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Everything posted by BrimeS

  1. Yea funny enough powertech/vanguard is what my GC is lacking, so if you play one please add any changes. Shadow /assassin tanks were actually just buffed, and that was their most powerful spec before the buff interestingly enough, so not sure how to address changing that spec alone. I also agree that the faction change should be initially free, but maybe for a couple days. Think of it this way, as many bad decisions as they are making, still the more revenue the game makes the more people they will put on the job to get stuff fixed.
  2. Yea, I know someone earlier mentioned the math being off but really the numbers were not supposed to be exact, more of just to give the general idea of what I was trying to go for. Many of the ideas are not even my own tbh, they are from members of my gaming community that I admin for, with a few picked up from these forums. I wanted to pool many ideas I thought were good and add some of my own. I agree that it would be stupid to suggest changes that were all my idea when there is no way I could have personally played every class at 50. Just a little side note, as a general census, it is looking like the least powerful or most underpowered class atm (however u want to put it) is the Gunslinger/Sniper, and again I play a Marauder, so there is no confusion. The cover mechanic is good on paper but not so much in PVP.
  3. If you look all of the changes to sith warriors and jedi knights were buffs, except 1. The jugg/Guardian changes i mentioned were a boost to their tanking ability and also gave more usefulness to their least useful spec. Same with Sentinels/Marauder changes, it only lessened 1 ability that is a DoT that on (I play mara and he is champ geared) would crit constantly for 1k a tick and not to mention that it would heal for a crap ton if I use my fury stack ability. But again most of the changes buffed the least useful spec. With the pop imbalance changes, you see it was an algrithm that would check to see which way the pop was imbalanced and buff accordingly, it wasn't just a buff to republic 100% of the time guarenteed or anything, so basically once the factions became closer to balance the buff wouldnt be there. Also I mentioned faction changes.
  4. The reason the threads of such have gone down is ONLY because of the following reasons: A. Amount of people unsubbed from 1.1 and lack of rollback. B. People that rerolled to play the class, why would they want it fixed now. To the one star again, you didn't get it, I put it there for a simple reason. To weed out those who cannot adapt, that was the main point anyway. Look at 2 star for example.
  5. Why thank you. Id take the job of decision making (for changes/fixes) there for probably quite a bit less money than the current person in that position makes . eheh
  6. A lot of 1 star people in here. Guess you prob just skimmed to the part about your class and went "hell No' without reading the whole thing. You must have also missed the description of the stars because you are saying you CANNOT adapt. Get it? PVE forums are thatta way ------>
  7. Where does it say xp debuff, learn to read
  8. I should have mentioned to explain your opinion as well. Now we can only guess you are an op/scound/merc/commando...
  9. With the introduction of patch 1.2, we have made many optimization and balance changes to overall benefit the health of the game. . ===================== When you reply to this thread, make sure to rate it via the stars at the bottom. 1 star= Never want these changes 2 star= Only want some of these changes 3 star= Don't like the changes, but could adapt and except them. 4 star= Like the changes, but want extensive testing done 5 star= Love the changes, need them ASAP
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