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Why are so many people against Arena in Swtor?


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And it still doesn't require a 1/4 of the amount of brainpower or "skill" that a game of chess does. If you are truly interested in just out-thinking someone or skill why not just play online chess at a high level? Don't tell me you need flashy graphics or sound effects to make it worth it.


Outplaying =/= out thinking. Outplaying involves both out thinking and out executing, and chess has no think/act disconnect. Anyone can move a piece, there is no skill involved there.


Conversely, people often know WHAT to do, but they are unable to do it (too slow etc). This is also part of skill.

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I played wow for three years and the entire time i was playing for the arenas

I spent my fair share of time in bgs, and i am currently doing so in TOR

Big team games are not competitive and they offer no way to seriously test your skill

Arenas would be a huge undertaking with all the balancin challenges but it would

Ultimately draw a huge fanbase from wow into swtor and add a skill based feature

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I don't understand why people say arena rewards reward people that can spend more time than others. Same can be said about pve, the people with the best pve gear in wow are the people that can raid 15 hours a week. That's how mmo's work, I myself cant' play a lot and still don't mind if i get rolled by a guy that plays more because the other option is to log in for the first time and walk up to a vendor and pick up my top tier gear.
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I don't understand why people say arena rewards reward people that can spend more time than others. Same can be said about pve, the people with the best pve gear in wow are the people that can raid 15 hours a week. That's how mmo's work, I myself cant' play a lot and still don't mind if i get rolled by a guy that plays more because the other option is to log in for the first time and walk up to a vendor and pick up my top tier gear.


Games can only be pulled into so many directions. This game is already being pulled in the directions of a characterful starwars game and being an MMO. Then there is the fact that this game is based on war between the empire and republic so warzones should be battlefields and world pvp should be the focus. Adding arena will pull the game into yet another direction and a long with huttball doesn't really fit in with the character of the game.


If you want sterile environments where no one can interfere there are duels.

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I will say this i am a pvper and arena is a bad idea....PERIOD!


Strong argument.


This is ridiculous, they could add arenas and give rewards ON PAR with warzone / ilum grinding. Just makes grinding a bit faster if you CHOOSE to do it: Like a couple of extra bags / week depending on your bracket or something. Doesn't have to be better gear. Just a bit extra + some titles and a mount or something.

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The only reason I don't like arenas is because they turned into the End-all-be-all EVERY piece of pvp gear was obtained through arena, your entire worth as a player was decided by your arena rating.



I have nothing against arena as long as its just another PVP option, not THE pvp option.

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there's an infinite number of excuses you can come up with to soothe yourself, if thats how you want to deal with it, but the fact remains people QQ because they are unable to admit that they aren't good enough.


Spending more hours staring at a screen must be what you mean.


I am all in favor of *skill based* PVP. I don't give a ***** abut my ranking, W/Loss ratio, whatever. I PVP because I like the challenge. Grinding for gear and numbers isn't skill, it's boring.


I don't want to devote months of my life to a game in order to PVP *on a level playing field.*


I recognize that some folks prefer the"grind" for better skillz/lewt. And believe that it defines what a "good player" is. That's fine. I hope that there is room in this game for both types of players.

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Love it how ignorant people are.


You'd know...


Calling MMORPG PvP rock,paper,scizzor..Sure, you will have to get grinded a few times until you get the better gear, but most of this can be alleviated with a good matchmaking system.


No I called Arena rock paper scissors, not MMORPG PvP, (2v2 / 3v3 especially) certain combos of classes/builds always end up best, instanced PvP with larger groups 8v8 / 10 v 10 / 20 vs 20 allow for more variation in class/build combos (support classes for example).


You have to pay attention to what your teammates do atm, what they will do in the next minute. What your enemies are doing atm, what they will do in the next minute and how you will counter it. What you Should do, what you Are doing. To compete at max level you cant spend 5 seconds trying to select the right enemy, or use tab to find him...You can't just stand there in the open and press your buttons. Have to always move, LoS, hunt them or be hunted etc.


I'd call it pretty ignorant if you don't realize you have to do all that in other games (to be any good at them), other games where you also have to do things like parry/aim/dodge and usually at a far higher speed.


I'd also say as a healer, arena type situations are easier than instanced PvP with larger groups, & requires less awareness, less multitasking and require less decision making.


I would say that playing an RTS at a high, competetive level requires about the Exact same skills as playing Arena on same high level.


And I'd say you are wrong.


I have rarely seen games that require as little brain as the FPS market out there. Have a quick trigger finger? well then you're set. That's it :p


Neither FPS nor MMOs (especially theme park MMOs) require brains, that is sort of point, they are mass entertainment where children are a signifcant target audience, were any actually designed to require brains they would go out of business pretty soon or go niche (the nearest an MMORPG gets to requiring brains is EvE). Generally all they require is time, practice (more in the case of FPS) and research (more in the case of MMORPGs).


