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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Daily-Killer: Near Impossible to Complete Ilum Daily / Weekly Now After Patch 1.1a


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They can design quests and objectives that don't favour the imbalance though


Or make give the lower faction a bonus.. 50% Price Reduction on PvP Stuff, Boosted Stats.. etc..


I wonder what BioWare come up with... before they loose too much people.

Edited by Kheldras
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As a Trooper Vanguard that hit 50 recently, I see no reason at all to go to Ilum for PvP.


I am so outgeared in wz's that even when i try going in shield spec, I die in seconds. Every dps has 17k - 19k hp for the imp side.


Warhammer and AoC had better pvp then this unresponsive, unbalanced and blatantly broken pvp system.


Why 1 month after release is an entire faction fully decked out in the best possible PvP gear ?


How could anyone possibly think this system would be fun ?


How is BW going to re-balance this (it better include a gear balancing of some kind) before the next billing cycle comes up ? (<---- cannot be done imo)

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How is BW going to re-balance this (it better include a gear balancing of some kind) before the next billing cycle comes up ? (<---- cannot be done imo)


They wont, they didn't even give some sort of statement that they even see that here is a problem. On the long run i guess they will start asking why the population goes down on all servers :p

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Give me the ability to change factions with my sorcerer and I would happily do so.


Release population figures, had I of known my server was so Imperial based when I started playing I would have switched to Republic.


But yet, the Ilum daily is pointless. The rep's on Scepter of Ragnos wait for people to become impatient and just force pull/grapple them into their cannon.


My play time has gone from 5+ hours a day, to probably an hour a day since the change. The realisation that the game is so far out of whack makes it not desierable to nplay.

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I rarely ever post here. Too much QQ for my tastes, but I feel the need to chime in on the Ilum situation. I'm a Republic player on Darth Bandon, and every time I try and go to Ilum to get my daily the Sith outnumber us exponentially. I've tried going at different times of the day, and always run into ganking parties with superior numbers.


The way the pvp on Ilum is designed it also encourages this behavior. The larger faction, can control the nodes easier, yielding larger valor gains, as well as keeping control of the central area making farming dailies also easier. And since everyone in a raid group gets valor for the kill, without diminishing returns, there's no reason not to gank the same players over and over.


That makes it almost impossible to complete the Ilum dailies for some players, especially those of us in smaller guilds and those who are unguilded.


So while the larger faction grows stronger and stronger, the weaker faction continues to be outnumbered and out geared.


I don't blame folks on the Imperial side, and can completely understand those who do roll Imperial simply because of the imbalance issues. I do however thing something needs to be done about Ilum, and honestly think it needs to be shut down until something is done. Right now it's only making the faction imbalance that much stronger.


I like PVP, and have played it in many games, but I will avoid Ilum until something there changes, and just grind out valor and gear from warzones.


Great post.


The reality is that more and more people are simply just ignoring Ilum. Which has resulted in making it exclusively for kill-trading, or crate framing.


Both of which should never have been intended, and are shameful in their design.

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1. Scatter the boxes throughout the zone.


2. Restrict/grant access/respawn points to the 'minority' team... 100 imps in zone vs 10 reps in zone... republic gets 5 places to zone in at and as many respawn zones. Imps get 2. This will scatter the fighting about the whole zone allowing for smaller guerilla groups of Republic to evade and hold a better chance at their daily/weekly. Will also shift the fighting (as I believe it was intended to be) to be over the armament crates and not the 'knocking on the door pwn fest'.


3. Allow the 'defector' or 'sympathizer'. Sure it's farmable, sure it's exploitable... but that what Ilum has been to date a farming exploit... so why not? Alternatively, being that the zone is so big, if option two is put in... restrict the zone to 16 players per side... I dunno what the cap is, but with smaller numbers to fill - in the spirit of balance not necessarily the spirit of war- the zone will be chock full of skirmishes.

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Seriously, his resume reads like a greatest hits of the Edmund Fitzgerald list.


Someone needs to let the man drown.


Exactly. EA/BioWare deserve to lose vast millions of dollars simply for allowing all of these ex-Mythic idiots to continue to work at their company. What a sad, sad joke. The first five names in the New York phone book could design better PvP systems than the last few games these Mythic imbeciles have produced. I hear ArenaNet (unlike BioWare, Trion, etc.) didn't hire any of the many ex-Mythic tards and you might want to check out this new game I hear they have coming out this year.

