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The Travel System Is Severely Hurting The Gameplay!


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Figured I would time how long an average travel trip took. I started at the Taris bind point and traveled to the first bind point on Coruscant. So not just station to station but bind point to bind point to give it a more realistic methodology. I chose Coruscant because it has that huge stretch of a spaceport.


7200 rpm Seagate hard drive. Nothing fancy. Online stopwatch as my method of timing. http://www.online-stopwatch.com/


It took 3 minites and 30 seconds. Considering that I am not traveling between zones constantly, and really only when I need to head to fleet or I outlevel a zone to travel to the next zone...I think some of you are being extremely ridiculous.


If you are really whining because you could go afk during 10 minute travel in WoW there here is an idea. Take 3 minutes to travel. Park your butt in the spaceport and take the next 7 minutes to take your afk to check your facebook, twitter, text messages, Jersey Shore, shove McDonalds in your face, whatever you guys do nowadays.

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HUH? Seriously?


You don't know about the buyable fleet passes, that's what i'm talking about. Funny you would call me a biodrone because you don't know about a feature in the game. Lack of knowledge leading to these insults is getting old.


They are consumable and cheap.




Fleet Pass

Binds on Pickup

Requires Level 16

This pass allows you to return to the Fleet.

Use: Use to teleport back to the Fleet



1 hour CD. What's your point?

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Travel is an important immersion aspect of the game.


Please do not touch how travel functions.

If we take away all the nuance's, then we are left with just core mechanics and that's not a game worth playing.


That is a new one, pointless big empty stations and loading screens immerse you?

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Typical fanboy. Completely ignore the point of my post and point out a spelling or other minor error instead of responding with a logical or rational counter-argument.


But he did respond logically. He pointed out the flaw(s) in your example(s) and method(s). He pointed out how your presentation was not balanced, how it is biased to one game so to make the other seem worse.


edited to fix a misspelling

Edited by Ujest
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I like the travel and ship time, but the excessive loading occurrences is a downside. Why not when you are in the space port and you click on your class elevator, it shows a short animation of you going through the dock to your ship. or the same with leaving the ship, we have a short animation of us going through the air lock/dock. That way there is only one loading screen between entering and exiting your ship.


Also, how about on a couple hour cooldown, the LAZY, GOOD FOR NOTHING, Mission Failing Doid in my ship can fly over and pick me up as a quick way to leave a planet.

Edited by sledlord
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an easy and simple fix is just to make quick travel capable of traveling to any world you've been to and wouldnt be such a big deal. Also one way to cut this in half is the security vender for the security key sells fleet passes. Which send you DIRECTLY to the fleet. i carry 1-2 at all times because its far quicker to return to the fleet then deal with all the load screens.
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Running a Flashpoint with Guildies usually takes a bit of prep ahead of time, so the fact that instant travel is not available is not an issue really.


Scenario - "Hey guys... want to do a Flashpoint? Sure! What time? How about tomorrow at 10pm est. Sounds good. I'll make sure my character is there for the start time. Great!"


It would seem the OP wants insta travel to be able to help a guildie "insta finish" a specific element of a specific quest.


I have issues with that.


Can't finish a quest boss on your own? Get more powerful or find a group among the players who are in the area/zone.


Calling in your level 45 guildmate to come finish off the boss for you is not a problem that I think breaking the entire travel mechanic with insta ports will solve.


Other games can get away with it because there is an element of magic, hence, totems, summons, etc. SWTOR is already pushing it a bit with insta cast companions. Putting in an instasummon system for other players is a bad idea.


So, I can't support this suggestion. To me, this is just a bad an idea as macros and 3rd party mods. I'm so very tired of people requesting an EASY button for their games.





14_Click_Canuck :)

Edited by Canuck_TwnTNN
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In WoW traveling from one side of the world to the other undoubtedly took more time. But it was also time you could spend doing something productive like eating or going to the toilet. In SW:TOR you literally have to waste time painstakingly manually walking through pointless repetitive content.


The amount of times I alt-tab during a load screen (the only time it's seemingly safe to AFK) only to tab back and realise the game pauses it's loading whilst in the background..


Ok how about this. A button to request a pickup and take you to anywhere you want. HOWEVER you gotta wait for said shuttle to make the rounds. So gotta wait for it to come round from wherever reach your planet pick you up and drop you off. The entire loop the shuttle takes is 30mins so you can have anywhere from a 30sec to 30min wait depending on luck. That way you can be more productive like going to the toilet.

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I'm not a WoW fan - but on this case I'm goign to have to defend it because rarely did I ever "walk" on WoW - though I'm "old-school" and walking on games doesn't bother me.


On WoW you had almost unlimited freedom to "fly" anywhere you wanted - and that is easily one of the game's strengths. It was always pretty impressive watching the forests and lakes pass you by as you effortlessly and with very little restrictions flew across Azeroth.


When it comes to world travel, I'd say WoW has done a better job than any other MMO out there.


