mean they're not.

Edited by Seeiphiel
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You can't put out a game to compete with WoW and have it be inferior to WoW in nearly every facet save story. I mean it's just common sense.


and what is superior in wow compared to swtor then ?


- guild bank ?


i dont give a flying crap.


- arena ?


i dont give two shizz.


- neverending 4 hour 20 man button-mash fests that are called raids ?


spare me.


addons that automate almost entirety of the game to the point of making it 4 click ?


get real.


- auction house that is exploited by auctioneer addon to the brink of making crafting unprofitable for everyone ?


save us.


- neverending grind ?


go to hell.


- nitty-gritty obscure feature that you have got used to in your 5 years of wow gaming ?




- damage meters and minmaxing that turns the game to a jerk-pissing fest ?


damn you.


- noninstanced servers in which 200 people cram into stormwind and numerous 12 year olds run 'nekkid nekkid nekkid' without clothes ?






this can go and on.

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Once again, Bioware. You have been great and I expect good things from you. PLEASE don't let me down.


So in your opinion they didn't let you down...yet. But you are admitting that they could?


Well if you use your head and realize not everyone is YOU, you would see that Bioware has ALREADY let people down according to them.

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So in your opinion they didn't let you down...yet. But you are admitting that they could?


Well if you use your head and realize not everyone is YOU, you would see that Bioware has ALREADY let people down according to them.


yes. the people who are feeling let down with every gaming company since blizzard started going pandas on their lot. and seeking 'wow in another skin' in any other game.




skuzi, but i dont feel any mercy for them.

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and what is superior in wow compared to swtor then ?


- guild bank ?


i dont give a flying crap.


- arena ?


i dont give two shizz.


- neverending 4 hour 20 man button-mash fests that are called raids ?


spare me.


addons that automate almost entirety of the game to the point of making it 4 click ?


get real.


- auction house that is exploited by auctioneer addon to the brink of making crafting unprofitable for everyone ?


save us.


- neverending grind ?


go to hell.


- nitty-gritty obscure feature that you have got used to in your 5 years of wow gaming ?




- damage meters and minmaxing that turns the game to a jerk-pissing fest ?


damn you.


- noninstanced servers in which 200 people cram into stormwind and numerous 12 year olds run 'nekkid nekkid nekkid' without clothes ?






this can go and on.


Then enlighten us, what do YOU like about this game that isn't in WoW? I think that's what he was getting at.


Edit: Putting this late for a reason, if you come to the forums with a hostile attitude you will receive hostility in return. Treat people with respect (those who seem to have respectability, aka not haters/trolls) and in turn, you will receive respect. Keep that in mind.

Edited by Barathos
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You can't put out a game to compete with WoW and have it be inferior to WoW in nearly every facet save story. I mean it's just common sense.


This game is better than WOW on a lot of different levels.


1. The quest rewards are useable by your specific class or you get planet specific comendations.


2. You have a valid choice between single player or dungeons to get great loot. Want to grind? Gerat! Here's an orange piece! Want to dungeon? Great! Here's an orange piece.


3. The crafting system is excellent and encourages rerolling.


4. The companion system is great.


5. The quests are meaningful.


6. They fixed action delay and are working on the UI


7. The graphics are great if you have a strong rig and strong graphics card.


I say all this b/c I played Vanilla WOW all the way to Cat. Vanilla WOW was fantastic after about 6 months of problems. I stuck with it b/c the lore was great and they eventually fixed most problems.


If you say the graphics suck on SW:TOR...I don't know what to tell you. They used this engine to allow much weaker systems to run it but have left it open to really make it shine with higher end cards...a GTX 280 and ATI 4850 are not high end cards, btw.


If you aren't running a high end laptop/desktop-i7 or AMD Black with 2.6+ and 8MG+ with a graphics card of G460+ or ATI 6870+ then you aren't going to be able to experience this in all of its golry!


I understand some have these specs and are still having issues...that sux and to those, I'm sorry.


One more thing. I like the instanced quests where I don't have to worry about others training mobs to me or bogarting my loot.


My biggest issues right now are fixing the UI and continually rolling out new end game content.


I have a BH, SI, IA and SW all leveled to Taris or higher and have enjoyed each one of them b/c their stories are different and if you play all 4, you get a complete understanding of the imperial strategy.


I've never been a pvp guy but I wish they would segment it by 10's instead of letting a 48 in with a 20.


Overall, it's the best MMO experience I've had despite Khem Val getting in the way every time I want to initiate a convo with a NPC.


