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New game logic is stupid


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When you buy a sports car from a company that is just starting out in that particular niche of the market, you don't compare it to say a car made from a well known company years and years ago.


You compare it to what is currently available in the market.


I wouldn't compare my new sports car to the first Nissan GT-R ever made. I would compare it to its current evolution and other current sports cars.


Because this is the market the new company I just bought from is entering.


Why do people insist on comparing this game to other games initial release. This logic is stupid and seems to be highly biased.


This games comparabilities in features, fun, performance are against the current games available to us now. Not against the past.

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When you buy a sports car from a company that is just starting out in that particular niche of the market, you don't compare it to say a car made from a well known company years and years ago.


You compare it to what is currently available in the market.


I wouldn't compare my new sports car to the first Nissan GT-R ever made. I would compare it to its current evolution and other current sports cars.


Because this is the market the new company I just bought from is entering.


Why do people insist on comparing this game to other games initial release. This logic is stupid and seems to be highly biased.


This games comparabilities in features, fun, performance are against the current games available to us now. Not against the past.

Yep because we all know BW is new at making mmo.

compared to rift which is recent, and has swimming btw, this game fails.

Trion comes out of no where and delivers BW which has been in business for a while come out with a new game and disappoints.

Edited by maximusedward
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When you buy a sports car from a company that is just starting out in that particular niche of the market, you don't compare it to say a car made from a well known company years and years ago.


You compare it to what is currently available in the market.


I wouldn't compare my new sports car to the first Nissan GT-R ever made. I would compare it to its current evolution and other current sports cars.


Because this is the market the new company I just bought from is entering.


Why do people insist on comparing this game to other games initial release. This logic is stupid and seems to be highly biased.


This games comparabilities in features, fun, performance are against the current games available to us now. Not against the past.


performance ??!!

low fps and screen flicking then loading screen lets compare this !!

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This games comparabilities in features, fun, performance are against the current games available to us now. Not against the past.


Sorry, that's not how MMOs work. I get that you'd like it to be, but it's not.


A brand new MMO will not have the content of one that's had most of a decade to create it. Expecting that is obviously completely unrealistic.


Now get back under your bridge before the sun comes out and you turn to stone.

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The first developer to grasp this exceedingly basic concept will be the next with a hugely (and objectively) successful game on their hands.


Those that fail will continue to push out duds...or eventual duds, at best.

Edited by marshalleck
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low fps and screen flicking then loading screen lets compare this !!




low fps and screen flicking then loading screen lets compare this to a game with crap washed out graphics that would work on a commodore64, like that certain huge one out there has !!

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This is exactly correct.


Although I love the IP and have (had?) high hopes for SWTOR, Bioware has let me down. I don't expect there to be a flawless release, 100% bug-free game initially, or giant ground-breaking innovations.


What I did expect, is for Bioware to eyeball what worked well in any of the dozens of MMORPGs that preceded it. A working Auction House, a user interface that isn't so clumsy (if not moddable), and some kind of customerr support / community relations to start with.


Bioware did well on the atmosphere of the game, and the voice acting is nice (the first time you experience it...) as well as the main storylines. They totally dropped the ball when it came to listening to their beta testers, however. Virtually every complaint or concern posted on these forums was voiced 6 months ago.


Bioware had a dozen years of graphical MMOs to learn from, and with such a high-popularity IP as Star Wars, one would think they would have produced a superior product. Unfortunately, the low quality of the game as a whole may killl it. On the other hand, people played WoW for years, so there's no accounting for taste.


One can always hope the game improves soon. Too bad that it requires improving a month after release.

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On the other hand, people played WoW for years, so there's no accounting for taste.


You may not like WoW and that's perfectly fine, but would you really argue that WoW is not exceptionally polished and easy to play, without leaving gamers struggling more with the interface or mechanics than with either computer or player controlled opponents?

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Avatar was the most expensive movie ever made.


Avatar set the bar for technology in movies.


So, do all movies from here on out have to have the same amount or more of money and technology to even compare?

Edited by Skoobie
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Avatar was the most expensive movie ever made.


Avatar set the bar for technology in movies.


So, do all movies from here on out have to have the same amount or more of money and technology to even compare?


Yes, or i will demand a refund from them all.

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When you buy a sports car from a company that is just starting out in that particular niche of the market, you don't compare it to say a car made from a well known company years and years ago.


You compare it to what is currently available in the market.


I wouldn't compare my new sports car to the first Nissan GT-R ever made. I would compare it to its current evolution and other current sports cars.


Because this is the market the new company I just bought from is entering.


Why do people insist on comparing this game to other games initial release. This logic is stupid and seems to be highly biased.


This games comparabilities in features, fun, performance are against the current games available to us now. Not against the past.


I would not compare cars to programs either. One is infinitely more complex than the other. Not all cars cost $60 to enjoy either.


And you're right, I enjoyed America's Army 2 more than I enjoyed Modern Warfare 2. I enjoy this game in its buggy state more than I could ever enjoy wow in its current state of faceroll. Now take me back to Burning Crusade and I'd be more skeptical. And you're right I enjoyed Global Agenda's PvP over this one and wow. And you're right I enjoy the sandbox elements of EvE a lot.


Funny thing though all of them released with bugs and balance issues. Because in the information age the only thing that does increase is the complexity of the programs that we use. It takes more and more people to make them, and the only thing that increases are the bugs. I remember playing X-wing and not encountering a single bug, or Sonic the Hedgehog so on and so forth.


It is honestly like trying to compare the stability of windows xp to windows 7 at release, which one had more bugs? The one with 8 years of hotfixes, security patchs, and bug removal or the brand new one?

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You may not like WoW and that's perfectly fine, but would you really argue that WoW is not exceptionally polished and easy to play, without leaving gamers struggling more with the interface or mechanics than with either computer or player controlled opponents?


Actually, I was being snarky about WoW. I should have elaborated. WoW was the MMO for the masses, as opposed to say, EQ2. EQ2 was considerably more detailed, had a lot more depth, and ultimately had a fraction of WoW's subscriber base. It may just be my opinion, but EQ2 was a superior product; but was more difficult, had a steeper learning curve ortoo many options compared to WoW. Add the fact that EQ2 required a better machine to really shine, there's no wonder why WoW is more popular.


Bottom line on my post was that despite this being Bioware's first MMO, they left out certain core facets that make an MMO stand out. I totally understand the lack of content... and am more than willing to wait on more. But the "New Game Developer" excuse only goes so far. Eve Online, for example, was CCP's first MMO... and they had a Dev team of around two dozen to start. Yet they shipped a product, over 6 years ago, with a fully functional market. Bioware's dev team was considerably larger, and they have had years of products to review and learn from.

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Can anyone else tell who the WoW players are? They are (mostly it seems) the ones having performance issues on 7 year computers. Now, I do know some machines have some issues, and I wont bore you with the facts of my machine stats while not brand new does have the horsepower to run SWTOR all maxxed, less shadows in 1920 x 1080. Avg FPS is 30-40 fps. Also this game is VERY CPU intensive anything less then a quad processor and decent card gonna be tough to run
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Actually Car dealers found out the hard way that you can take things too far.


There have been a lot of cars that have a very distinct retro look and are selling really well because of it.


So just because someone proclaims something is the new standard doesn't make it so, nor does it mean it is better.

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