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still reading the thread.



Iam a republic Player on SAP (sword of Ajunta Pall w/e Op’s Server)



I have only Missed 1 Daily in illum SINCE THE GAME CAME OUT



Republic gets farmed non stop yes.


We do get the daily done after a Longgg Time and MANY Deaths.



I even solo the daily sometimes… Im a stealther its much much easier for me to work with/around the current wpvp system.


Population inbalance - yes


To many cooks spoil the broth.

To many imps spoil the ______

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Exactly. EA/BioWare deserve to lose vast millions of dollars simply for allowing all of these ex-Mythic idiots to continue to work at their company. What a sad, sad joke. The first five names in the New York phone book could design better PvP systems than the last few games these Mythic imbeciles have produced. I hear ArenaNet (unlike BioWare, Trion, etc.) didn't hire any of the many ex-Mythic tards and you might want to check out this new game I hear they have coming out this year.




Ouch…. Ouch….Ouch


Daoc is still my all time fav. First mmo


The world pvp there was AMAZING.


Bioware fired the majority of the Mythic employees Already Before ToR’s release



The ones that are left im not so sure about..

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1. Scatter the boxes throughout the zone.


2. Restrict/grant access/respawn points to the 'minority' team... 100 imps in zone vs 10 reps in zone... republic gets 5 places to zone in at and as many respawn zones. Imps get 2. This will scatter the fighting about the whole zone allowing for smaller guerilla groups of Republic to evade and hold a better chance at their daily/weekly. Will also shift the fighting (as I believe it was intended to be) to be over the armament crates and not the 'knocking on the door pwn fest'..


Some good suggestions for sure.


Honestly, if everyone was able to fight each other, or split up into teams - on servers where imbalance is bad, would make for some exciting World PvP.


Just allow certain people to "align" themselves say, for the New Empire, and fight same faction players.

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I've stopped playing my main, and have rerolled a few alts until end game is fixed. I just don't have time to waste with all these problems.


  • The zone is ridiculously huge
  • Long item respawns at Center Point
  • Multiple operation groups fighting for kills....why not group everyone in the area automatically
  • Pubbies just pull Empire inside base for auto kills, while Empire is scavaging for kills outside Pubby base
  • Daily takes about 3 hours



  • Imperial PUGs are very very bad
  • I get steamrolled most matches by premades when I'm pugging
  • Even when I get a win, it doesn't register 50% of the time
  • Daily takes about 3 hours without a premade


I'm getting very annoyed at the lack of response from BW. :mad: They need to own up when there is a problem and acknowledge it's paying customer base once in a while. The only thing I see are threats from BW to people "exploiting" a very flawed game. Open up two-way communication, because together we can make a very fun game.

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How do you expect to finish your PVP dailies in Ilum without any opposition? You can't get PVP rewards without doing PVP, period.


There is nothing that can be done to fix Ilum. Ilum isn't broken, the game is. And it's broken, because people, players are dumb and think that if everyone rolls Empire, it will work out somehow.


^^^ This!

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If they dont roll back valor and remove all gear ppl get doing the exploits the game will fail tha balance is now realy bad on all servers and the system they have is only making it worse.

Right now they need to fix mirrors and buff rep side by a lot until the balance is restored.

And the buff need to be drastic like even losing get more pvp points then the winner and plus chance of geting pvp gear of bags.

And they need to do it fast couse the gap is geting worse day by day on geometric scale.

No USA so pls np trolls about it ok.:mad:

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I've stopped playing my main, and have rerolled a few alts until end game is fixed. I just don't have time to waste with all these problems.


  • The zone is ridiculously huge
  • Long item respawns at Center Point
  • Multiple operation groups fighting for kills....why not group everyone in the area automatically
  • Pubbies just pull Empire inside base for auto kills, while Empire is scavaging for kills outside Pubby base
  • Daily takes about 3 hours



  • Imperial PUGs are very very bad
  • I get steamrolled most matches by premades when I'm pugging
  • Even when I get a win, it doesn't register 50% of the time
  • Daily takes about 3 hours without a premade


I'm getting very annoyed at the lack of response from BW. :mad: They need to own up when there is a problem and acknowledge it's paying customer base once in a while. The only thing I see are threats from BW to people "exploiting" a very flawed game. Open up two-way communication, because together we can make a very fun game.