I do not want damage meters unless a que is made to speifically tell loot master that someone is competely asleep.


I do not want a dungeon finder. In my opinion, working for something is better than being given something.


I sure as hell don't want a gear score mechanic.

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I don't think they really deserve a lot of praise. The game is decent but nothing extraordinary. Their launch seems to have gone rather well compared to a lot of other mmorps so I suppose there's that to point out.


Outside of that I'll save my praise to see if they fix problems I have with the game currently. Well...that and how they do with adding additional content to the game.


That will be the deciding factor for me. In it's current state? Well, I'm still playing so I'm obviously still enjoying the game. However, I don't think this game so far is anything noteworthy of praising nor am I sure of whether I will be around for long.


Like I said it depends.

Edited by GarbonzotheDude
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They deserve praise? For what? A copy cat MMORPG with horrible PvP mashed together with a formulaic approach to BioWare storytelling?


If designing a game was like drawing a picture, BioWare basically drew a point A and a point B on their piece of paper, drew a straight line with a ruler between the two points, and then shipped.

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Don't bother arguing with these people, they just hate the fact that their precious little Star Wars game is going downhill and they will even try comparing it to WoW even though that game had tens of millions of subscribers throughout it's lifetime and anyone not blind knows this game will never come close to half of that.


I think you meant "tens of millions of SUBSCRIPTIONS"...not "subscribers"...and besides, I think it peaked at like 12M subscripTIONS, so "tens of" doesn't even really fit. And how many were farmers? Multiple subs? etc? WoW is going downhill fast. Everyone's heard the reports of WoW being a ghost town in many respects at this point. Your conjecture, speculation, etc., is jsut that...pulled right out of your ayniss. A month isn't enough to go on. Now, go back to the basement and submit your work hours to Blizzard so they can pay you for your posts.

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First I'd like to say that the forums are overrun with angry end content rushing pvp gankers who don't feel all powerful so they complain until they are.


With that out of the way I'd like to thank BW for all their hard work and dedication to listening to the community and doing a great job at fixing anything that may have been wrong and working on those things that are still wrong.


Bugs were inevitable with any game as MASSIVE and MULTIPLAYER and ONLINE as this one. The devs are listening to our comments, the problems WILL get fixed. I keep seeing people threatening to cancel their subs because they can't win at pvp. Oh boo hoo I guess you shouldn't have rushed through every quest on a single character just so you could try and claim "FIRST!" on an mmo with no way to record that info (achievements). You are doing a valuable service by being the ones 'playtesting' on a massive scale the endgame pvp arenas. Thanks for that, when you are long gone back to playing those other mmos that you complain too I'll make sure to play my pvp quite bug free.


I have yet to experience any game-defeating unplayable bugs in the pve section of the game. I once got stuck on the BH bounty for a Jedi because he didn't spawn on the bridge of the ship. I reloaded and it worked fine. /solved


The graphics are great. I do see quite a few texture seams on scenery, as a cg artist I know how hard it is to hide those sometimes. The game runs perfectly with my GTX280 and 6gb of ram. Nothing too impressive but they do the job.


I've seen alot of evidence from people saying that the devs favor the empire side and I have two things to say about that.


1. As stated before, people WILL choose sith over jedi more often because black is a much better color than brown. Because facial scars that make you look like a bad-as.s is much more appealing to most people than being a prettyboy. It's a GAME people want to be bad since they can't be like that in real life. They're living out a fantasy in the game as they are supposed to.


2. Maybe the devs prefer the empire side because they thought that when the game launched most people would be playing Jedi which would be a huge imbalance. Or maybe it's part of their storyline to make the Sith (Who JUST sacked Coruscant) a more powerful and desirable side and then eventually the Republic would do the same. Nuke DK. (Pearl Harbor hint hint)


The people on the threads are mostly complaining about pvp. I don't see much in the way of "I'm going to cancel my sub if you don't fix the droid on Hammer Station from bugging out so I can't kill him" Usually the complaints about pve are said, and then they wait for the fix. They do something else.


For many people this game doesn't start until lvl 50. That's sad, enjoy your time. Go do open world pvp on Tatooine and Hoth. That doesn't seem to have too many bugs and you get to gank all the little nubs.


Once again, Bioware. You have been great and I expect good things from you. PLEASE don't let me down.


P.S. I do realize that everything I said here won't stop the trolls/complainers. EVER.






You must be new to MMO's or you are a casual console gamer think any aspect of your post was valid.

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They have made an excellent MMO and it's consumed all my desires to play WoW, I'm never going back to that horrid game.


