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What 1.2 patch notes SHOULD look like....


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The problem with these changes is a lot of them sound like knee jerk reactions to what forumgoers complain about. I can personally vouch for the fact that the scoundrel changes would greatly cripple us (especially the flechette on gcd one in pvp) and the scoundrel qq has already gone way down as people realize that matching the scoundrel's expertise often means they lose their ability to take more than 3/4 hp now, even with what remains of consumable stacking and everything critting, after which we are emminently kiteable and do laughable dps.


The reason the threads of such have gone down is ONLY because of the following reasons:


A. Amount of people unsubbed from 1.1 and lack of rollback.


B. People that rerolled to play the class, why would they want it fixed now.




To the one star again, you didn't get it, I put it there for a simple reason. To weed out those who cannot adapt, that was the main point anyway. Look at 2 star for example.

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Most of these just seem like over nerfs, I am with the "Nerf Sith Warriors?" I think the Tanking classes need some more loving, not nerfing. (Powertech here.) I do respect the Warrior class of Sith though.


Gravround / Tracer Missiles do not need that huge nerf, Instead they should have a minimal range. Like if target is closer than 5 or 10 units, then they can't cast that and must rely on their many other skills to bind you, push you away, ect. *Surprised you didn't mention a fix toward Mortar barrage compared to Death from above, how Mortar barrage doesn't start damage until half way up the channel bar when death from above is like instantly damage.)


The Faction Buffed... That's just wrong, stop that. a massive unbalanced PVP buff doesn't solve any thing, that just causes the bigger side to start ************ and moaning, and then the game has a real problem due the bigger side wants to leave now, or that they feel all of their hard work went to nothing. (Remember that Bioware didn't force us to be sith, that we chose sith ourselves.)


Easy fix for the above is simply Faction Change set for a few days, and have people change sides. I know plenty of Empire that are ready to join the republic and help balance the servers AND keep their hard work. I didn't spend all of my holidays Leveling, PVPing, getting gear, raising crafts for nothing. Why should empire players be Punished for simply picking the dark side? being forced to re-roll and sacrifice their hardwork so republic players can be happy and fixing the server is kinda lame.


I would recommend one chance to the powertech / vanguard lines and that is make "Charge" skill lower in the tanking tree. It is abit unfair that they expect a "Get in your face" class to simply walk up to enemies, when Jedi/Sith can easily jump to everything, and let alone, (I think one of the sets give them +10% more damage for 10 seconds or something like that when they do that.)


This is just my response to the OP. Feel free to shoot me down, or give a rebuttal.

Edited by KaiserMerlox
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Most of these just seem like over nerfs, I am with the "Nerf Sith Warriors?" I think the Tanking classes need some more loving, not nerfing. (Powertech here.) I do respect the Warrior class of Sith though.


Gravround / Tracer Missiles do not need that huge nerf, Instead they should have a minimal range. Like if target is closer than 5 or 10 units, then they can't cast that and must rely on their many other skills to bind you, push you away, ect. *Surprised you didn't mention a fix toward Mortar barrage compared to Death from above, how Mortar barrage doesn't start damage until half way up the channel bar when death from above is like instantly damage.)


The Faction Buffed... That's just wrong, stop that. a massive unbalanced PVP buff doesn't solve any thing, that just causes the bigger side to start ************ and moaning, and then the game has a real problem due the bigger side wants to leave now, or that they feel all of their hard work went to nothing. (Remember that Bioware didn't force us to be sith, that we chose sith ourselves.)


Easy fix for the above is simply Faction Change set for a few days, and have people change sides. I know plenty of Empire that are ready to join the republic and help balance the servers AND keep their hard work. I didn't spend all of my holidays Leveling, PVPing, getting gear, raising crafts for nothing. Why should empire players be Punished for simply picking the dark side? being forced to re-roll and sacrifice their hardwork so republic players can be happy and fixing the server is kinda lame.


I would recommend one chance to the powertech / vanguard lines and that is make "Charge" skill lower in the tanking tree. It is abit unfair that they expect a "Get in your face" class to simply walk up to enemies, when Jedi/Sith can easily jump to everything, and let alone, (I think one of the sets give them +10% more damage for 10 seconds or something like that when they do that.)


