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Trooper Ending Horrible


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The Ending of the trooper story is horrible. The choices are totally awefull and make no sense whatsoever. The light and dark side points arent representative of the reality of the situation.


Sometimes the story line and the choices we have to make have been so stupid and un-realistic that I have really had to swallow my logical abilities and just go along with the ride.



Any other troopers who have finished the story and understand what im saying, please post and talk about it. Im sure you all understand what im talking about.

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There were several points along the ride where I didn't agree with the alignment of Light/Dark side choices.


But not everyone has the same moral standards so that makes sense to me.


The Supreme Chancellor's plan was perhaps the most emotionally "good" aligned decision. There were a large number of people that could be immediately helped by her plan. Countering her was a calculated good. Sacrificing the immediate needs of some for the theoretical needs of many.


I went Dark side on that one. I'm playing a Light side trooper, but I went Dark when I disagreed with what was really the best thing to do.



And to save Jaxo, just cuz.


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I enjoyed Dark Side path, almost every moment to the end, dealing with Imps the only way they understood. Republic politicians were just some funny people in the background who constantly moaned about something irrelevant.


Republic laws? A proper dealing with POWs, traitors, prisoners and suspected spies? Yeah, right. Blast them and feed them to Sarlacc. Or wait, throw them into Sarlacc pit, and throw them a blaster so they could end their suffering.


An empty blaster.



The only thing that was truly over the top was the event during Senate hearing near the end of Chapter 3. Garza was pretty good at covering my "incidents", but that one was really too much.


Edited by Parali
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I dinged 50 on Saturday with my Commando and I went light side the whole way and I wasn't so much disappointed by the ended as I was angry with the choice the Supreme Chancellor made. I plan on starting work on my Vanguard and this time it will be dark side the whole way and I won't let the Supreme Chancellor get the opportunity to make that decision this time.


That's the fun thing about SWTOR, I get to play both sides of the story.

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I liked the ending. I was ticked at the Supreme Chancellor's decision, so I took the Dark Side choice even though I made mostly Light Side choices throughout the entire story. Doesn't matter to me...it was easy enough to make up the hit to my Light Side points. The satisfaction of making the Chancellor squirm and having everyone else walk away happy and impressed was worth it. I make choices based on what fits her personality as a character. Obviously, my Vanguard doesn't like politicians and their bureaucratic bull-pucky , so it was an obvious choice for her. :D
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I liked the ending. I was ticked at the Supreme Chancellor's decision...


I'm assuming there's more to it after you wrap things up on Corellia?


I just took care of Rakton, and the ending left me empty inside.


I definitely feeling like they put all the thought into Chapter 1, then the rest was fluffed out in a day to get the Trooper to 50. It's remarkable how quickly the content sours after dealing with Tavus.

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I'm assuming there's more to it after you wrap things up on Corellia?


I just took care of Rakton, and the ending left me empty inside.


I definitely feeling like they put all the thought into Chapter 1, then the rest was fluffed out in a day to get the Trooper to 50. It's remarkable how quickly the content sours after dealing with Tavus.



I could believe it. Taris is a perfect example. Was there any point to Taris in the overall story besides picking up Dourne? And m,aybe offing Needles. But you could have done that in a lot of places.

Edited by Cheeseblaster
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I just dinged 50 a few hours ago, finished the Trooper story (decided not to kill Rakton) as well and I would just say that the ending conversation with the supreme chancellor, the part where you have light and dark options was not carefully thought out, the choices should be the other way around. You just spent practically your entire Trooper life beating this guy's moves and yet the light side option is to let him go for thousands of prisoners and make thousands of families happy and reason that you beat him once you can beat him again. *** logic is that?


Fortunately upon choosing the dark side and keep Rakton as prisoner your character was able to argue that releasing him would mean that he would **** up everything again, kill billions and all that other ****. Keeping him and prevent all this **** from happening SHOULD be the light side option.


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You guys are playing wrong, you really don't need to worry about the odd Darkside point here and there, once you get close to max Lightside you burn off any Darkside points you have up to that point and then they are gone.


Play the story how you feel best works for you. Hell, at the very very worse you can grind out Diplomacy in 2 days and then go back to your old skill in another 2 days if you really ran out of quests (you really shouldn't there are plenty).

Edited by CapuchinSeven
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I'm only level 28, and so far, enjoying the journey through Chapter 1. And being a soldier, the I have more flexibility than I feel my jedi consular does with light side/dark side decisions. I'm not going totally dark, but I love it when I make a dark decision and my companion backs me up on it.


