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The Republic has given up


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I think today's patch fixed most of yeseterday's problems (with Ilum, not warzones), but I feel like Republic players have been scared away from PvP in general by the valor farms that went on yesterday and videos like
one. On Carrick station, players are constantly asking "Is Ilum safe?", "Are the dailies doable now?", and the honest answer is no they are not. Not unless you already have a group before you get there.


I lead a small republic guild (which unfortunately seems to be all the republic has) and we are completely helpless to finish the dailies. Win 3 warzones? We play in 13, lose 11 of them. Spend an hour and a half on Ilum and complete 10/30. Travel to Ilum in a 15 man raid? The Imperials have a 30 man raid. None of the Republic players seem to even want to try anymore. Players are constantly quitting in WZ's because of the constant losing/awfulness.


The patch fixed the mechanical problems on Ilum. The only problem now is that Republic players are too scared to go. Also, there are still serious problems with warzones from the patch. All the lvl 50 bracket did was pit mobs of geared Imps against Republic players who are generally not geared. This may have helped players who are not max level, but it has made winning for the lvl 50 Republic players impossible on my server.


Let's face it. The Empire is a thoroughly better faction. But does that mean that the Republic players are just supposed to sit here and take these lashings on the chin? I want to finish my dailies every day, but I simply don't have enough free time to do it. And I have a lot of free time.


I found the same on my server, Republic also. I am thoroughly disappointed and simply not having fun in this game. Skyrim and a little BF3 here and there to give Bioware some time to pull their heads out of their rears and fix this.


I am also really tired of not getting credit for the few warzone wins I do see. It makes an unbearable problem that much worse. Until then, they don't deserve my $$. I'll wait until the collective opinion of this game shows me otherwise.

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Second the republic can't on YOUR serve, I'm sure there are some servers where the republic outnumber the Empire, are they in the minority? Probably but I don't see the empire complaining about how unfair it is. Then again if you can prove to me every server is empire heavy..well I won't retract my statement because Bioware can't control what faction people want to play. That is just bad luck and no amount of tweaking will change the greater population from one faction to another.


So what you are saying is that only Republic side "complains" (note, not whines, because there is a huge difference) and it is not that the majority of the servers are empire heavy.

Edited by InappropriateOne
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They need to find a way to make republic more popular

rest will fix itself


Pretty easy to do...


Remove empire on empire huttball.


Watch that population get even REAL quick. Same faction warzones were a HORRIBLE idea and is what led to this imbalance.


If empire players had a hour queue for a warzone within the first week? Many would have rerolled.


The imbecile who thought of same faction warzones should be fired. The fact they want to ADD MORE, only shows how clueless they are.


How to fix it? Remove them now and you lose most of your players without some kind of free faction change.


One idea would be to put a 20 minute waiting time on empire vs empire huttball. Players could still do warzones etc, but many would reroll (I know I would).


The longer they wait? The more gear people get on empire side and the less likely they will want to leave their gear behind.

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Agreed there is a HUGE imbalance, no one wants to do PVP because the Empire is so OP, sithe inquistor for one. It is bull that they are winning only 55% of the warzones, they are winning at least 75% of them.


I am on Helm of Graush and on one of the biggest republic guilds on the server and NO ONE wants to do pvp, because even with premades we just cant keep up with the other pugs, and we just get slaughtered most of the time. I HATE PVP on swtor right now, would even do it if it helped gear for pve

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Agreed there is a HUGE imbalance, no one wants to do PVP because the Empire is so OP, sithe inquistor for one. It is bull that they are winning only 55% of the warzones, they are winning at least 75% of them.


I am on Helm of Graush and on one of the biggest republic guilds on the server and NO ONE wants to do pvp, because even with premades we just cant keep up with the other pugs, and we just get slaughtered most of the time. I HATE PVP on swtor right now, would even do it if it helped gear for pve


One possiblity for the reason the stats of win vs. loses do not seem right, might be the abiliity of inter-faction warzones which skew the ratio more towards 50%.

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That is just bad luck and no amount of tweaking will change the greater population from one faction to another.


Right guess were all screwed then, we may as well pack our bags and leave, since nothing will possibly fix this.


Wait I have a good idea, we all know that imps outnumber pubs on practically all servers, so lets implement a system where if you have more people and zerg, you control ilum and thus get 900% valor! Pure brilliant genius.