This is just my response to the OP. Feel free to shoot me down, or give a rebuttal.


If you look all of the changes to sith warriors and jedi knights were buffs, except 1. The jugg/Guardian changes i mentioned were a boost to their tanking ability and also gave more usefulness to their least useful spec. Same with Sentinels/Marauder changes, it only lessened 1 ability that is a DoT that on (I play mara and he is champ geared) would crit constantly for 1k a tick and not to mention that it would heal for a crap ton if I use my fury stack ability. But again most of the changes buffed the least useful spec.



With the pop imbalance changes, you see it was an algrithm that would check to see which way the pop was imbalanced and buff accordingly, it wasn't just a buff to republic 100% of the time guarenteed or anything, so basically once the factions became closer to balance the buff wouldnt be there. Also I mentioned faction changes.

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Solid 3 stars, OP. Personally, I like some of the changes you have suggested, but I would much rather see a gradual increase/decrease on the stats/abilities you have listed. Rather than (for example) increasing the damage of Surging Charge by 5% in one go, use that 5% as a general end goal and gradually increase it's damage each week by 1% until the ability feels like it is about right. I'm far more in favor of making very very small changes each week, receiving feedback from it over that weekend, and then adjusting again the following reset. Rather than, SHBANG, all at once after a month or two. This way, it is easier to see and observe the results of those changes without causing a wide-range of issues off the get go. Also, might have a chance of reducing pitchfork responses.
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Solid 3 stars, OP. Personally, I like some of the changes you have suggested, but I would much rather see a gradual increase/decrease on the stats/abilities you have listed. Rather than (for example) increasing the damage of Surging Charge by 5% in one go, use that 5% as a general end goal and gradually increase it's damage each week by 1% until the ability feels like it is about right. I'm far more in favor of making very very small changes each week, receiving feedback from it over that weekend, and then adjusting again the following reset. Rather than, SHBANG, all at once after a month or two. This way, it is easier to see and observe the results of those changes without causing a wide-range of issues off the get go. Also, might have a chance of reducing pitchfork responses.


Yea, I know someone earlier mentioned the math being off but really the numbers were not supposed to be exact, more of just to give the general idea of what I was trying to go for. Many of the ideas are not even my own tbh, they are from members of my gaming community that I admin for, with a few picked up from these forums. I wanted to pool many ideas I thought were good and add some of my own. I agree that it would be stupid to suggest changes that were all my idea when there is no way I could have personally played every class at 50.




Just a little side note, as a general census, it is looking like the least powerful or most underpowered class atm (however u want to put it) is the Gunslinger/Sniper, and again I play a Marauder, so there is no confusion. The cover mechanic is good on paper but not so much in PVP.

Edited by BrimeS
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Solid 3 stars, OP. Personally, I like some of the changes you have suggested, but I would much rather see a gradual increase/decrease on the stats/abilities you have listed.


I dunno, I think I'm fully in favor of Tracer/Grav taking a huge damage reduction and being a talented ability that's completely worthless compared to a baseline one. I mean, with that kind of "balance", after using Tracer five times I probably would have proc'd a buffed Unload somewhere in there and used it. Then after a few debuffs, I could toss in a Heatseeker, and then I would have done just as much damage as if I had just spammed Power Shot.

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Ahh so you did, but It was under that 15$ thing, In extreme cases like this.(In almost every server Sith are dominating republic in numbers.) I feel they should have an emergency Faction Change. That is free of cost. Changing your side to help balance and going for the underdogs isn't the same as Changing the side just because (Put personal reason A *I'm bored with Sith, or I don't like people from Sith*)


Again Bioware should be trying to fix the problem in the fastest way they can.


Mmm, The one thing is though, If you gave that Massive buff to Juggernaut immortals / Jedi Gaurdians... What about the Vanguard Tanks / Powertech > Shieldtech? or Assassin Tanks? Just gonna leave them out to die? or you gonna add the tanking options for them as well? As it is I feel Jedi / Sith Tanks get way more defensive cooldowns than a Vanguard / Powertech tank does.


About the others, Agree then?

