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Monthly Fee.


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well we pay 549 rubles in Russia which is 18.3 dollars. i was rather surprised when i saw this - wow was cheaper when it was EU and much cheaper when they have made russian servers.

actually this number is high enough for me to consider either keep subscribing or not if the game is not good enough.

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Can someone please explain to me why we in Switzerland pay by far the highest monthly fee?


US: $14.99USD

Euro: €12.99 = $16.80USD

CHF (Swiss Franc): 20.00CHF = $21.40USD



This is outrageous.


Please justify this.

Because your currency is worth the least when compared with the currencies from other countries.

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Can someone please explain to me why we in Switzerland pay by far the highest monthly fee?


US: $14.99USD

Euro: €12.99 = $16.80USD

CHF (Swiss Franc): 20.00CHF = $21.40USD



This is outrageous.


Please justify this.


It's EA taking it's revenge on Switzerland's support of IP piracy.






(I jest, just incase it were not immediately obvious... You can never be too sure with those customer support droids...)

Edited by TheTurniipKing
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here is another for you.... paid my subscribtion on the 21st of january..... have to pay again on the 18th of february.......


Nomatter how i count the days.... that is still only 29 days...... so it is no longer a 30 day subscribtion ?


is it midngith on feb 18? like really 00:00 feb 19 that they bill? i use timecards because I dont like giving credit card info on the net. but maybe they consider 00:00 19 to be the 18th like 11:59 feb18 as your bill time..dunno just shooting out in the dark here.

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Can someone please explain to me why we in Switzerland pay by far the highest monthly fee?


US: $14.99USD

Euro: €12.99 = $16.80USD

CHF (Swiss Franc): 20.00CHF = $21.40USD



This is outrageous.


Please justify this.


Not to worry OP, I've seen at least 3 cases of people who complained to their banks about various problems with the game - all were completely compensated - they initiated a charge-back and received everything they ever spent on this game, including base cost of the game and all subscriptions that they payed. The reasons for these charge-backs were all in the lines of "I didn't get what I payed for". I myself am a good example of this, I ordered the game through amazon because it was "not available for my region", the normal version cost me ~120$ with shipment. It arrived several days late, for which amazon compensated me with the entire shipping cost + a small part of the base cost of the game. The reason I'm pointing this out is that if you don't get an answer as to why you are being charged more than others, you can talk to your bank and receive every cent you ever spent on this game.


And then again, on the off chance that you get an answer which seems unreasonable - there's always lawsuits (if you feel discriminated). In any case, be sure to let us know of any answers/actions you are taking (INB4 my post is deleted)

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here is another for you.... paid my subscribtion on the 21st of january..... have to pay again on the 18th of february.......


Nomatter how i count the days.... that is still only 29 days...... so it is no longer a 30 day subscribtion ?


You were billed a day late. Go back and figure it out from your game time starting on Dec. 20th.

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Because your currency is worth the least when compared with the currencies from other countries.


A currency of a given country is worth what the international currency rate says it is worth, and you should be able to convert to/from different currencies and end up with the same amount when you convert it back.


OP is paying 20 Swiss Franc which is 21.4413 USD when converted to USD.

I pay 109 Danish Krona which is 19 USD.

A US citizen pays what - 15 USD? For the same product.

By doing very simple math, you will even get the difference in percent from the above if you bother.

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is it midngith on feb 18? like really 00:00 feb 19 that they bill? i use timecards because I dont like giving credit card info on the net. but maybe they consider 00:00 19 to be the 18th like 11:59 feb18 as your bill time..dunno just shooting out in the dark here.



Even if i include both Jan 21 and Feb 18th.... it still only 29 days.


and just noticed an even more funny thing.... only have 25 playing days left.... that puts me to Feb 16....

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A currency of a given country is worth what the international currency rate says it is worth, and you should be able to convert to/from different currencies and end up with the same amount when you convert it back.


OP is paying 20 Swiss Franc which is 21.4413 USD when converted to USD.

I pay 109 Danish Krona which is 19 USD.

A US citizen pays what - 15 USD? For the same product.

By doing very simple math, you will even get the difference in percent from the above if you bother.


