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Cross-server Flashpoint finder -- Still very badly needed


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Ninja looting happens of course it does but the point is that if things are kept to a server rather than cross server consistent offenders eventually get a bad rep and find it harder to find groups.This way the community can to a certain degree police it's self and if a person knows that they may have to play with those people again it is more likely that they will play nice.
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Maybe you feel that way, most people dont and luckily Bioware is among those people. Go join a guild and make friends, an MMO is a social game. WoW has managed to kill most of the social aspect and now people think thats what an MMO is suppose to be like. Its not.


Its about joining guilds, making friends and a name for yourself. And you will have no problem running anything. Im in an active and friendly guild, i come online and there is no shortage of people who want to do flashpoints. Get a group together of just guildies, on TS, in less then 5min. And im a pure dps! So its not like i got the role thats most in demand.


Oh Queuecraft, will we ever escape you?


If people are running with their guilds, as really is the best policy, then what kind a queue times will the new server only dungeon finder have? I foresee a lot of QQ incoming about needing the dungeon finder to be cross server because it will still take just as long to find a group. I have not read about any dungeon finder being implemented, I really hope this is untrue.

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You know what I'm actually going to say to all the "omg weesa community is going to diiie" crowd who constantly yell "make friends, don't look for good game tools"


...I have real life friends, and you know what, sometimes they're even more trouble than they're worth when you have to get things done for yourself in life. I'm here to play a game, everyone is, and it shouldn't require forging deep relationships with strangers to play it. If you're here because you just need to make more friends, have fun with that. Most of us just want casual, fun, gaming interactions with other players... to just get on with playing the game.


The only real connection you have with anyone in a game is the game, so let's just get one with playing the game! I'm not looking to become BFFs or get married. Are you people really so lonely that you need to have such a deep "community"? The community isn't so deeply connected as you pretend anyway. And if you think it is, then you must not have many real deep social connections in life.


There, I said it... jeez just make the damn game easy to play.

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A cross server lfd tool done right actual would promote a larger community than just a small gated one on one server. Allow for cross server friends list and cross server whispers.


I look forward to the day that a company breaks away from the tradition of single server communities and allows the entire player base to be the community.

I choose NOT to live in gated communities in real life and i would rather not live in them in game live.


Pro cross server players are not anti social! If anything we are more social because we do not want to be limited to just one servers worth of players for our friends!

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As far as socializing, umm get off the game if you want a social community.


Exactly. In fact, I think it's funny when you think about... people in an MMO arguing for community and socializing. Playing a computer game is probably the most antisocial thing you can do. If you so desperate for friends, turn around, get off the computer, go outside, there's real people out there to make friends with.

Edited by AeonWeapon
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LFD finder for server would be great. As far as socializing, umm get off the game if you want a social community.
clueless ppl are clueless


lfg in just one server pool is useless, almost comletely

Edited by navarh
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Maybe an MMO is not for you? Try Call of Duty, it's a lot of fun.


I've played MMOs for years, and had alot of fun with many of them... ones where it was easier to team with people. (Usually because the game was designed to keep people teaming, so there was always a team to join.)

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Same thing, then everyone would end up on a few busy servers and alot of servers would die. Seen it happen in other games.


A lot of servers will die without merges if this continues. Come to Khoonda Militia. I can go to Ilum and the only other person there will be a level 14.


I love how they say LFD makes things faster, remember all the complaining about omg 40 minute queue for dungeon for DPS, remove the need for tanks!!!!!111oneone.


Which was faster than sitting in trade looking for a tank.

Edited by KuusouRumba
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Untill your blacklisted off your server buddy.


Except finding groups is so hard nobody blacklists at all in fear of not being able to run stuff, buddy.


People ive seen trying to advertise for a flashpoint group on a planet.


Most players will be questing, try LFG flashpoint while on the FLEET.

Reason they're advertising on your planet is most likely because they already spammed for 2 hours at the fleet and got nothing.

Edited by dargor-
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Ninja-looting is not an excuse anymore, specially if Bioware puts in gear looting restrictons based on queued role, class, and spec, from day one.


Other than that, I'm yet to find any real, logical reason behind that "xserver LFD kills communities" BS.

Edited by Orisai
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nope, no cross-server, anonymous, community-killing features please encouraging people to be totall [i lack non vulgar english word here].
what community-bro? i'm sittin in Voss for 2 hours alredy


zero group for h4


and i unerstand why ppl don't ever bother to try and find group, too llooonnnggg it takes


for ppl who post "40min dps queue" u play wow? i do

7min average as dps-warior

10s average as tank-warior

1m average on holy-pala healer


andddd u got tank-buddy? u group up bam u insta-invited

annd u don't want it? u don't use it…

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I agree and support this OP. Make it x-server and let carebears whine all they want.


I bet those pro-LFDs will be the ones crying. "Boohoos I cant ever finish these flashpoints, they are too hard!" Just like what happened to Cataclysm, "These dungeons are too hard, I have to actually pay attention the game instead of TV to win"

Edited by RocNessMonster
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We NEED a LFG system!

I cant even type hello on a General Chat without being spamed by LFG LFG LFG.

Not being able to queue to a flashpoint while leveling is really sad, going abck to the fleet takes 10 minutes or more due to the loads and 22h cooldown on the fleet pass.


Doesnt have to be cross-server but please ADD a Flashpoint finder.

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That doesn't make any sense. And LFD tool doesn't make the actual combat any easier or harder.


Being forced to group with people paying half attention to the game does make group based combat more difficult. How many times have you heard, "Dont stand in fire". It wouldn't be a meme if it wasn't based in fact.

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Being forced to group with people paying half attention to the game does make group based combat more difficult.


I'm sure your server has only the highest caliber of player.


LFG is what has killed wow and other mmos. Dont bring it here. Everything is perfect how it is, and it feels like an actual MMO and your not just sitting in a city qued.


No, you're sitting in a city spamming general for a group.

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