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Is there any reason to use missile blast past level 10?


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I took it off my action bars at level 10 and haven't looked back. It's way too high in heat cost, the aoe is extremely subpar and the single target damage isn't great either. Does anyone get any use out of this ability?
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I use it in PvE for when I have multiple weak mobs on me and want to have some fun knocking them down. It is nice that it can be used on the move, I haven't PvP'd enough to determine how useful it is in that regard. I've always been a fan of the jump, spin, instant attack so your opponent doesn't gain ground on you.
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Honestly, if efficiency is your concern = bye, bye missle blast.


It's on a sidebar along the cosumables for me, for only one thing: fan factor against trash. As a bodyguard, I get no flashy moves (I'm looking at you powertechs/shieldtechs :p), so making a random unfortunate greenie eat rocket to the face and fly off a few meters is worth it... once or twice a day. :p

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I use it for knocking a mob down to follow up with a Shoulder Charge when I'm on the move.. Also good for finishing off mobs, following up a cast time shot that will get them close to death with a missile blast and they hit at about the same time(this is of course only when Rail Shot isn't available). The heat cost/dmg makes it useless most of the time, but it has situational use.
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I honestly don't understand this attitude. Short of unlocked abilities - like Thermal Detonator replacing Explosive Dart - why would you remove something from your bar that might be useful? (You have plenty of room for every ability if you turn on all your bars.)


Yes, missile blast is expensive but that doesn't make it useless.


As an arsenal merc I get improved damage on it so I might be a bit skewed but as other people have said it makes for a decent killing blow as it fires faster than any other attack I have short of rapid fire but it does 3x times the damage as rapid fire...


More so, it's a tool. The knock back is incredibly useful for when I need to knock a mob a small distance to get my explosive dart/fusion missile to hit everyone. As I can use it on the run it means I can follow a target and quickly let a flamethrower rip out while all the mobs are stunned from the fusion missile.


Finally, it's fun to bounce that last mob a couple of times.


So yes, there are plenty of reasons to use it, but if you don't see them you're probably doing it wrong. Or, perhaps a lack of options makes life easier for you...


Maybe I just enjoy diversity;


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If you like to pvp and stay on the move its great.


I to took it off my toolbar when I was in my 30's...just generated to much heat...but I placed it back when I was 50. You need every bit of damage that is instant and does not have a cast time to be effective.

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i only use it in PvP to get multiple people off a flag cap in Alderaan or off the door in Voidstar, since its instant and even though the AoE dmg is negligible its enough to interrupt multiple people. In PvE however i almost never use it as Arsenal spec.
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Good for kiting in crappy situations when you're out of your element.


At 13 today (Yes I'm new) I solo'd a lvl 15 Boss "Shadowspawn" guy on Dromund by kiting him around the room for 4-5 minutes, only ever using non-instant attacks when electro dart was up, and then it was back to kiting.


Every time my heat was depleted, I fired of 3-4 missile blasts in-between rail shots before letting it cool off with pistol shots (or w/e the free one is called).


Flamethrower, Rocket Punch, Power Shot - all of those would have gotten me killed in a matter of 10-15 seconds. So I don't think I'll ever remove it completely from my bar. It won't be part of any rotation to speak of, but situationally...I'll be glad I have it.


I used it a lot today in Huttball as well when I was chasing and kiting players. I believe it also freaks them out a bit, thinking it's something more than it is. I am a very mobile player, so I will always have any and all instant cast damage abilities close at hand...even if they're inefficient.

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in PVP it is useful to interrupt turret or door cappers beacuse it does AoE dmg and sometimes to finish a kill if it is running away from you


This pretty much.


For instant damage when you really really need it (usually a runner) and to instantly stop anyone from capping a door or flag without waiting for DFA to tick (or on CD)

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