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Blaster Rifles for Bounty Hunters


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They said at the Guild Summit that they might expand the Legacy System to allow classes to use Weapons that werent possible for them to use otherwise( their example was a Warrior using a doublebladed lightsaber)


they said that to get the QQers to shut up.

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I agree wholeheartedly with this. I would like, if nothing else, an answer as to why Powertechs are given a single pistol instead of a blaster rifle. Every time I watch my powertech unload on something I just think "Man, this would look so much cooler if it were a rifle" since it's the mercenaries who use akimbo pistols.



Edit: Upon further reflection the conclusion I reached is that blaster rifles require 2 hands and you can't put a shield generator in your offhand if you use a rifle.


they can fix it if they want make a new slot for shield generator or have it so the Blaster rifle can be equip by us on the main hand weapon slot they can do it trust me THEY BIO-WARE THIS WONT BE HARD FOR THEM TO DO

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In my opinion a rifle would be a nice, but purely "cosmetic" change.

However, powertech is very short range / melee class, we are right before/behind the enemy most of the time (rocket jump, grapple, flame thrower, retractable blade, etc., etc.), so I think vibroswords would be a logical weapon of choice. It's one handed, works well with almost all of our other abilites, practically only the basic attack and Unload are using the blaster itself.

It would be great to have a vibrosword to emphasize the melee-like style, also basic attack/unload can be easily mirrored to for example slash and hack&slash (should work the same as the above mentioned blaster-specific abilities but with vibroswords in melee range).

What do you think folks (and devs if you read this thread)?


Great idea, love it , all the techstaffs,techswords and vibroblades out there and we can't get our hands on them... and there is no reason a blaster rifle specific tree could not be developed - do Bioware want to be innovative or stick to the tried and true from other MMOs - check the bounty hunters in EP5. All of them have... blaster rifles

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I saw Droid powertech using a blaster rifle and it looked bad ***.. Made me wish I could use one. But it wouldn't be fair to smugglers who wouldn't have a second weapon choose.


Yes and I am sure they think thats its not fair that we get to wear Heavy armor and don't have to take cover to use any of our abilities.

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:wea_02: First off I do want to state that I UNDERSTAND completely why we cant get rifles for a MMO game balance reasons. But I do want to clear up alot of stuff Ive been reading about Boba Fett not having the same gadgets as Jango!!! He absolutely does have every single gadget Jango does... Just because he didnt use it (or them) in the movies doesnt mean they dont exsist. Lucas just didnt have the CG back then but in novels, VG, and comic books Boba had many gadgets, besides Star Wars has always implied that characters can do stuff later, for example in Empire Strikes Back Boba has a jet pack he doesnt use but we see later he does use it in the next movie. Infact Boba is wearing Jangos exact armor, we saw him as a boy pick up the helmet. Mandalorians color their armor with personal customizations that mean something to them, so Boba just colored Jangos Green/Red for his own personal reasons. The flame thrower and wrist rockets are right there on his armor, he just doesnt encounter a situation in triology to use them, but he does try the trap-cord on Luke Skywalker. In the comics Boba uses all that stuff Jango uses and was always intended to have it.... my proof is a 1978 TV cartoon about Boba that came out even before Empire was a movie. You can also web-search a little documentary made by Boba Fetts creator where he breaks down Bobas arsenal called: Boba Fetts first appearance, on YOUTUBE. Again this was made back in the 70s before we ever saw him in a movie or Jango even exsisted. Finally, Boba uses a sawed-off blaster so it is a medium ranged weapon and looks like a pistol in his hand (except for the armguard) so if we never get blaster rifles ingame it still kind of works out. Edited by ForceSworn
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Gentlemen, ladies, Jawas, tonight I have for you the most terrible of news. Tonight I bring before you the tragic tale of Kando the Mando Commando, who is my friend. All Kando ever wanted, was to hold a blaster rifle in his hands. Alas, this was not to be, for he was a bounty hunter. Throughout the entirety of his 50 levels, Kando was forced to stare in awe and wonder at the countless bounty hunter and Mandalorian NPCs that used blaster rifles, an endless parade mocking him into oblivion. Kando is no longer with us the way you and I understand human beings. He has become an empty shell of a man, staring out into deep space with sadder eyes than those of the gentle nerf, for he has lost all hope that he might one day hold a blaster rifle. He has lost hope, but he has not lost his longing.
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posted this in the suggestion forums awhile ago. If they kept the stats of a pistol, and only changed the way you hold it, it should work out for balancing. If you guys agree, you should post something in there in hopes that bw are more likely to see it. Hopefully would be made by armstechs and kind of be the "off brand" weapon, much like a vibroblade for a glowstick user

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  • 5 weeks later...

It wouldn't make sense using a blaster rifle....


Why would you want a two handed weapon when most of your attacks are from devices on your one of your arms (flame thrower, railgun, various missile attacks).


As for mercs, it makes perfect sense using two pistols, again, not to mention that your missile attacks come from one of your arms. From a roleplaying/story point of view, you would definitely have more versatility using two pistols then one chunky two-hander.