Good post.


Your Ilum complaints are almost exactly spot-on with mine

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It has become near impossible to complete the Ilum Daily. I'm currently playing on Sword of Ajunta Pall, which for discussion sake is a high-population server.


The Reasons:


1). Opposing faction no where in sight. I've been riding around on Ilum for almost 2 hours and have seen two Republic forces total. We're an Imperial-Heavy server like most, but the Republic has vanished. Perhaps its due to the nonsense from patch day.


Regardless, it's beyond frustrating. Particularly when the zone is so over-sized. Honestly, why is Ilum so large? It's seems the majority of time spent is just wasted riding around long distances, looking for nothing.


Same frustration applies to the Republic. When they actually do zone into the PvP-area, and upon leaving their base, they're immediately attacked by much larger Operation groups. It's simply counter-productive to both factions.


Republic players have absolutely no chance of getting their daily done. They can't stop from getting zerged, and the center nodes are almost always camped by Imperials.


2). Armament respawn timer is ridiculously long. Speaking of the Armament chests - why on earth is the re-spawn so long?


There's about 30 Imperials riding around right now trying to collect the same chest spawns. It's near impossible to reach 30 in a reasonable time. You can forgot about the Weekly. The spawn timer on each chest must be at least 10 minutes, containing one Armament per box. That's absolutely ridiculous.


I know I speak for others when I say that we (as a community) have lost respect for Gabe Amatangelo (lead PvP designer), and his ability to effectively design and manage the PvP sytem. I'm imploring you Gabe, from one Gator to another, please at least redo these quests!


Say what you want about the failures of Ilum. I think we can all agree, it is truly a calamity. Yet now the daily and weekly quests are absolutely absurd. Both the daily and weekly are simply not reasonable for either Hardcore players or Casuals alike to complete consistently.



On my server Ilum works fine, I actually enjoy it, the only problem I have is that it still functions practically like a slideshow and the objectives really don't mean a whole lot.

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I honestly don't know what BW should do to fix Ilum, but i would like to leave something here for maybe the 1-2 people who read it to remember.


Wintergrasp, for those that don't know, was Ilum-esc zone in WoW. It was a fortress that needed to be sieged so your faction could get access to a set of daily missions, a buff, and a raid. The problem with a type of place like WG and Ilum is that naturally, in a two faction game, one faction will have more of a population then another. It is VERY rare for a server in a two faction game to be even.


So what Blizzard did was add a hidden mechanic to WG that gave the smaller faction an advantage during the offensive stage of WG so they could take the keep and experience the content. This mechanic was what should have stayed in the game, but the squeeky wheels of the larger faction complained that it wasn't fair that a fair turn over happened. So Blizzard broke the mechanic and it became rare if ever that a faction could control the keep and see the content. It stayed like this for the last half of an expansion before it was fixed, but by that time, the content was dated.


Am i saying that Ilum needs such a system as WG? No, not at all. The point of Ilum isn't to access anything. It's to get valor, PVP gear, and daily tokens for some gear and mounts. Regardless of who "controls" Ilum, the PVE content is open to both factions at all time. You cannot fix Ilum in an easy 1 to 2 step way. You have to find a way to help the smaller population actually experience the content, but in a way that doesn't completely penalize the higher pop faction.


Adding a cap to the population is a start. The next stop is fortifying the bases. It should not be possible in any way shape or form for a faction to be griefed back to their med zone. After that, there needs to be a bolster mechanic that the lower faction gets. If there are 30 Imps and only 15 pubs, then the pubs need to be able to have a chance at a fair fight without making them mini bosses.


My personal idea? Add bots to Ilum. Add NPCs to bolster the lower pop faction to compensate for how many forces the Imps have. The NPCs come in waves and move on from point to point. They can be kited, killed, ad will repsawn like a player. They will have the same resistances as a well geared character in PVP gear, and the same abilities and down time.

Wintergrasp was never balanced because the bolstering method was never effective. The higher population side were still pretty dominant. Illum needs to do what blizzard with tol barad simply enforce a 1-1 ratio. It basically makes Illum into a giant warzone. I am fine with this. The empire will kick and whine, but after a while they will decide to reroll. If not, then power to them.

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