With my Jedi - loved Chapter 1. The rest (I'm on Belsavus now, level 41) seems a bit contrived, but that could be the Jedi part of it - creating a new army out of the old Rakata zombies or whatever. I really hope I don't feel this way after leaving Chapter 1 of my commando.

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I wasn't so much disappointed in the ending as I was surprised. I played an almost exclusively light sided trooper the whole way. I decided to save Rakton and everything but The Chancellor's proposition at the end was just absurd! After all that work to capture him she would just give him right back? So I choose the dark side choice to not do that, which to me was the logical choice. I wonder though, if the player chooses to kill him on Corelllia, are there any more choices when you meet with the Chancellor?
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I wasn't so much disappointed in the ending as I was surprised. I played an almost exclusively light sided trooper the whole way. I decided to save Rakton and everything but The Chancellor's proposition at the end was just absurd! After all that work to capture him she would just give him right back? So I choose the dark side choice to not do that, which to me was the logical choice. I wonder though, if the player chooses to kill him on Corelllia, are there any more choices when you meet with the Chancellor?


I decided to kill rakton on Corellia and the supreme chancellor just congratulated me, gave me a medal and sent me on my way. Even more disappointing :p

Edited by Aydrae
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If you treat the story's like an exercise in min/maxing then it will be boring. Ignore light and dark side points and just play the character. I ended with about 1k dark points as a manly light character as sometimes it's emotion over morality. As a result i found it quite engaging.


The light dark gear is not really worth it anyway so why bother, and if your desperate just run flash points post 50.

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If you treat the story's like an exercise in min/maxing then it will be boring. Ignore light and dark side points and just play the character. I ended with about 1k dark points as a manly light character as sometimes it's emotion over morality. As a result i found it quite engaging.


The light dark gear is not really worth it anyway so why bother, and if your desperate just run flash points post 50.


This. Troopers aren't meant to be saints, that's a Jedi. If at the end you don't have at least a FEW DS points, it means you're probably min-maxing it because some LS choices require you to totally derp it up.

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Really, I thought the first chapter was pretty well done, Chapter II seemed completely out of character from the first, and chapter III was a little better. My big problem was that Rakton is cast as basically your arch rival. But other than here or there, he never really makes your life any more difficult than if he was just another Imp in control of the military.


With that said, having done the dark side and light side choice on my Vanguard and Commando, I'm quite sure a "sequel" chapter is somewhere down the line. Hopefully it catches your attention like the end of the prologue, otherwise it will be pretty much forgettable.


The Jaxo decision in Chapter III was also the highlight for me, and I am curious to see how that develops.

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The ending is horrible? Try the whole damn story.


I agree so far and I am only a level 12 Trooper. What did the Writers try to do?... cram all the stupidity that a Soldier sees in a 20 year career into the story? (this part I know about as I did 23 years as a serviceman in real life and to me the Trooper storyline pushes the limit bigtime; Trooper storyline is already beyond belief and I am only still on Coruscant)


I am going to level a Trooper but I have already decided to completely ignore as much of the story as possible to improve my enjoyment of the class. The class itself is awesome.

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spoiler about jaxo



Does anybody know if after you save her from the ship and get the mail if there is anything else that happens? I also never did the quest when they mail you and give you a chance to go back to her house cus it was bugged and wouldnt let me in :(


As far as I know, no. That's the end of it as far the story stands now.

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You play through the whole game, making a huge effort gathering up a squad to capture Rakton, and when you finally do..you just release him again, and everyone is fine with it becouse "you can do it again"


Ofcourse the ligtside is to save the prisoners, but it just felt like you just did everything for nothing. A quite bad ending imo. Troopers could use some better storyline in next expansion :p

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It was frustrating, to be sure. But having served 6 years in the Army, I had to laugh. They effectively captured the type of civilian political bull***** that can make soldiers cynical and jaded.


In a way, they elicited in you the same type of emotion that caused Tavus and Havoc Squad to defect in the first place, bringing the story full circle.


Think of how many real world troops... in WW2, Vietnam, Korea... had to fight tooth and nail to take Hill 67, or Objective Lima, or whatever piece of land was deemed important that day... they watch their friends die... they see and experience things that are indescribably painful... and then 2 days later are ordered to abandon Hill 67 and go do something else.


I think either the writers were brilliant in creating that sense of disappointment and '***, are you kidding me? All that... for nothing?' bitterness... or the writers were just THAT bad and did it by accident. Haha.


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