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    Iraq for now, heading home soon!!!!
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    Gaming, reading, hiking, and whatever
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  1. most of us that paid for the game are probably here because the forums are more enjoyable then the game is..
  2. bingo, SWTOR is a average game at best at its core.
  3. wow you make a lot of valid arguments... actually most the posts start out with legit complaints...and most the time the trolls I see are the ones that are paying subs asking for peoples gear...
  4. Its hard to read a post when BW keeps blocking and deleting them all. It seems in SWTOR general talking about the games flaws in not considered general chat...but oozing how much you love the game is fine.
  5. I agree this is all opinions, so I will return the favor and give mine on your points there. While you say no grind, i'm not sure what you would call fetch quests having you kill X amount of a monster. PVP right now is horribly broken, and with ability delays its painful to be part of, and don't get me started on ilum. The FPs are fine, nothing crazy but I will agree they aren't horrible. LS/DS seems fine until you can't get gear because you aren't a certain side...you are almost forced to pick choices in convos due to your LS/DS Can't compare future stuff to anything when its not out. And all I did when I got a FP quest was sit in fleet LFG in general ...
  6. Can I have some specific things they have done better, over these games you have listed here please?
  7. When people are saying their fleet has like 30 people in on busy times...that's not a good sign. I would link you to some posts but they keep deleting anything that they don't like.
  8. well you see a game is like a car because it has engines and stuff..
  9. This game has been out a month and already people are crying for server merges...good luck with your game when everyone leaves...
  10. Ya I swear like 4 weeks ago people were screaming about the wait to log in to their servers, and how they needed more. Sooo what happened there?
  11. you could rerolll but its not better on other servers. the game will be down to only a handful of servers soon anyways.
  12. why are they closing any posts that they don't like, but leave stuff like this open?
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