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It's a bit rough as the gear differential gets much worse Empire outgearing republic because of ease of wins and zerging for valor.


I did however lead a server first raid for the Republic today on Anchorhead where we drove the empire off Ilum pretty much entirely. You have to motivate, eliminate and dominate them to gain some morale for your faction. The top PvP guild on your faction needs to step up as a leader, it motivates those around you to do well and listen to those commanding.


Don't forget when they camp your base to send stealthers behind to get on the cannons to own them. I got over 2000+ kills with particle cannons today.


It's rough though don't get me wrong, I'm sure most servers are far worse than mine. We are currently playing 1:3/4 ratio


that valor does not come as quick as you think, Even more so when theres no one to kill.

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So a couple oif people here want to punish Imps purely because of their faction? "give the imperials 20 minute queues before they can do same faction Warzones" Sorry no that is a moronic Idea, you can't just implement BS systems to try and force people to change faction. I used to play on a pvp server where my faction was outnumbered and outgunned in another game, but did I go on the forums and say "Poor little me it isn't fair that there are more of them"? No, I did what someone else here mentioned, I got a team of skilled friends together and took out the zerg piece by piece with hit and run tactics.

The fact you can't get as big a zerg as your opponents isn't biowares fault either. Use tactics, have patience and pick off stragglers, Will it be slower? yea most likely but at least you'll know you're the better player for taking apart a bigger enemy force.


Instead of complaining about what Bioware should do try thinking about how you can fix your own problem, because if some (Note SOME) of you tried you'd find it isn't as bad as you think.


That said yeah perhaps something does need doing when there are 200 imps vs 20 reps but hey ho I'm not a game designer and neither are most of you, so Until you land that job I say put your concerns in the SUGGESTION forum and wait for a response. If you don't like it then do what you have to.


Lots of people are managing with the current situation and the forum is but a fraction of the true voice of the game. (please before any republic players Flame me I have stated multiple times I feel your pain and wish something could be done, but you can't just force people to swap factions to make you as an individual happy)

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I find it funny how everyone is complaining at how unfair it is. Does it suck to be farmed like that? yes yes it does I won't deny that but the republic chose to stay there, they could have logged to an alt for 10-15 minutes the empire would have gotten bored and gone home.


And this isn't even an "empire" issue its a people issue, because if any republic player says they wouldn't have done the same thing if they had the chance is a dirty liar.


Yes Bioware messed up but they fixed it, this stuff happens, even established games make mistakes with new things. The game isn't "broken" so stop complaining and just get on with it.


And instead of peppering every forum with the same thread if you have a concern and have a "suggestion" on how to fix it might I respectfully suggest you post it in the suggestion forum.


It's just gotten old that there have been a thousand (note this number is not a cold fact) threads on this same topic. We all know it's an issue, we all know it sucks, Bioware are going to be deciding what to do, lets wait and see what they do and complain if nothing comes of it ok?


I think you are being funny here my friend. Actually - you gave me the laugh I needed this morning to make it through this day. Seeing that most of the republic people did NOT choose to stay there but were FORCED to stay there. Not by their quest - we would have screwed that one over long time ago. No. I am talking about the fact tha you kept dieing at the respawn point, could not get away and - incase you are in a position like me where you are the primary tank in the guild - you just don't have the option to say "gonna log my alt for the operation".

Less ignorance helps to understand the world.

Now they fixed that but let me continue. After being FORCED to stay somewhere we are now forced to play in warzones (at least if we not only want to do our dailies but enjoy pvp in general) where people are running around in gear they definitly didn't acquire by doing warzones / Ilum the "normal" way. At least not if suddenly 75%+ of the people have had a stat increase by around 3k hp and are all of a sudden donning battlemaster armor. Makes one think doesn't it?

And to make it worse: While at lv. 1-49 expertise doesn't mean ****, you end up in a warzone with freshly dinged 50s who can do nothing against those who used the exploit on Wednesday.

I talked to a few people I know that made battlemaster, on the republic aswell as on the empire side and guess what. They were either *********** pissed, are boycotting Ilum or have actually cancelled their subscription.