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Ahh so you did, but It was under that 15$ thing, In extreme cases like this.(In almost every server Sith are dominating republic in numbers.) I feel they should have an emergency Faction Change. That is free of cost. Changing your side to help balance and going for the underdogs isn't the same as Changing the side just because (Put personal reason A *I'm bored with Sith, or I don't like people from Sith*)


Again Bioware should be trying to fix the problem in the fastest way they can.


Mmm, The one thing is though, If you gave that Massive buff to Juggernaut immortals / Jedi Gaurdians... What about the Vanguard Tanks / Powertech > Shieldtech? or Assassin Tanks? Just gonna leave them out to die? or you gonna add the tanking options for them as well? As it is I feel Jedi / Sith Tanks get way more defensive cooldowns than a Vanguard / Powertech tank does.


About the others, Agree then?


Yea funny enough powertech/vanguard is what my GC is lacking, so if you play one please add any changes.


Shadow /assassin tanks were actually just buffed, and that was their most powerful spec before the buff interestingly enough, so not sure how to address changing that spec alone.



I also agree that the faction change should be initially free, but maybe for a couple days. Think of it this way, as many bad decisions as they are making, still the more revenue the game makes the more people they will put on the job to get stuff fixed.

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I dunno, I think I'm fully in favor of Tracer/Grav taking a huge damage reduction and being a talented ability that's completely worthless compared to a baseline one. I mean, with that kind of "balance", after using Tracer five times I probably would have proc'd a buffed Unload somewhere in there and used it. Then after a few debuffs, I could toss in a Heatseeker, and then I would have done just as much damage as if I had just spammed Power Shot.


This is true, I suppose. See, I'm also more in favor of abilities that are used in a logical order being the most effective, rather than just spamming a singular attack over and over again. If spamming Tracer/Grav is so disgusting on its own, I can see slightly tweaking the ability over the course of, say, four weeks, gradually changing it's damage and/or debuff. OR, if the sequence that you described above is fully valid, perhaps increasing the ammunition requirement on Power Shot might be in order to discourage spamming it. Once again, gradually changing abilities helps developers get a feel for how the changes effect the game without overdoing it.

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Very impressive patch notes, many of my worries about the game would be gone instantly. I wish there was someone working at BioWare who cared about the game being good as much as the OP.


OP received comment he was fishing for from ignorant forum goer.


I can type up patch notes. Balancing and fixing and implementing and testing takes time and money. Most of all patience and if the op and this guy ^^ would have some. There would be one less person trying to tell BW how to do this.


Why would you be re-balancing every class in the game before ability delay is fixed? Why would you be rebalancing the game around PvP?



1 star

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OP has no Godly idea what he's talking about.


Nerfing a class' only relevant move, and one which does literally seven different things? Bad plan without wide-ranging changes to the entire tree.


Lowered a tank hunting class' tank-hunting ability? Then what do they do?


Those barriers are intended to save your *** temporarily quicker than a heal can. That' why they're instacast. They're not OP; the only OP thing about them is that they're 100% effective on self, which allows the healer to survive for an inordinately long period of time while the cavalry rolls in.


There are a lot of ill-conceived changes here. I understand the problems you're looking to fix, but the way you're looking to fix them will almost undoubtedly do more bad than good.

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Pretty much everything I could ask for right now.


Since I play a Shadow, the changes are exactly what I had in mind especially making shadow strike more useful.


The changes to other classes are perfect for the issues I have seen.


If I could have anything right now it would be warzone wins not counting toward dailies and improve FPS, these are by far affecting me the most.

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I think a lot of the changes are good, but like others, need to be tempered.


I think first and foremost, eliminating bugs that affect gameplay are the most important. I can live with wins not counting, but can't stand if I can't fire my Mind Snap ability (playing a Shadow). I also cannot stand that Sith assassins, in a one on one, can use Resilience to block my project, but his is instant, and I'd have to guess he'd use it after his second clairvoyant strike.


I think the second most important thing is to change class abilities that are exclusively used. Grav round spam and Force lightning, for example (and its equivalents). No class should function like that. As a shadow/assassin, I have to tie in clairvoyant strikes to project and talent for force breach. In the meantime, I am looking for shadow procs, and it doesn't include the kick/stun/other utilities like taunt, guard, and AOE taunt in different stances I can do. I am sure a grav round firing spammer is pretty bad at his class, but for being bad at your class, you need a more severe penalty.


