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Everything posted by lomijoma

  1. I wanted to stab stab stab stab stab over scattergun. That and so far I'm loving the storyline.
  2. While my juggernaut was my first 50, I had an easy time. (Except that one area mission of Voss that requires to kill two strongs) I was always at the minimum level required for the planet, used Immortal + Jaesa until 43ish then went to rage and used Quinn. Kept my gear mostly up to date and mostly never had a problem. My rotation is: Charge, smash, click on random abilities. I'm a clicker without a rotation.
  3. I'm looking forward to character recreation and the cross server pvp warzones (if I read the patch notes correctly) I'm on an extremely Empire populated server and playing Huttball after Huttball after Huttball after Huttball after.. you get the picture, really puts me off PvP.
  4. After watching I'm pretty sure its not sexual abuse at all. In fact, the Sith Warrior actually enjoys torturing lesser beings for fun and not as a sexual thrill. Maybe you're just looking at it differently, and with a far sicker mind. By the way, you can't romance Vette while she still has a shock collar on. I have a 50 juggernaut and, while I did remove the collar once I got off Korriban, I find nothing sexual about shocking her. Vette will sometimes say witty remarks after being shocked, but for the most part in that video she expressed pain and usually asked him to stop (sometimes screamed at the warrior). As far and equality for all species and genders in the Empire, theres no such thing. To the sith, humans and purebloods are the more powerful species and are looked upon highly. Aliens are lesser beings to the sith. As far as genders go, Twi'lek females are usually dancers and males are usually workers, building momuments are structures. (Twi'lek being an example.) Just the way I look at it, is, Vette is similar to Eleena Daru, Darth Malgus's slave lover. Darth Malgus treated Eleena has an equal and loved her, even though she was his slave. Though Malgus did kill Eleena at the sacking of the Jedi Temple (the trailer that I forgot the name too) for saying his real name, Veradun. Also he said that she was his greatest weakness. (He was extremely aggressive towards Jedi Master Ven Zallo who had deflected a blaster shot back at Eleena and pushed her to a pillar.) Although after he killed her, he regreted it which fueled his passion and hatred. You can keep Vette as a slave and shock her as much as you want or even just not use her OR you can remove the collar and produce a friendship between the two of you. Just my thoughts.
  5. Darth Taheesh Blightbane (legacy) - Juggernaut Kharon (Ferryman of the dead in Greek mythology) - Inquistor
  6. I'm not sure what it is, but I've always been at the lowest level requirement for the planet, had decent amount of commedations to gear some of my gear, been immortal since 24? (42 now) and I really don't have a problem. I use Jaesa even on elite and multiple strong mobs, use my CDs and med pakcs when needed, and still never have trouble expect on a couple of pulls where I miss up. Maybe its your spec or your companions gear? Also, I'm a clicker. No rotation for this guy. happyface
  7. I rolled a sorc and got him to level 14, grouped with an assassin and wanted to be one instead, rolled an assassin who is level 24 now, and now I want a sorc again. I tried making a sage, but my server has low Republic population and two, I dislike the whole.. not shocking people. Going to rereoll a sorc soon.
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