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Everything posted by Refrayin

  1. Just having the med probe is a godsend, so it's natural that the CD increases. Just don't go rambo the second the Stealth Field is over and you'll almost never see the CD. Unless you're like me, who jumps down elevators to your death all the time.
  2. I like the travel system, and it's faster then wow's travel system (by that i mean flight points/masters). While it's a tad more tedious then just going afk for 10 mins like in wow, it's faster if you don't want to go afk. Having an orbital station AND a hangar "floor/station" is a bit overkill though, since they're both completely empty except for random npc's and a medical droid. Also Quick Travel is waaay better then a heartstone, despite the longer cooldown.
  3. I think it's ALOT better then it was. However, it should be toggle-able.
  4. So my Jedi can't have a romance with doc in the future? ****.
  5. What load screens? The ones that last 5 seconds? The first one takes maybe 30 secs, and all after that are pretty much instant. SW:TOR is by no means the smoothest game I've played. But neither is WoW, not at all.
  6. I love this game as well, most fun MMO I've ever played. Sure it has issues and bugs, but all games have them. So far the bugs of SW:TOR has been far less annoying to me then the bugs wow has had.. The green lasers covering the whole screen, IS a tad annoying though.
  7. You just enable them in the quickslot subsection of the options (preferences) tab, just like how you enable the bottom center bar. I'm not in game at the moment, but if you need me to name the options i'll do in a few.
  8. Pretty sure they're just optimizing it at the moment. AA enabled on my pc works great though, and it looks alot better.
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