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Is there a threat display that I'm not aware of?


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As usually OP you will get trolled by fanbois.


No theres no threat meter, its also possible for you to get stunlocked by your own defensive animations while tanking and lose aggro. Add on the new GCD animations which makes it really hard to see if an ability with a long CD is available or not and overall the tanking experience in this game is sub par.


Combined with no target of target to actually see what the mob is targetting makes me wonder if the people that designed a lot of the basics of this game ever played an MMO before.

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Maybe we don't need hard threat meters, but we at least need an indicator on WHO has aggro. Especially against ranged mobs or mobs who are stationary and don't turn. If I obtained aggro, I would love some red text in the middle of my screen saying "X has turned their attention to you!" and vise-versa for losing aggro.
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TheHeadCapper, you may wish to review people's responses to your posts. It would seem that the vast majority disagree with you, and your posts are not particularly constructive.


Thats fine the forums typically dont represent the type of gamer that is in my guild or that i am friends with. A voice that really means nothing to me.


My guild is pretty much entirely of the vision that threat meters arent needed because aggro is a mechanic that you can learn to understand. I respect their opinion more than what i read on the forums so your vast majority means nothing to me

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Maybe we don't need hard threat meters, but we at least need an indicator on WHO has aggro. Especially against ranged mobs or mobs who are stationary and don't turn. If I obtained aggro, I would love some red text in the middle of my screen saying "X has turned their attention to you!" and vise-versa for losing aggro.


I would like to see this added. Not text neccesarily but a better indication of who has aggro and target of target.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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Maybe we don't need hard threat meters, but we at least need an indicator on WHO has aggro. Especially against ranged mobs or mobs who are stationary and don't turn. If I obtained aggro, I would love some red text in the middle of my screen saying "X has turned their attention to you!" and vise-versa for losing aggro.


This seems good but I would go something like the nameplates of the mob goes from green(meaning you don't have aggro), to yellow (you're getting high on threat) to red (you have threat). Like it doesn't have to be a meter like omen/KTM just something that I can use oh I'm about to pull threat should pop my force camo.

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"This statement indicates nothing more than that there will not be addons at launch. Nothing more, nothing less.”


But someonehow you take that like they are definitely coming? lol.


Many games are great and successful without threat meters. WOW tanks are just used to ezmode.


Name a game that doesn't have a threat meter and is successful.


EQ2 has it. Rift has it.


I think Warhammer? Don't think conan has it... but it's conan, lol.

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no most of us know how to play our characters and how to play mmos therefore not dps or threat meters is needed. most of our tanks in this game know how to tank and how to get a mob back if it is pulled, dps know how to lower their threat if they pull aggro, well most of us do anyway. most dps dont need a meter to let them know that they just pulled aggro off the tank, they have a mob beating on their head to let them know that instead and they take appropriate action to either finish the mob or to let the tank get him back under control.


as i said most of us can do all of that without something telling us how to do that. so im kind of glad you wont be tanking at least for me since apparantly you have to have a meter to tell you when you are not holding aggro on something instead of actually noticing that your not being beat on and someone else in your party is.

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The threat display is "your healer getting ripped to shreds."


Good tanks have a combination of fast reactions and good threat management via rotation and target selection and don't really need a threat meter.


If you need a threat meter, you are not a very good tank.

Edited by ndruo
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Normally, I would be all for the inclusion of threat meters... but frankly, the content in this game is so damned easy that including any sort of meters (threat, DPS, or otherwise) is unnecessary.


The current content is easier, doesn't mean it may or may not get harder. To be prepared now I think is way better than say having it in later and it not being a polished/good as it could of been from a couple months (or more) of feedback.

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It used to be that if DPS pulls threat, it's the DPS's fault. This sentiment got changed during the threat buffs during Cataclysm, but that's not the model TOR is following. Therefore we need to return to the old mantra.


it changed WAY before that. but its never as simple as that. depending on situation.

for exemple, here jedi guardian have NO THREAT DUMP. so our only way to lower our threat is to stop attacking...not a good plan with how enrage timer are on certain hardmodes.


at the same time, some tanks do not know how to generate solid threat, so its really a case by case thing.


I tanked for 6 years in wow (started at release) also tanking in rift and did my share in ToR and guild war. and sometime, yes, its the tank fault.


Tor model is really a question of both side. tank NEED to pull as much aggro as possible so the dps can do as much damage as possible. if dps pull aggro, it might be his fault, but it might also be the tank, or most likely, its a little of both

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Well said! I agree with your entire post. Hearing that those bosses do not yet exist is encouragement; thank you. I am worried for the future, however. I won't get too worked up over hypotheticals.


One major argument I have with you: I'm requesting a threat meter, not addons. I would prefer the threat meter to be part of the built-in UI rather than it be an addon.


I've said before on the pre-launch forums that if BioWare implements any such measures then fine. I can only assume that they've deemed that the game's level of difficulty requires their use. And I'll have direct access to it from the game's creators.


Personally I'm not very computer saavy at all and I don't like downloading things from "non-offical" sources, whether it be anime episodes, music, or game mods. I don't want to be forced to use any third party mods though, whether that pressure comes from me being excluded by the community at large or by having the difficulty of endgame content designed around people that use mods.

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That is fun for you. Not so much for tank/meleers who have to chase boss or for healers, because boss has PBAoE effect, that effects healers/ranged when he comes closer.


