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The Republic has given up


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I found the same on my server, Republic also. I am thoroughly disappointed and simply not having fun in this game. Skyrim and a little BF3 here and there to give Bioware some time to pull their heads out of their rears and fix this.


I am also really tired of not getting credit for the few warzone wins I do see. It makes an unbearable problem that much worse. Until then, they don't deserve my $$. I'll wait until the collective opinion of this game shows me otherwise.


Haha I hope that you arent relying on these forums to see a collectively positive opinion on ANYTHING. You will never be playing again lol. You could post a thread about puppies and get 90% responses on how they suck.

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You're pretty dumb. Sorcerers ARE more powerful due to the lightning, albeit only slightly. The reason is that the Sorcerer applies the damage instantly, whereas the same attack on a Sage has a delay of 0.5-1 second due to the animation.


Same goes for Death from Above vs Mortar Volley, and the Operative Stun vs Dirty Kick (not animation speed that time, just that Smuggler one roots you, empire one doesn't).


There are blatant imbalances. They are minor, but saying there aren't makes you look stupid.


- The 0.5s delay is actually useful for timing a burst to kill someone.

- Death from Above and Mortar Volley have the exact same delay, neither are instant because they do a lot more damage than normal AEs. I have both a Trooper and a BH. BH is actually more obvious for people to avoid due to the animation.


If you think minor stuff like that is causing the massive failure of the Republic in PvP... well... you're pretty dumb.

Edited by Daeth
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- The 0.5s delay is actually useful for timing a burst to kill someone.

- Death from Above and Mortar Volley have the exact same delay, neither are instant because they do a lot more damage than normal AEs. I have both a Trooper and a BH. BH is actually more obvious for people to avoid due to the animation.


Having "timed burst" also allows the enemy player to get a heal off during the delay and live.


Having played a Trooper and BH I don't really see what you're saying. Death From Above starts doing damage almost instantly, the Trooper version has like... a 1.5sec delay, same thing with Trooper Unload.


Scoundrel plays extremely clunky compared to an Operative. An Operative is extremely mobile in all aspects due to the lack of animation delay or being rooted. A Scoundrel is significantly easier to kill because of this. If you don't think that's a big issue then I'm not sure what to tell you.


A few things like a Shadow's Project being delayed some players can twist into a positive thing in SOME scenarios, but the majority of issues are actually a negative.

Edited by savionen
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- The 0.5s delay is actually useful for timing a burst to kill someone.

- Death from Above and Mortar Volley have the exact same delay, neither are instant because they do a lot more damage than normal AEs. I have both a Trooper and a BH. BH is actually more obvious for people to avoid due to the animation.


If you think minor stuff like that is causing the massive failure of the Republic in PvP... well... you're pretty dumb.


This may be the silliest things I've read to justify class imbalances.


So, what about Sith Warrior getting 2 additional seconds on their snare vs. Jedi Knights? How about their animation for scream vs. blade storm? They also have an AE CC that drops people to their back, adding to the effective time.


Operatives stun is instant whereas smugglers effectively roots them in place while the animation goes off.


Please, tell me how these are "useful" -- beacuse if you can, I can lst several more. There is no reason evey one of the differences favors the empire, and they currently for the most part do.

Edited by Drakks
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All you are doing then is making a set of PvP and PvE gear but shifting the differentiating stats to something different. it really doesn't change anything.


You'd still farm the "PvP" gear for maximum effectiveness for PvP.


You'd still farm "PvE" gear for maximum effectiveness in PvE.


No my point was that expertise was a copy/paste from complete DIFFERENT games, without exploring whether SWTOR even needed it. Just by getting rid of that 1 stat would make fresh lv50s have a much better chance against a pvp geared 50 and make high valor's gear advantage alot less apparent.

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You guys do realize there are just as many Imps complaining about how good the 'pubs are right? I mean, not that we get zerged or anything. That'd be an obvious lie. I just mean most of my dark side kin seem to feel the better PvP players choose to roll 'pub simply because they have fewer people and prefer the challenge.


Also, before the 1.1 patch on Wed, I noticed more heavily geared 'pubs than I did Imps.


All I'm saying is everyone feels everyone else has some advantage in some form or another.


Hell, I feel like the vanguards are the coolest AC in the game as far as aesthetics go. Almost makes me want to go save kittens from trees with the rest of you sweetheart 'pubs.

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I think today's patch fixed some of yeseterday's problems (with Ilum, not warzones), but I feel like Republic players have been scared away from PvP in general by the valor farms that went on yesterday and videos like
one. On Carrick station, players are constantly asking "Is Ilum safe?", "Are the dailies doable now?", and the honest answer is no they are not. Not unless you already have a group before you get there.