And you out-level zones just as rapidly on this game(maybe faster actually) than you did even on WoW. sS while maybe a valid criticism - it's just as much a criticism of this game as well - and most other RPGs these days because a lot of players hate "grinds" and want levels handed to them.

This made me lol for 2 reasons:

  1. You're really really really late to WoW if you're talking about flying everywhere.
  2. World Travel sucked in WoW. "Oh crap I just missed the boat/zeplin."

People also keep forgetting what had to be done to be allowed to fly anywhere they want. THE ENTIRE ENVIRONMENT HAD TO BE RECODED FROM SCRATCH!!!


The only suggestion I'd accept is a quick travel to your class hanger. Insta travel across galaxy ~buzz~ QT on a 15min CD ~maybe but not really caring~ Separate CD n QT to ship/area ~buzz~


Walking through a spaceport is not a GRIND.


If pressing the "w" key for 45 seconds is game breaking, I suggest you try something much simpler like internet checkers, or "words with friends".

They don't even have to hold down "W" they can hit the "Num Lock" key and point their mouse in the direction they want to go.

Edited by DarthKhaos
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WhyTF cant a bounty hunter park his ship on the planet?

everyone has to dock at this "orbital station"


totally ridiculous


even a smuggler has to "check in" with landing?



lets be real.

all you would have to do is replace the orbital shuttle with the players ship.

and move the npcs from the orbital to the planets base.


re work like 5 dialogues.


bam. less annoying.

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Hearthstone with a 15 minute CD beats the Quick Travel anyday. I guess Biodrones are blind.

Quest turn in is 10min travel north of Space Station.

You are located 15min travel southeast of Space Station.

Heart Stone Bind is on Fleet.





Quest turn in is 10min travel north of Space Station.

You are located 15min travel southeast of Space Station.

QT location 30 seconds travel from Quest turn in.



Yea. HS is on a 15min cooldown is WAY better.

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Typical fanboy. Completely ignore the point of my post and point out a spelling or other minor error instead of responding with a logical or rational counter-argument.


i am not a typical fanboy and i enjoy the travel system. it adds immersion to my game.

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I like the travel system, and it's faster then wow's travel system (by that i mean flight points/masters).


While it's a tad more tedious then just going afk for 10 mins like in wow, it's faster if you don't want to go afk.


Having an orbital station AND a hangar "floor/station" is a bit overkill though, since they're both completely empty except for random npc's and a medical droid.


Also Quick Travel is waaay better then a heartstone, despite the longer cooldown.

Edited by Refrayin
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and lets not forget the "omg you finished the quest, go to your ship holo to continue... bzzz go through the planet... "omg dude ***, go back do do the rest of the quest" .. omg 3 minutes donwload of planet I JUST WAS IN... and then again "go to space ship".. and then "yeah go back again""...


yeah, class shown right there...



bioware: guys we have issue with paying for bandwith... no worries we have solution! we will do quests that people will spend most of the time either loading or traveling with taxis!!!"


clap clap

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Yes, everyone once in a while during a marathon session I like an excuse to get up out of my chair. You should try it. It's really good for you.


I sense desperation in you. Now you are trying to say SWTOR is bad because it has you actually playing it!


Desperate Panda is desperate Panda I guess.

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A 1hr cd call for pickup ability is the solution i want to see. I push a button, get a little cutscene of me walking up the ramp to my ship (doesnt have to be where i am.. A single generic location per-planet implies i went somewhere my ship could get to me), and bam, im on the flightdeck staring at the galaxy map. Travel to some other planet and, if my qt is off cd, a quick shuttle trip, or otherwise a speeder trip, to wherever my guildie needs help. I dont care at that point if it takes me 15 mins to get back to where i was before thru the usual methods. Heck i probably wanted to hit the fleet again anyway, i almost always have something i need todo there.
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Hearthstone with a 15 minute CD beats the Quick Travel anyday. I guess Biodrones are blind.


Pandas are blind because they can't see that QT can be used to go to any known bind point on the planet, while a HS is to the inn your are bound at.

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I sense desperation in you. Now you are trying to say SWTOR is bad because it has you actually playing it!


Desperate Panda is desperate Panda I guess.


No, SWTOR is bad because it was rushed out and is sloppy as hell.


But, you already knew that.

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There are just too many loading screens in this game. Too many.


If I am queuing warzones and sitting in fleet, it's not that big a deal. WZ ends, 5-10 seconds later I pop back in fleet. If I'm trying to quest in between WZ's and I'm somewhere like Hoth on my alt, every time the WZ ends it takes 30-45 seconds for Hoth to load up. Belsavis is worse. It's even worse if you're travelling. In every other game, travelling is a good time to go AFK, do a bio, grab a snack, no big deal. In TOR you have to be there to actively click on switches the whole time you travel, which makes it 10 times more tedious.


Too many loading screens in general.

Edited by Mannic
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Pandas are blind because they can't see that QT can be used to go to any known bind point on the planet, while a HS is to the inn your are bound at.


Of course, HS takes you anywhere in the world if that's your bind point. I would love to be able to hearth to Belsavis or Voss from Fleet, but no...

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