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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove Stats from Color-Crystals, introduce new "Power-Crystal"


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I agree with this potential feature. All BioWare would need to do is alter the icons on the current crystals to a more generic color (transparent probably, kinda like diamonds) and remove the <color> portion. Weapons would then get a new Color Crystal slot.


So instead of Advanced Black-Blue Hawkeye Crystal you'd get Advanced Hawkeye Power Crystal.


Then new recipes could be added to the Artifice trainer for the base colors and (rare) color recipes could be added as drops from mobs/bosses. :)

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I agree with this potential feature. All BioWare would need to do is alter the icons on the current crystals to a more generic color (transparent probably, kinda like diamonds) and remove the <color> portion. Weapons would then get a new Color Crystal slot.


So instead of Advanced Black-Blue Hawkeye Crystal you'd get Advanced Hawkeye Power Crystal.


Then new recipes could be added to the Artifice trainer for the base colors and (rare) color recipes could be added as drops from mobs/bosses. :)


Exactly! I just think it would be a great feature across the board. Gives you real choice when it comes to your Color, makes unique Colors viable throughout the entire game (such as the Pre-order or Razer colors), and fits the Star Wars universe even better!

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I remember during the build up to the game when they did a vote whether it should be fully cosmetic for colour crystals in case the time came when the best stat for a crystal and it would be pink lightsaber for example. I remember the vote going for cosmetic use only.


The story content in this game is amazing but why not have the choice to choose what colour you want to go with your character without having to worry about your damage. I think giving us a pre-order crystals that we cant show off at level 50 to tell people that i was there at the beginning of the game we cant use because of crapy stats. We get to use the crystal for barely anytime at all before its outranked.


If it was in KOTOR 1&2 why isnt it in the game which follows?


I think the game would be greatly improved if crystal colours are made cosmetic only.

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I agree with the stat crystal being seperate from the colour crystal. Or maybe a possibility of the two crystals interacting in colour ala Corran Horn's Violet/Silver saber effect. This could be the explination for different colour cores (like the black ones)


Or maybe thats too much. But yeah colour should be seperate, and more colours should be available from artifice. I was under the impression that's what artifice would be...then low and behold you only get a new crystal colour at 400....which is the colour that's been in man drops/vendor bought sabers...so..


yeah very disapointed in how saber colours are handled. very disappointed.

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Totally signed.


Edit: However, as far as the additional visual effects you reference from the Force Unleashed, it kind of shafts gun users, as that sort of thing won't be visible in a quick-traveling bolt.

Edited by plusieurs
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high level artiface creates special color crystals (similar to wow truegold or other transmute) and then anyone can take that crystal to a NPC vendor/crafting table thing that gives you a color picker for inner/out color plus effects


RGB 0-255 just like in photoshop (or how you select your chat colors) and you got a nice end game with high level customization


the game needs more of this ^ each craft should contribute something special to their own craft

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Totally signed.


Edit: However, as far as the additional visual effects you reference from the Force Unleashed, it kind of shafts gun users, as that sort of thing won't be visible in a quick-traveling bolt.


smoking swirling effects on guns ? similar to BH healing, and gas cylinders - quick skinny shots, big tear drop shaped pulse shots etc...


oooo custom fire colors for my flame thrower please

Edited by Baracca
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Thing that also really annoys me was a vote taken in beta and colour crystals being cosmetic won so why they then went and did the opposite i dont know. The argument of why people wanted it to be cosmetic was people didnt want to have to put up with a crap colour which they dont want and the stats they do want.


I love this game, its awesome but its fustrating that i got my pre order crystal used it for a few levels then got a better one, kinda feel like the whole pre-order and have something unique was a waste.


I dont understand why it shouldnt be cosmetic, i know the movies are a couple of thousand years after but crystal didnt increase power then so why now?


If anyone else feels the same please say.


I love the idea of being able to choose a core colour and an affect colour because that really makes it unique to each player and the force unleashed colours when you had slightly damaged crystals which pulsed that was cool.


One of the big parts of this game is the voice acting to make you feel like your actually responsible for what happens to your character, well if we have so much customization why dont we have the same with our weapon colours.

Edited by Zadtro
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I agree completely with making the color crystal completely separate than the power crystals. Instead of the idea from Force unleashed, I would like to see something along the lines of:


Green Quality would be a lighter hue of the color while Blue quality would darken the hue and Purple Quality would darken it even further to allow for more colors. I wouldn't make it to significant but just enough to be slightly noticeable, that way you make it worth while for Artifice to still RE them and make money.

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even tho its not how light sabers are made i do agree with this.


plus it would make artifice more useful


and we need fewer limitations on what colors we can use.


light and dark alignment is fine but sith should always be able to use RED and jedi should always be able to use GREEN/BLUE

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This should have been in from the beginning. If you look at SW lore, all lightsabers are crafted with 2 crystals:


Focus Crystal - Focuses the beam and determines the weapon's power.

Beam Crystal - Determines the color of the beam.

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