The pvp in Ilum is epic now, we used strategy heavily in Ilum to flog about 25 imperials with our ragtag crew of 14 republic players. We used a divide and conquer strategy by recapturing the other non-central points and they like lemmings charged to back-cap, we smashed about 5 at a time until we charged the remainder in mid (~15 of them) and won like bosses.


The new bosses in Karagga's palace are FUN, that's the main thing (with the exception of Foreman Crusher aka loot pinata). The bounty hunters quotes crack me up every time. The tower of hanoi on g4-b3 is EPIC, I love being the rDPS put on the clicking duty. Karagga is in a different league altogether, we haven't killed him yet but it's a fun as hell fight.


Don't get me started on Kaon under siege, it's my new favourite FP :D :D <3


Hard to contain my excitement, for what I've seen, what I will see and what they will create.

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This game is far from a MASSIVE Multiplayer Online. Show me one Instance where there is a chance for a MASSIVE encounter? Ilum? Republic Fleet? Okay now that we got that out of the way, try to remember grinding and tell me how many people you ran into? Probably around 3-6 people every questing zone, Excluding Voss. Now let's look at Ilum.


They capped off the place with instances that only allow 2 full ops groups? May be wrong there but I am sure it's not even close to 100 cap. Let's turn our attention to past MMOs that qualify for MASSIVE. Planetside back when it released. That's MASSIVE. 100s upon 100s of people fighting along side or against each other in any given area. Was there any lag? Not really unless your computer was outdated. Another great title was Star Wars Galaxies back before NGE. I have NUMEROUS amount of videos of battles over 200-300 people ramming each other with flamethrowers, lightsabers and fighting over bases.


So before you call this game a MMO remember that M is for MASSIVE not for minimum.

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game as MASSIVE and MULTIPLAYER and ONLINE as this one


* 8v8 Battlegrounds

* did meet 3-4 enemy players in the world in one month

* instanced world and thats why it looks more empty


How is this massive ?




And did you ever think about that....just a quote.


Doing any quest content other than the main story quest becasue of PVP warzones, a few space combat dailys and flashpoints casued to quickly out lvl all of the quest content.


However this has another unintended consequnce that really is a negitive effect on the game for.


With SWTOR being very single player oriented to begin with the end result of all of us (friends & Co.) doing only our story quest is that we NEVER quest toogether anymore, and we enjoy doing everthing toogeather in most MMO's.


---> the most interesting quests are the class quests and you cant even group up - these

are more single player oriented. Multiplayer for a big part of the quests ? Not at all.

Edited by BobaFurz
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So... WoW has some 9 million players. Because of the way that game works they are mostly in guilds.


Maybe a million of them tell their guild their going to bail over to SWTOR.


Ten thousand WoW GMs lose too many people to ignore. Half of those come over to see what the fuss is.


2500 of those leave WoW to start anew in SWTOR. 1250 of them are tired of the GM role and just relax with the game, enjoy it, and are pleasently surprised to find they are so caught up in the story that they build an alt or two, and discover those stories are pretty good too.


But maybe 100 of them have personality disorders and cannot abide losing control of their players. So when they play the game they minmax their way to fifty and discover, too late, it isn't WoW after all. They are disappointed, but eager to capitalize on what they see as a weakness, launch into a campaign to trash SWTOR any way they can, on these forums, on metacritic's user reviews, on TORHead... anywhere they can they want to discourage players form bailing from WoW so they don't lose their players and thus their sole source of self-esteem.


So we get to read these worthless diatribes.


Only problem is that Bioware actually reads the stuff we write on the forums and attends to what the buzz is out in the community-at-large. They decide they need to listen closely and guide the future of the game by what they hear... and the loudest voices? Well, most of the folks enjoying the game don't post, they play. The people who post are, by and large, the last people they should be listening to when considering where to take the game.

Edited by Gleneagle
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First I'd like to say that the forums are overrun with angry end content rushing pvp gankers who don't feel all powerful so they complain until they are.


Right...leave out the low level people that are angry, the mid-level people that are angry, the people angry over the lack of MMO aspects meant to bring a community together, the people angry over bugs, those angry over continual crashing, those angry over lack of open world content, those that hate space combat, those that think the game is too easy, lacking in ______, bad UI, no mods, RPers pissed over being left out, those angry over lack of customer support, no real communication from Bioware, the forum trolls and even apparently people who have no reaon to complain other than to complain about people with actual complaints...and yeah...its just that one small group you mentioned.

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