Also in regard to "skill" (MMO or any other real time game), as much as some sad bastards would like to believe the outcome is down to "skill", lots of things affect outcome / performance:



- Quality of your internet connection

- Whether someone uses gaming keyboard / mouse

- Whether they use macros (hilarious the number of peopel who go on about skill that can't do **** without macros, a tool that basically lowers the skill cap)

- Lots of spare time.


Finally the idea of putting an arena/tournament system into a game where we have skill delays, skills not going off, faction imbalance, a broken RvR zone, unbalanced alleged "mirror" classes, WZ exploits, speed hacks, zero damage hacks, etc, is an absolute joke, they (like most games) can't even balance normal PvP let alone 2v2 or 3v3.

Edited by Zimbles
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I need a system like arenas to keep playing the game, warzones will become boring after a while, if there is no other outlet for your pvp needs, then warzones will be a farming spot for gear,


I just bough another month of this game, and i really need to see pvp fixes and other modes or something to continue playing, that's just how i feel, and i know many other does aswell.


PS: World pvp could be huge in this game, it has potential.

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There are 2 basic reasons why I am against arena's in this game.


1st - and most obvious, WoW is a perfectly good game IMO, I have a sub. and it has a well defined arena system. If I want to play arenas I can just play WoW.


2nd - arenas force all PvP to be balanced to a small battle field's level. There is nothing wrong with small battle PvP balancing, but it leaves out the variety that you can get with large battle balancing that doesn't cater to 1 v 1 as much as it does to greater situational strength.


In other war based conflicts you have different divisions that are strong in some areas and weak in others. Small operations with rifles and grenades may be good for storming a building, but sometimes you need a guy with a RPG that may only have one shot to take a person out, but when there is a group he can **** it up like nobodies business.


Some classes maybe good at 1 v 1 and if you like that roll that class, if not roll something else that fits your play style.

Edited by Nilxain
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I need a system like arenas to keep playing the game, warzones will become boring after a while, if there is no other outlet for your pvp needs, then warzones will be a farming spot for gear,


I just bough another month of this game, and i really need to see pvp fixes and other modes or something to continue playing, that's just how i feel, and i know many other does aswell.


PS: World pvp could be huge in this game, it has potential.


there will be no world pvp in tor mate for a very simple reason, they have catered to the battleground farmers for shinys, an the AV'isk botters, exploiters (Illum), if they started providing world pvp it would need to be at least twice the valor rate of the others to offset the slower kill rates . This would not sit well with the farmers because they wouldn't understand that they still get everything far easier an faster. Sadly the true world pvp systems are nearly dead in MMO's. They have gone now for the fast free easy an needing far less development time of the battleground system.


I think thats the main reason so many pvpers are hanging out for GW2, because of the RVR they are using from Daoc, we all know how much supirior it is to BG's.

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As of now you can be a complete mess at your class and in WZ's, and still have access to high end PvP gear/titles.Once Arena comes out those players won't have the same access to high end gear/titles and feel it shouldn't be in the game.

It's the same as the casual PvEers who also don't want damage meters in game.

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baddies cant take being exposed as baddies


the arena question is always answered the same way with the same excuses. not one person ever says "I hate arena because I wasn't good enough to get gladiator", which in 90% of the cases, is the truth.



face it baddies, when I landed next to you on my frost wyrm, you had to admit (even if it was very briefly, and only to yourself) that no matter what you did, this would be beyond your grasp



thats what mmo players don't like the most


Playing FOTM comps does not make a good player.

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If you want us to take PVP seriously we will need ARENAS.

I dont care about WoW having Arenas or any other game, we as PVPers need them.

One thing is true, they need to fix the current PVP adn the ability delay first.


We don't wan't you to take pvp seriously. Pvp used to be fun, when it was a way to pass the time away after raids and before bed. But when pvp became all super serious, it became yet another grind fest that people we forced to take part of if they wanted to do pvp at all.


The pvp system in this game is already bad. Making it into an e-sport will only make it worse. Could you imagine the QQ of people when they want to compete in arenas but cant get geared due to champion bag RNG??? LOLOLOL!


hardcore pvp, killing MMO's since The burning Crusade!

Edited by Baneberry
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If you put in Arena, you must dedicate a significant amount of time into balancing the game around groups and comps of that size. This frequently led to balancing changes in WoW that impacted the viability of specs outside of arena, both in BGs and especially PvE content that were completely fine. This is a large reason to why I quit playing WoW. I do not want to see TOR follow the same fate.



My words exactly, tip of the hat to you sir... WoW tried too hard to balance classes around the arena which lead to epic fail... I do not want arena's in SWTOR... now maybe something along the lines of rated warzones? but even that is a maybe.... if they did implement an arena system and it DIDNT give better PVP gear than the normal gear obtained through WZ's i wouldn't mind.

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