As long as there is no threat meter (and target of target), dying to aggro will always be tanks fault tho, so I suppose all those DPS can be happy there is none yet, so they can always blame the tank :p


Chasing the boss, I think, should be part of the game. Granted, if it is then all classes need to have abilities to properly adjust for it when it happens. However, every boss battle should have a dynamic element to it or it's just a plain ole tank and spank.


I can't say that I agree you can always blame the tank without a meter. All the tank has to do is let everyone know to give him time to build the hate. After that, whoever the boss heads for is, naturally, the one that pulled the aggro. It's no mystery. And if it keeps happening with the same player, then it can be addressed.

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"This statement indicates nothing more than that there will not be addons at launch. Nothing more, nothing less.”


But someonehow you take that like they are definitely coming? lol.


Many games are great and successful without threat meters. WOW tanks are just used to ezmode.


Dream on buddy.


No Addons nowadays equals slow, painful death.


As for the "many games" successful without them, please feel free to name me 5.


As for WoW tanks being lazy, thats your opinion. The best tanks usually learned to tank on WoW.


Receiving more info trough threat meters only mean you're twice as efficient as the guy that's just "guessing".


Nice try, troll.

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With all due respect, Saltorio, I highly doubt you are a better player than I am. Longevity does not a hardcore raider make.


You're quite right. Though I played WoW for the better part of 6 years, I would never categorize myself as a hardcore raider. But my guild did raid regularly, and we had pretty decent success.


If you use common sense, pay attention to your own numbers, and use your threat dump regularly there's no need for a flashing warning to tell you that you're in dangerous territory.

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The threat display is "your healer getting ripped to shreds."


Good tanks have a combination of fast reactions and good threat management via rotation and target selection and don't really need a threat meter.


If you need a threat meter, you are not a very good tank.


Good tanks do but for the rest of us who like to pug it means we may not get the best tanks. Also how can a tank find a good threat rotation without some kind of meter? It raises the question of how close the dps are to him in threat and how far he is. The problem really isn't about who's pulling threat as much as it is about efficiency.


DPS can use it to optimize CD usage of their threat reduction abilities


Tanks can use it to optimize ability usage


Healers, well they can complain the DPS took aggro :3

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Maybe we don't need hard threat meters, but we at least need an indicator on WHO has aggro. Especially against ranged mobs or mobs who are stationary and don't turn. If I obtained aggro, I would love some red text in the middle of my screen saying "X has turned their attention to you!" and vise-versa for losing aggro.


I always thought it was pretty easy to figure out. When the baddie turns to look at me, it's never a good thing (I'm a healer). When it turns to look at the tank, then things are going well. If the DPSer has it facing him, I need to up my healing a bit. Seriously, the baddie actually turns to face the guy it's most angry at, and that is a clear indicator of threat. A good tank can pull it before the MOB casts, hits, or causes any problems (at least mine can).


And some of them will cast at multiple people, but this is always indicated by some type of graphical feature. A swirling white light on the ground means a flame spitting probe is about to land there, so I should move. A large white square thing means a missle is about to hit me... so I should move. An add shooting at me is indicated by (usually red) blaster bolts streaking at me from the source. Well, you get the idea.

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Dream on buddy.


No Addons nowadays equals slow, painful death.


As for the "many games" successful without them, please feel free to name me 5.


As for WoW tanks being lazy, thats your opinion. The best tanks usually learned to tank on WoW.


Receiving more info trough threat meters only mean you're twice as efficient as the guy that's just "guessing".


Nice try, troll.


You assumption is that is what is causing the other games to fail but it is just an assumption,


I could say none of those games had red rocks shaped in a square and thats why the game failed. A + B does not equal 5.

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The threat display is "your healer getting ripped to shreds."


Good tanks have a combination of fast reactions and good threat management via rotation and target selection and don't really need a threat meter.


If you need a threat meter, you are not a very good tank.


Good tanks don't need to validate themselves on forums.


*cough* troll *cough*



To the guy above : No Addons usually mean the dev team is lazy and/or inefficient. It's like someone coughing, doesn't mean they got a cold, but it's usually a good symptom.


Also, Swtor is FAR from being a solid MMO right now, so no, I'm not assuming. Playerbase already dropped to the point they needed to make the unsuscribe button disapear.

Edited by dargor-
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If you use common sense, pay attention to your own numbers, and use your threat dump regularly there's no need for a flashing warning to tell you that you're in dangerous territory.


Thank you. To be fair, I'm not sure DPS truly requires a threat meter. Tanks need it quite a bit more.

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When I read the OP post here is what I was thinking...


For all the talk about completing cross-word puzzles, I've noticed that very few players have mentioned having the answer key as one of their top arguments. Doing crossword puzzles, currently, is quite difficult, especially since I have no way of knowing what a particular word is from the clues I'm given. I have made the simple decision that I'm not going to crossword puzzles unless the answer key is added, simply because it's just not fun.


In the era of New York Times type crossword puzzles, the answer key was the single most important thing anyone can have, to the point where any person without the answer key was considered bad and unfit for doing crossword puzzles. Which, unfortunately, describes the majority of people I have done puzzles with, whether by their own lack of skill or the limitations imposed on them by their intelligence.


Yet nobody seems to mention this cardinal necessity. I would rather have the crossword puzzle answers than sudoko answers. Is there a way to get the answers that I'm not aware of?

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