I lead a small republic guild (which unfortunately seems to be all the republic has) and we are completely helpless to finish the dailies. Win 3 warzones? We play in 13, lose 11 of them. Spend an hour and a half on Ilum and complete 10/30. Travel to Ilum in a 15 man raid? The Imperials have a 30 man raid. None of the Republic players seem to even want to try anymore. Players are constantly quitting in WZ's because of the constant losing/awfulness.


The patch fixed the mechanical problems on Ilum. The only problem now is that Republic players are too scared to go. Also, there are still serious problems with warzones from the patch. All the lvl 50 bracket did was pit mobs of geared Imps against Republic players who are generally not geared. This may have helped players who are not max level, but it has made winning for the lvl 50 Republic players impossible on my server.


Let's face it. The Empire is a thoroughly better faction. But does that mean that the Republic players are just supposed to sit here and take these lashings on the chin? I want to finish my dailies every day, but I simply don't have enough free time to do it. And I have a lot of free time.


I agree about the lvl 50 bracket. No enough republic players on my server and even if they are there they got no gear. Imperials got champion or better. It was the end of pvp for me. before the patch i could win a few warzone matches. Now i just don't bother. I also got a lot of free time but the queues take an hour or more then we just lose or the game ends because there's not enough republic players. I could do 6 or more wins per day. Now i can't get one.


I'm a former wow player. I was told the pvp is sth i never seen before and it was true. It was a lot of fun even when i was low level. After the patch the only thing i got left are the heroics. So little level 50's around on the republic side. Is that the end of the game?


They should make cross server warzones and the LFG system similar to that wow has. Cross server LFG would also be great. If they don't want to rollback teh pvp changes at least do a cross server LFG.

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You guys do realize there are just as many Imps complaining about how good the 'pubs are right? I mean, not that we get zerged or anything. That'd be an obvious lie. I just mean most of my dark side kin seem to feel the better PvP players choose to roll 'pub simply because they have fewer people and prefer the challenge.


Also, before the 1.1 patch on Wed, I noticed more heavily geared 'pubs than I did Imps.


All I'm saying is everyone feels everyone else has some advantage in some form or another.


Hell, I feel like the vanguards are the coolest AC in the game as far as aesthetics go. Almost makes me want to go save kittens from trees with the rest of you sweetheart 'pubs.


Stop being sensible!!!!!!


Doesn't obviate the need to fix some stuff. But on my server lvl 50 bracket we PUBS win about 50% of the time. It isn't hopeless. My only real concern is the debacle in Ilum. Animations will most likely get fixed along the way. But Ilum is the number one game complaint right now (well maybe the truly terrible in game customer service is slightly higher.) And Bioware has made no indication that they are doing anything about this problem.

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Haha I hope that you arent relying on these forums to see a collectively positive opinion on ANYTHING. You will never be playing again lol. You could post a thread about puppies and get 90% responses on how they suck.


dude, puppies poop all over.

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It's sad but true. I hit 50 two days ago and have tried to finish my warzone daily since. I've only run about 10 matches, but they were all miserable losses. It's disheartening and it's making my guildies question their desire to participate in PVP on our server.


Nobody is talking about switching to Empire side, they're just talking about quitting.



No truer words spoken. Hear it everywhere in game and on forums.

Edited by ChuckThePug
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Ilum is so bad. I'm Empire, and I find it pathetic, that so many people are getting Battlemaster like this.


I know many Imps on my server who find the current situation unacceptable, find Ilum camping rather pointless and loath the fact that 9 out of 10 matches are Huttball against own faction, so they turned to doing PvE mostly.


Of course many others don't find it to be a problem and are happily joining the zerg legion, saying how they are LEET battle masters now etc...

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All the good PvP guilds are on Empire. Republic seems to be full of casual, apathetic PvP guilds like mine.


That's because all the PvP guilds worked out that the Empire classes had an advantage over the Republic mirror classes and decided to roll to the faction that gave them the biggest advantage. I don't blame them, 1.5 seconds difference in some class abilities in PvP is huge, you would be foolish not to take it if your all about is PvP.


Most casuals don't even realise that they will wait 1.5 seconds for motar volley to start firing, a BH's death from above is instant. And these are supposed to be mirrored abilities? :rolleyes:

Edited by spacemonkey
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On Fatman i see many of the old imp guilds from SWG (Bloodfin) and some of those i remember from the rebel faction also, hello VIII VOD Fight Foad Valor. However i started as an imp and only saw 3 Rebuplic players as i went through the lvl's, so i recently rerolled republic and have been having a blast running into imp's out pve'in on alderaan.