To fix the "The republic has given up" problem:

A) Rollback on all abnormal valor gained on Ilum

B) Fixing Ilum / PvP properly (don't care if the servers are down for more than a day or 2)

C) Re-imburse those who feel side effects (incase Bioware is really even so incredibly stupid and is not able to only rollback on the valor gained, re-imburse those who lose something besides valor / PvP gear, that they gained legitimately)

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Eranus its called Alt+F4 log an alt for 30 mins then get back to what you were doing, it isn't exactly a new practice in pvp servers/zones if you're getting corpse camped. Nobody forced you to stay logged in and get your backside handed to you. Is it annoying as hell? yeah of course it is but you know what you signed up to entering an open pvp zone. You knew there was a risk of being outnumbered.


So please try and keep it constructive shall we?

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The republic is not giving up in my server illum was VERY fun,we had republic and empire.goijg back and fourth.i had a great time playing it and all these ppl saying they got battlemaster is complete BS.i played illum for 4 and a half hours and only leveled up 3ranks and i was doing good.also guys this.game has only been out for a month its gonna take time to make this game perfect.i think we should ALL bo thankful to se how fast bioware been with these patches.it shows they are comitted to this game
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The republic is not giving up in my server illum was VERY fun,we had republic and empire.goijg back and fourth.i had a great time playing it and all these ppl saying they got battlemaster is complete BS.i played illum for 4 and a half hours and only leveled up 3ranks and i was doing good.also guys this.game has only been out for a month its gonna take time to make this game perfect.i think we should ALL bo thankful to se how fast bioware been with these patches.it shows they are comitted to this game


Thank you for a non flaming voice of sense, you sir win one fancy hat!

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Eranus its called Alt+F4 log an alt for 30 mins then get back to what you were doing, it isn't exactly a new practice in pvp servers/zones if you're getting corpse camped. Nobody forced you to stay logged in and get your backside handed to you. Is it annoying as hell? yeah of course it is but you know what you signed up to entering an open pvp zone. You knew there was a risk of being outnumbered.


So please try and keep it constructive shall we?


Do I have to point out the irony of your first comment or do you feel it yourself? I am keeping things constructive by stating plain facts. And no - alt f4 is not a solution my friend, at least not if people have a real life, you got a certain timeframe to clear something and you feel like playing something specific (operation etc.) with other friends who have a real life / are working and don't have all eternity.

And PS: 30 minutes? I am not quite sure but I think that Ilum was camped for hours. Hours my friend. 30 Minutes help you as much as a "get better soon" letter when you are down with a terminal disease.

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So explain to me how ilum would be camped for hours if the republic left? do you honestly think the empire would stick around with nobody to kill? use some common sense


Camp two guys until they leave. Two minutes later more show up. It doesn't have to be the same people for the Empire to camp for hours.

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So explain to me how ilum would be camped for hours if the republic left? do you honestly think the empire would stick around with nobody to kill? use some common sense


Yes, yes they would and yes they do. They sit there with all of the points capped, get their ilum buff and queue up for warzones for 200 more free valor.


You know what's easier for Republic to do? Unsubscribe, which seems to be the direction that quite a few 50s on my server are doing or have already done.

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Thank you for a non flaming voice of sense, you sir win one fancy hat!


I love how one person telling about a positive Republic experience earns a "fancy hat" from you, but multiple other people telling about their negative Republic experience are, apparently, nonsensical flamers.


Yeah, it doesn't look like you have a biased opinion...really, not at all.

Edited by Xandraxx
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I love how one person telling about a positive Republic experience earns a "fancy hat" from you, but multiple other people talking about their negative Republic experience are, apparently, nonsensical flamers.


Yeah, it doesn't look like you have a biased opinion...really, not at all.


Most of the people with the negative reviews are demanding all empire get punished, with rollbacks or forced queue times, so yes I do shoot those Ideas down because I don't see why I should be punished for being on the higher population faction.


Edit: also way to ignore the multiple times where I said I've sympathised with the people who have had no option other than to abandon Ilum but hey I'm an imp so therefore I'm wrong no matter what

Edited by Arentius
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I love how one person telling about a positive Republic experience earns a "fancy hat" from you, but multiple other people talking about their negative Republic experience are, apparently, nonsensical flamers.


Yeah, it doesn't look like you have a biased opinion...really, not at all.



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