Here is the thing you are all missing. You pay a smaller % of your annual income, per billing period then the US.


You may be paying more USD per month, but you also make more USD per month.


Convert your country's average wage for a given profession to USD, and compare to the wage someone in the US makes for the same job.

Edited by GawdoOo
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Can someone please explain to me why we in Switzerland pay by far the highest monthly fee?


US: $14.99USD

Euro: €12.99 = $16.80USD

CHF (Swiss Franc): 20.00CHF = $21.40USD



This is outrageous.


Please justify this.



USA customer here


14.99 plus a 1.00 tax of some sort b/c swtor claims to be based out of redwood city, california?


anyone else see this surcharge if they are on monthly?


tl;dr next month the origin time card seems the way to go

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Here is the thing you are all missing. You pay a smaller % of your annual income, per billing period then the US.


You may be paying more USD per month, but you also make more USD per month.


Convert your country's average wage for a given profession to USD, and compare to the wage someone in the US makes for the same job.


Following your logic - the standard average income for my country is about 5 times lower than the average income of US. But I'm not paying 3$ for subscription, I pay what everyone else pays. So it's not that

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Here is the thing you are all missing. You pay a smaller % of your annual income, per billing period then the US.


You may be paying more USD per month, but you also make more USD per month.


Convert your country's average wage for a given profession to USD, and compare to the wage someone in the US makes for the same job.


Are you saying that this is some attempt to achieve global fairness and equality? What a noble goal, except they already tried it in Soviet Russia with very poor results. :)

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Here is the thing you are all missing. You pay a smaller % of your annual income, per billing period then the US.


You may be paying more USD per month, but you also make more USD per month.


Convert your country's average wage for a given profession to USD, and compare to the wage someone in the US makes for the same job.



That is stupid..... shall we compare taxes too.... food prices.... the prices for daycare..... if you want to argue that the fact that SWTOR is more expensive, because they make more, and therefor it is fair, then i think you should take a hard look at the prices on everything else.


The prices should be the same as in the US... basically..... and i would say that an increase of 36% is WAY too high.

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I agree. I don't think many people consider how much money they are actually making when charging us just a little more than the US price. Here in Europe, we always pay more for games and services. It's ridicules in my opinion.



Especially when you consider that I am paying so much more for this service than people who live less than 20 minutes from my house (Germany/France).


Either one of two things:


1) Exchange rate and the bank/company Bioware uses to process the currency exchange.


2) Taxes applied by your nation's government.

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Haha, yeah maybe. But it still doesn't explain why we've never had to pay more for a services than the rest of Europe before SWTOR.




Are you paying other MMOs in your native currency or are you paying in Euros?


Also maybe Lucas doesn't like the Swiss so he cahrging more for his intellectual properties there....:D

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I gave the conversion rates. In Switzerland we pay by far the most.


the pricing isn't based on conversion rates.


it's based on average wage in each country and assessed from there there is a far more in depth analysis done than what i can describe for you but it has nothing to do with currency conversion rates.

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Hmm... never should have read this thread... makes me in a bad mood....


I'm danish so just paid 109 DKKR.... and when i calculated that into EURO... it becomes 14.96 EURO... now i know that currency can fluctuate..... but not by this much.....


will call the billing department and ask why they charge me 20 DKKR too much per month.

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Hmm... never should have read this thread... makes me in a bad mood....


I'm danish so just paid 109 DKKR.... and when i calculated that into EURO... it becomes 14.96 EURO... now i know that currency can fluctuate..... but not by this much.....


will call the billing department and ask why they charge me 20 DKKR too much per month.


they will tell you that your average earnings are higher and the pricing is based around that...


it's not based on currency conversion rates...someone else that knows this point it out.

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We can speculate all day long, but until we hear from a BioWare employee we really don't know.



As previously stated, I don't think that an explanation is too much to ask.


Actually, it almost certainly is too much to ask. You're asking a private business to disclose pricing and cost information. They might be willing to discuss certain parts of it, but I doubt you're going to get an explanation you're happy with.


You have the option all customers do. Pay. Or pay not. There is no explanation. :p

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