What i have noticed is apathy from both factions to engage in any form of opvp. i was at the large estate on alderaan killing imps with another reb and even tho it was just two of us (only 15 on the whole planet) and at least 7 imp players our lvl ranage + or minus a lvl or two they never got together really and died in pairs or solo without even trying to fight. We did wonder how long it would take for one to call ina lvl 50 guildie (which is what happened the night before) an within 10 mins a lvl 50 assassin appears and helps the group we attacked kill us.


When we put a shout out that a group of imps needed to be taught a lesson not one reb wanted to fight, one even said i might if they bother me - dammit people why even bother with a pvp server if you never want to fight outside the normal pvp zones??


I know you don't get anything for fighing in opvp except the buzz from the battle and knowing you annoyed a player from the other faction but players could at least act like they pvp purely because it is fun and a ton better than any tired old pve fight or instanced pvp. the way 99% of players seem to act on Fatman atm this might as well be a pve server.


It doesn't seem that the republic has given up to me, more that players in general wont engage in any aspect of an mmo unless they are getting a hand out for it.

Edited by Anifiko
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They need to find a way to make republic more popular

rest will fix itself


Ok i've been mulling it over on a fix, and i think i got something that not only is doable, but fair as well, for those people that have played WOW u know for wintergrasp they made it so the more of the opposing faction in the area there were the more stats you got, do the same for illum with a few major changes however:


1: If you are a person who is buffed like this you are worth more valor, to keep it even so u cant just kill 10 sith and then they only kill one of you

2: The sith are worth a little less valor, same way as above just so neither faction gets to farm the other to keep it evene

3: maybe down the objectives a little because it takes a very long time just to get the 30 objective because sith need to farm republic and generally we are boycotting illum, and as a republic player killing 30 sith is almost impossible cause there is twice as many of them in groups than us

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All Bioware has to do is add some kind of really cool feature or gear to the Republic faction, something that Empire doesn't have, then people will want to play Republic, just make sure it doesn't make Republic OP lol.




Cool exclusive race, nice looking gear, aesthetics only basically would help significantly.


Maybe Togruta would be the best choice if it were made Republic exclusive because of it's looks.

Also it wouldn't hurt the lore much if it were done.


Togruta - http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Togruta


It would definitely increase the popularity of the faction, and lets be honest, as things are now the Empire has 3 exclusive races to choose from while the Republic has only two, with Miraluka and Mirialan don't quite cut it.

Edited by Vlacke
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What I want to know is why sooo many people want to be the heavy favorite. Does nobody enjoy being the underdog? The issues that the Devs have had to fix all favor the Empire. The overwhelmingly most populated faction is the Empire. Questing on a PVP server as Republic is genuinely difficult because of the population imbalance.


I understand that some people will just want to be Darth Maul or shoot lightning. Especially on PVE servers. But when it comes to PVP isn't it fun, at least sometimes, to be the underdogs? Is it really enjoyable to be on Illum and be a massive army of unstoppable power that overwhelms the enemy with pure numbers and not skill?


I can understand that there are a few reasons that make the bad guys the popular faction in almost all MMOs. What blows me away with this game is the huge disparity. Usually there is a counter-culture movement or a resistance to the herd mentality. But not with this game apparently.

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If they want to get us to come back to Ilum they need to give us some incentive. Like closing Ilum to the Imperials if the ratio gets worse than 2.5-1. Or bolstering us so a group of 10 Republics can actually stand up to the 35 imps hanging around outside the base. Or they could spawn a world boss level enemy in the Republic base every 20 minutes or so and have it be programmed to walk north and tear up anything in its path.


Ilum is just so unbelievably frustrating for us. I would almost rather go to the dentist's office than try to complete my daily with the 150 or so imps waiting to farm me. All the Imperial players who are spouting abject nonsense like "L2P" or "You guys need to get better at organizing" don't understand what it's like for us. When you are outnumbered 3:1 on the server, and even worse at 50, it's just not possible to get enough people together without the imps bringing in another gaggle of players to keep the ratio stacked in their favor.

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I play a Trooper.


I don't know any PvP players who leveled their character via PvP, Hit 50 with the Centurion (Valor 40-50) Title, and are upset over the state of PvP in relation to their abilities.



You do now. I was rank 48 when I hit 50. My abilities mean jack **** when my server has 10 Sith for every republic player. I am not happy with the patch or PVP in general at all.

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I tried to play Ilum some today and fun fact: there were more imps in the pvp zone than the Republic had on Ilum and the Republic Fleet combined. I'm actually in the same guild as the OP, and even as a casual PVE guild we're normally the ones trying to rally every 50 we can find to pvp on Ilum.


PVP isn't the center of my experience on SWTOR so it doesn't crush me for it to be so broken, but it was a fun thing to do between raids. After all these Imps got their super gear the warzones are pretty much a joke now. It began as a small problem on some night version of hoth, but it has dripped down to ruin just about every area of pvp in the game.

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