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What 1.2 patch notes SHOULD look like....


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"Almost all abilities now have the option to be toggled(automated) via right click. Only one ability may be toggled at a time. Stance abilities are seperate from this addition and still follow their already in place ruleset. Casting or Activating an ability whilst another is toggled immediately deactivates the toggled ability until the animation for the ability is complete."



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0 stars for trying to balance an entire game solely around PvP. I hope that particular model never gets implemented, that would indeed be the time to unsub. Patch: Rise of the Forum whiners, indeed.


The game needs adjustments for sure - but certainly not ones entirely based on who whines the most on an internet forum. This stuff breaks classes and makes no sense whatsoever (are you even level 50?). In many cases you are just knee-jerking entire classes, panic style. In some cases the abilities may need changes, but because they are so basic to the class you need to re-work entire skill trees if you want to make so drastic changes.


And why in **** name would you re-work entire classes' talents and abilities prior to fixing their abilities so they ACTUALLY WORK AS INTENDED before starting to balance them.


Also balancing damage from skills without any solid evidence from a COMBAT LOG? You are seriously thinking changes will be implemented to skills based off baseless accusation, forum whines, downright lies and "my guildie said..."? For real?


Besides balancing a game solely and only based on PvP is... unghgh. And doing it like this, 0 stars.

Edited by Anyankin
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1 star. Your changins to the sorc bubble are just dumb. the shield absorbs 2,5k unskilled and 3k skilled. My 1.5sec heal heals me (dd specced) about 2,4k noncrit and about 4,4 crit with a 35% critchance. So the bubble with a 1.5sec cast would get completly useless for heal specced sorc and even for damage specced sorc. You are obvouisly completly clueless about classes and pvp in generell and this changes would make many people to cancel their sub. Edited by Scyrar
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Knee-jerk nerfs are lolworthy. 10% faction imbalace = more than acceptable.

30% faction buff = laughably overpowered.



You also forgot to whine about expertise.


0 stars.


Some servers really, really do need that type of incentive/bonus. The server I'm on, we probably outnumber the Republics 4:1 at least. Maybe to the extream of even a 6:1. I have no problems with the imbalance bonuses.


Anything else regarding or within these patch notes I'm not going to comment on. Firstly they need to be actually implemented into live. They have to work and they have to actually be in when they "say" they are.


Also it can't cause even MORE issues. If something breaks on this one, my concern for this game goes from a 7 to about a 9. My finger is already hovering over the unsub button.

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-Lowered the armor penetration of Acid Blade/Flechette round to 25%, and the ability now respects the Global cooldown. We also increased the damage of the DoT element by 20%. Altered the talent description to match.


orly? you mean we should get a 31talent that is a silly dot with some ap that is already situational (works only with backstab or hidden strike)


translate: we removed the 31talent of the concealment tree with no compensation.



Edited by Chasidim
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Proper change to sorc bubble would be to slightly increase the cooldown and make bubble not scale with expertise. In any case, I don't like many of your patch notes. For one, what shadow would ever use Shadow Strike as an opener? I'll tell you, none would. Even if it granted 15% more crit, they still wouldn't. It costs 50% of your energy if you use it without your proc up. Not worth it. Now if you had said stealth grants find weakness so you could use it as an opener without burning all of your energy, that would have made more sense.
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-All Empire faction abilities that were instantly registering damage to the target where the mirrored ability on the Republic faction was not have, had their animation slowed as well as damage register delay increased to match the republic version.

Just lol.


Instead of fixing buggy abilities on one faction, they should instead make 2 factions suffer from bugs. What a brilliant idea.

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With the introduction of patch 1.2, we have made many optimization and balance changes to overall benefit the health of the game.













When you reply to this thread, make sure to rate it via the stars at the bottom.


1 star= Never want these changes

2 star= Only want some of these changes

3 star= Don't like the changes, but could adapt and except them.

4 star= Like the changes, but want extensive testing done

5 star= Love the changes, need them ASAP


So.... you are either a shadow/assassin or knight/warrior My money is on marauder with an assassin alt. I give this 1 star although there is ONE change in there that wasn't poor. However to get 2 stars you indicate more than 1 change is acceptable, so 1 star, this is crap.

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Um no. Regardless how you feel about server mergers, the gaming press will declare SWTOR dead, people will unsub in droves, and you can kiss your PvP goodbye.


Not if they increase server size and announce it well ahead of time, and do like a full day maintenance. Than all the gaming press will have headlines like "BioWare to increase server capacities, larger communities".

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Heres what id like to see for patch notes


You now have an option to turn off ilum announcements. You can also click an option to enable ilum announcements in chat box.


Weve redisgned the ilum bases and they now have a base boss you will have to kill. This base boss will give you 15 centurion tokens a high chance at a champion/battlemaster bag. You must have the pvp quest "capture ilum base and kill ilum base boss"


You can now exchange duplicate pieces for pieces you need now. So no more duplicate pieces!!


Armortech can now craft expetise armor sets


Cybertech can now craft expertise mods


Weve placed other open world pvp objectives on other planets now to thin out the pop imbalance. So if your side is bieng camped at ilum you can take a group and fight on another planets objective.This along with cross server pvp now will solve pop imbalance


Weve implented a raid assist window to help healers heal better and target heal


Weve implemented a proper target fwd'ing so all u do know is target the person in your group and thier target will come up to heal/attack

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I'm looking forward to character recreation and the cross server pvp warzones (if I read the patch notes correctly) I'm on an extremely Empire populated server and playing Huttball after Huttball after Huttball after Huttball after.. you get the picture, really puts me off PvP.
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Sith Warrior Marauder, and Jedi Knight Sentinel.


-Lowered the total damagedone over time of Rupture/Cauterize by 20%. Tooltip changed to reflect alteration.


- Increased damage done by Ataru form's extra attack by 15%. Talent and tooltip changed to reflect alteration.


- Massacre/Blade rush now heals the Marauder/Sentinel for 2% (of maximum health) for every Ataru Form attack gained during the buff granted by this ability in addition to the 30% trigger chance increase. (6 second duration unchanged)



Awesome nerf the only thing these classes can do DPS. Even better nerf the only thing they can only really do effectively once they are geared to the max.


Leave the poor guys DPS alone.


The only thing I agree with is, these guys need an ability to heal themselves in some fashion during combat. My idea would be to incorporate healing into 'Force Camaflage'.

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