I would much rather use one pistol in one hand and have my other arm dish out fire and rail shots. As for animations, they flow well and make much more sense with the spare arm. (powertech point of view)


The BH isn't just about the guns, it's about your equipment/gear and what it does.

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From an Operative:


Have my Rifle, give me your Pistol.


Really now, with the custom built augmented blaster rifles and pistols, there's no excuse why we should be restricted to only a type of weapon. IAs use pistols in the cutscenes, i understand that they could use pistols but the project was later scrapped.


So take my Operative, a spec for healing, a spec for melee damage and one for short range. It doesn't make much sense why i should use a rifle for these things. Have you seen the lvl 35+ rifles ? They look big and threatening. I would very much see such a rifle in the hands of a BH rather than an IA. Regardless, this isn't my point (although i do think that looks >stats). My point is that we should have freedom in choosing our weapons. Yes, the Merc looks awesome with 2 pistols. The PT... not so much. The Commando looks mean with the Assault Cannon. The Vanguard looks pimp because of the rifle. Well, he is a trooper, a soldier, a rifleman.. makes sense.


The thing is, custom gear is viable, and even so, there are rifles itemized for aim, blasters itemized for cunning and viceversa. Why not let us, the players, choose what we want to use ?

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yeah vanguards aren't tanks.


I was about to point that out.


I agree that bounty hunters should have access to them, since all throughout the reveals during the games' development, they said the bounty hunter class was inspired by Boba Fett and he used blaster rifles, the only other bounty hunter i know of that uses pistol or pistols is Jango Fett, so pick a iconic bounty hunter and stick with it.

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Because Bh's are supposed to have a (South) Western feel to them, maybe?


I don't know. This debate has gone on since pre-beta and it's never been patched, so...


Stop beating a dead horse. I'd love rifles too, but to me it doesn't matter. How can you shoot rockets from your wrist, if both hands are holding a gun? See, it just doesn't make sense either.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Because Bh's are supposed to have a (South) Western feel to them, maybe?


I don't know. This debate has gone on since pre-beta and it's never been patched, so...


Stop beating a dead horse. I'd love rifles too, but to me it doesn't matter. How can you shoot rockets from your wrist, if both hands are holding a gun? See, it just doesn't make sense either.


To you it doesn't matter. To me (and apparently many others since it keeps popping up since beta) it does matter. No one here is demanding pistols are replaced with rifles...if you like the "realistic feel" of holding a tiny pistol in your right hand while shooting rockets with unlimited ammo with your left, go right ahead! More choice and customisability is always a good thing, even if you don't care for a particular customisability option...

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Bounty hunters and their obsession with rifles, *yawn* it's getting old.


Here is the bottom line:


Bioware didn't give you rifles, because agents got them, that simple.


Why did agents get them you ask? the answer is simple, they can be snipers. Ever heard of a sniper that used a pistol? No, didn't think so.


Edit: hold on... snipers do get: Weapon Proficiency: Sniper Rifle, lol, playing one, I never even saw that. /end edit.


We can agree, that a blaster rifle and a sniper rifle are not the same, hence the 2 different proficiencies. Sniper rifles are more powerful, they do more damage.


They could have done it like this: give Agents and Bounty hunters (starter class), both Weapon Proficiencies and at level 10, if you choose powertech, you get a rifle in your bag and rifle Weapon Proficiency. and if you are a mercenary you get an extra pistol. With agents, you could get a sniper rifle if you picked sniper or a stealth field generator if you picked operative. the generator would then be required to use the stealth ability (if it gets broken, you lose that ability until you fix it).


But they did not choose to do this. each class, pr. side gets its own Weapon Proficiency. While we snipers are special, we get 2.


it's perfectly reasonable logic to do this, lazy perhaps, but reasonable. That said, I wish that operatives got to use pistol, it's more, spy like. maybe they will change this in the future. But then they would have to make pistols with cunning, rifles with aim and so on... lots more items need to be made if this change was to occur. Yes, I know there are rifles with aim and pistols with cunning, but only crappy green ones or at best, blue. I mean Ops drops.

Edited by Fallerup
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it's perfectly reasonable logic to do this, lazy perhaps, but reasonable. That said, I wish that operatives got to use pistol, it's more, spy like. maybe they will change this in the future. But then they would have to make pistols with cunning, rifles with aim and so on... lots more items need to be made if this change was to occur. Yes, I know there are rifles with aim and pistols with cunning, but only crappy green ones or at best, blue. I mean Ops drops.
Actually, most of the pistols I've come across in-game have Cunning instead of Aim...because they're for Smugglers! I actually had to look for parts to make a pistol for Elara Dorne, my Vanguard's healer companion. And Armstechs (like my Vanguard, incidentally) can make pistols with Aim or Cunning, and Rifles with Aim or Cunning, too!
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Because Bh's are supposed to have a (South) Western feel to them, maybe?


I don't know. This debate has gone on since pre-beta and it's never been patched, so...


Stop beating a dead horse. I'd love rifles too, but to me it doesn't matter. How can you shoot rockets from your wrist, if both hands are holding a gun? See, it just doesn't make sense either.


I imagine you could launch a rocket from you wrist the same way that agents fire darts from their wrists.

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