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Ninjaing other people's objectives is just rude and wrong


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I have a rule, if anyone does that to me I follow them and do it to them for as long as possible until they log off or change instances. It's a great way to teach them manners.


No offense but that makes you no better then them, I just make a note of the person and move on. Thankfully most players I met so far are nice but there are a few rude ones here and there.

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I've been encountering more and more players who seem to think that it's okay to ninja somebody else's objectives .... ***. Today I was battling a mob when another player took advantage - ran right by me and destroyed the target I was after - seriously that is f'ed up and cheap........:mad:


It's not gonna stop. Get creative, send your pet to occupy the mob, while you secure the objective. If someone is out looking questing, how the heck do they know if you are going for that objective or killing stuff as part of a bonus?

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I've been encountering more and more players who seem to think that it's okay to ninja somebody else's objectives .... ***. Today I was battling a mob when another player took advantage - ran right by me and destroyed the target I was after - seriously that is f'ed up and cheap........:mad:


first MMO?

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Whenever I see someone going after my objective, I quickly group invite them. They almost always accept, and then we both get it. Win-win. Just disband after we have it and move on.


Now they're REALLY a jerk if they decline my invite for no reason, but I've found it rare.

Edited by Stenrik
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The other day I ninja'd some pt as the another guy was fighting the mob at it, but at the next point I was battling a mob and he ran by me and took the objective. All in all I think these things even out, but worst case you end up waiting a minute for the objective to respawn. And the quick spawning objectives make it a lot easier to complete missions since you can just camp a single location for 5 min instead of running across the map.


Now though I try to keep an eye out for ppl who look to be doing the same quest as me and just party up briefly so we don't have to fight over the objectives.

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It's times like these that make me miss a good old fashioned EQ train.


EQ had some excellent tools to police d-bags. Mostly it boiled down to needing a group to level, so if you made a reputation for yourself as a jerk, you couldn't level anymore.


Ah the good ole days...

you know, I watched plenty of the worst jerks on the server continue to find groups and guilds.


the 2 of the top guilds on my server (EV and companions) both had some real pieces of work. I remember getting trained on several occasions by a particualr enchanter in Comps, and the leadership just didn't care.


I remember that there was obnoxious druid, name began with an E, well known for ninjalooting and training people. I remember him being in guilds even after he made the POMS (Piece of monkey S***) list

Edited by ferroz
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Just last night I had my bounty hunter running at a quest objective, a boss on Nar Shaddaa, when a sith inquisitor sprinted right past me to try to get to it first only to run into a mob that he couldn't see from his angle. I couldn't help but laugh as he was tied up with the group as I went on to defeat the boss. I normally would have helped him out and then offered to join up with him before taking out the boss, but that's what you get for trying to pass me over.
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Bottom line: If it's a fast - respawning quest objective, it just isn't that important. Let it go.


If it's a loot chest, that does not respawn very quickly at all, and it's guarded by mobs, and a player is fighting those mobs, and you loot it, then you are by definition a ninja looter. The chest is clearly supposed to go to the person who defeats the guards. Anyone saying "I don't see your name on it" is a child and will reap their own punishment.

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Respawns are fast enough for this not to be an issue for me, my wife absolutely hates it and screams everytime some one does it. I think she had some serious verbal engagements in other games and has never gotten over it. But it is bad form to take an objective that is not meant to be sharable when others are engaged near it.
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I think people are so up in arms over the objectives simply because someone beat them to it, or took it while they were fighting the mobs.


But it literally comes right back. If it's one of those "bonus missions" where you have an NPC on a long respawn, or something like that, just group...


I don't even notice anymore when someone does it except to ask if they need help, which usually shocks them. One guy was all like "I didn't see you, didn't mean to take your objective" and I pointed out that it had already respawned.


Moar kindness, less grrr.

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I've been encountering more and more players who seem to think that it's okay to ninja somebody else's objectives .... ***. Today I was battling a mob when another player took advantage - ran right by me and destroyed the target I was after - seriously that is f'ed up and cheap........:mad:


And people were boasting that after all the haters left this wouldn't happen anymore because everyone left in the game would be super nice and giddy with swtor loves.

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And people were boasting that after all the haters left this wouldn't happen anymore because everyone left in the game would be super nice and giddy with swtor loves.


I don't think anyone claimed that unless they were misguided.


Most posts I saw along those lines were that the FORUMS would be much cleaner without all the whiny I hate BW/EA! and I AM QUITTING! posts.

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No, it's very Sith and expected of all young apprentices.


j/k...I feel your pain. Wish there was a way to "like" or "dislike" another player. Sort of like a reputation.


That should definitely be implemented. You'd be able to tell at a glance who is, in fact, a douche, and who is not. lol

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Welcome to the internet. Get used too it.

This is such an overused phrase, and one that seems to use to justify bad behaviour.


Just because the internet is, to a greater extent anonymous, does not really justify that we should leave all our manners behind in the real world; assuming that decent manners still exist :D

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Yeah I always have that when I battle the two elites in front a chest and someone just runs up to the chest and loots it.


Yeah its rude but I won't let that destroy my good time with this game. Chests respawn usually quite fast so I just stick around a little and get the next one.

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If a chest always has a mob in front of it just make the chest only be opened by a "key" the mob drops.


Solves at least one portion of this issue pretty easily.


Kill mob = get chest.


Do not kill mob = no chest.

Edited by Saurakk
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I don't defend the ninja attitude because this isn't ninjaing


Still no one has come up with a logical argument against me.


Once again - These are not your items. Get it? they don't have your name on them, they are not owned by you and you thinking you have the right to loot them just because you saw them first is disgustingly arrogant.


Oh, ok. So if you are in a parking lot waiting for a spot, and someone goes around you and takes the spot, it’s cool? The parking spot didn’t have your name on it and you can't claim it since it is not yours, you were just waiting for it.


Well with your attitude you are probably not old enough to drive yet.


People just lack common courtesy these days, not just on mmo's.

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the only problem i have with the ninjaing of quest mobs if its in a heroic 4 or 2 zone where my group fought for a long while to get to the boss to finish the quest just to have another group follow us in not do anything since they hung back to let us clear the way and just take the boss when we fought the last trash mob between us and him...


other than that if i see a group ahead going for the same thing i just help clear trash so they can get to it faster so it can spawn faster for me



I have had the same thing but this happened twice in row to my team.

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