Essentially, a particular class should be challenging to master, difficult to be good, and easy to be bad. I think the output of someone spamming grav round exclusively and reloading with 8 more ammo (reduced heat or whatever) so they can continue doing it is far too effective, as is spammable abilities like TT/FL.


Oh, I definately do not want to be merged with other servers. I think faction transfers will fix a lot of things. I know a lot of imperials who have experienced their storyline but absolutely SICK of playing Huttball. Implementing faction and server transfers would be an idea that could truly help balance some servers out. On top of it, it's a money making machine.

Edited by adrenalinee
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for the people who are complaining non-stop about pop imbalances, stop crying like a dolt! you should have done some research. Empire outnumber republic on nearly every server



you dont like playing the underdog, DEAL WITH IT OR ROLL IMP!


ps. most of the nerfs that you have proposed are just because you get rolled by someone using it. There are plenty of ways to counter them. How about using your brain for starters.

Edited by -Sidac-
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for the people who are complaining non-stop about pop imbalances, stop crying like a dolt! you should have done some research. Empire outnumber republic on nearly every server



you dont like playing the underdog, DEAL WITH IT OR ROLL IMP!


So if everyone followed your train of thought, the only useable Warzone would be huttball.


You need Republic for the "WARS" in STAR WARS, genius.

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So if everyone followed your train of thought, the only useable Warzone would be huttball.


You need Republic for the "WARS" in STAR WARS, genius.


thats why i gave you the option to deal with it instead of crying like a 2 year old. Most people here choose the act like a 2 year old method i see.


you could see who was on your server, didnt like the imbalance? choose another one that BW didn't assign to you! Not too hard. Thats what my guild did. We are still outnumbered 3-1 but it gives us a lot more imps to kill and we love it.

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will the faction change also let me play though the class story of the other side or will there be limitations?

do I get all features of my empire class to the mirror to the republic or do I have to grind a little for some stuff?


I feel a nurf for some classes seem right. playing (not level 50) I've felt healing and tanking need boosts in pvp. the damage outputs in corrilation to tanking defences and healing potentiol are not even. the stats could easily be changed to fit with pve targets (pve dealing slightly more damage) hence taking focus of so much dps in pvp while not effecting pve.


I've read some guides for tanking in pvp and I feel the class in pritty broke comparing it with other classes. I can't speak for other tanking classes but playing a jugganaut I feel squeeshy. I have "some" debuffs to making a tank that annoying feature in pvp but they are not scaled well. the 30% reduction in damage on taught skills are good but I still don't notice a difference. guard is also pritty small.


thanks for the change to endure pain, and that further change would be awesome. but heavy armour is not heavy enough. deffently when a light armour class is a better damage taker than me. and a few "omg I'm ganna die" skills don't help much in the long run.


for the jug I would the first skill in the tanking line be changed to an aoe damage taking skill like sheild up, a channeled (interuptable) skill that takes 30% of damage to the jug and reducing damage taken to the jug by 30%. with something like a 45s CD. it's no OP at all. in the 3/5s channel you'll be doing no damage. making one of the only real aoe pvp tanking skills and making us feel usefull.


stances really annoy me. why have you gave classes 2/3 stances or toggle skills and you only ever use 1??? seriously this is pointless. make all tree buffs to stances global to all stances. further buff useless stances/toggle skills (for example shi-cho stance for jug). and make all stances usable from start and make the tree point that was there a passive for stances. this is not a OP buff. and I'll explain why. stance dancing is basically giveing the class a chance to choose between a slightly more dps format of there tree route or more defences so stance dancing for certain situations would be appropriate. like a tanking set up jug wanting to dps slightly more in situations and not in others. a choose to a player doesn't make them over powerd just more versitile and making a whole skill nearly pointless really annoys me.


the first skill on merc dps path is crazy OP. how does a skill that gives a debuff (same heat cost, no CD, same induction) give an 30% more dps increase to a skill power shot (same heat cost, no CD, same induction) that seems insane. power shot again becomes useless. either nurf the skill to under dps to power shot (you've not got close) or give power shot a buff and/or the tree passive to sheild the merc so there is a point to use both.


/rant over



idea's are good tbh, a fix to places, but needs a ton more work.

Edited by bubushum
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